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Silent Hill HD Collection's new SH2 voices revealed

Persona7 said:
How are they free when you bought them before?

PLAY for free (I never said the game are free... I guess they go for quite cheap nowadays though...)

SH HD collection gives you the ability to play the games in HD, so does PCSX, a PC and the original games.


So has the sound been remixed in 5.1? The original games were stereo with S-Force. Do we have proper surround sound in this remix/update/whatever this is?


benevolent sexism
Replicant said:
QFT. She was chilling. This new one is just dull.

Was her voice inherently chilling, though, or was it just a product of the context? Did you immediately perceive the very first thing out of her mouth as chilling? Or do you just feel that way now because you experienced it in the context of a creepy game?
The new James has absolutely none of the clueless, bewildered tone that the earlier VA, however cheesy, absolutely nailed. Now he sounds like a one-testicled Solid Snake.

The new Maria sounds like a husky vixen instead of the slightly devilish, slightly sinister curious creature she should represent. She was obviously a vision of sex and lust, but it wasn't so overt before.

And I loved Mary's original voice. Compare the two VA jobs with the same exact lines - the original is innocent and serene, while the new one sounds like some random sultry-voiced babe.

No energy, and no charm to make up for it. But the games are in HD, so the VA could be done by the SoTN cast for all I care.
Hitoribhoshi said:
everybody, take your games, and let's go to the pcsx2 thread and play them in higher res and for FREE. (you're not getting my money konami! what's next ? no yamaoka score ?)

or just play your pc version in glorious wide screen and with superior graphics. ;)
hey_it's_that_dog said:
Was her voice inherently chilling, though, or was it just a product of the context? Did you immediately perceive the very first thing out of her mouth as chilling? Or do you just feel that way now because you experienced it in the context of a creepy game?
For me, it was her voice
Persona7 said:
Does Silent Hill 3 PC have widescreen or do you need to download a unofficial mod?

SH3 got widescreen support I think, or at least it's as easy as editing the ini file to whatever resolution you want. SH2 on the other hand you however have to download an exe or hex edit it yourself.

Edit :
Googled it and yes you have to edit the disp.ini file. But it takes like 20 seconds.


hey_it's_that_dog said:
Was her voice inherently chilling, though, or was it just a product of the context? Did you immediately perceive the very first thing out of her mouth as chilling? Or do you just feel that way now because you experienced it in the context of a creepy game?

SH2 was one of the least scary SH games I've played (I pretend Shattered Memories does not exists so). So no, her sounding creepy is actually her character through and through. I find her to be more of a monster than the weirdo freaks that roam around the hall.


I'm gonna play the Devil's advocate and say that we should wait for the final version, because right know they are completely decontextualized from the scene, so it's hard to judge properly.
UrbanRats said:
I'm gonna play the Devil's advocate and say that we should wait for the final version, because right know they are completely decontextualized from the scene, so it's hard to judge properly.
I have a feeling that people who play the game long enough to get over the initial shock of the characters having different voices will pipe down about how much worse they supposedly are than the originals.
Not liking the voices at all, especially not Eddies. I am a huge fan of SH2 and I loved the original VA despite it's campiness but it just seemed to fit in. Of course this could be the nostalgia talking but I don't think anyone hearing these for the first time would say they are particularly good.

Oh well, I guess I have to get used to it.

edit: actually, more I think about it, more annoyed I am by it
UrbanRats said:
I'm gonna play the Devil's advocate and say that we should wait for the final version, because right know they are completely decontextualized from the scene, so it's hard to judge properly.

Spot on, can't say fairer than that. Unfortunately, so many users will resort to hyperbole and cry foul anyway, just because it's the "in" thing to do. Silent Hill 2 is a sacred cow, and trying to alter any aspect of it will be met with instant derision by default (although I find it convenient that the only thing being adjusted is the voice acting, which was the weak link in an otherwise essential horror game.)

Reserve judgement until all the pieces are put together and the new dub is placed in its finalised context: alongside Yamaoka's familiar score/sound effects.
Just listened to it:

1.) It obviously hasn't been mixed and tuned to the respective scenes.
2.) Eddie & Maria are better than the original VAs; Mary & James' samples have to be mixed for me to give a solid opinion, but it's definitely not worse than the original.
3.) Eddie actually sounds menacing versus an annoying shit-for-brains.
4.) Nostalgia runs a bit too deep with some of you.
typo said:
3.) Eddie actually sounds menacing versus an annoying shit-for-brains.

He's supposed to be an annoying shit-for-brains.

That's why everyone made fun of him and it drove him off the deep end.
These voices are terrible. Without getting neck deep in spoiler territory, there was always, to me at least, a good reason James sounded like that dumbass. His cluelessness ties in with the crux of the plot, and new Mary and Maria just sound bored and flat. Marys monologue and Marias jail scene were both amazing and these new ones just don't have any...I don't know, bite to them.

Eddie though, the resl test isn't his later dialogue, it's his early stuff before he starts taking those weird tones.
Silent Hill 2's one of my favorite games of all time. I could talk for days about it and I was a bit scared when they announced the new voices. I didn't really care for any of the performances, except for the nostalgia factor, but the actress playing Mary reading the letter at the end was one of the most touching and sad performances I had ever heard in a game. Chilling stuff.

I like what I heard in that new video. James is a huge step up from the previous one and Maria sounds creepy as hell. As for Eddy and Mary, I'll wait for more material and the actual mixes of the voices to make a judgment.

Color me impress Konami!

way more

That's about only a 20% improvement. It seems like a waste of time seeing as how the original voices weren't known for being horrible.

If you have to argue that it lost it's "charm" you are basically admitting you have a somewhat irrational love for an inferior product.


I thought the original voice actors did a better job, especially the person who did Maria. It isn't nostalgia talking either.
Hazanko said:
I thought the original voice actors did a better job, especially the person who did Maria. It isn't nostalgia talking either.
The one thing that will make or break the original vs. new mary/ia is (spoilers, for real)
the letter reading at the end.


I never played the original game, but comparing the two videos I think the new voices sounds better. The old voices sounds waaaay to young to fit the characters.


Maria/Mary sounds incredibly off. The voice is too old for the character. Eddie's pretty good and I could probably get used to James, but that sounds like the voice of a 40+ year old woman coming out of a character design that's maybe 30 tops.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
kyo_daikun said:
October/ november time I beleive

Play.com have it down as october 28th but could be a placeholder.

I think it got delayed until 2012 due to Konami making a 360 version of the collection
Kinda funny to me how everyone has a different opinion on which voices are better now and which are worse. Just goes to show you can't please everyone.

My take:
Eddie: Fine. Maybe sounds a little too old but meh.
James: Fine.
Maria: Too low/sultry. Original was a little more playful and younger.

Was her voice inherently chilling, though, or was it just a product of the context? Did you immediately perceive the very first thing out of her mouth as chilling? Or do you just feel that way now because you experienced it in the context of a creepy game?
Speaking for myself, the first time I heard Maria's line "I'm not your Mary," something about it was so cold I literally felt a chill--and this was watching the trailer of the game, I hadn't played it yet.
Silent Hill 2 is one of the best games ever made which features appallingly bad VA, so I have confidence that whatever they do couldn't make it worse.
jim-jam bongs said:
Silent Hill 2 is one of the best games ever made which features appallingly bad VA, so I have confidence that whatever they do couldn't make it worse.
Okay, let's all calm down here, now. No need to do or say anything we're all going to regret! LET'S JUST REMAIN CALM.
It's not the best, but it's not that bad.

The english VA for Gaara is doing Eddie? Is that a good thing or should I be concerned?


Are they gonna do some post processing so it feels like they're talking in the game world? They basically pasted the voices over the visuals.
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