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So is the age of Hong Kong action stars almost over?


Seems like all the one's we know, like Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and Donnie Yen are getting older. Their bodies can't handle as much these days. I haven't seen any actors try to fill their places.
This has to do with the passing of Hong Kong prime cinema. No counting Hollywood, a small/mid sized country's movie industry golden era usually last 1 to 2 decades.


I'd say it died a decade ago at least and its not just because people got old, reliance on cheap CG, reunification, the mainland market, all contributed to it.
Martial arts films in general just aren't what they used to be. We'll never see anything on the level of Jackie vs Benny the Jet again, I'm certain.



Martial arts films in general just aren't what they used to be. We'll never see anything on the level of Jackie vs Benny the Jet again, I'm certain.


Man, I watched Wheels on Meals for the first time two weeks ago, and during that whole sequence I seriously said "oh shit" out loud. I've never done that in a Kung fu movie before. That whole fight is just believably brutal. It looks like no one is pulling their punches ever.

When I saw the Jet was in Dragons Forever I got real excited, but that one isn't nearly as good.


What have they made aside from The Raid?
Headshot, featuring Iko as the lead and some other Raid 2 alumni. It certainly has great action but the story is a shambles. A romance is meant to anchor the movie but it's neither compelling nor convincing even for action movie standards.

Besides if we're gonna throw out other countries as suggestions, surely it's South Korea.


I would say yes. Donnie Yen is probably the last one and no one would really hit the heights of the likes of Jackie Chan at this peak. You would never have young guys growing up with that kind of borderline child abuse training anymore.

I wouldn't say HK cinema is dead. A few young directors emerged last year so there is a potential for another new wave there. I really liked Mad World, but then again the good movies are not big budget or action movies, so it might be more like Taiwanese cinema in terms of output. Now and again, you would get a good Johnnie To movie or something aiming to be like Infernal Affairs, but I don't thin the local audience is really looking for 80s type of action anymore either. Korean Cinema also feels like it's past its peak and was never that action oriented either.
When I saw the Jet was in Dragons Forever I got real excited, but that one isn't nearly as good.

There's some great choreography in that one, and some brutal bumps from the stunt crew;


But their first fight from Wheels on Meals was so much more intense, and a lot of those hits were barely pulled.


Imagine how many cuts a scene like this would have in modern Hollywood.

Exactly this. Probably a dozen cuts in 10 seconds, with the camera up close so you can't see the full scene, and shaky cam on the hits to disguise how rough the choreography and general performance would be these days.


I would say yes. Donnie Yen is probably the last one and no one would really hit the heights of the likes of Jackie Chan at this peak. You would never have young guys growing up with that kind of borderline child abuse training anymore.

I wouldn't say HK cinema is dead. A few young directors emerged last year so there is a potential for another new wave there. I really liked Mad World, but then again the good movies are not big budget or action movies, so it might be more like Taiwanese cinema in terms of output. Now and again, you would get a good Johnnie To movie or something aiming to be like Infernal Affairs, but I don't thin the local audience is really looking for 80s type of action anymore either. Korean Cinema also feels like it's past its peak and was never that action oriented either.

Action movies have been evolved into something more "intelligent", like The Bourne or MI movies. The 80's-90's action movies are dead, the audience isn't there anymore, they don't want it, they don't need it etc.



Imagine how many cuts a scene like this would have in modern Hollywood.
Kinda infuriating because some behind-the-scene footages showed some of the Hollywood action scenes were quite competent without three dozen cuts they got butchered by. I'm looking at you Nolan.


Action movies have been evolved into something more "intelligent", like The Bourne or MI movies. The 80's-90's action movies are dead, the audience isn't there anymore, they don't want it, they don't need it etc.

The Fast and the Furious says Hi!


Hong Kong is dead, and it's cinema has died a decade ago. Hence there are no more new stars. Almost every movie with a HK-star is now a China production which means heavy censorship rules that stifle creaivity and is spoken in Mandarin instead of Cantonese, the native language of the HK cast and the movies in its heyday. RIP.


Martial arts films in general just aren't what they used to be. We'll never see anything on the level of Jackie vs Benny the Jet again, I'm certain.


Honestly Jackie has a better fight in Gorgeous. He's much older in that movie. It's not a great movie but if you're into Jackie it's pretty fun. The main fight at the end is worth it.
Is there much else we should check out aside from The Raid?

Merantau and Headshot. And The Raid 2, obviously. Honestly, I don't know of any Indonesian martial arts movies that don't have Iko Uwais in them, but his are really great :p

Also, yeah, I think the era of Hong Kong action died when insurance premiums went up. People can't even throw spinning kicks in modern Chinese action movies without getting strapped into wire harnesses; you just can't do any of the things Jackie and his stunt team did any more.


If I remember right, Jackie and Benny really didn't get on well and one of the issues Jackie had was that Benny didn't pull his punches.

I think Bey Logan in a DVD commentary said "Jackie said let's do this for real I'll fuck you up, Benny then said you can try" or something along those lines.
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