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Smash Bros Brawl Dojo Official Update Thread: Goodbye, Cherry-don

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Leondexter said:
Interesting question, don't know if it's been brought up: will secret characters/stages/items(?) be freely available online? In other words, if I've unlocked, say, Ganondorf, can I play against people who haven't?

No one knows


Not Wario
Leaderboards and stats are the new online mode, I see.

Before confirmation: "Eh, we don't really need them. In fact, there's several drawbacks."

Jackson said:
How long does it take to get on VC? How long does it take to get on XBL? or PSN?

I tried to d/l SMW over the weekend... it took multiple tries just to get on... just to sign it took like 5 minutes... then browsing... took forever for things to load... and I had to re d/l 3 times cause mid transfer it decided to hang and d/c me...

xbl? never happened... ever... not one time did a game i was d/ling giving me an error and d/c me... and omg it takes.... 2 seconds to connect online!! sony PSN? takes about 5 seconds to get online!! amazing I know...

how about playing strikers online? 2 people... and still 1 out of every 3 games I get game ending lag...

gears of war? halo 3 beta? calling all cars? warhawk? no lag.... these are 4, 8, 16 players and 32 player games!

I love nintendo and all but... they need MAJOR help with their online :(

I'm sure that Sakurai is going to work on it before launch for Brawl. This is a huge work of his!

Also, on another note, please PLEASE never say that again! Not because it bothers me, but it gets everybody rilled up about somebody elses opinion. It is like the topic of death. :lol

Soooooooo...... Update Predictions?

I say something simple like a moveset, although those are nice!


Leondexter said:
Interesting question, don't know if it's been brought up: will secret characters/stages/items(?) be freely available online? In other words, if I've unlocked, say, Ganondorf, can I play against people who haven't?

The way it works in Strikers Charged is there are 3 characters you can unlock in the game and when you play online the 3 of them are available for you to choose whether you've unlocked them in the offline mode or not. Maybe it will work similar?
Tim-E said:
The way it works in Strikers Charged is there are 3 characters you can unlock in the game and when you play online the 3 of them are available for you to choose whether you've unlocked them in the offline mode or not. Maybe it will work similar?

I hope not, I just don't think it would be fair to be able to inlock characters easy; you just beat them up online. I think everybody should unlock them themselves...


Anyone else refresh, and thought it said "Wii Play" for a second before their mind asploded at what it really was?

My case was worse. When I woke up I readed the title as "Smash Bros Brawl Dojo official update Thread - now with WiiFit"


SantaC said:
I am pretty sure that it will be a lame update tomorrow after today's megaton.


Confuse enemies with this mystery half-eaten fruit.

*pic of diddy beside apple core*
What does it do?

For some characters it restores health...

*pic of kirby eating apple core*

And for others...well let's just leave that up to you.

*pic of Samus, Ike, and Wario flying off the map from a hit from a bright light*
"What....what happened? Such power from a piece of half eaten fruit!"


Not Wario
Threi said:


Confuse enemies with this mystery half-eaten fruit.

*pic of diddy beside apple core*
What does it do?

For some characters it restores health...

*pic of kirby eating apple core*

And for others...well let's just leave that up to you.

*pic of Samus, Ike, and Wario flying off the map from a hit from a bright light*
"What....what happened? Such power from a piece of half eaten fruit!"


That was perfect; inflection, tone, construction- just perfect.


Threi said:


Confuse enemies with this mystery half-eaten fruit.

*pic of diddy beside apple core*
What does it do?

For some characters it restores health...

*pic of kirby eating apple core*

And for others...well let's just leave that up to you.

*pic of Samus, Ike, and Wario flying off the map from a hit from a bright light*
"What....what happened? Such power from a piece of half eaten fruit!"

Anyone else who thinks this would be awesome?


Threi said:


Confuse enemies with this mystery half-eaten fruit.

*pic of diddy beside apple core*
What does it do?

For some characters it restores health...

*pic of kirby eating apple core*

And for others...well let's just leave that up to you.

*pic of Samus, Ike, and Wario flying off the map from a hit from a bright light*
"What....what happened? Such power from a piece of half eaten fruit!"

Sakurai posts on GAF: CONFIRMED


Gold Member
omg at IGN boards at the lack of voice chat.

Xer0 posted:

Nail in the coffin... I'll be getting a 360 now...

It really is sad that they couldn't think ahead in terms of their online aspect for the Wii. They were looking so good until they effed up their support for true online multiplayer.

Actually Nintendo,, don't feel too bad, I got a great deal on an HD monitor and that kinda helped me decide to get a 360 too. But not having proper online support sure didn't help!

I am not sure if it is sarcasm, but if it isnt, wow :lol :lol
Threi said:


Confuse enemies with this mystery half-eaten fruit.

*pic of diddy beside apple core*
What does it do?

For some characters it restores health...

*pic of kirby eating apple core*

And for others...well let's just leave that up to you.

*pic of Samus, Ike, and Wario flying off the map from a hit from a bright light*
"What....what happened? Such power from a piece of half eaten fruit!"

Hahah, awesome. Just missing Sakurai talking to the characters: "No, don't eat that! It's not good for you!"


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Wow, IT'S OVER 200! I knew once I saw that there was a megaton, I noticed the title change after. :lol

angelfly said:
Oh shit can't wait! Wii GOTY #2 (#1 is Galaxy)


traveler said:
Leaderboards and stats are the new online mode, I see.

Before confirmation: "Eh, we don't really need them. In fact, there's several drawbacks."

I absolutely agree.

Before confirmation: "I can't believe Brawl isn't going to be online, in this day and age. Where is your faith in Nintendo now?"

After confirmation: "Eh, I expected it from the start. Hey, can you believe Brawl isn't going to have proper leaderboards, in this day and age? Where is your faith in Nintendo now?"
I never cared too much about online. Now that I think about I probably won't play the game too much, save for a few occassions with my guy friends. But I can tell you right now my female friends won't give two shits about this game and certainly won't put up with me playing it. So the online component wasn't a big deal for me personally.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Suburban Cowboy said:
Worse yet, theres no guarantee the random play can be set up for 1v1 w/o weapons. We could all reach a certain skill level and want a real challenge, but every time we join a game we are playing against 3 eight year olds who just want to throw pokeballs and run away

See, I'd assume that anyone of "a certain skill level" who desires "real challenge" would have no issue with clobbering "eight year olds who ... throw pokeballs and run away".


will learn eventually
Threi said:


Confuse enemies with this mystery half-eaten fruit.

*pic of diddy beside apple core*
What does it do?

For some characters it restores health...

*pic of kirby eating apple core*

And for others...well let's just leave that up to you.

*pic of Samus, Ike, and Wario flying off the map from a hit from a bright light*
"What....what happened? Such power from a piece of half eaten fruit!"


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Really excited about Online. I will spend most of my time playing with REAL people live, but even playing against anonymous people is better than playing against the CPU, specially since the computer usually always plays with the same strategy.

And yeah, I hate playing against people that I dont know, so playing wth friends only is cool with me regardless.

Also, to comment on this escalation of bitching. First we bitch about the game not being online, then we bitch at other new modes cause it "means that they're ditching online in favor of these new modes", now Online is in and we bitch about not having voice chat (since the lack of rankings with non-friends is a good argument), but when and if Voice Chat is confirmed then well bitch that it either comes as a "pack in" and increases the price (since not everyone wants a microphone) or we bitch that its sold separately and its overpriced ("why cant I use my USB headset? Lame!!")

REALLY looking forward to a GAF tournament though, no reason why that wont be able to happen, either :) You guys are probably the main reason for me to be excited about Online at all!


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
Sharp said:
I absolutely agree.

Before confirmation: "I can't believe Brawl isn't going to be online, in this day and age. Where is your faith in Nintendo now?"

After confirmation: "Eh, I expected it from the start. Hey, can you believe Brawl isn't going to have proper leaderboards, in this day and age? Where is your faith in Nintendo now?"

To be fair, I called this a while back.
I really don't think they can top that annoucement. Online play is what most people here were waiting for.

Unless they throw a nuke and decide to put in a Reggie cameo or somethng lol.


You like me, you really really like me!
While it's great that the game is online, let's face it, this is about as bare bones as an online mode can get.

At least you could see your opponents names and logos in Mario Kart DS...
Wyndstryker said:
I really don't think they can top that annoucement. Online play is what most people here were waiting for.

Unless they throw a nuke and decide to put in a Reggie cameo or somethng lol.

Topping it wouldn't be that far-fetched - the confirmation of a heavily-rumoured third-party character like Sonic would be major, as would the appearance of most other third-party characters. In fact, pretty much any major announcement coming out of left-field would top this, if only because online had been promised early on and was always likely to be in in some form.

Anyway, fantastic to have the confirmation & I can't wait to see how the hell a four-player online fighter runs!


provides useful feedback
Cerrius said:
While it's great that the game is online, let's face it, this is about as bare bones as an online mode can get.

At least you could see your opponents names and logos in Mario Kart DS...

Do you really, honestly care that you get to see every single random nubbins online and their avatar, name and oh-so hilarious "i can has cheezburger" taunts during random worldwide play? Quite honestly I value the stuff said by my friends far more than whatever small-time worldwide challenger is going to be feeling the business end of my Bowser's spiny shell. In fact I'd consider it practice mode for REAL online play against people I have been wanting to challenge at with this game from around the world since Melee.

Also, I predict a stage tomorrow. Mario Kart one.
SovanJedi said:
Also, I predict a stage tomorrow. Mario Kart one.

IIRC, that's the last of the trailer stages to be properly unveiled and profiled (you could make an argument for Shadow Moses, but I don't think we've seen enough to confirm that that is a stage in any trailer yet...)

I'm holding out for confirmation that the Mach Rider tune will return, though - been listening to it all day & I really want to see it back in Brawl. In fact, there are dozens of 8-bit themes I'd love to see re-arranged for the game, and I hope we'll see a decent selection amongst the awesome music lined up so far.


provides useful feedback
Jackson said:
How long does it take to get on VC? How long does it take to get on XBL? or PSN?

I tried to d/l SMW over the weekend... it took multiple tries just to get on... just to sign it took like 5 minutes... then browsing... took forever for things to load... and I had to re d/l 3 times cause mid transfer it decided to hang and d/c me...

xbl? never happened... ever... not one time did a game i was d/ling giving me an error and d/c me... and omg it takes.... 2 seconds to connect online!! sony PSN? takes about 5 seconds to get online!! amazing I know...

how about playing strikers online? 2 people... and still 1 out of every 3 games I get game ending lag...

gears of war? halo 3 beta? calling all cars? warhawk? no lag.... these are 4, 8, 16 players and 32 player games!

I love nintendo and all but... they need MAJOR help with their online :(

I was going to get angry at you and all, but then remembered that you worked on Drawn to Life so you get immediate happy points. <3

I agree with the others, you might have a connection problem. Lately I've been able to download VC titles at insane speeds, Mario Picross was done in something like 10 seconds (literally Mario ran past once, second time hitting the first two blocks and not even getting the time to hit the third block before the screen faded out and told me it was complete.)

In any case you'll definitely need to look into it if you want to play this sucker online. Pronto.

Cosmonaut X said:
IIRC, that's the last of the trailer stages to be properly unveiled and profiled (you could make an argument for Shadow Moses, but I don't think we've seen enough to confirm that that is a stage in any trailer yet...)

I don't think we're going to see Shadow Moses (That's the Metal Gear level isn't it?) until after the game is released, since Snake is a secret character it stands to reason that everything related to him is going to be a secret unlockable too.

I'm also really, really, really hoping that Bowser gets his own stage this time. Something with big vats of lava being hauled around on cranes and if you hit them you can send hot lava flowing all over people. And the Koopa Clown Car. And Magikoopas. And the Koopa Kids cheering on in the background.


BrandNew said:

How does this have anything to do with...with online?

the wiimote+nunchuck allows you to more quickly implement the unbelievably retarded friend codes

superior controls indeed


Amir0x said:
the wiimote+nunchuck allows you to more quickly implement the unbelievably retarded friend codes

superior controls indeed

I will be consistently owning you all with the Wiimote+nunchuck combo of death
Tim-E said:
It takes me probably less than 20 seconds to log onto the shop channel and a minute tops to download a game (some NES games take seconds). Also, I get little to no lag whenever I play Strikers online. And the lag I do experience doesn't bother me much if I'm playing someone with a 4 star signal strength. So it isn't Nintendo's fault, it's probably just something on your end.

I play strikers all the time with absolute no lag. If people are getting lag is probably because either of them is using p2p software.

Also the idea of unranked random plays is GENIUS.... i just hope that the system can match me against people of my skill.
Wyndstryker said:
I really don't think they can top that annoucement. Online play is what most people here were waiting for.

Unless they throw a nuke and decide to put in a Reggie cameo or somethng lol.
I'm happy wifi is in. Especially for all those who really wanted it. But in truth, the majority of my multiplayer Brawl gaming will be with family/friends who will be playing over at my house.

Just like with my DS wifi enabled games (Mario Kart, Tetris, PPL, CG etc.), the majority of multiplayer gaming with these games is done with all of us together in the same room.

So even though wifi mode is a big megaton for SSBB, having Ridley or Little Mac being revealed as playable characters would be a much bigger megaton for me. :D


The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
I haven't been paying attention to this game at all. Just read the moves each character has and it sounds like a lot of fun, more over-the-top than SSBM, and with some interesting tactical match ups. Bowser sounds great...but Mario + Fludd is a retarded idea.
OK this is the last time I`m gonna post this so pay attention!

There will almost certainatly be an option for ranked matches where stats are tracked and names are seen. Every single Nintendo published game with WiFi multiplayer has had an option for ranked matches! SSBB will be no different and it`s existance is all but confirmed already since Sakurai has already mentioned that more online modes are gonna be revealed later (WFC play now has its own section on the site BTW)

Names will also need to be shown in order to identify who has what stats and Mii support is highly likely as Mario Strikers had it even in random matches!

BTW Mario Strikers rocks online! Anyone who owns a Wii and even remotely likes fun needs to get it ASAP! It`s my favourite online game :D (And I have a PS3 and a 360 with XBLGold BTW!)
Nuclear Muffin said:
OK this is the last time I`m gonna post this so pay attention!

There will almost certainatly be an option for ranked matches where stats are tracked and names are seen. Every single Nintendo published game with WiFi multiplayer has had an option for ranked matches! SSBB will be no different and it`s existance is all but confirmed already since Sakurai has already mentioned that more online modes are gonna be revealed later (WFC play now has its own section on the site BTW)

Names will also need to be shown in order to identify who has what stats and Mii support is highly likely as Mario Strikers had it even in random matches!

He said more wifi services.... that can include other things besides matches, something like WC24.

I think Nintendo will keep records in other to match you against similar skilled individuals, but they will never make them public.


yes some kind of ranked system betwen strangers would come handy playing totally at random will result in unbalanced matches and no fun at all.


Get Inside Her!
Amir0x said:
Have fun spazzing out like the autistic kid during band class

There's no indication whatsoever that the Remote/Chuck combo will use motion sensing in any way. It DOES, however, allow you to freely hold your hands at distance, for ultimate comfort. Superior control scheme confirmed.
Suburban Cowboy said:
and how does that make sense?

It makes sense because it would match you against opponents of your skill.

It also makes sense because eliminates all public records so there is no need to disconnect. People would just play for the fun of playing a single game.
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