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Shocking Gaming Confessions: The thread


One of the initial reasons I bought an xbox1 was for doax (I also picked up panzer dragoon orta the same day if that redeems me any). Doax2 may tempt me to get a 360 later this year (trying to hold out for the supposed die shrink of the cpu and/or gpu chips in a new hardware revision next year).

Morbid Angel said:
I hate Metal Gear Solid. All of them.

So do I. I like the gameplay, but the dialog rubs me so very much the wrong way. The 8-bit original metal gear games were better, and had better dialog too!

"I feel asleep!"


Tain said:
I suck so much at real time strategy games it's retarded. Baffling. Unbelievable.

Same here, and it's my favorite genre :/
I try to make things pretty in my base and I only make soldiers while I'm attacked


-Despite being my favorite Final Fantasy, I've never beat FF4. I always get to Zeromus and give up.

-I still havent played a more fun or balanced RTS than Starcraft.

-I have played more Chex Quest than Doom

-I hate the Half-Life series, but love the mods.

-I play waaaay more GBA than DS (or PSP)

This one's not really a confession, but shocking (and hilarious) nonetheless:

-One time, only seconds after turning off my brand new PSX and opening the lid, my new puppy seemingly appeared out of thin air, squat, and shat all inside the console. To this day I'm still traumatized and stupified by the whole thing, luckily I had an amazing return policy at The Good Guys. :lol
I never finished the original Half Life...

I just bought the HL1 Anthology just to experience the original storyline before the 360 version hits in spring, just to find out that you need to install Steam first and you can only install this package into a broadband enabled PC. STEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM!!!! *shakes fist*

It's really too bad too. I had an old installation of Win 2K on a P4 box with GF3 Ti200 with borked ethernet port ready to go for the HL1 experience. Instead, I had to install it on my TPC which only has a built in video. Can't return the game either since I already opened the package (which BTW sez NOTHING about requiring online connection to play the single player or Steam).

Still, the TPC played the game @ 1024x768 with 16bit color @ 30~72 fps. Most of the time above 60fps. But now I have Steam infecting my beautiful TPC. CURSES!!!


I became an Xbot in 2003.

Yes this is shocking if you knew how much of a Sony fan I was before then.

Xbox was laughable and a joke of a gaming system in my little circle of friends back then, even though admittedly, none of us had ever even tried the system out.

Then a flash of lightning struck me while shopping in Gamestop in November 2002, oddly enough the night before Xbox Live was launched, and a voice from the heavens spoke loudly to me:

"You will buy an Xbox, preferably refurbished with a warranty, Halo, Ghost Recon, and an Xbox Live subscription".

The rest is history.

All of my friends became Xbots as well once they tried out Halo and Dead or Alive 3 on my 48" Widescreen back in early 2003.

Microsoft and Mitsubishi should have given me something for free.. I sold 8 Xboxes and several Mitsu widescreens to all of my friends who wanted to be like me.

el jacko

I've only glanced through most of this thread but I still think I can top you all.

Of all the various Final Fantasy games released (1-12, X2, Mystic Quest, etc) and add up the total time I've put into any of them (that is, the amount of time I've played any FF game), it would come out to about an hour. First half-hour of FF6 and FF10, and that's it! Seriously.

Also I have never played any Zelda game released before OOT.
NSMB was the first Mario platformer I completed.

I have never played a Legend of Zelda game for more than 5 minutes.

I have never played a Metroid game for more than 1 minute

I have never touched a Kirby game in my life

Despite being a Nintendo fan, I have never owned a Nintendo console.
I don't consider myself at all a PC gamer, but I've never spent more time on a game than Diablo 2, Warcraft 3, or World of Warcraft.

I've hated or felt really uncomfortable around almost every gamer I've ever met.

Zelda and Mario are two of my favorite franchises but have barely played the Wind Waker or Mario Sunshine. I've never even touched Majora's Mask before.

There have been times when I've felt ashamed to be a gamer and wanted to sell all of my games and consoles.

It sometimes feels like I could look at pictures of other peoples collections all day.


I had to consult an FAQ to beat the last boss in Panzer Dragoon Orta (bought it a couple days ago) :(

I was so frustrated I nearly called upon GAF for help a few times. Took me maybe 30 tries.
I've never owned a Nintendo console and never will. When I was a kid I played NES over at friends' houses, and I caught up with some of the popular SNES titles when I got my first computer (mostly third party stuff) but for some reason (Sega brainwashing?) I still hate Nintendo. The day they win the industry is the day that I leave it.

And Mario sucks.


Junior Member
Beat This.

I purchased a PSP at gamestop's midnight launch.

I purchased two games about a week later.

I've traded in both games and have'nt played it since.

It has collected more dust than a 32X / SegaCD / Genesis Combo.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
I finally thought of one.

I haven't bought a single Xbox 360 game since the launch. I only have PDZ and Kameo.

Demos sure have been fun though!


neolsback said:
Beat This.

I purchased a PSP at gamestop's midnight launch.

I purchased two games about a week later.

I've traded in both games and have'nt played it since.

It has collected more dust than a 32X / SegaCD / Genesis Combo.

I can't beat it, but I can match it. I've owned maybe 5 or 6 games total since I got it at launch, but haven't owned any the last 6 months. IMO the games are too expensive considering I can get their console couterparts for the same price or a few bucks more and all the ones I've played have atrocious loading times.

I've had the box and original packaging sitting on my desk for several months now thinking I was going to get around to eventually selling it on ebay. Vice City Stories is the only thing holding me back. Vice City was one of my all time favorite games and I'm just itching to jump back into the 80's atmosphere and music again.


Morbid Angel said:
I hate Metal Gear Solid. All of them.


I don't finish the majority of my games. Basically, I know which ones I'll actually finish before I even start them.

I own more 360 games than I have ever owned for any other console.

I love my 360 more than any other console I've ever owned

I used to be a rabid Sony fanboy. RABID

I used to love the DS but I couldn't care less about most of its games now. I basically still own it for FF III.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
AniHawk said:
I bought more games for the DS last year than I did in the first 3 years I had my GBA.

Not too shocking. I know a handful of people in the same boat.


Please help me with my bad english
-The Phantom Dust demo I've played not too long ago was one of the most refreshing gaming experience for me in a while

-I both love & hate Nintendo

-Mortal Kombat 1 for the SNES was/is one of the coolest game ever

-I have an unexplicable hate for every sony products, from vg consoles to cameras, I just don't trust Sony products (but I am a Panasonic whore). I'll buy a slim PS2 next week though

-I wish i've would had buy an Saturn when it was out. I can only imagine good memories from this idea
I hate my nintendo DS lite and all of the games I have for it.

Megaman zx
sonic rush
Big Brain Academy... ok, this one is fun
And phoenix wright which I will probably sell unplayed as the system and it's games are consistently boring to me.


Professional Schmuck
Shocking confessions:

FF Confessions
1. I got to the very very end of FFVII and to Seph's 2nd or 3rd form (the one with Angel wings) and couldn't beat it. I never played it again.
2. I played FFVIII for about 15 hours and never played it again.
3. I played FFIX for about 50 hours, never beat it, and never played it again.
4. I was able to beat FFX (the only FF I've ever beaten), but after a 2-year hiatus in which I thought my PS2 was permanently broken (Disk Read Error).
5. I would pay $600 to play FFXIII.

Nintendo Confessions
1. The only Super Mario (series) game that I've ever truly beaten was SMB2 (Doki Doki Panic).
2. The only Legend of Zelda game that I've ever truly beaten was Wind Waker.
3. Tetris Attack (Yoshi and cute friends) is the best puzzle game ever made.

Last Gen Confessions
1. Out of my top 5 favorite games from the PS2/GC era, 2 of them were non-console specific EA games.
2. My PS2 sat unused for nearly 2 years of its life. I'm happy to report its in fine condition today though (after a little laser adjustment).
3. While some people pick just one character in Soul Calibur (series) and can ALWAYS beat you with that character, I have the habit of spreading out my talents so that if we were to bot play on random characters, I'll beat you 4/5x.
4. I actually liked SSX Tricky and NFSUII (the 2 EA games I referenced above) more than I did their follow ups. Shame.

Next Gen Confessions
1. I'm secretly worried about how Twilight Princess will control.
2. I'm secretly worried that my wife will be better at SPM than I.
3. I'm waiting until FFXIII is within 3 months of release before even CONSIDERING a purchase of the PS3.
4. I've been eying that 360 over there for awhile now. VERY closely.


VicAlpha said:
-Mortal Kombat 1 for the SNES was/is one of the coolest game ever

Oh my dear lord. Folks, we have a winner. That game has to be the worst arcade to home translation ever made.

Next you'll confess you liked the Street Fighter movie.
I've never so much as loaded the single player portions of GRAW or PDZ.

I've got no intention of ever buying a gaming console again, and haven't since Dreamcast. 360 was a gift, won Xbox, GC, Playstation, and GBA.

I bought Rumble Roses XX because of the demo. It wasn't until later that I found out the demo was more than the photography shoot.

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
PantherLotus said:
Shocking confessions:

Nintendo Confessions
3. Tetris Attack (Yoshi and cute friends) is the best puzzle game ever made.
This isn't so much shocking as it is a simple statement of fact.


catfish said:
I had never played Oot and got it free with wind waker. Played and beat windwaker and so did my flatmate and then I tried to play Oot and told him "yeah man this game is sposed to be epic" we both played it for about 30 minutes and flagged it because of the crap graphics and WW was just "so much better"

I'm not really ashamed of that though, wind waker is an amazing game, it's like playing a cartoon.

:lol same here


I've never beaten Super Mario Bros., not because I don't have the skill, but because I can't be bothered.

I didn't beat the final mission in Advance Wars 2 (normal campaign), and I've probably put at least 150 hours into various versions of AW.

Disgaea 2 has sapped my interest in new games this season--I had a long list of things I was going to shell out for, but release dates come and go for games that are probably better and I don't even care. I might buy Guitar Hero II, and I might buy a Wii, but other than that I'll be content to grind levels until doomsday.

My fighting game skills are worthless now--ten years ago I was one of the best I knew at Virtua Fighter and Tekken, but now I'm baffled by even the training mode of VF4:Evo. I can't even play Super Smash Bros. Melee.


Gold Member
I've always hated Mario Kart with a passion, yet I bought a DS with MKDS and never bought another game... It's collected dust since.


90% of the games that I play today don't grip me like they used to. I'm not engulfed/immersed in the game like when I was a kid. The latest software that reminded me why gaming is so ****ing great is: Half-Life 2: Episode One (heartpounding experience, a non-stop roller coaster ride), World of Warcaft (the first 30 levels was bliss, it's so cozy) and Psychonauts (fantastically fun and original setting)... these are all PC games. Console games just don't move me anymore... :(

But portable games are still fun, very fun! Thank god for NDS!


Damn I forgot one of my best:

I haven't bought an EA game since Fifa Road To The World Cup on the N64 in 1998 I think. Almost 10 years untainted!


VicAlpha said:
-I both love & hate Nintendo

Yeah. Now time to make the entire forum hate me:

- I think the MGS series is overrated (though I do enjoy it), especially here.
- I've never played a Master System game.
- I got a Gensis too late to get into it.
- I like N64 much more than PSX.
- I had more games for Xbox than PS2 last gen.
- I can't afford all the systems this gen and their $60 games and I still haven't decided what I'm going to get yet.
- I like NST
- I have to cheat to play most RTS
- I think GTA3 is one of the best games ever, while its sequels are somehow boring.
- I thought Shadow of the Colossus was just a good game, and not nearly as good as ICO.
- I hated Grim Fandango.
- I think Half Life 2 is overrated because the gunplay was astonishingly amateurish and boring.
- Halo 2 single player was terrible.
- TWW is the best Zelda game ever.
- The Hobbit on Xbox is the best LOTR game ever.
- Jak and Daxter was the best platformer of that generation. Jak 2 sucked
- The Jet Grind/Set Radio series of games is unplayable.
- Metroid Prime 2 was terrible.
- I can't play games like DMC3, NG, etc. because -- go figure -- I can't find a way to make rote memorization of button combinations into something fun.
- Primal was one of the best PS2 games.
- Skies of Arcadia is the best RPG ever.
- Silent Hill 2 sucked.
- I liked Star Fox Adventures.
- Tales of Symphonia was a bad game.
- Free Radical FPS games suck.
- Splinter Cell is the best new IP of the generation.

Last but not least. Maybe I just don't 'get it' but I don't think I like the elitist 'I'm going to insult you with 'big words' and a laugh smiley' attitude that so many gamers have. I also don't get how people can be so against one console, game company, fanbase or another that they feel the need to reference the fact in every post. I'd honestly like this explained. What kind of a person enjoys upsetting other people? I'm nearly 30 so maybe I missed out on the time when this was made a cool thing for people to do.


- Some of my favorite games of all time include: Mortal Kombat (series), Manhunt and Killer Instinct

- Besides a select few, I can't stand 3D fighters. I hate VF, Tekken, DOA, etc

- Eventhough I own all systems, I only truly support one of them, while that others I only buy very few exclusive games for: NES -> SNES -> PSOne -> PS2 -> ?? Next-gen is still undecided for me

- I enjoy watching my girlfriend play Animal Crossing

- Eventhough I consider myself a pretty decent gamer (probably have lost skill overtime though), I completely SUCK at DMC3. I don't know what the problem is. (I beat Ninja Gaiden btw)

- While I love the MGS series, I find the voice acting horrid and the actual dialogue laughable at best. I do enjoy the overall storyarch though.
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