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Shawshank Redemption is the best movie ever made IMO. What's yours?

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Maybe not the bet film ever made, but The Lion King is my favourite, I do think it's the best animated film Disney have made though.
Kihachi Okamoto Sword of Doom


Tatsuya Nakadai intensity is something else. Also dat Okamoto snow !






I have to admit I really dislike Shawshank Redemption. I thought it was awfully cliche and trope ridden, and I didn't like the racial implications.

Anyway, for me the two best films of all time are:

2001 A Space Odyssey. Essentially, the "Lord of the Rings" of filmmaking. It's for those of us with long attention spans and who like arcane concepts, high ideas and have a distain for all things least-common-denominator.

Baraka. A film that has no actors nor script yet tells a very compelling and meaningful story. Essentially visual meditation. Also, best soundtrack of any film ever.


My #1 is Brazil.
I think it's a timeless film with concepts that never stop resonating and in a lot of ways are more relevant as time goes on. Visually it's unique, the performances are strong, the writing is great, the cinematography is stylised and appealing, it''s funny and depressing at the same time, creepy, scary, it's my groovy fave-rave fab grab pic and has been since I was a little lad.


There are many, too many films i like and it was difficult to remember one that is above all those i enjoyed.
Maybe Kurosawa's Ran. An exceptional film.


What time is it?
Interesting to see a few mentions for The Fountain. That's the movie that had me jump off the Aronofsky bandwagon. I love Pi and Requiem though.

I teeter between Pulp Fiction, Lost In Translation, Princess Bride or Princess Mononoke for my favorite movie of all time.

p.s. Just ordered Sword of Doom thanks to those gifs. :)


2001 A Space Odyssey. Essentially, the "Lord of the Rings" of filmmaking. It's for those of us with long attention spans and who like arcane concepts, high ideas and have a distain for all things least-common-denominator.

I watched it for the first time last night and I agree, it was boring.
Runner up: The Fountain


I cant even tell you all how many times I have rewatched this movie. Seems like its a pretty polarzing film but its my #1.


Probably The Godfather Part II for me...

To those mentioning The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, do you really find it a better movie than Once Upon A Time In The West?


Fellowship of the Ring

Not only do I enjoy watching it immensely, and can watch it multiple times without getting bored, there's not really anything I dislike about it. Aside from a bit of ageing CGI, I think it's a pretty flawless movie.


Close Encounters of the Third Kind -- was a magical "what if" movie in my youth. Next is Alien, which is the polar opposite but we have to be in balance....right???


God this is hard but I would agree with Shawshank if not Green Mile
But my own personal top 10, which changes of course:
1) Big Trouble in Little China
2) Empire Strikes Back
3) LOTR: Fellowship
4) O Brother, Where art Thou(really underrated)
5) Back to the Future
6) Training Day
7) Starship Troopers
8) Coming to America
9) History of the World Part 1
10) Princess Bride

There are tons more, but it really depends on my mood i guess.






A handful of my favorite movies that I also think are among the greatest ever made.

EDIT: The other images don't seem to load. The other movies are All The President's Men, Princess Mononoke, and All About Eve.


Junior Member
The Seven Samurai obviously.

It also quite possibly has the most authentic and terrifying hand to hand combat ever put to film. So realistic people to this day think some of it looks fake, presumably because there aren't fountains of blood when someone is cut. In even the best movies, excellent swordmen are God-tier with their weapon choreography. Seven Samurai is the only movie to portray it as the insane, sloppy, one-sided, murder festival that it is.

Just thinking about those women with pitchforks brings the feels. It's the only "war" movie that really shows what war is like, and it's not even a traditional war movie with armies or anything. It's just 7 guys altruistically helping a peasant village survive against a mob of staving guys trying to survive themselves. Glory and honor? GTFO, ithey're completely irrelevant to the film.

Also it's 60 years old and nobody has even come close or entered the same ballpark in any way whatsoever. Even the best anti-war films ever made don't touch the raw human honesty Seven Samurai pulls off effortlessly.

That movie is simultaneously a window into 16th century Japan and into the human soul for any culture or time in history. It also grows on you. I first saw it at 16 and meh? Cheesy. Second and third viewings were better. But over the last 10 years it grew in my mind as the cinematic equivalent of the 9th symphony.


Why does there always have to be a "best whatever ever?"

More realistically there ought to be many films/games/books/albums that are equally "the best ever".

I personally don't like to rank the things I love.

2001: A Space Odyssey

This post speaks for me in all ways.


They Shoot Horses Don't They

Oooh, nice call, I haven't seen that film in a while, so crazy intense.

If you ask me to be objective, I've been leaning towards this film more and more over the years.

My personal fav is still Godard's Breathless.

I have to give it up to Raiders of the Lost Ark for being absolutely flawless in terms of pace. Raiders and The Third Man are both films that play with the audiences expectations and assumptions about when characters are "safe" or "in danger," and about who or what is "in play" at any given moment. They're both perfectly-executed roller-coasters.


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I love that movie and it stills hit me in the feels whenever I see it.
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