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Sir, You're Being Hunted - procedurally generated survival STALKER shooter is on KS


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Just took out 37 robots then I died.

Good times!

I seem to do the best in the mountain type of terrain, great for setting up ambushes. Also got lucky and a factory held a rifle in it which went perfectly with the 10 rifle rounds had found in the main continent. But stalking guys on the mountain type of terrain is most def what Im better at. :D

Still have yet to find a pistol though. Got a ton of rounds for it.

Man if only I had explosives. Since they swarm around like flies to shit when you light a campfire!


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Never bring a hatchet to a gun fight, things don't end well.

I really wish the hatchet worked like you held down the button winding it up. Let go and the attack comes out. Since currently with how the hit detection is a bit off randomly swinging isnt working so hot lol

Very cool game though am enjoying this quite a bit.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Getting my butt kicked.

Need to start paying more to attention to how the AI works.

The AI doesnt seem to be all that smart at this point in time. As its just reactionary to proximity / facing for the most part. They dont even really put much effort into investigating sounds.

Though they do react to campfires works like a beacon if you light one up.

Am not sure how their inventory works, but sometimes it does seem like they actually run out of ammo and then go squat somewhere after pulling back. Though other occasions it appears as if they have an infinite number of rounds. Its quite odd. The times when they have appeared to run out of ammo was when i was chasing them head on with an axe.

The larger robot shot him in the face twice and he didnt even bother to come after me.

Though still its pretty interesting stuff considering its an alpha!
The funny thing about early versions of games that aren't optimised yet is, this game runs worse than Payday 2 does on max settings for my laptop (40 fps) :p
You can take a hunter down with a hatchet in two swings, the tall grass that completely obstructs their vision of you makes it so easy to get the drop on them. Up to four pieces on my current gun-less run.

What game can you catch in the rural area and how do you catch it? I found a camp fire area, I have matches, I just have no idea of what to try and hunt. My current weapons are limited to rocks and a hatchet. I should try to kill a bird with a rock, my food supplies are running low.


The AI doesnt seem to be all that smart at this point in time. As its just reactionary to proximity / facing for the most part. They dont even really put much effort into investigating sounds.

Though they do react to campfires works like a beacon if you light one up.

Am not sure how their inventory works, but sometimes it does seem like they actually run out of ammo and then go squat somewhere after pulling back. Though other occasions it appears as if they have an infinite number of rounds. Its quite odd. The times when they have appeared to run out of ammo was when i was chasing them head on with an axe.

The larger robot shot him in the face twice and he didnt even bother to come after me.
The AI isn't smart, but it definitely has the ability to catch players off-guard in brush and with dogs. There've been a few times when I've heard shots go off without knowing where they're coming from and hit the deck trying to figure out which way to aim. And once you start shooting, it's pretty common to have those 2 hunters you were trying to take down suddenly turn into a group of 6-7 rushing you from all angles and well-covered positions. Still think they quit a little early though.

I'm pretty sure the hunters don't run out of ammo and that the backing off behavior that you're talking about is something they do when they're injured. And yeah, the big guys don't react to being hit at this time, it seems.

What game can you catch in the rural area and how do you catch it? I found a camp fire area, I have matches, I just have no idea of what to try and hunt. My current weapons are limited to rocks and a hatchet. I should try to kill a bird with a rock, my food supplies are running low.
I haven't seen a single animal yet beyond birds, whose purpose seems to be to make noise when you walk by them so they might attract hunters. Not sure if those are capable of being hunted. The game that I've found has all been loot out of houses, rabbits and pheasants.
I'll have to keep my eye out on this. But right now I've got alot of games on my plate but I'll definitely keep this thread saved.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
The AI isn't smart, but it definitely has the ability to catch players off-guard in brush and with dogs. There've been a few times when I've heard shots go off without knowing where they're coming from and hit the deck trying to figure out which way to aim. And once you start shooting, it's pretty common to have those 2 hunters you were trying to take down suddenly turn into a group of 6-7 rushing you from all angles and well-covered positions. Still think they quit a little early though.

I'm pretty sure the hunters don't run out of ammo and that the backing off behavior that you're talking about is something they do when they're injured. And yeah, the big guys don't react to being hit at this time, it seems.

I haven't seen a single animal yet beyond birds, whose purpose seems to be to make noise when you walk by them so they might attract hunters. Not sure if those are capable of being hunted. The game that I've found has all been loot out of houses, rabbits and pheasants.

Theres been times when I have not injured the guy yet but they still back off and go crouch off somewhere. After that one of em actually managed to go back into the offensive AI mode and start firing.

One thing that usually catches me off guard is the balloon and thats mostly because its silent. The dogs in general you can hear them coming since they will bark when they have your sent. Thankfully its not too bad if its just the dog getting you real far out since it seems to die once you shake it off.

Generally Im pretty good about picking my targets so that no real reinforcements arrive once the shooting starts.
I know this is early access and whatnot, but with this specific game the price isn't going to get hiked every few updates, correct? I'm already hesitant to pick it up now at $20 just due to what I've already got on my plate, but if it's going to release at $40 or something...
I know this is early access and whatnot, but with this specific game the price isn't going to get hiked every few updates, correct? I'm already hesitant to pick it up now at $20 just due to what I've already got on my plate, but if it's going to release at $40 or something...

They haven't really said anything about that.
There needs to be more things to forage/scavenge for out in the wilds, rather than having towns as the sole source of sustenance. The balancing being you can find better items in the towns and villages but have enough to get by out in the wilderness. Just simple things like mushrooms, fruit, vegetables and the wild game I've seen mention of but have yet to find. Perhaps these are simply things that have yet to be implemented. It's the one thing that has really stood out while I comb the wilderness for pieces of the device and watch as my supplies simply dwindle.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Oh man I booted it up and have NFI what I am doing..


Dont get caught, find a gun as soon as possible. Always organize your inventory so that its easy to manage when as you will need to dump supplies often when finding new pieces on the main continent as they are huge.

Truthfully Id call this game a personality test and you really are better off thinking for yourself than having folks hand info to you on what you should do. Since what one person does doesnt mean it works for another. That and all you really need to know is look for the fragments scattered around the world as the very very brief tutorial tells you.
My hands literally shake when playing this game.


Fuck you, you little bitch!



This looks so up my alley, I'm just worried about it being TOO hard.

I'm up for a single player DayZ kind of game though.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I really hope they add the option for a game mode where the robots dont keep spawning into the world itself.

Asides from that once again very interesting title and do enjoy what Ive played in its current state.
Anyone know if this game has an issue with Intel Integrated cards? I meet the other minimum requirements and the dev said if I can run Fallen City well, then SYABH should run well. But I'm hesistant, don't want to drop $20 and not even be able to play

And I can't trust Game Debate anymore, because it said I couldn't run Pid or Rochard and I can run those pretty well


Anyone know if this game has an issue with Intel Integrated cards? I meet the other minimum requirements and the dev said if I can run Fallen City well, then SYABH should run well. But I'm hesistant, don't want to drop $20 and not even be able to play

And I can't trust Game Debate anymore, because it said I couldn't run Pid or Rochard and I can run those pretty well

I'll check the game out on my 2010 Macbook later today and let you know how it runs.
I bought this game on Steam (early access) - it has a lot of promise...obviously in the early stage. Multi-monitor user friendly also, and not too complicated to get into. Already stupid people complaining about early access blah blah blah.


Well, More_Badass, it runs on my Macbook but that's about it. Be prepared to crank the visual options all the way down to get a playable framerate.
Well, More_Badass, it runs on my Macbook but that's about it. Be prepared to crank the visual options all the way down to get a playable framerate.
Thanks. I decided to put SYABH on hold until I get a laptop that I'm sure would be able to run it nicely. Rather not take the chance

Game looks amazing though
Looks like a fairly big first update for this game.

We've changed and added a massive amount for this, so we're going to need you to get stuck in and let us know how it all feels.

The other big change is a total reworking of the equipment management The new system allows you to drag and drop equipment to 'slots' which you can then bind to whatever key you like, rather than being hard bound to a key.

On top of that we've done a lot of AI tweaking for the hunters. This has mainly been about making distraction more reliable. It's also allowed us to bring back interbot combat. Listen out for distant gunfire, because their duels are fun to watch!

We really, really need your feedback to knock the new loot tables into shape this month. Help us by posting your thoughts on loot distribution in the official feedback forums.

* This update will break your saves. Sorry! We had to do it.


  • Hunter Investigate and Searching State viewcones are reduced. Bots now have less peripheral vision when investigating stuff . This makes distraction more reliable, and bots also won't be able to see you out of their ears anymore...
  • NEW - Equipment Handling redesign. Slot-based equipment assignment.
  • NEW – Toy Train deployable.
  • NEW – Alarm Clock deployable.
  • NEW – Map Item. You can mark three waypoints on the map and they will show on your compass. Click on the map to set the markers. By defauly M is the map key.
  • NEW – Scanner Item. Guides you to nearby telepieces.
  • Compass now shows 180 degrees, not 360. Waypoints stack at edges if they go behind you.
  • Some bots have quit smoking.
  • NEW – Playable Trombone. Change the pitch of your warbling with the mouse scrollwheel.
  • Increased Inventory size by one column. Experimental to accommodate all the new kit.
  • NEW – Sir/Madam now receives a Visibility bonus during night hours.
  • NEW – Idling hunters can now drink tea, show off trophies to each other.
  • Camera no longer sways when crouched and static.
  • NEW - Dramatic skies. Or is that melodramatic?
  • Braver ravens. Less cowardly corvids.
  • NEW - Loads of new food and bric-a-brac items.
  • Loot tables totally redone from scratch. Will be a bit unbalanced this update.
  • NEW - Inter-bot combat. Occasional fisticuffs between bot factions.
  • Fixed some Z fighting on House2 model
  • Cursor no longer locked to centre on end game stats screen.
  • Fixed issue where clicking Continue on non existant worlds could hang hang the game.
  • Fixed issue where you could charge up a megajump while in water.
  • Fixed issue where having anything other than Mouse 1 as your Drop Down menu button broke those menus...
  • Squire ragdoll doesn't start in T pose anymore.
  • Getting pinned by a dog now closes any open loot windows.
  • Fixed issue where leaning would stop you moving, but the Vis meter did not register the change in speed.
  • Leaning no longer rotates the moon. :(
  • Dying with a window open (reading a book/letter/tooltip) no longer messes up the death screen.
  • Fixed issue where falling into water delayed the fall damage until after you reached dry land.
  • Player Health/Vit stats are now displayed correctly when you change islands or load.
  • Fixed issue where graphics options were resetting on load for some users.
  • Pub sign pulled in a bit to stop clashing with some walls.
  • Attempted fix for centering issue in windowed mode on multi-monitor setups.
  • If you kill a dog just as it pins you, you should no longer remain pinned.
  • Telepieces now all have sound effect.
  • Trapped camera wobble now correct length
  • Squires no longer aggro when you collect a trap
  • Fixed serious glitch with Hunter sound investigation. Bots should now investigate sounds much more reliably.
So I just purchased this game, $9.99

I'm so bored, my god I'm so bored.

Gaf am I dead on the inside?

The graphics on max are pretty bad, but I won't go too hard on it, I know it's an indie game.

The AI can see me way way too easy. I can hardly see them and I'm getting shot at.

The loot is really uninspiring.



This games atmosphere is pretty fantastic, enjoying it a lot from what I played.
More people should give it a shot.




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