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So, is Lost worth it?

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he's Virgin Tight™
Browsing around Netflix I saw Lost. Its 120 episodes long and since I am bored I started watching it. Barely 10 minutes into the very first episode. I like to commit myself to series and I don't want to waste time in a shitty series; I've heard a lot about it but have no idea if its good, bad, until what season should I watch, etc. Enlighten me GAF

PS: Arrested Development is fantastic. :p


If you start you can never go back. You need to finish it. Gets a bit wacky near the end, but I liked it.


Only one way to find out.

Personally, it is my favorite TV experience ever. Part of that is because of the community that it built, it was unlike anything I've ever seen.
It's worth it, especially if you're marathoning through it.

Although, I think part of the reason I loved Lost so much was cause I watched it as it aired and was fully immersed in the mystery and hype.
marathon it and any sort of disappointment you would have felt for possibly wasting 5 years of your life will be minimized.

not that I felt any disappointment


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
best show ever

if u start, u wont be able to stop
Personally I regret watching it. The first episode hooked me, but it just got worse and worse over time. It felt like the writers had no real plan from the beginning, and just threw more and more random crazy shit in order to fill up the seasons.


Nope. For me, the payoff wasn't worth the 5.5 years it took following the series from beginning to end. I do admit the mythology the show builds can be addicting, though.


it went downhill quite quickly, but the the start is some of the best tv i've ever watched

you should go ahead and watch it


Unconfirmed Member

There's no pay-off because the people making the show had no idea what they were doing after S2. In the end you'll just feel like you wasted your time.


It's like being taken on an awesome theme park ride that dumps a barrel of urine on you at the end. Sure, the ride was mostly fun, but was it worth a urine bath?


Bit of advice: Decide quickly and then don't read any more. Don't spoil yourself by adjusting expectations etc. etc. Just go for it.
If you watch all the way through, then yes. I enjoyed watching it and was glad to be a part of the fandom, but I would never watch it again.

Just don't expect everything to be answered. They throw a lot of ideas at you and a good chunk of them don't get nearly the attention they deserve. (Some, none at all.) Same goes for the characters.
I'd say yes.

I was about 1/3 the way through season 3 and decided to finish the series over my Christmas vacation (13 days, included some marathon watching sessions). If you start and get deep you have to finish though, yeah.


Marathoning LOST is the absolute best way to watch it. The waiting for reveals/hype is what killed most people's love for it.


Personally I regret watching it. The first episode hooked me, but it just got worse and worse over time. It felt like the writers had no real plan from the beginning, and just threw more and more random crazy shit in order to fill up the seasons.

If you want to know what the hype was about, watch the first season and then stop, it goes WAY downhill from there.


Definitely not. Show was meant to be 1 season and it shows throughout. Don't waste your time on this crap show.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
If you like the characters and the general intrigue of the island, then stick with it.

If all you care about is the mystery and explanations of those mysteries, ditch it now.


Maybe. I found the last season to be abysmal and it ruined most positive memories I had of the first 5 seasons (which were quite good). However, as others have said, a lot of the disappointment (for me anyway) came from the feeling of having wasted six years' worth of time spent watching the show. If you marathon it, that's obviously a non-issue.


Not really, I kind of love and hate the show. It is a brilliant concept and I was one of the first people to start watching but the writers weren't taltented enough to really do anything substantive with it. I would say watch the first season, skim around the next ones/read some plot summaries, and then watch the last season with an emphasis on the final episodes. Really the final scene of the final episode is very moving but they didn't resolve the mystery in a great way, just some bullshit that even I could have made up.
I don't want to say too much, but if you watch Lost for the characters rather than the mystery of the island, you'll most likely be satisfied. So see if you like the characters.

If you like the characters and the general intrigue of the island, then stick with it.

If all you care about is the mystery and explanations of those mysteries, ditch it now.
Exactly. If you're watching for the sci-fi/mystery then bail out.
very much worth it. its the only show after The X-Files where I actually cared about the main characters. The characters make the show, not the story. They are such well crafted characters that I forgot the storyline of the episodes and just followed their arch


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
eh, I wasn't wow'd, but there are worst ways to spend some time...

If you have absolutely nothing else to watch, give it a shot.
Marathoning LOST is the absolute best way to watch it. The waiting for reveals/hype is what killed most people's love for it.

Nah. That's how i watched it. Lost interest by the middle of the series. If it weren't for my GF, I would not have put up with the rest.


Sidhe / PikPok
Browsing around Netflix I saw Lost. Its 120 episodes long and since I am bored I started watching it. Barely 10 minutes into the very first episode. I like to commit myself to series and I don't want to waste time in a shitty series; I've heard a lot about it but have no idea if its good, bad, until what season should I watch, etc. Enlighten me GAF

PS: Arrested Development is fantastic. :p

The mistake I felt they made with it was extending the series from the originally intended 4 seasons to 6, which in my opinion resulted in much dithering and filler. By the time the finale came around, it felt tired to me and ultimately I didn't enjoy how they wrapped it up.

Personally, I'd recommend Battelstar Galactica over Lost if you haven't seen it and are bored (even though that had a less than satisfying finale too). But Lost will probably be entertaining enough given the season to season wait and filler won't be an issue for you.


Hmm is it really that good ? I only saw the first few episode's Until I saw the polar bear on the island then I said fuck it.


Yes. I think it takes about 5-10 episodes before you will be hooked, because that's when the show starts to hit it's "stride" of sorts and will unveil how episodes flow. Characters progress, mysteries begin to be shown, and you'll start to have questions.

The journey is well worth the ride, even if the ending(for some) isn't super satisfying.


benevolent sexism
I felt like the show was really compelling in terms of its style and what was going on moment to moment (not in every episode, unfortunately, but enough of the time) but in terms of the entire arc it was disappointing.

I think you should give it a shot since you don't have to wait a week to find out what crazy bullshit they pull next. And if you don't have to wait, it doesn't have to live up to expectations as much. So I say do it.

Nah. That's how i watched it. Lost interest by the middle of the series. If it weren't for my GF, I would not have put up with the rest.

Don't you think you would have lost interest even faster if you had to wait a week for each episode? At least this way you wasted much less of your life thinking about it and anticipating it.


As Time has passed for me.. No.

Especially after seeing all the seasons and realizing most of the episodes dealing with characters backstory were redundant, lazy, killed time and in the end was not entirely relevant to the show.

jacob and the man in black history should have been sprinkled a lot more during the early seasons because the whole Dharma stuff was stringed along too long. If you have a main story of basically two demi gods going at each other it should have been pushed a lot more
coming from someone that was a crazy rabid fan of lost, erm no.

the first 3 seasons are excellent but then they change the whole formula and it gets shockingly bad.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
One of the best television experiences in recent memory. Many shows have adapted to try and emulate Lost's style, and many have failed. Great show all around. The characters are what keep it going.


jacob and the man in black history should have been sprinkled a lot more during the early seasons because the whole Dharma stuff was stringed along too long. If you have a main story of basically two demi gods going at each other it should have been pushed a lot more

Pretty sure the writers didn't actually know where they were going with that at that point. That's what makes it so disappointing.


By watching it all the way through like this, you'll have the luxury of not having to wait. With a show such as this, that wait is dangerous. It gives you time to formulate theories and go on message boards to discuss these theories for hours on end. By watching it back to back, you'll be able to just watch the show and appreciate it for what it is.

I did this with BSG and ended up loving the show in general. Except that one detective episode covering the black market. The fuck was that?

I do feel its "worth it" watching it as you plan to but the last season retroactively ruined the series for me. After all the theories and hypothesizing, that ending felt like a giant slap in the face. But I'm willing to bet you'll love it. I'm curious to see if I'm right.

So watch it. You're my great experiment.
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