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Skinny white woman traumatized by heavy black woman in her yoga class

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The article was such a sincere sounding troll that I have wonder if it would've risen above other articles had The Onion published it.

No Love


Bwahaha fuck yeah.


She sounds insane. She went home crying? I can't help but feel like I missed something that happened between the time the woman layed her mat down and she went home crying. Did the girl ever even say one word to her? I read the whole thing but...I just don't get it.

She wholly imagined this narrative that didn't occur in which she made herself the center of the universe in this other woman's yoga session and ultimately, her life. She basically took a look at her and gave her the utmost condescending pity she could muster: she's black and overweight, and everyone here is white. She should be striving to look like me but failing to look like ME.


She basically goes on thinking: I need to help her, because this black, overweight miserable wretch of a woman needs ME to save her. How can I? What can I do to make her stop making me uncomfortable? She realizes she can't, so she ignores her* since it's the only way she can continue living.

*This other woman she pities so much likely wasn't paying much attention to her. It reminds me of self-absorbed coworkers who think the boss with personal issues and ailing parents, and a million things to do, cares about some petty nonsense involving said coworkers and is holding it against them.

She proceeds to go home crying when she couldn't fulfill her fantasy of being a white saviour and her own wishes to never be uncomfortable because people not identical to her exist in her safe space. I wish I were exaggerating. But that's literally the gist of her stupid, self-centered article.

This dummy's warped mentality is why white people taking shitty, ignorance-laden trips to Africa.


Junior Member
Over the course of the next hour, I watched as her despair turned into resentment and then contempt. I felt it all directed toward me and my body.

What the fuck are you talking about lol.


Tagged as I see fit
Stupid essay for sure, editor was obviously trying to drive hits to the site and it looks like she succeeded. Bah.


There's a Gawker comment which totally nails it

2. Yoga is an individual sport, not a team effort. If you see someone (no matter what color they are) in your class having trouble, you are not doing yoga correctly. You are not focused on yourself, on your own positioning and alignment, and your gaze is in the wrong fucking direction.
This blogger is going to ruin some poor man's life. Marry him, crush his spirit with her self-importance, and then finally divorce him at 40 to run off with her yoga instructor while spending all of her alimony on botox and plastic surgery because she no longer looks 22.



I think it's only Reverse Reverse Racism. Three "Reverese"s would mean that two of them are cancelling out and it just becomes normal Reverse Racism, which would make the black woman the bad guy.

...for the tone of the article? Yes.

But then that just makes the author racist.

And we're back where we started.


I just came in here to post this without reading more than the bolder in the OP:
Who the fuck cares about that egocentrical person? Probably no one if she feels the need to post tell anyone that to get attention.


Yeah, some things are just not worth writing. Especially when it's mostly just your imagination or your perception of others that may not even be true in the first place.
I'm so white and beautiful, please everyone, just stop hating me.
its crazy how much you can understand a persons thought process by the way they view and judge others. This chick is projecting all kinds of stuff shit on the rest of humanity, or specifically this other lady. "Wow, she must feel horrible about her body, I bet she resents me for being white and skinny"


To be fair, if I published something incredibly stupid and self-absorbed as this, I'd want every trace of my association removed too.

To quote the original article:
If I were her, I thought, I would want as little attention to be drawn to my despair as possible—I would not want anyone to look at me or notice me.
First off, this is a hugely problematic statement for a variety of reasons...but I think it currently applies to the original author, in this case.
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