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So I decided to rent Imagine: Babyz Fashion…

Doubting Thomas' be damned, this project must move ahead.

In fact, Doubting Thomas shall be the military codename for one of the WMDs John Dudebro must dispose of. Underwater. Because it's an underwater WMD.

Whoa, brah.

John Dudebro don't snorkel.
The_Technomancer said:
.....yeah, that just sounds like Scooby Doo. There is such a thing as too much..

The idea is good, but rather than making everything "bro-whatever", we really need to mix it up a bit. What are some other common frat-boy exclamations?

Chillax bro, have a natty and...



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
TheExodu5 said:
The bro jokes are really overdone. No need to turn every single word into bro.


Bro bro brokes bro brolly broverdone. Bro broed bro brorn brovery brongle brord bronto bro.

Don't worry. The actual script is not that laden with bro jokes.
Okay guys, i tried to combine all of the ideas in the thread together.. Bear in mind i didn't get everything, so if something needs to be added let me know. Also i apologise for not adding in everyone's name and who goes with what idea.

Dude Bro: The Collector's Edition - "More Bro and less Bitch"
John Dudebro
Chadmesiter “Chicken” Dawglas
Piston Sledge (the old grizzled mentor of John Dudebro.)

Dr. Beefsweat Barrelchest
Reverend B. Brahnson
The Bro-Ken Angel
Vicious Brontosaurus
Bromeo Montadude
Brolling Stan

Police, ugly girls, transgenders, nerds, metalheads, terrorists, grannies, the dude from Limbo of the Lost... everyone!


The Bronus is Ours
Start the campaign in Bro-Operative mode

Do not allow any hoes to remove Dudebro's boots during the Brorgy

Total Bronihilation
Beat the game on Brolocaust mode
Bronan the Destroyer- beat the game without getting damaged

Best of Bro-th Worlds- kill 1000 enemies with the knife gun
Bromance of the Three Kings - Perform a triple fist bump with two of your bros

Bro-thel - take your bros down to the brothel for a night of fun

Bros Before Hoes
Complete a level in Bromance mode without rescuing any girls.

Challenge and beat all TruDudes in an Arm Wrestling match.

Imagine: babiez
Had sex with all the hoes in the game. Brodude doesn't need protection.

Vehicle stage: polar bear / jetski / brosaurus rex
Chinese Resturant level
Golf Course Anti Stealth level

Health Packs
Imagine: Babiez fashion

A slingshot that fires tigers
Base weapon
Shotgun (brotgun?)
Awesome gun that shoots swords
Portable LHC that shoots Broson rays
Beard (either holds extra gun/knife or is a weapon in itself)
A fist pound with MOTHER PLANET EARTH ITSELF. (Makes the birds fly away, the earth quake, the enemy die and the Browesomeness prevail.)
Crossbro that shoots electrified bees

Rather than deciding on any one style of game in particular, what if DUDEBRO was like a retrospective trip through gaming history?
Act I: could be like an old 8-bit side scrolling shooter, complete with 8-bit graphics, music and what not

Act II: Figure something out?

Act III: could be like a modern day FPS (or 3rd person shooter) using the full 3D model, full voice acting and soundtrack

This would allow development to be split up amongst several smaller teams rather than just one huge one. We would have to make sure that the storyline and general style of the game is consistent through all the 'acts'. But other than that I think it would be pretty unique and stand more of a chance of being completed.
I liked this idea. Would probably be easier to handle. We could have the text based level (looking at you, thetrin), then the side scrolling level, 3rd person shooter, then 1st person shooter.
When his life bar gets empty, Dudebro doesn't die. He gets angry at you and leaves.
"You fucked my shit up Bro.... I'm out this bitch.." (dudebro exits stage left)
When dudebro levels up his beard gets bigger. His beard is also his inventory so maybe inventory gets larger?

In the way of computer/programming skills i got zilch, but if there's anyway i can help i'm happy to. I can be the secretary type, everyone needs one of those right?
I can't contribute any money, because right now i am simultaneously trying to save to go to Japan and trying to find a job. But that also means I’ve got a lot of time on my hands.


thetrin said:
Don't worry. The actual script is not that laden with bro jokes.

I'm glad it's in your hands. The stuff you wrote earlier is gold.

Best part was (referring to the Middle East): "Which parts?" "All of it."

If you keep that tone: gold, Jerry, gold!


Batteries the CRISIS!
Crunched said:
Dude, bro, fuck, motherfuck, motherfucker, motherfucking, fucking A, fuck yeah, hell yeah, hell no, brah, broseph, brewskies, booze, boozing, bong, toke, smoke, tail, pussy, tits, hoes, chill, pong, fag, gay... I think that's the extent of their vocabulary, really.

bitches, sheeeeeit, awesome, Natty, let's, bounce, weed, ganja, party

there's a few more


Since the discussion seems to be turning (slightly) towards actual planning of an actual game, here is my opinion, for whatever it's worth:

First of all, cut down on the bad 'bro' puns. Dudebro itself is a pretty funny concept, as is Straight Up Dawg Time, but don't play it out like, god forbid, Chuck Norris jokes. It should be Dudebro manly-ing it up in a world populated by an overly dramatic setting...like Duke Nukem, but with the 'badass' meter turned up to 'stupid.' In terms of parody, the meter should be set at 'ridiculous,' not 'VG Cats.'

Second of all, we should stick to a somewhat-easy-to-make type of game. Possibly a game that alternates between text adventure and sidescrolling 2d shooter. Text adventure is super easy, and could play out the game in the moments between shooting when Dudebro either games on ladies, tries to shotgun as many beers as he can, or briefs the president or whatever the fuck. Then it would be balls to the wall 8-or-16-bit shooting action. This seems actually plausible to me because there seems to be a somewhat-active GAF pixelart community who could be mobilized to help.

Anyways, that's just my opinion. Disregard it if you'd like. Probably doesn't count for much. I don't know how much I could contribute - I've got no experience in pixel art, though I am fairly well versed in Photoshop, so I guess I could try. I can write, or voice act, or organize, I suppose.


EDIT: Also, I really like the idea of Dudebro not dying, but instead calling the player 'bitchtits' or whatever and walking off screen :lol


Ultim8poo messaged me on live and wanted me to pass this along to anyone interested:

"let them know that I have been following the thread and if they are serious about making the Dudebro game, I have a working engine ready to go with Enemy AI and 7 Different Weapons using Gamemaker."
If you guys seriously make this game, it will be like the most brahsome thing ever.

Also, it will make George Broussard look quite bad for wasting almost 20 years and never actually finishing Duke Nukem Forever. :lol


If you're actually going to go ahead with this, my suggestion is to make it a topdown scrolling shooter. Something along the lines of Shock Troopers for the Neo-Geo would be perfect, I think. Dual-stick controls, maybe a couple of forced-scroll vehicle stages thrown in there for variety. Tell the story through still pictures with captions/voiceovers between levels, oldschool arcade style. That's reasonably ambitious for a small team without being impossible.


Jocchan said:
What the hell does this thread have to do with VGcats?
Because of the comic posted in like page 5 (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=18790721&postcount=216), the full comic posted a couple of pages ago, and the 18+ pages of bro words, some of which are pretty much identical to the ones GAF mocked in the original comic thread. :p Someone else already summarized up 14 pages of bro lines, so yeah. And no one said VGCats "invented" bro jokes (one of the reasons GAF hated that comic was that the jokes weren't original), but a lot of the stuff said here is either the same terms, or on the same level. As someone else said, if you do it all the time, it runs into the ground. If you want to be funny, vary it up a bit!

It's like lolcats. Cats are cute and funny, but when you start turning every single word into a misspelling for a paragraph at a time, it just turns stupid in my humble, yet authoritative and strangely compelling, opinion. :D


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
Grady Durden said:
I believe it's time for a thread name change, amirite?

Official Hijacked Thread of Dudebro: GAF Makes a Straight Up Brahsome Game
Fuck no, I plan on playing more Imagine: Babyz Fashion when I have time, probably tomorrow afternoon.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.

So I was thinking of how Dudebro would melee somebody and it hit me, he'd use his Bro Sword of BroAwesomeness.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Crunched said:
Dude, bro, fuck, motherfuck, motherfucker, motherfucking, fucking A, fuck yeah, hell yeah, hell no, brah, broseph, brewskies, booze, boozing, bong, toke, smoke, tail, pussy, tits, hoes, chill, pong, fag, gay... I think that's the extent of their vocabulary, really.
I think you may have just posted the script to Army of Two.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Brashnir said:
Doesn't his gun already have a Master Sword bayonet?

Yes, kind of like the Lancer from GeoW, but with a sword instead of a chainsaw.

The beard is where Dudebro keeps his inventory.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Brashnir said:
Doesn't his gun already have a Master Sword bayonet?
Well, if you say it that way...

Danthrax said:
Yes, kind of like the Lancer from GeoW, but with a sword instead of a chainsaw.

The beard is where Dudebro keeps his inventory.

I suppose he keeps his weaponry and such stocked in his Bro-Swiss Knife of Inventory-tude.


To everyone saying we should stop with the bro jokes, fuck you.

It's true that GAF hated that VGcats comic (which is pretty bad btw), but this isn't trying to copy that at all, it's just mocking the OP's hilarious made up title of a game that got into something a bit more serious with concept art, 3D models and whatnot, but that's it.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
I was gonna start bitching about .. something or other, but I dont have any right to. You guys are having fun so GO FOR IT.


Colocho said:
To everyone saying we should stop with the bro jokes, fuck you.

It's true that GAF hated that VGcats comic (which is pretty bad btw), but this isn't trying to copy that at all, it's just mocking the OP's hilarious made up title of a game that got into something a bit more serious with concept art, 3D models and whatnot, but that's it.

I don't think anyone suggested that we stop, only that some variety be added, to avoid running the one joke into the ground.

That said, there should be plenty of room for adding some variety with the characters already listed. Using Chicken as the voice of GAF, so to speak, offers potential for some good back and forth (along with a possible set-up for a scenario where their rage is united against soccer mom gamers and "baby games") and some of the sillier characters which while still "Bro" puns, like Bromeo, can bring in different character dynamics.


Jangaroo said:
Well, if you say it that way...


I suppose he keeps his weaponry and such stocked in his Bro-Swiss Knife of Inventory-tude.

:lol at the electric razor in there.

What does he use that for? Shaving his pecs?
Danthrax said:
He shaves his enemies' beards and adds their power to his own.
Wouldnt it be better if the beard actually sucks out the enemies power when it puts them in a choke hold?

It could hold them up like a human shield while it drains them and Dudebro continues the fight.


Gamer @ Heart said:
Wouldnt it be better if the beard actually sucks out the enemies power when it puts them in a choke hold?

It could hold them up like a human shield while it drains them and Dudebro continues the fight.
Of course, after being drained, the victim is left an empty, hairless pile of non-broery.


thetrin said:
I still maintain that if a Dudebro game is going to get off the ground, it needs to be a single screen top down shooter where you have to eliminate soldiers and pick up hoes before the boss arrives when the timer runs out.

Either that, or a boss rush game (yes, I know, I failed to make a boss rush game with Last Alert, but everyone deserves a second chance! :D)

I think that sounds like a lot of fun. From this description, I imagine something like Killzone Liberation for the PSP, except a lot more fast paced.


The Everyman
thetrin said:
I'm in it for the long haul. I've had a void in my writing life ever since I stopped my blog, and I'm on a fiction kick, lately. This is fucking badass.

Btw, Danthrax, if you are @TheRealDudeBro, I really appreciate finding and following me on twitter. :lol

I still maintain that if a Dudebro game is going to get off the ground, it needs to be a single screen top down shooter where you have to eliminate soldiers and pick up hoes before the boss arrives when the timer runs out.

Either that, or a boss rush game (yes, I know, I failed to make a boss rush game with Last Alert, but everyone deserves a second chance! :D)

Btw, anyone mind if I make the official thread?

single screen sounds good effort wise. if it's top down though then the dudebro sprite needs to be done in a clever way to show off the character while being top down. afterall dudebro is the star of the show


-COOLIO- said:
single screen sounds good effort wise. if it's top down though then the dudebro sprite needs to be done in a clever way to show off the character while being top down. afterall dudebro is the star of the show

Maybe a single-screen (or minimal scrolling) shooting platformer (Contra-style, but maybe with twin-stick gun control) from a side view. Enemies could rush in from enemy-spawning doors on the level. You'd have to destroy all the doors/spawn points to complete the level, rescuing as many girls as possible along the way.

Using this method, you could also use wrap-around levels like Flicky.


The Everyman
Gamer @ Heart said:
This is going to be a flash game correct? AT least that way it has a chance of becoming real before interest fades.

God i hope this comes true.
are you good with flash?


Batteries the CRISIS!
MarkMclovin said:
28 pages?! WOW!

Nope, only 14 pages so far =P

Brashnir said:
Maybe a single-screen (or minimal scrolling) shooting platformer (Contra-style, but maybe with twin-stick gun control) from a side view. Enemies could rush in from enemy-spawning doors on the level. You'd have to destroy all the doors/spawn points to complete the level, rescuing as many girls as possible along the way.

Using this method, you could also use wrap-around levels like Flicky.

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of twin-stick control for this game, whether it's from a top-down view or a side view.


The Everyman
Brashnir said:
Maybe a single-screen (or minimal scrolling) shooting platformer (Contra-style, but maybe with twin-stick gun control) from a side view. Enemies could rush in from enemy-spawning doors on the level. You'd have to destroy all the doors/spawn points to complete the level, rescuing as many girls as possible along the way.

Using this method, you could also use wrap-around levels like Flicky.

here are the pros and cons of each in my opinion

2d/2.5d side scrolling shooter:


-better way to show of the humor, which i think would be really important for a game like this
-dudebro could be more maneuverable


-more work art wise

top down


-less work art/animation wise
-has more potential for a total chaos feel to it
-could have branching paths or map/grid system
-would probably be easier to make in general


-doesn't show off as much humor

originally I thought side scroller would be the way to go, but now im kinda feeling top down. what do you guys think?
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