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So my friend refuses to put minorities male appendices into her. Is she a racist?

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And for the people getting upset about the usage of the word "Disgusting" and saying that it was fine. Would you say that a mixed couple couple were disgusting too? That's the tiny layer behind her words. She finds the idea of having sex with ze black disgusting. Not a turn off, or not "No. I don't find black men attractive because...". Because what? See the difference? It's subtle. It is incredibly difficult to write off an entire people in that context without something more sinister powering those words. Now some of you are talking about overweight people. Okay. If someone were to ask me "Would you fuck an overweight woman?" I'd say "EW! GROSS! GROSS!! NO WAY! She's probably got epic cellulite and twinkies in her armpits!" And that would be fine. But before you get up in arms, realize this. I wouldn't date an overweight person because I find someone overweight(Been there myself) usually has shit self esteem and tons(pardon) of self hate. And I don't want to be with someone like that. Them being overweight is a consequence of their self. There *is* something wrong with them.
something in here in this paragraph ain't working for me


Exactly. OP be a good friend and expand her horizons. Set her up with black dudes until she gives in.
Might want to start with light skin black dudes just to ease here into the transition. After that, the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice.
To respond without reading through the whole thread first? I imagine it would result in mass bannings.

By read the thread I included read the first post as well in that statement. Which I took the first poster was asking as well. If you did, well... ok. If you didn't and just came in to reply to the thread topic, shame on you.


Italians are from Italy so White people are from?



First mistake you made OP (besides the spelling mistake) was asking a question in your topic title. A good bit of the responses in this thread aren't even responding to your post, but the topic title. It's a good way to weed out people who don't read, but it's bad for discussion topics.

Now to answer your questions:

She reacted strongly to that. She would she would never be able to sleep with 'a black guy, an indian guy, or any kind of non-white guy' and started acting like it was a pretty disgusting concept. Her exact words were "a non-white penis will NEVER enter this body". She started going on and on about how she only liked white guys.

I was really surprised by her reaction. Is my friend a closet racist?

I seriously doubt she would have made those comments if there was a "non-white person" in the room with you two. So yes, I would say her comments were at the very least offensive. But you can't call her a "closet racist" just from those comments. That being said, that strong reaction she had towards you and the subject hints at her having other issues.

Should I cut all ties with her? Is it just a matter of personal taste for her too?

Based on her reaction, if you brought a "Beyonce style" woman around her she'd probably cut all ties with you first. But seriously I wouldn't cut ties with her if she's a good friend. Just use that situation as a way to teach her to be less offensive when expressing her opinions about her personal tastes. And yes, they are personal tastes (extreme ones, IMO, but personal tastes) and those alone shouldn't be an issue vs the way she expressed those tastes to you.



dunno, it just seems like it doesn't make sense to me to make such a strong statement about twinkies in somebody's armpits (lol) and that's "fine"

i guess that depends on how many fucks the individual gives about what they say and how they say it


By read the thread I included read the first post as well in that statement. Which I took the first poster was asking as well. If you did, well... ok. If you didn't and just came in to reply to the thread topic, shame on you.

I answered "no" to his first question, and partly to the second:
Didn't read the thread huh? Not even this page?

Going by the people repeating the same thing, or posting the same image/link, on various threads, I think there are quite many people who don't read the whole thread before posting.


Her comments do seem a bit strong. Maybe she just has an outspoken personality that makes her look like an insincere asshole sometimes, idk, some people are like that. I wouldn't stop being friends with her because of that unless it escalates to the point where it's uncormfortable for you, OP .


Ehh it's close, I dunno. I know a lot of people who aren't attracted to certain races and it doesn't mean anything else, but the venom in which she expressed her opinion is a bit troubling.


Having a preference is one thing, but being flat out disgusted by the general concept of interracial relationships and sex is down right stupid.

Your friend is a fucking idiot.


My wife is Asian and im white, my friend constantly has to let me know that hes not "into" Asian women.. Was talking about how one of my partners friends thought he was good looking in a photo she seen and hes like "Shes not Asian is she?" in a really condescending tone, of course thats not the only time hes voiced his opinion, happens all the time. Really pissing me off..
I don't think it means that your friend is racist. It's quite possible, however, that she had racist parents who instilled deeply into her the idea that you're not supposed to date outside your race, or something of that nature. As long as she wouldn't treat men of other races differently outside of the boudoir, then hey, who cares?
Yeah but its not really a big deal or worth getting bent out of shape over.
It's her vag. She can put whatever the hell she want in it.
Zucchini for all i care.

It'll be amusing if she ever gets curious cause she'll either hate it or love it to the point where she stops fucking w/ white guys.

what my homie said. I've met plenty of girls who wasn't fond on interracial dating too.


Fail out bailed
I have a thing for girls with lily white skin. If an african american, asian, hispanic or any other raced girl managed to pull off that look I'd be down. Also redheads.I've met some who have.

I know myself. I'm pretty self aware. I don't have a method to convince people on the internet that it's not motivated by race, but rather aesthetics.
People can either believe me, or assume the worst. That all depends on their cynicism and bias towards drama.

I mean, I used find Lisa Bonet very sexy growing up. Big part of my youth...
I dunno man. I was walking back from class today and I heard some Asian girl say I hate _____ people as I walked by. Now, I'm hoping in my mind that was blonde. I didn't look back anyways.


I just thought of something. It's real simple but I think it has to do with experience with our race. Look, black people can be pretty "ghetto", blunt and loud. I definitely have the brutal honesty trait. So I guess I can see a person stating they hate a certain race based on a few interactions with the lower end of a certain race.

I feel sorry for them actually. I am lucky or at least open minded enough to have interacted with the lower and high ends of a lot of different races. So it is almost impossible for me to be put off to an entire race because I ran into the one Japanese(insert any race)person that happens to be a uber douche. Cool people are cool people no matter the race. I wish more people were able to figure that out before they started to breed and pass on these weird morals that should no longer exist.
dunno, it just seems like it doesn't make sense to me to make such a strong statement about twinkies in somebody's armpits (lol) and that's "fine"

i guess that depends on how many fucks the individual gives about what they say and how they say it

It was a joke. I thought the Twinkies bit made that evident. :p


Speaking from experience, she's missing out. But she's not racist because of her sexual attraction to whites. I find a specific ethnicity sexually undesirable, but I have nothing against them as fellow human beings.

Hunter S.

Force the girl to move to a place with no white men say India in this unrealistic example. Being stuck there assuming she was not asexual I am sure she would let an Indian's appendage in her hole eventually. I think the same would go for all people.

Final thought: One flavor is never enough!


Yeah, she's a bit racist.

If that was her only bit of racism, she'd probably rank about 3 out of 7 on a scale of racism, with 7 been a KKK, lynch mob kinda racist.

But it's probably just a tip of the proverbial iceberg on her racial attitudes. I suspect this is true for many people.

On the flipside, it's certainly normal to have appearance preferences, where skin tone and facial (and to a lesser extent, bodily) characteristics that affect attraction - which also happen to be prevalently grouped into what we identify as racial groups.

In my case - I don't rule people of any race out, but I would be lying if I said that skin colour/complexion didn't modify the standard of appearance required for attraction.


Women are effin' beautiful. If you're a dude and you'd disqualify an entire race, you're doing the whole male thing wrong, get your head checked.

and LOL @ the people that can't read an OP.

I'm white and I'll be a little sad if I have white babbys

P.S. i'm racist against whites
LOL! My fiancee said the same thing.

Why the fuck does everyone hate black people so much? Did we do something in the past to all races that I am not aware of? It boggles my mind that I constantly hear it's okay to date any race but if you bring a black person in this house I will take you to hell with me!
lmao. I dunno man, society just seems obsessed with black people. We can't catch a break lol.

I don't know she said it not me. Something about the skin doesn't look the same, (well no shit). Wish I could of recorded that shit for GAF it was a strange convo.
yo, where is your avy from? I remember playing that game's demo, what game is it?

Her body her choice

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