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Shocking Gaming Confessions: The thread

I adore Vice City but hate San Andreas because of the theme, music, repetitve missions and because it tries be a jack of all trades but its a master of none.


Jealous Bastard
B_Rik_Schitthaus said:
I adore Vice City but hate San Andreas because of the theme, music, repetitve missions and because it tries be a jack of all trades but its a master of none.

this is the subtitle for all of last generation's gta games in rockstar's design documents
i've seen the classified files


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
ant1532 said:
I get bored very quickly playing GTA games.

Same. I got Vice City from somebody and I really tried to enjoy it. Still, after a few missions I quit, can't help it. Here are some other ones:

- I have never played a Megaman game (although I really want to try out some, just never had the time)
- Never owned a Sega system

FoxHimself said:
Before E3, I had never ever tried a Sonic game. True story!

I still haven't (thoroughly). I played some Sonic 2 as a kid and tried some others recently but it never clicks.

Mau ®

-I hate Nintendogs but I admit I would buy a DSlite for Nintencats..

- I bought Britney's Dance Beat for the GBA and I enjoyed it!

- I love Silent Hill 4 much more than SH3 and SH1. Its really different.

- I honestly don't see what's the big deal with the DS or DSlite. I bought a DS and I could care less about its games. Heh...


My rampant amiga lust drove me to buy a cd32 at launch, even though there were no games i wanted. It cost me £299 - more than my x360 cost me.


My rampant amiga lust drove me to buy a cd32 at launch, even though there were no games i wanted. It cost me £299 - more than my x360 cost me.
mrklaw said:
My rampant amiga lust drove me to buy a cd32 at launch, even though there were no games i wanted. It cost me £299 - more than my x360 cost me.

I fully endorse and support this 'Rampant Amiga Lust'

You made no mistake, You've commited no sin.
I was in the toilet when I suddenly realised I had no paper left, not even an emergency half roll behind the blind.

I was reading Power Up at the time.......I don't need to tell you the rest.


TheMan said:
I've played literally hundreds of games, but I've probably beaten less that 20. I guess i just get bored or frustrated and move on.
Ding, same here...

Like Metroid Prime on Gamecube, I start to play for 3 hours or something, I get stuck, try to search for the answer every day for a half hour (for a couple of days). I then leave it alone for a month or three or more, restart and get stuck at the same part xD
I bought Radient Silvergun back in the day for 60 bucks, and sold it months later for just 10 since nobody else would take it (had no internet back then).

what a tard


Its always embarrassing to me. But true story...

Wayyyy back in the day on nes when I had so much patience, I fell in love with Dragon Warrior series by rentals. Anyone remember those "Two Day Video" rental stores? They were awesome in video game selection then than Blockbuster. Anyway, DWIII was my first love and got me into the rest. I played the first, second then fourth. Now to this day I always admitted that I had beaten them (all of the DQ/DW series up to date). I HAD, all except the darn second.

DWII in my mind is the BITCH to level up OF ALL OF THEM. I can recall that one day I spent a whole 24 hours nearly nonstop leveling up my party slowly just BEFORE the final dungeon/castle place. Seriously the levels of the monsters INSIDE can just wipe out your healing items BEFORE you could reach the boss. It pisses me off to no end, and because this game is a rental and it HAS previous saves from another renter... I hung it up and reloaded THAT save that has a higher leveled party and beat the ****ing game with it. In other words... I cheated. BAH. Yeah to this day, I felt the burden of being such a cheater.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
-Used save states to get through FF3
-Played Silent Hill 2 with all the lights on and never by myself...


I don't understand all the SOTN hype... I started playing it on PS1 like 3 weeks ago, and never played more than the 20 first minutes of it... the last versions on gba were more impressive to me...


Jealous Bastard
dreamkats said:
I don't understand all the SOTN hype... I started playing it on PS1 like 3 weeks ago, and never played more than the 20 first minutes of it... the last versions on gba were more impressive to me...

i play SOTN for the voice acting
My friend was playing a kid online in Madden a few years back. My friend was kicking his ass, but the kid was complaining about the lag, saying that he would beat my friend if they were playing offline. My friend said he'd come play him and asked him where he lived. My friend lives on Long Island, the kid lived in Connecticut. My friend called up another friend so they could drive up to this kid's house and play him in Madden. My friend got to the house, beat the other guy 41-7, and left. Owned.
* I thought Splinter Cell was garbage, and still do.
* I LOVED Kya Dark Lineage.
* I bought a 360 Core Pack, then bought a HDD.
* I'm still using a Pro Logic 1 reciever.
* Steam forced me to hate Half Life 2.
* I masturbate to the Rumble Roses girls.


I bought DOAXVB day one. And liked it.
I bought Bunjingai because of Gackt.
I never actually beat a Final Fantasy game until 2002.
MidgarBlowedUp said:
* Steam forced me to hate Half Life 2.

Steam forced me to hate steam (and any thought of future digital distrubution), I still like the game even though I can't play it anymore, again because of steam.

* I masturbate to the Rumble Roses girls.

I know the rules of this thread are what happens on the mile, stays on the mile but......jesus christ dude :p
Being serious for a moment, I would have to admit that Fatal Frame 1 scared the crap out of me, in part from the sound. If I recall correctly the PS2 version had some funky surround sound where you could hear things above and below you. I also suffered from night terrors and oddly it was Fatal Frame that helped me to sleep at night. I have no idea why, I suppose it was because I knew it was a game so I started thinking of night terrors in the same way. Oh, and my meds help too. :)

Oh, and I still haven't beaten Final Fantasy X-2 even though I have invested almost 200 hours into the game. Stupid Playstation Underground sent out those holiday 2004 demo disks and the Viewtiful Joe demo wiped out my 80+ hour FFX-2 save. I started the game over and put about 50+ hours into it then my memory card bonked out on me. Finally, I'm near the end of the game again, but I only pick it up about once a month now. I'll probably never finish it.


I've just realized that with button A... you accelerate in kuru kuru kururin... and I only have 4 stages to go :\ I suck
I've thought about buying Shadow the Hedgehog a NUMBER OF TIMES just to complete my terrible Sonic collection on GameCube. I haven't got it yet, but I fear one day..

Also I haven't played a big name PC game since Duke Nukem 3D.


When I was younger, my favorite game of all-time was a game called Dragonseeds, some sort of rock-paper-scissors game with dragons on the PSX.

I hate all MGS games.

While playing Diablo II, a player got me to believe that if I dropped all my equipment on the ground at a certain area, I would get tons of SOJs. He took my equipment and logged off. I'm so naive :(

I bought Sonic Rush because people said it was like the Genesis ones. I'm so naive :(


Giard said:
When I was younger, my favorite game of all-time was a game called Dragonseeds, some sort of rock-paper-scissors game with dragons on the PSX.

I have that.. I remember using the stopwatch function on my watch to cheat at that minigame to level up my monsters. :lol


I have that.. I remember using the stopwatch function on my watch to cheat at that minigame to level up my monsters.

Haha, I did that too.

I remember being really disappointed when my Wasp dragon (not sure) evolved in a fairy. My awesome dragon turned into a girl. I stopped playing after that.

Ranger X

I bought Mario Kart 64 and also Lament of Innocence when they came out just because i'm a fan of the serie. God damned those were the biggest deception ever known to gamers.


Ranger X said:
I bought Mario Kart 64 and also Lament of Innocence when they came out just because i'm a fan of the serie. God damned those were the biggest deception ever known to gamers.

You forgot FFTA :(


I finished FFTA
I enjoy FFIX more than VII

I PREORDERED beatmania USA. and sold for $17 3 days later. and still have the controller.
I PREORDERED the LIMITED EDITION of Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure, HAD TO USE A ****ING GUIDE to beat it, and then sold for $20 sans special stuff. The tin now holds my headphones.
I paid $40 for a used copy of the original release of ps2 San Andreas(post AO rating). After selling my first copy for $15, which i bought for $50. I spent $75 on San Andreas, have only beat it once, and never even bothered with the Hot Coffee mod.
I HATED PGR3. and GT4.

I *still* enjoy pokemon red and blue <3
i once sent an angry letter to Konami telling them they should re-release TMNT: The Arcade Game on NES and put back the Bebop/Rocksteady boss battle.


The only RPG i've ever played is Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. Not a single other RPG. No mmo's, no jrpgs, no D&D rpgs. Nothing.

I gave FF X a try but gave up two hours in after throwing up during every cutscene because of how horirble the dialog and acting was.
I have an N64 but I don't like Mario 64 or Zelda OoT.

I like and bought both Drakengard games.

I like MGS: The Twin Snakes more then the 1st MGS.

I never have beaten FFVII but I'm a big FF fan. I'm at the endgame though.


I liked FFX in some self-sadistic way. The VA made me feel... exited.

When I played Mario 64 a few year back, and when I fell into the water on some level, a big red fish with big eyes came after me... So I cut the power to the machine, and never played it again.

I never had the guts to finish Silent Hill.
Sephon said:
When I played Mario 64 a few year back, and when I fell into the water on some level, a big red fish with big eyes came after me... So I cut the power to the machine, and never played it again.

Do you want to talk about that ?

I always said that Nintendo games were mature !


Gold Member
Never played a Castlevania game

I own a DS and the only thing I've ever bought for it is Zelda Minish Cap
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