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Silent Hill: HD Collection US cover revealed

Yoshichan said:
Can you blame us though :(?

Sure I can. It's a different team with a whole new approach. At least give it a chance. :)

And Homecoming wasn't awful, just had a share of flaws. It had its moments. As far as horror based games go, in general it was a very good horror title. It may have been a far cry from the older SH games, but when it comes to the genre, it wasn't bad at all. It may not look so good when compared to what came before it, but I'll always stand behind the idea that even lackluster Silent Hill games are still better than the majority of other games released in the genre.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
brandonh83 said:
Sure I can. It's a different team with a whole new approach. At least give it a chance. :)

And Homecoming wasn't awful, just had a share of flaws. It had its moments. As far as horror based games go, in general it was a very good horror title. It may have been a far cry from the older SH games, but when it comes to the genre, it wasn't bad at all. It may not look so good when compared to what came before it, but I'll always stand behind the idea that even lackluster Silent Hill games are still better than the majority of other games released in the genre.
The whole SH-situation reminds me of the current DMC-situation. You speak as if all is fine with future (and this gen) SH games becoming solid horror games. This is bothering me... For a period, the SH-games were more than just "good horror games". They were fucking brilliant with genre-defining moments that contributed a lot to the genre (showing how psychological horror is possible in a video game).

DMC is the same. People say DmC will probably become a good game... but the fans want more than that, they want a a game with the same superior quality as the previous DMC-titles. Homecoming didn't touch its predecessors and from what we've seen in Downpour, it truly feels as if they're going through the same thing all over again.
I agree we should give it a chance with the new team but Homecoming was both a bad game and a bad silent hill. The combat was frustrating and just downright bad, first of all the bugs which were at times game breaking, the graphics looked like upscaled ps2 game for the most part, story was pretty predictable, they just threw around shit without any meaning like the movie and even Akira's music wasn't up to the normally high standard. Don't really remember any horror games this generation I enjoyed less than homecoming, even dead space and resident evil 5 that I am not big fans of, are both way above that abomination that is homecoming in my opinion.

If that was my first encounter with silent hill, I would not ever touch one again.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
BatmanBatmanBatman said:
If that was my first encounter with silent hill, I would not ever touch one again.

I'm interested in knowing how much Homecoming sold worldwide, anyone got numbers for that?
DaBuddaDa said:
Is the "Includes Silent Hill 2 & 3" text under the two games' box arts really necessary?

Absolutely. Since it doesn't include SH1&4 when on the cover "collection" is displayed.

I didn't know SH4 wasn't going to be included in the collection before seeing the box art and honestly I'm pissed. SH4 is my favorite SH game. Fucking Konami.
Yoshichan said:
The whole SH-situation reminds me of the current DMC-situation. You speak as if all is fine with future (and this gen) SH games becoming solid horror games. This is bothering me... For a period, the SH-games were more than just "good horror games". They were fucking brilliant with genre-defining moments that contributed a lot to the genre (showing how psychological horror is possible on a video game).

I won't at all disagree but at the same time I know that the same people who made those brilliant horror games are not on the series anymore and thus I don't expect the newer games to suggest otherwise. However, I love the genre and I don't want the series to end because regardless of how many they've released, there's still tons of potential.

I haven't found any of the non-Team Silent installments to be terrible games. I've spoken out against Shattered Memories but even that one impressed me by a few of its elements. I'm just not under the impression that just because the original team doesn't exist anymore doesn't mean that other people can't try their hand to keep a fantastic property alive. Whether they pass or fail is up to individual judgment but I have enjoyed, to some capacity, every SH game that has come after SH4.

and even Akira's music wasn't up to the normally high standard

Disagree there, it had some outstanding music. The Scarlet music is probably my favorite track out of any SH game, and Elle's Theme is my favorite vocal track bar none.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Yoshichan said:

I'm interested in knowing how much Homecoming sold worldwide, anyone got numbers for that?

Don't know specific numbers, but IIRC it didn't sell all that well. Which isn't really surprising, it was an overall pretty bad game. 0rigins was a good game, even if it was Silent Hill by the book, so I'd rather see more of that than failed experiments like Homecoming and Shattered Memories. As for the new game, I'll just expect it to be bad until reviews start trickling out.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
brandonh83 said:
Disagree there, it had some outstanding music. The Scarlet music is probably my favorite track out of any SH game, and Elle's Theme is my favorite vocal track bar none.
Yes, this is where I have to disagree with him too. Homecoming OST was amazing. Not Akiras best work but really, really good nonetheless.
Combichristoffersen said:
Don't know specific numbers, but IIRC it didn't sell all that well. Which isn't really surprising, it was an overall pretty bad game. 0rigins was a good game, even if it was Silent Hill by the book, so I'd rather see more of that than failed experiments like Homecoming and Shattered Memories. As for the new game, I'll just expect it to be bad until reviews start trickling out.
Shattered Memories wasn't a failed experiment. not everyone liked it, but it was very well received. lots of us would love to see it ported to PS3, and lots of us would like a sequel to it.

it didn't do brilliantly sales wise, but then Konami decided not to advertise it much... and all of Yamaoka's SH sound tracks are excellent.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
plagiarize said:
and all of Yamaoka's SH sound tracks are excellent.

I'd have to disagree here. His soundtrack for Shattered Memories was bland and completely forgettable IMO. The Homecoming soundtrack was slightly better, but not by much.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Combichristoffersen said:
I'd have to disagree here. His soundtrack for Shattered Memories was bland and completely forgettable IMO. The Homecoming soundtrack was slightly better, but not by much.

Eh, it's ok, I got one favorite track though (probably one of the top SH tracks I've heard):



Freedom = $1.05 said:
might be the best hd collection cover yet

Yes thank god. After having to print custom cover art for Ico/SoTC I was afraid it would be necessary for this as well. Now to see what Kojima comes up with, DON'T FAIL ME.


Combichristoffersen said:
I'd have to disagree here. His soundtrack for Shattered Memories was bland and completely forgettable IMO. The Homecoming soundtrack was slightly better, but not by much.

Agreed. I really like the soundtrack for Origins but both Homecoming and Shattered Memories were pretty uninteresting. I'd lost some faith in Yamaoka, but then Shadows of the Damned reminded me of what he's capable of. The man is a genius.

Also, the only track I thought was exceptional from Homecoming was Witchcraft, and now that's in Shadows of the Damned. He's telling me to abandon the Homecoming soundtrack and move on.

And people need to listen to iFuturelist and the Contra Shattered Solider soundtrack for more Yamaoka goodness. And his Beatmania track “Dancer”. So good.


brandonh83 said:
lol Silent Hill isn't in bad shape because of the developers, it's in bad shape because of THIS ATTITUDE

Yes, God forbid the players of Silent Hill have any standards regarding the games. It's not the developers' fault that the previous couple of games are worthless, it's just the fans who have a bad attitude!


randomwab said:
Agreed. I really like the soundtrack for Origins but both Homecoming and Shattered Memories were pretty uninteresting. I'd lost some faith in Yamaoka, but then Shadows of the Damned reminded me of what he's capable of. The man is a genius.
Of course those soundtracks weren't so interesting, he didn't even collaborate with the (western) team, he just added music, how could he be inspired by working like that? He worked back to back with Toyama for the first Silent Hill and had a huge part in the development of the other three PS2 chapters, that's why the music was so good.
Konami really wants to bury the series and this is just one aspect of it.


i quit on Origins early on for feeling samey, not sure i missed out. Shattered Memories i just couldnt pass one of the chasey parts and got pissy at the controls, only SH's ive not finished.

damn though, i ran through Homecoming on both platforms and forgot about tracks like Witchcraft. also, when did Elle's theme play? that's a standout vocal one for me, and that's saying a lot since 2, 3 and 4 all have fantastic ones.


Unconfirmed Member
LiK said:
Nice cover. Get rid of the mini covers and ratings and it works for the minimalist covers thread.
It's pretty aesthetically gorgeous without them. Who thought it would be a good idea to spoil the almost monochrome design?
Combichristoffersen said:
It's a good game, even though it's nothing really new. You should give it a try again.

agreed. Origins had some awesome stuff. There's one part that sticks out to me, where you're crossing through this lumber yard or something. The sound design is amazing. You hear this strange mechanical bird sound, and it gets progressively more horrible as you move through the area. By the end it's this crazy screech, and you're sure that you're about to face a boss or some crazy normal enemy. But it never happens. You just leave. That's when I really felt that the devs got it.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
theinfinityissue said:
agreed. Origins had some awesome stuff. There's one part that sticks out to me, where you're crossing through this lumber yard or something. The sound design is amazing. You hear this strange mechanical bird sound, and it gets progressively more horrible as you move through the area. By the end it's this crazy screech, and you're sure that you're about to face a boss or some crazy normal enemy. But it never happens. You just leave. That's when I really felt that the devs got it.

Yeah, I remember that part. Freaked me right out. Overall the game was good, my only complaints would be the ridiculous amounts of weapons you could lug around, breakable weapons, enemies that would gladly gang up on you and kill you, and the poor design of the final boss (
a generic red cartoon demon, was that all you could think of?
), but those didn't really take anything away from the overall quality of the game.


Combichristoffersen said:
It's a good game, even though it's nothing really new. You should give it a try again.

yeah? let's leave aside Homecoming. how would you rate it with 1-4? do you make peace with breakable weapons & such as it goes?


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
IrishNinja said:
yeah? let's leave aside Homecoming. how would you rate it with 1-4? do you make peace with breakable weapons & such as it goes?

It's somewhere inbetween 3 and 4, I'd say. Slightly better than 4, but not as good as 3. The breakable weapons are most annoying when you're out in the streets of Silent Hill, as there will be enemies that will follow you around and gang up on you if you don't dispose of them quickly or run away (and the game is rather cheap on health drinks to boot). But you can lug around a ridiculous amount of weapons, so you should get by (by the end of the game I was carrying around something like two file cabinets, three drip stands and a TV, and I think I had a typewriter too, not to mention various firearms and sticks and whatnot).


theinfinityissue said:
agreed. Origins had some awesome stuff. There's one part that sticks out to me, where you're crossing through this lumber yard or something. The sound design is amazing. You hear this strange mechanical bird sound, and it gets progressively more horrible as you move through the area. By the end it's this crazy screech, and you're sure that you're about to face a boss or some crazy normal enemy. But it never happens. You just leave. That's when I really felt that the devs got it.

Those fakeout moments are what really characterised the first few Silent Hill games for me. Entering an empty room in the Alchemilla and hearing a massive crashing sound as you're about to leave. There's nothing more to it, but it's the most unsettling thing and the first few games did stuff like that a lot and did it perfectly. The horse sounds in the prison of Silent Hill 2 is another great example. Or a ton of the sound design surrounding the room in 4.


Combichristoffersen said:
It's somewhere inbetween 3 and 4, I'd say. Slightly better than 4, but not as good as 3.

shit...sold. can likely be found for a song these days too, and with both HD and DP delayed, it might be a good time for this. thanks man.

really did wanna try SM on PCSX2 but i couldn't sort the graphic glitches. i know its made for the wii controls, and the phone stuff was cool, but man, fuck running and trying to shake those things. its awful and it's not even SH-esque for me.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
IrishNinja said:
shit...sold. can likely be found for a song these days too, and with both HD and DP delayed, it might be a good time for this. thanks man.

really did wanna try SM on PCSX2 but i couldn't sort the graphic glitches. i know its made for the wii controls, and the phone stuff was cool, but man, fuck running and trying to shake those things. its awful and it's not even SH-esque for me.

The story in Shattered Memories is good, and I quite liked the psych profile mechanic, but the gameplay is just plain bad (I played the PS2 version), the chase sequences are nothing but annoying, the puzzles are overall pitifully simple and there's no real reward for exploration (and the game doesn't really encourage exploration all that much either), and the music is completely forgettable too. I think the idea behind the game isn't too bad, as I quite like Heavy Rain (which I'd consider to be sort of the same as Shattered Memories, in that both are interactive dramas), but it should never have been presented as a Silent Hill game.

Bulzeeb said:
wait, this collection only has Sillent hill 2 and 3? for some reason I thought that SH 1 was also included :S anyways nice looking box art might get this game when it drops its price

Wouldn't be any point in making a HD version of SH1, they'd have to do a complete remake for PS1 games.


wait, this collection only has Sillent hill 2 and 3? for some reason I thought that SH 1 was also included :S anyways nice looking box art might get this game when it drops its price
Lime said:
Yes, God forbid the players of Silent Hill have any standards regarding the games. It's not the developers' fault that the previous couple of games are worthless, it's just the fans who have a bad attitude!

I was just kidding with him and he knows it. It's okay to sometimes not post with a serious face on. :)
Lime said:
Yeah I noticed that one in one of the previous threads, but I imagined it would only be a placeholder, because nobody would be that degenerate to allow such a visual atrocity. It's basically this:



I thought I toldja, i'm a HD classic soulja
People often call me out on lowering my standards for the franchise. And that's fair because I have. I lowered my standards long ago. The team that made the older games are no longer working on them. Why should I expect anything of that quality or nature? I would rather have a new direction than an imitation; Homecoming is often derided as an imitation of the Team Silent games because it tries desperately to mimic that style.

While I'm not the world's biggest fan of Shattered Memories, I do note that it seemed to be more well-received than Homecoming and this is possibly due to the fact that it wasn't trying to imitate the Silent Hill of the past. It wasn't what I was looking for, but I do think that trying something different is better than trying and failing miserably to recycle success.

I anticipate Downpour, not because I think it has a shot at being nearly as good as the older titles, but because Vatra has their own vision, their own interpretations of horror and atmosphere and I feel that's the right way to go. Some may argue, well, if they're changing it so much then why even make it a Silent Hill game? That's a fair criticism, but I enjoy the established lore, the world, and everything surrounding it, and I'm not against new direction that keeps the spirit intact.

For example, I think Resident Evil 4 and 5 are excellent games, but to me they're not Resident Evil games. RE4 took the series in a new direction but in some ways kept enough of the RE essence-- again for me it wasn't quite enough, being a huge fan of the older games, but it was a massively huge success and considered to be the best RE game. If Downpour doesn't feel like classic Silent Hill, but introduces new elements and its own vision and does so very well, I'm down with that. I know I'm not getting a game on par with the first few; I'm not that naive.

Different creative team, different outcome. Doesn't make it horrible, and I'm willing to give anyone a chance for trying.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?

I ♥ you Brandon
Combichristoffersen said:
I'd have to disagree here. His soundtrack for Shattered Memories was bland and completely forgettable IMO. The Homecoming soundtrack was slightly better, but not by much.

Never played SM, but Homecoming's OST didn't jive with me at all. Especially Alex and Elly's themes, where the lyrics explicitly tell us their feelings. It was just cringeworthy to me.

This cover's fine, I guess.
I'm not giving any Silent Hill game a chance that has KORN doing the theme song.

I know what I like. More importantly, I know what it would take to make me dislike what I like.

All I need to do is envision a creative meeting between SH developers and imagine them saying, "Okay, Akira Yamaoka's gone. Who can create some music for us that really captures the spirit of Silent Hill? Oh I know! KORN! Call them up NOW!"

That's all the motivation I need to stay far, far away if those are the kinds of decisions being made on this game.
How About No said:
Especially Alex and Elly's themes, where the lyrics explicitly tell us their feelings. It was just cringeworthy to me.
That's Joe Romersa's doing, so yeah.

There must be something wrong with me, because I DON'T get the general acceptance of Origins. I found it to be headache inducing for the most time, and just completely lacking in any kind of soul, be it story, characters, music, or anything. It just felt so utterly forgettable, and it's the only Silent Hill I haven't replayed because I just couldn't bring myself to care.

I'm glad Climax got a chance to work on the series again, though, because Shattered Memories was really up my alley. I just wish Climax could divorce themselves from the SH1 base that they've built from on their two games and get another shot at a game.

Brandon, quit reading my brain thoughts!
Typographenia said:
That's Joe Romersa's doing, so yeah.

There must be something wrong with me, because I DON'T get the general acceptance of Origins. I found it to be headache inducing for the most time, and just completely lacking in any kind of soul, be it story, characters, music, or anything. It just felt so utterly forgettable, and it's the only Silent Hill I haven't replayed because I just couldn't bring myself to care.

I'm glad Climax got a chance to work on the series again, though, because Shattered Memories was really up my alley. I just wish Climax could divorce themselves from the SH1 base that they've built from on their two games and get another shot at a game.

Brandon, quit reading my brain thoughts!

I'd love for CLIMAX to get one more crack at the series. I went into Shattered Memories dreading whatever shoe-horned 'waggle' would be included. As it turned out, I really enjoyed how they utilized the Wii- and even simple things like picking things up and examining them felt tangible. They just used the motion-control really well, IMO.

Also loved the use of Harry's phone. On paper I cringed at the idea (LULZ Harry has a smart phone with a GPS!!~!~!), but really liked how it could be utilized in-game. Also loved dialing all the random telephone numbers you'd find around Silent Hill.

I'd probably buy the PS Move if they made an HD PS3 release. :p
TheJollyCorner said:
I'd love for CLIMAX to get one more crack at the series. I went into Shattered Memories dreading whatever shoe-horned 'waggle' would be included. As it turned out, I really enjoyed how they utilized the Wii- and even simple things like picking things up and examining them felt tangible. They just used the motion-control really well, IMO.
Yes! I felt that the motion controls actually contributed to my experience with the game rather than making me frustrated. (sorry people, I never had a problem with the chase sequences.)
The best part of the motion controls were later in the game with
the wheelchair segment and the swimming to the lighthouse.
The game wasn't perfect, by any stretch of the imagination, but I liked a lot of the ideas going on. Like you said, things like calling the numbers and such with the phone was a nice concept.

I'm really hoping that Vatra pulls some rabbits out of their hats, but I've yet to see anything strongly indicating it to this point. Crossing my fingers that they just haven't released footage of those things...


Is there a reliable source on a release date now? I think the last one I heard floating around was October 27? Sorry if I missed a post.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
RadioHeadAche said:
I like it too. Though not nearly as much as the first three, but it is still good in its own way.
I think its better than 3 better story and characters
brandonh83 said:
For example, I think Resident Evil 4 and 5 are excellent games, but to me they're not Resident Evil games. RE4 took the series in a new direction but in some ways kept enough of the RE essence-- again for me it wasn't quite enough, being a huge fan of the older games, but it was a massively huge success and considered to be the best RE game. If Downpour doesn't feel like classic Silent Hill, but introduces new elements and its own vision and does so very well, I'm down with that. I know I'm not getting a game on par with the first few; I'm not that naive.

Different creative team, different outcome. Doesn't make it horrible, and I'm willing to give anyone a chance for trying.
For me Downpour will NEVER be the RE4 of Silent Hill. RE4 look golden even before we all had a chance to try it out. Downpour has been downright depressing to follow. Just my own two cents.
daxter01 said:
I think its better than 3 better story and characters

SH3 is easier for me to replay because repeating those worlds again is just unpleasant. Plus, you have the horrible escort mission with terrible AI. I do agree that the story in SH4 is far more interesting than SH3's, but it is great to see those references to the original Silent Hill.
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