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Shows that you binged watched, but didn't feel worth it on hindsight

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Jessica Jones. What a piece of trash. I should have stopped watching it around half way in but I foolishly decided to give it a chance in case it improved. It didn't.


House of Cards. ESPECIALLY season 3.

Season 3 totally lost me. Claire was so out of character, everyone seemed so incompetent. I was binge watching it but stopped about 3/4th of the way through. I just skipped to Season 4 episode 4 and kept watching from there (ep 1-3 were just a continuation of horrible season 3).
Heroes, Season 1. Everyone kept on saying the first season was amazing, so I kept waiting for it to get amazing and instead it just made me angry.

Arrow, Season 1 and 2. Same story really. There were some okay bits that made me keep going, but all the forced melodrama just really started getting to me and after the second season finale I couldn't keep going.

Flash, Season 1. Again the same. Thought it would become amazing due to all the Gaf reactions, but the characters that annoyed me in the first few episodes continued to do so for the rest of the show.

Battlestar Galactica. At the beginning I enjoyed watching mainly for Baltar, but then the show seemed determined to make me hate every single character. I kept going because my friend told me the series finale was the best bit of TV he'd ever watched and after watching it, all I could assume is that he hadn't watched much TV.


HIMYM. Twice. Biggest regret of my life

Yeah you fucked up. I regret the last few seasons and I only watched it once.

Like Friends, it got really bad towards the back end of the show but unlike Friends, which had a great redemptive final season, the final season of HIMYM was pure shite.

I also binged a bunch on Homeland before I realised that I didn't like anything about the show any more.


All of them?

Don't get me wrong, I love watching shows and movies, but sometimes I feel like I'm just playing a never ending game of WoW where I'm just pumping in hours and hours into television and generally staring at a screen digesting entertaining programs.

I have to sometimes sit back and ask, when will I be done?
Don't worry, I'm just taking a break. Wait till I catch my breath and start reaping again.


Daredevil Season 2 (any parts without the Punisher sucked)

Fringe (Started out great, last season was lousy)

Jessica Jones (Had awful characters)


Neo Member
Deadwood. Don't get me wrong it was a great show. How it ended though made me feel like I wasted my time. Knowing what I know now I wouldn't have watched it.


Neo Member
Community, also ran Arrested development wannabe that uses being metatextual as an excuse for not being great.

I actually just binged seasons 1 and 2 with #noragrets, but I'm probably not going to go binge any further. Will still watch episodes here and there.

Jessica Jones is probably the only show I binged and felt like it wasn't worth it at the end. Only one season though, I typically won't follow a show any further if I'm not interested.


i hate-watched a netflix show called 'love'

it was without a doubt one of the most insufferable/unlikeable shows i've ever decided to sit through. even now just thinking about it makes me unreasonably angry.

i sat through to the very end due to some morbid curiosity of how annoying and shit the show could get. i guess i also felt like i needed some sense of closure after watching a few episodes since the story hadn't felt like it had gone anywhere yet
(and literally never does 🙃)
. or maybe i'm just masochistic.

i kinda feel compelled to make a thread about it to get it off my chest anyways.


Walking Dead. Caught up to season 2 finale a few years back and felt like I didn't really need to see anything to understand the characters

I feel the same all these years later. Anyone can just join in at this point and "get it" show is the ultimate waste of time

I felt like
half the time


I started Arrow S1 intending to binge watch the whole thing, but the show left a lot to be desired with all of its petty melodrama. Lots of actors standing around acting deadly serious while making silly faces. I had to struggle to finish the season.

The Walking Dead is the worst though. The show consists of a handful of great character moments and entertaining twists buried in a rancid compost pile of brain dead writing (haha, but seriously), where characters make idiotic decisions with deadly consequences, and take way too long to develop common sense survival skills. Nearly every episode has lame contrived situations that set people up for zombie attacks. Line them up, knock them down, over and over and over again. The show would be much better if it compressed its story into half as many seasons and didn't insult its audience's intelligence by having characters wander alone into zombie buildings or venture outside the zombie fence or go check out the zombie forest.

I'm surprised to see so many quality shows mentioned negatively in this thread: House of Cards, Daredevil, Jessica Jones? What? But Hannibal takes the cake.
Sons of Anarcy is the big one.

Breaking Bad just really does not float my boat and watching it does nothing for me so that to but It's controversial because everyone loves to say it's the best show ever made


Constantine. What I watched was enjoyable enough but it's abrupt cancellation is so obvious and the show just hangs there, unfinished and unresolved. I thought it would be worthwhile to see how it ties into the Arrowverse, but ultimately the crossover was largely inconsequential and I could've done without the whole lot.
Lost. Just skipped to the end and said, "I bet this show doesn't do much does it." I guess it's just one of those shows that has a good first season and falls over after.

Lost was a show that was a product of it's time. When you binge watch it you can find it falling apart much easier. This show was built on suspense and luring the viewer back in each week.

I watched Daredevil S1 over a weekend. It like... gestured at being good but wasn't actually good. Really dragged in the middle, ultimately just a stock standard superhero story. .

Gave up on this after 3(?) episodes. It just felt so....plain?

Side note: noticing more Netflix/High Praise shows than I expected on here.


Lost Girl. Horrible show in every way, but I binged solely because of Ksenia Solo. Ate junk food the whole time and hated myself. Good times.


I do that to Anime a lot, after Steins;Gate I always make sure to watch a good chunk of a show before I give up on it.


The last season of Orange is the New Black, It was just really forgettable and boring. Not even sure if I want to stick with the series.
House of Cards S2. First one was alright but this one I just switched off my brain and still watched it for some reason.

Arrow S3. Bad. Really bad.

Arrested Development S4. Upon rewatching the previous three seasons I was already pretty gassed but this one is pretty bad.

Did you watch it again? Not that it will necessarily make it better for you, but it's a much better show on a second viewing.

The last season of Orange is the New Black, It was just really forgettable and boring. Not even sure if I want to stick with the series.

Same, kinda. I really disliked
the direction they were taking Piper. She's just so boring, and frankly, trying to develop her character didn't do much at all besides make me roll my eyes.
On the other hand, I found
Joe Caputo's somewhat face-heel turn to be interesting, and I'm curious how Bennett will develop.


Jessica Jones. What a piece of trash. I should have stopped watching it around half way in but I foolishly decided to give it a chance in case it improved. It didn't.
Me watching this show.
"kill him now... Just kill him... Why are you waiting... Stop being a dumb dumb!"


How do u binge a show u don't like?

Generally as a series goes on it grows into it's own, so often times when people talk about an "amazing" show they're talking about like mid season 1 or 2, so a lot of people try to get there, only to find out that the show isn't for them.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Narcos, maybe?

The show isn't super terrible or anything, I'm just certain I would have dropped it if it was a weekly program. Being able to quickly move to the next episode definitely contributed to me finishing it. I still enjoyed it a great deal, I just didn't really that much from it. I would have been better off watching a two hour documentary and getting the full story with less embellishment.

Maybe House of Cards Season 3. But I watched it over an entire year in spurts. Was there the minute it got added to Netflix, watched a few, dropped for a few months, watched some more, dropped, finished it. I probably enjoyed it more than most people because of that.

I regret binging Outlander. I wanted to get caught up for the second season and had only watched a few episodes of the first. So I powered through the entire first season in one sitting. That show is so emotionally dense that I think it's better suited for week to week watching so you can let things marinate. I'm watching Season 2 week to week and loving it.
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