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Shows that you binged watched, but didn't feel worth it on hindsight

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Community. Watched first 2-3 seasons live, bunch of good episodes, then watched the final 2 or 3 seasons over a few weeks and it just got worse and worse every season.

Empire. I don't understand how this is the top show on network TV, I've watched 3 or 4 episodes so far and its wretchedly bad. Not sure if I will ever finish.

Orphan Black. I love the idea and the main actress, Tatiana Maslany is one of the best actresses in the world, but the writing on the show is abysmal and the story hasn't really progressed at all over 3 seasons. I haven't yet watched season 4 yet but have heard its better than the last season.

The Last Ship. Awful post apoc scifi, I watched all of season 1 and half of season 2 over a week and can't work up the resolve to finish.
Mad Dogs is only 10 episodes, but it completely fell apart in the last 3 or so episodes. It's disappointing because the show had such a great start. I thought it could've been one of the best comedic tv shows (1 hour length), but it fell apart completely.


That shitty netflix series with the vampires and were-wolfs. It was terrible but I watched all of it in a few sittings, I can't even remember the name.
Generally as a series goes on it grows into it's own, so often times when people talk about an "amazing" show they're talking about like mid season 1 or 2, so a lot of people try to get there, only to find out that the show isn't for them.

That seems so weird to me.

If a show can't catch me in 1 season i'm sure it never will.

In fact, more like half a season. 5 episodes max.

People talk about recommendations in here but to be honest, people watch a LOT of crap. i've had friends and relatives recommend garbage to me that soured me on their opinion. Similarly, GAF has VERY low standards when it comes to what they call great.


I forgot to mention Heroes. It started out well enough and had some great character development, but then the season 1 finale was a huge letdown. It was all downhill from there. It just got worse and worse.
I don't really regret binge-watching a show, since bad shows help me appreciate good shows, or even good qualities in shows. That said, any show that contributed nothing to my overall taste in shows is the one I would regret.

Blue Exorcist. "Hi! I'm a battle shonen, but without any real fucking battles! The characters are all mopey, self-flagellating shitbags, and everyone's useless aside from the main character! Also our concept is painfully unoriginal and we don't really add our own flavor to it at all!" Boring as fuck.
Community. Watched first 2-3 seasons live, bunch of good episodes, then watched the final 2 or 3 seasons over a few weeks and it just got worse and worse every season.

I was a huge fan of Community but yeah, sadly the show takes a giant nosedive after season 3. Production was under a lot of constant problems though so I don't blame them.
Jessica Jones. So bad to be honest. Had the hope it would get better, but it didn't.

This is probably my biggest regret. Just a bore for the latter 90% of the show. Started off kind of cool, though.

Probably true blood. God that was trash.

I regret nothing. I feel like it didn't go over the top enough, actually. Could have actually been more fun.

Lost. Just skipped to the end and said, "I bet this show doesn't do much does it." I guess it's just one of those shows that has a good first season and falls over after.

I think this is a "you had to be there" show. Watching this every week from the beginning was a magical tv-watching experience.

I just marathoned my way through the first two seasons of Justified, and while I haven't regretted doing so yet, I haven't been "wow'd" yet either. The writing is sharp and the performances are on-point, but it hasn't been anything mind-blowing. I decided to take a break before continuing on with it.

If Season 2 doesn't suck you in, I'm not sure it'll do it for you. That's like peak-Justified.
At some point definitely Supernatural. I loved the first couple of season especially the Colt Arc. Then we had (AFAIK) the God Arc which was okay and after that came Leviathans (urgs!) and then Vampires (Alpha Vampire, Benny and so on). I lost interest during Season 5 or 6 but kept watching the show until Season 9 but dropped the show completely since then.


Unconfirmed Member
Arrow Season 1-2 (3 was airing at the time, but I stopped watching it after the Ra' s al Ghul fight): I watched season 1 twice due to the big pause I put it on, but I can't see how anyone like this corny (acted) action soap opera show. This feels like Smallville all over again but a bit darker.

Sons of Anarchy up to season ~4-5, I watched till the second last season but I couldn't get over how ridiculous it got with the overall gang/territory fights and people betraying each other or whatever etc.
At some point definitely Supernatural. I loved the first couple of season especially the Colt Arc. Then we had (AFAIK) the God Arc which was okay and after that came Leviathans (urgs!) and then Vampires (Alpha Vampire, Benny and so on). I lost interest during Season 5 or 6 but kept watching the show until Season 9 but dropped the show completely since then.

I'm sick to death of Crowley (have been for many seasons). However, I dug some of the plotlines in Seasons 9 and 10. About to binge-watch Season 11 - can anyone confirm that it is actually good?

Bold One

Community, also ran Arrested development wannabe that uses being metatextual as an excuse for not being great.



Unconfirmed Member
At some point definitely Supernatural. I loved the first couple of season especially the Colt Arc. Then we had (AFAIK) the God Arc which was okay and after that came Leviathans (urgs!) and then Vampires (Alpha Vampire, Benny and so on). I lost interest during Season 5 or 6 but kept watching the show until Season 9 but dropped the show completely since then.

I have a similar experience, but I stopped at season 6 or 7 I can't remember. The show got dragged on and on.


princess jellyfish (recommended by my sister)
fate/stay night ubw (really liked fate/zero)

both just kind of meh. the latter was more of a disappointment than anything.

jessica jones and daredevil season 2. the first is a big waste of potential and the second has shitty pacing and one uninteresting GOOD VERSUS EVIL OMEN storyline that gets in the way of the interesting one.


HIMYM, at one point this would've been one of my fav sitcoms ever as I binged 1-8 with friends for 2 weeks. Then the ending happened in season 9......wish I hadn't been so invested.
I will never understood the problem with the ending
other than the 24 episode for one day thing, i think it ties up everything perfectly. It has an idealistic love bs that Ted believed in, (we're meant to be together) while also fulfilling his goals with someone else. They both lived the lived they wanted and ended up where they started. I think that's great, in a dumb, idealistic way

True Detective S1

Should've know after the first episode that it's not going to get any better.
To be fair though, I loved the final scene of the season. And there was one point in episode 5 where I thought it finally gets some steam.

But most of it was me having to force myself to endure it. All because everyone told it's the best thing ever and I wanted to believe it.

This was before the second season aired. Ended up watching that one too, but it was a much more tolerable experience.

I guess S2 wasn't worth it either, even if it was more tolerable.
Man, I disagree with you so so much, like that show made me feel like death, literally, it made me stare into an abyss of nothingness, it was brutal and terrifying. That show is fucking brilliant.

Any way I regret every second I spent watching Prison Break and The Following, never again.


I haven't binge watched any series, and if I did I'm pretty sure I would end up hating it.

Closest thing was watching 4 episodes of Arrested Development's S4 in a row and that was mentally exhausting.
American Horror Story. I enjoyed it at first just because of unintentional humour but stopped finding it funny halfway through season one. Managed to get close to the end of season 2 before going "Why the fuck am I still watching this?".
Sons of Anarchy
Binged season 1 - 5 and actually enjoyed it, took a 2 week break then forced myself to binge season 6 and 7, very disappointed.

Jessica Jones
Binged the whole thing in 2 days, was okay but wasn't worth it..

Season 1 I actually enjoyed, bailed 8 episodes into season 2.

Binged season 1 - 7 and bailed, shit got ridiculous

Marco Polo
Got a new 4k TV so watched all of this, can't even remember what happened...

Prison Break
The GF loves this for some reason, I watched it and gritted my teeth the whole way through for her sake.

There is probably more but can't think.. I watch a lot of TV lol.
True Detective S1

Should've know after the first episode that it's not going to get any better.
To be fair though, I loved the final scene of the season. And there was one point in episode 5 where I thought it finally gets some steam.

But most of it was me having to force myself to endure it. All because everyone told it's the best thing ever and I wanted to believe it.

This was before the second season aired. Ended up watching that one too, but it was a much more tolerable experience.

I guess S2 wasn't worth it either, even if it was more tolerable.

Dude, what?


First 2 seasons of the Big Bang Theory. All my friends like it, so I tried hard to like it too, but I just had to stop. Show fucking sucks.


Wow, based on this thread people really disliked Jessia Jones. I personally liked it a lot (and did binge watch it).

Anyway, on topic.

Prison Break: First season was good, second season kinda made sense "they escaped so now they are on the run", but then the third and fourth seasons just didn't make any sense. It's the prime example of a show that should have neded but was forced to continue because it got good ratings

Lost Season 1-3: At some point, everyone was talking about lost so I felt it was time to watch it. To be fair I enjoyed binge watching it, but in the long run it wasn't worth it to get invested in the show.

Arrow Season 3: I liked season 1 and 2. I knew popular opinion on season 3 was really bad but I mean, "how bad could it be". Turns out that really bad, but I still binge watched it


Code Geass 1st one/R2. Watched them in like 2 days, really easy to watch, but didn't really left anything aside from soundtrack
Fate/Zero S1
Game of Thrones. While it has everything i should like, from the fantasy to a proper budget to naked people, its all just so... boring. Everything feels so sterile and nothing has any impact. Yes people die, but why should i care that Rob died or whatever. He was boring, just like everyone else in that show is.

Now a show that i did not regret binging was the Shield. That was some good shit and managed to have an amazing ending.


only show ive really marathoned was silicon valley. I started watching it sunday morning and finished by lunch time.

To be honest, i wish i had waited until the series was over so i now didnt have to wait a week for new episodes.

Dr. Buni

How to get away with murder.

I enjoyed the cast and the concept of the show itself, but when
they spent the whole first season building up Rebecca's relationship with Wes and then spent half the season trying to save her from rotting in jail, just to kill the character in the season finale, that is when I stop watching a show. It doesn't help I liked the character.


I see a number of shows mentioned that fell off a clif, but that I still don't really regret in the end because I had some fun with it (e.g. Jessica Jones, Prison Break).

There was one show though that I regret, and I'm sure this is going to make me receive a lot of flak, but that was Deadwood.

I really liked that bartender guy, but it was somewhere near the end of season 2, somewhere around episode 22 thereabouts, that I realized absolutely nothing of note had happened during all that time. At that point some kid died whom I didn't care for at all and it was supposedly super grave and I suddenly came to the conclusion that all this time I had been looking at a costume drama pretending to be a series for men.

I stopped then and felt it was like 22 hours of my life thrown away.
Most recently probably Person of Interest. I mean, it's fine, and some of the arcs are really good, particularly enjoyed 4 and I will finish 5 now it's almost done. But there really was an awful lot of procedural filler in seasons 1-3.


I binged watched all of LOST on Netflix in maybe a little under a week, and I just...
Maybe it didn't click with me. I remember being entertained, but I also can remember maybe a handful of scenes in the entire show.
It's not like I wasn't paying attention, either.

Also, for as much as I actually liked both seasons of Daredevil, I feel like both of them stretch maybe 6 or 7 episodes worth of plot over 13.

Hunter x Hunter

I don't regret watching this all the way through, but for as much hype as the Chimera Ant arc gets, it's almost insufferably slow in the animated version.
It seems to be the worst whenever the character Morel is the episode's focus. At one point, there's seriously an entire episode of him standing still, in battle, thinking about whether or not he should do something.

I really had to force myself to not fast forward through several points of that arc.
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