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Should there be a "tourist-mode"/totally easy option for all games?

From reading a bit of GAF it seems a lot of people want to just enjoy some games without facing any difficulty. They wanna sit down after work and play a game like that.
Serious Sam has a mode like that. Prince of Persia 2008 was a bit like that, since you couldnt really die.

Would you want that games like Dark Souls or some games like Odallus have a mode where you cant really die?


I don't see why not. If there's a market for it, sure. People who don't want to play like that can stick to the normal one.

Yes. That option would be nice.. it would feel like a mobile game?

Umm.. what?

Fuck no, if you want that just watch no commentary play on youtube or something.

Why does it bother you though? It's not hurting you playing it how you want.

Why is watching a video the go-to answer? By watching a video you're not holding the controller and going through the motions.


Junior Member
No. Not every game should be made for everyone. There are though plenty of games that allow you to just turn your brain off and have fun (nothing wrong with that).

since the thread asks for all games that's why I say no. majority of games nowadays have easy modes that let you get through without much difficulty or even things like an auto play in Nier but not every game needs to be like this. So really the answer is most games already have a way for less skilled players (or those who just don't want a challenge) to experience the game but that doesn't mean all games should.
I can count dozens of games where I'd love to just wander around and check out all the (usually) under-appreciated skyboxes, setpieces, and background assets that I'd otherwise probably look right over thanks to shooting some alien's brains out, etc.


Not all games, but some certainly shouldn't. Games where there is crowd discovery of secrets and easter eggs and whatnot.


Fuck no, if you want that just watch no commentary play on youtube or something.
Games like Bayonetta having a super-easy "mash the buttons" difficulty options is in no way away from your enojyment of such games nor should you so stupidly shame other people for using such options for whatever reasons.


OP, Uncharted 4 basically had this when you went with Easy and turned on the accessibility settings.

Fuck no, if you want that just watch no commentary play on youtube or something.

Why should devs waste time? If a person needs that they can watch a Let's Play on youtube that accomplishes the same thing

That's not the same thing. That's like not going on vacation because you can just watch videos of different locations on the internet.



Personally, I want some games to be inaccessible and difficult to me.

Morally, I see no reason to force creators to cater to everyone. That being said, they should know that limiting difficulty settings also limits accessibility to persons with disabilities. But they should be able to make that decision.

Edit: Are high and mighty GAFfers the ones who like game content to be exclusive to skill or the ones who want to constrain developer design choices?
They usually call it "normal" in most games these days. :p

Seriously though, as long as it doesn't affect the game's design or is an unreasonably bigger workload for the devs, why not?


Fuck that.

I want games that feel confident about their balance and design choices. You can have that with difficulty settings but forcing difficulty ("easy modes") into games that strive to reject them would hurt said games.


Nope. Not every game is for everyone. There are a lot of walking simulators out there, just buy one if you want that kind of experience.
I think such modes would require a game being build around it in mind, which would also affect the normal difficulty mode. Imagine DS being build with such mode in mind, it would have never acquired the popularity it gained over the last years.

Also, if you're on PC, you can get a trainer for almost any game out there and do whatever you want.
Yes, nothing wrong with options. The first thing I do in a Bethesda or Witcher game is turn the difficulty all the way down, though that has more to do with the awful combat systems.
No. Specifically not for Souls games

Making only one difficulty allows developers to focus all their resources on balancing that mode.

The game being tough helps build the oppressive atmosphere. It's not the same without it

The game being tough fosters a sense of community

The game being hard forces people to play online for help, which increases the player base in the online mode

The games being hard forces the player to improve. These games are as much about the player's journey from scrub to badass as they are about the physical journey of the player avatar. Some of my fondest gaming memories is beating bosses in Demon's Souls with scrub tactics such as shooting 200 arrows into them from a safe spot


I firmly stand that all games should be enjoyable by the majority. If you're a paying customer you should be able to enjoy what you just paid for. You can offer these things without ruining the experiences for others.

If an easy mode trivilizes the trophy list, have the trophies not obtainable in said mode much like fury did.
If the easier options can be used in MP, make them obviously inferior to actual skill like we have seen recently with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

An easier mode for those who need it, isn't going to ruin your favorite game. I can get the concerns to a point. No one want's Dark Souls EASY MODE standard and unchangeable. But options aren't a bad thing to have. So long as they remain options and not mandatory inclusions.


Easy modes yes, acessibility modes yes .... but I am not sure about tourist mode in a gone home/dear esther sense. Some genres would totaly not work with this.

Like Fighting games for example.
Like how much you would walk on a fighting game stage ? =P

A game like Bayonetta for example that require you to beat people to trigger new stuff would benefit much more for something like the simple touch controls from the wiiu version
I'd say no, because the difficulty shapes the experience of a lot of games and to remove it would be to alter the artistic intent of the game. Take a game like Dark Souls for example, it's difficulty is part of what makes it interesting. If there was no risk and it was easy there'd be no suspense when rounding a new corner, no terror when swarmed by enemies, no relief after overcoming a challenge. The game would be completely different. For games where the main focus is narrative it makes more sense, but by no means should it be an option in every game.


Yes. I like some challenging games, like the Souls series, but sometimes I don't have the time to be stuck in games. Having this option could save me some valuable gaming time.


The participation trophy generation folks.

Yup, definitely make games into a morality tale. As I said in another topic, if you spend even a few minutes worrying that someone isn't playing video games as hard as you, you should probably reexamine your life choices.
No. Specifically not for Souls games

Making only one difficulty allows developers to focus all their resources on balancing that mode.

The game being tough helps build the oppressive atmosphere. It's not the same without it

The game being tough fosters a sense of community

The game being hard forces people to play online for help, which increases the player base in the online mode

These are all good reasons, I was simply going to say "no, developers shouldn't have to include anything they don't want to for creative reasons (or other reasons)" but this is more in-depth.

Not every game has to be for you.
Some games would not be hurt at all by the presence of a tourist mode alongside a more challenging, standardized difficulty, but not all games should be required to have one.
For games where the difficulty isn't a hugely important part of the gameplay or experience (unlike a game like Dark Souls, for example) I think there definitely should be. A lot of people are turned off from modern games because those options don't exist, and if they did you'd pull a lot more people into the medium.
From reading a bit of GAF it seems a lot of people want to just enjoy some games without facing any difficulty. They wanna sit down after work and play a game like that.
Serious Sam has a mode like that. Prince of Persia 2008 was a bit like that, since you couldnt really die.

Would you want that games like Dark Souls or some games like Odallus have a mode where you cant really die?

You couldn't "die" in pop 08 but despite having no issue with anything up to one point and watching multiple youtube videos i couldn't get passed one damn jump.
Yeah, totally.

A ending should be a reward. It shouldn't be something anybody can get to without putting any effort in.

I put in effort at my job to get the money to pay for the game :D

Dark Souls should have an easy mode.

For real-talk that isn't just backsassing, yes, I do think Dark Souls could have an easy mode, but this "all games" statement is silly to make, it's not gonna happen regardless, do I think all games should have it? No. would I be upset by the inclusion? Also no. As someone who grew up playing smash on very easy and only two years ago finally buckled down and got gud, I don't begrudge difficulties. If you're having fun, you're having fun.


I mean, sure. Accessibility is something to consider.

But personally at that point, you're no better off from just watching an LP, especially if most mechanics are basically missing in order to make the experience effortless.
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