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Six Days in Fallujah got a store page.

the developers are working with frontline marines and soldiers who fought in the Battle for Fallujah, with over 100 marines, soldiers and Iraqi civilians who were present sharing their stories, photos and recordings. The game will include original documentary interview footage.

Sounds interesting.
The same marines and studio lead working on it, plus
Highwire signed on to make the game. Highwire was created by Jaime Griesemer, who was lead designer for the original Halo and Destiny games, Marty O'Donnell, who was audio director and composer for Halo and Destiny, and Jared Noftle, who co-founded Airtight Games.
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I was never a fan of the combat in Full Spectrum Warrior. Wasn't it only tactical? You couldn't even aim yourself if I remember it correctly.
Yeah it was sorta like Valkyria Chronicles in a way. You'd have a couple of squads and give them movement commands and general commands from a third-person camera of the current selected squad. You couldn't aim directly.
It's not for everyone and the game(s) got criticized for that as well, which I can understand. But I loved them.


i remember this game but i can't recall what was particulartly too controversial about the game. maybe just was trying to be released too soon when the topic was a lot more passionate then.




Gold Member
The only thing this tells me is that if you wait long enough people will stop being offended by sensitive subjects. Honestly, veterans who served during that time dealt with some severe hardships. Interpreting that in entertainment media deserves better than a cancelled project that no one talks about anymore.
I've got mixed feelings regarding the raw and real-life authenticity of events being treated as a game, but honestly when you take a step back and look at it as a whole it's just like every other piece of entertainment media/art. people can do whatever they want with their art, storytelling, and vision. a videogame is just the medium used to convey the feelings, history, narrative, etc.

its actually pretty wild - i'm unsure if this is the "first" of its kind - a AAA documentary-game. could be pretty eye-opening on a bunch of levels
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honestly never heard of it. maybe it was a bit too raw back then but i reckon enough time has passed. i think it's important to tell the stories of war even if it's in the form of a video game


I was looking forward to this back then. Now I couldn't care less. I don't expect anything to come of this.
Fuck yes, so glad this is not cancelled forever. I hope they treat the subject material with respect.
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I was disappointed when this got cancelled always thought it had promise. I watched a bit of generation kill the other day thinking they should re visit this as it’s far enough removed from the actual events to tell the story. However looking at the rhetoric on twitter and the other site I could see this getting cancelled again there’s a lot of people in our (the video game) community that are violently apposed to critical thought and nuance.


Six days in Fallujah and I'm a-gonna make it home tonight
Well, my Humvee's a little old but that don't mean she's slow
That's a flame from my stack and that smoke's a-blowin' black as coal
My bases' a-comin' in sight
If you think I'm a-happy, you're right
Six days in Fallujah and I'm a-gonna make it home tonight
Six days in Fallujah and I'm a-gonna make it home tonight
Six days in Fallujah and I'm a-gonna make it home tonight
The same marines and studio lead working on it, plus
Not sure if it's a good thing.
From what footage is available of the original title, it was a rather pedestrian cover shooter and they couldn't stick the landing on that. This looks like it could be a free DLC for Insurgency Sandstorm.
Can't wait to not hear from this game for another 7 years.
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REEEEEEEEEEE babies and that ZhugeEX loser are already throwing shit at this game.

Fuck them, this revival is the best news of the year so far, the premise sounds really unique for a FPS.

I......don't understand why Ree are going "hur hur, another brown person killer" and "yey, another jingoistic American shooter".

Have they skipped most modern day fps games in the past decade or so?

It sounded an intresting game at the time, hopefully they manage to actually get the destruction on point like they claimed.

Will be keeping an eye on it.


The controversy over this game helped set back gaming as an art form. Its release, assuming the final game is given the proper care, would right a wrong. I empathize with the parents of slain soldiers who criticized the game, but I felt that they did not understand the potential power of a game to depict and explain military conflict if done correctly.


Rename the Game to: Six Years+ of Our Fuck Ups

Imagine bombing a country to hell for false nuclear pretenses along with imperialistic agendas creating a power vacuum and then having their poor take guns in a foreign land to get killed.
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i remember this game but i can't recall what was particulartly too controversial about the game. maybe just was trying to be released too soon when the topic was a lot more passionate then.

Yeap. That was pretty much it.

There was some passing words that the US government didnt want the game out because it really strived to show the horrors of the war, but I'm not too sure about that.

It has been more than two decades since the war started, so probably why its finally coming out.


Neo Member
The controversy over this game helped set back gaming as an art form. Its release, assuming the final game is given the proper care, would right a wrong. I empathize with the parents of slain soldiers who criticized the game, but I felt that they did not understand the potential power of a game to depict and explain military conflict if done correctly.
True we can have controversial films or books about war but for some reason not games, glad we're moving on with the times. Glad they revived this, funnily enough I was thinking about what had happened to this game the other day.

REEEEEEEEEEE babies and that ZhugeEX loser are already throwing shit at this game.

Fuck them, this revival is the best news of the year so far, the premise sounds really unique for a FPS.
Gaming Journos are already throwing a hissy fit about this game, there's a massive thread on resetera about it.


For the ones that don't know or understand the reactions in this thread, I refer you to this video;

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