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Skinny white woman traumatized by heavy black woman in her yoga class

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Doesn't even have the consideration to wait a few more freakin' days.

If she is really that concerned with what the other woman is thinking (and of course it would be about the writer, why wouldn't it?) then she should just ask next class. This just reads as sad on so many levels.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
So here you are in YOUR yoga class at YOUR studio, when in walks an interloper who is (in the scenario we're imagining) roasting in a bubbling moat of her inferiority and close to drowning in her hatred of her own body and pure jealousy of yours.
Oh man thats gooood.
Best response so far
get bernice to do an angry, sassy reading

Doesn't even have the consideration to wait a few more freakin' days.

If she is really that concerned with what the other woman is thinking (and of course it would be about the writer, why wouldn't it?) then she should just ask next class. This just reads as sad on so many levels.

Why ask when you can project?


all she had to do was turn around, start a casual convo and maybe make a new friend. instead she stews in her own superiority complex.


To be fair, if I published something incredibly stupid and self-absorbed as this, I'd want every trace of my association removed too.

It's just hilarious cause it just shows how unware she was of how her article was going to be read, which is pretty awful and sad lol.


It's probably one of the greatest concern trolls I've read in a while honestly. It hits on so many points.

Some of it is killing me.

"Trying to ignore it only made it worse. I thought about what the instructor could or should have done to help her. Would a simple “Are you okay?” whisper have helped, or would it embarrass her? ...

I got home from that class and promptly broke down crying."
Doesn't even have the consideration to wait a few more freakin' days.

If she is really that concerned with what the other woman is thinking (and of course it would be about the writer, why wouldn't it?) then she should just ask next class. This just reads as sad on so many levels.

That's the weirdest part, right? All of the other things aside, she wrote:

I’ve seen people freeze or give up in yoga classes many times, and it’s a sad thing, but as a student there’s nothing you can do about it.

Like...what? There's definitely something you could do about it. You could try to help that person. You could ask them if they're doing alright. You can smile and say it gets easier the more they show up. It's not like she noticed in the heat of exertion:

It appeared she had never set foot in a yoga studio—she was glancing around anxiously, adjusting her clothes, looking wide-eyed and nervous. Within the first few minutes of gentle warm-up stretches, I saw the fear in her eyes snowball, turning into panic and then despair.

So a casual "I haven't seen you here, let me know if you need any help!" wouldn't slide right in? The reason why she looked so awkward and alone is because she was awkward and alone. Why the hell wouldn't she just reach out to her?
She kind of did both.

She is dehumanizing that woman, seeing her as nothing more than her characteristics and appearance, assuming what that other woman must be feeling and spends most of the article describing how distraught she herself was.

Yeah true, It does come off as racist. She means well in a social justice warrior way.

I have no fucking clue why she had to include the race of the person. It was completely inconsequential to the story.

You need to spend more time on tumblr. There is a hierarchy of oppression or privilege for a lack of a better term. Depending where you are on the list your supposed to feel pity or see people below you on the list as victims because they lack your privilege.

The woman is a minority and overweight so that puts her below the thin white blogger in her mind. The blogger really believes in this hierarchy and so any weird vibes the black girl is putting out (vibes most people throw out when put in uncomfortable new situations) must because of resentment towards the blogger for being more privileged. And the guilt is eating her up.

She's just some dumb kid who thinks she is doing good.
Emily (comments):
"They usually only fit small people. at 5'9" I'm too long for a typical yoga mat, and they're not very wide either."

Really? Haha
Some of it is killing me.

"Trying to ignore it only made it worse. I thought about what the instructor could or should have done to help her. Would a simple “Are you okay?” whisper have helped, or would it embarrass her? ...

I got home from that class and promptly broke down crying."

It's why I think it's honestly a great troll. It reads like a child who just learned homeless people exist or something and doesn't know what to do with themselves.
Of course it's hard, black people are around.

I know; I can't stop thinking about their despair and how they're staring directly at me. ;_;

It's why I think it's honestly a great troll. It reads like a child who just learned homeless people exist or something and doesn't know what to do with themselves.

Yeah, exactly. Either she's making shit up, or she's a complete moron.


It's why I think it's honestly a great troll. It reads like a child who just learned homeless people exist or something and doesn't know what to do with themselves.

It's the story of the Buddha but instead of seeing people suffering for the first time, his me time was ruined.

I don't think even a sexism scandal in the games industry can get that.

Oh wait, GTA V's Gamespot review from Carolyn Petit has 22,526 comments.


I wonder what's going through her mind after reading these replies to be honest...
Like, 'I wonder how many times I have to sit through 12 Years a Slave to make up for this?'.

It's hard to consider the level of ignorance displayed as anything but intentionally racist. It's crazy, but maybe she didn't know... god forbid. Crazy article.
I wonder what's going through her mind after reading these replies to be honest...
Like, 'I wonder how many times I have to sit through 12 Years a Slave to make up for this?'.

It's hard to consider the level of ignorance displayed as anything but intentionally racist. It's crazy, but maybe she didn't know... god forbid. Crazy article.

"All these hits should get a me a nice bonus from xojane.com. Mission accomplished!"
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