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SOCOM Confrontation - The thread (bringing back the REAL!)


dralla said:
"The party system lets a group of us just spend our evening playing all sorts of different kinds of games and travel around together. It just means, at a communication level, we can talk to each other separately from the tactical talk of the game going on, and just stay together as a group and understand what we're doing. It's just for the social -- it's fun."

omg wtf they ruined socom lobbyz



Kittonwy said:
I just don't expect them to have frame rate problems, it's not like this is the most spectacular-looking game out there, questions about hit detection and gun mechanics they should address.

s2 suffered major frame rate problems and it was far from the prettiest PS2 game. The inconsistent frame rate made rushing a frustrating experience, and I hope Slant Six realizes this, especially since they keep telling us how this game is all about intimate combat.


Doel said:

First of all, check out the 1up interview lots of good info.

And now, for the big news. SOCOM Confrontation will be on The 1up Show this Friday! FUCK YES :D

Awwww yea!!!!!!!!!!

Cool, blog by the way. I'd like to play with you when Confrontation is finally here. I'll already have at least 5-8 guys to form our new clan ready to go! As big of a SOCOM fan as you obviously are, (of course, so am I) you better be good! :D


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Ravenn17 said:
s2 suffered major frame rate problems and it was far from the prettiest PS2 game. The inconsistent frame rate made rushing a frustrating experience, and I hope Slant Six realizes this, especially since they keep telling us how this game is all about intimate combat.

If SOCOM Tactical Strike for PSP can be used as an indication about how Slant Six approaches the frame rate thing, you can sleep well. Game was silky smooth, despite being "just" a tactical game. I'm not expecting 60fps. But I bet it will be rocksolid 30fps.
So for someone who has never played a Socom game, how does it play? Respawns? Objectives? Cash for guns? One-hit kills? Realistic or arcadey? Little bit of both?
This is the one game that would make me sell my Wii in order to get a PS3. I just may do it. Loved, loved socom. There's no other game like it.


Should not be allowed to breed
dralla said:
After the huge dissapointment that MGO doesn't use PSN I was/am hoping this would be my tactical shooter of choice but the maps have me worried. Only 7 maps? Each map in the previous games was designed for 1 game mode, with only 7 maps that either means that you'll be playing the same mode on just 1 or 2 maps over and over, or that each map isn't designed for a specific game type...which I would assume means the maps aren't as good as the ones in S2. And all maps are set in N. Africa, what about maps in the Snow, Forest, Ruins, on Ships, ect. I'm getting sick of the bombed out village maps.


yeah I totally agree with you, I would love a map in heaven, with all those angels


An blind dancing ho
Doel said:
Abigale has posted Phase 2 of the Community Beta Selection process. This time it's your turn to sell yourself! If you weren't nominated in Phase 1 then head on over to Phase 2, give the most honest response you can (the more honest the better! They are looking for a variety of testers) and you could have a chance at getting it.

Good luck!

sweet stuff

but i am sick of SOCOM Confrontation news , come on just release the damn thing already , because we want to know about the real deal ( Zipper's PS3 SOCOM ) and Sony won't leak anything about it until the release of Confrontation .


Danne-Danger said:
So for someone who has never played a Socom game, how does it play? Respawns? Objectives? Cash for guns? One-hit kills? Realistic or arcadey? Little bit of both?
The main meat of the game is no respawn, round-based (best of 11), realistic in gun damage but also slightly arcady in how it feels, no cash involved, and about 7 different modes.

Think Counter-Strike, but in 3rd person, no cash, and with more abilities available to the player and maps that are bar-none, the best set I've ever played in a shooter. Lots of depth to them (always new spots and strategies to discover) and each map being built around 1 mode I believe helped a lot.


I'm thinking about buying a network adapter for my first generation PS2 so I can play SOCOM 1 online.

Would you guys happen to know if my Xbox 360 wireless adapter would be compatible with it?

Edit: It's actually an Xbox wireless adapter that is connected to the console by an ethernet cable.


Saw the SOCOM: Confrontation footage on 1UP Show and I'm interested :D Looked a lot of fun and I've never played a SOCOM game before.
FFObsessed said:
Saw the SOCOM: Confrontation footage on 1UP Show and I'm interested :D Looked a lot of fun and I've never played a SOCOM game before.

The best part was 11 minuits to 11 minuits 9 seconds.... most of it was staged, but the last 9 seconds loked like real gameplay.. My main concerns were that the running speed looked a bit slow, and that the Recoil is NOT socom like, and needs fixing


Brian Burke punched my mom
Looks good for pre-alpha.

Some things I noticed right away.

-The third person view doesn't look the same. The character isn't in a centered overhead position anymore it's slightly to the left.

-The accuracy is ridiculous and there doesn't seem to be much bullet deviation or recoil. I hope they tone that shit down and make it more realistic.


watching the 1up vid now.. and just passed the part when he said that warhawk would be a fair comparison for price... and umm... i'm not gonna buy this game if its $40


The new over the shoulder view looks like a bad version of GRAW. Why even bother of giving players that option? Just leave the classic view and thats it. FU Seth about that comment on players not knowing how much work goes into maps and cost of it. Put out a full game (16-22maps) and don't nickel and dime us with downloadable content .


A few Q's....

1)Is there a cover system ala Gears/Uncharted?

2)What's the health system like? Is there health regen or is it find the health packs?

3)Is the third person perpective over the shoulder like it is in RE4? Or is it more like in Gears/Uncharted?

4)If I like Gears would I like Socom?


isamu said:
A few Q's....

1)Is there a cover system ala Gears/Uncharted?

2)What's the health system like? Is there health regen or is it find the health packs?

3)Is the third person perpective over the shoulder like it is in RE4? Or is it more like in Gears/Uncharted?

4)If I like Gears would I like Socom?

1. No

2. No regen, no health packs

3. Two camera's. One over the shoulder, one traditional 3rd person camera with character in the center

4. Maybe



liquidspeed said:
The best part was 11 minuits to 11 minuits 9 seconds.... most of it was staged, but the last 9 seconds loked like real gameplay.. My main concerns were that the running speed looked a bit slow, and that the Recoil is NOT socom like, and needs fixing

Yeah. BTW, is it just me, or does his cross hairs stay completely still in scope even when he shoots?


Not liking the recoil situation, it looked like COD levels of fail, that's what I loved so much about Socom 2, you couldn't hold the trigger down like a tool and keep your accuracy. :| :(


Gold Member
Yeah, that recoil was messed up. The shooting looked good, but that was way off

I like the ducking and moving your body with the sixaxis though. I can see some pros doing some Matrix-like shit to dodge bullets :lol


Guy's I wouldn't worry about the lack of recoil. It's pre-alpha. It's not like Slant 6 doesn't notice it. We all did, right? The recoil is so obviously not final/not even implemented yet.

So, give S6 the benefit of the doubt. They've brought us this far, right? Why would they drop the ball with something as appearant as that? :D


tuco11 said:
The new over the shoulder view looks like a bad version of GRAW. Why even bother of giving players that option? Just leave the classic view and thats it. FU Seth about that comment on players not knowing how much work goes into maps and cost of it. Put out a full game (16-22maps) and don't nickel and dime us with downloadable content .
Are you trying to prove his point?
tuco11 said:
The new over the shoulder view looks like a bad version of GRAW. Why even bother of giving players that option? Just leave the classic view and thats it. FU Seth about that comment on players not knowing how much work goes into maps and cost of it. Put out a full game (16-22maps) and don't nickel and dime us with downloadable content .

You obviously havent realised that normal map counts for finalized products are at about an average of 10 maps or less.. And its not nickel and diming, its continued support


n1n9tean said:
Guy's I wouldn't worry about the lack of recoil. It's pre-alpha. It's not like Slant 6 doesn't notice it. We all did, right? The recoil is so obviously not final/not even implemented yet.

So, give S6 the benefit of the doubt. They've brought us this far, right? Why would they drop the ball with something as appearant as that? :D

s3 sniping was RIDICULOUSLY easy. How was that allowed? Who in their right mind said that was a good idea? I can name numerous other flaws in the game that were extremely apparent, yet they made the cut.

I see what you're saying, and I'm probably being overly skeptical, but my trust has been crushed after the s3/ca disaster.


Broadbandito said:
You obviously havent realised that normal map counts for finalized products are at about an average of 10 maps or less.. And its not nickel and diming, its continued support
You never bought a socom game?

Sol.. said:
Welcome to next gen.
Thank you.
I just watched the 1up Show and I have to say I'm impressed with what I saw of SOCOM. I've never played the game before, but it looks amazing. IMO, it looks like what a third person shooter should look like *cough* MGO *cough*


Arsenic said:
Hmm let's see.

22maps and single player mode for $49,99.
7maps online only, for an obvious $39,99.
Seth's quote said that gamers don't understand what goes in to a map today. Him asking for 16-22 maps just proved Seth's point. Maps tend to be much larger in area now and more detailed so a straight number comparison isn't really accurate.


isamu said:
A few Q's....

4)If I like Gears would I like Socom?

These games are nothing alike. First of, while SOCOM is a strategic game and slower compared to other respawn-o-rama's out there, it's still a little faster paced than Gears. There's a lot more teamwork involved due to the different modes available. The community features are far and aways superior, and you may really want to try to get into a clan in this one from the unique approach they're taking with weapons and armors available to certain units only.

There is no pansy regen health crap here, one life to live per round fun.

SOCOM is without a doubt to me, and i take shooters very seriously, the definitive console shooter. It's ULTRA competitive, while still being fun. It's the only game I ever played where you really learn people's names, you really feel like you have friend's in this shooter. In fact, the clans in prior SOCOM's actually felt as needed and important as GUILDS in MMO's.

If this game runs and plays like it sounds to and turns out to be everything shooter fans want, THIS will be the game of choice for true MGL-ish competitions.

You really have to play it. It's frustrating at first, has a specific learning curve, but it's so rewarding once you catch a grip on it.

7 maps now? Sweet. Plus another bundled headset too. I'll be DL'n this as soon as it's up, PLUS i'll be buying my boxed copy. Day one, minute one.

This is not your standard SOCOM with it's filler single player game. This is an online only fanservice. If you don't like the amount of maps in it compared to cost, don't buy it.
Arsenic said:
You never bought a socom game?

Thank you.

I have bought socom 1,2,3

I am not talking about socom, im talking about games nowadays (just like the welcome to nextgen) The only games with a crapton of maps is UT3, and GRAW2

Safe Bet

GAZERK said:
I just watched the 1up Show and I have to say I'm impressed with what I saw of SOCOM. I've never played the game before, but it looks amazing. IMO, it looks like what a third person shooter should look like *cough* MGO *cough*
After following the MGO beta thread, my hype for this new SOCOM game increased by 10.


SOCOM mod with Gekkous, if I could do it I'd do it!
I know people hated Socom 3 and CA, but I would really love some next-gen Harvester.

J-Rzez said:
There is no pansy regen health crap here, one life to live per round fun.

SOCOM is without a doubt to me, and i take shooters very seriously, the definitive console shooter. It's ULTRA competitive, while still being fun. It's the only game I ever played where you really learn people's names, you really feel like you have friend's in this shooter. In fact, the clans in prior SOCOM's actually felt as needed and important as GUILDS in MMO's.

If this game runs and plays like it sounds to and turns out to be everything shooter fans want, THIS will be the game of choice for true MGL-ish competitions.

You really have to play it. It's frustrating at first, has a specific learning curve, but it's so rewarding once you catch a grip on it.

Couldn't have said it better myself


Fuck, shit, damn... I missed my chance to apply for the beta. I must've missed it. :*( I wanted to be in it to point out if there's any fixing needed to be done. I have a 4.06 K/D Ratio out of thousands of kills!!! I deserve to be in there to represent [EDS] Elite Delta Snipers which have been going strong since S1...


Doel, pull some strings!!! :lol

I won't allow the scope + M16 = no recoil bug to get out of the gates like S3 originally did!


Madman said:
Seth's quote said that gamers don't understand what goes in to a map today. Him asking for 16-22 maps just proved Seth's point. Maps tend to be much larger in area now and more detailed so a straight number comparison isn't really accurate.
Seth needs to understand, its not so much of the detail and size, its more of the variety. Socom 2 for example, weren't much larger than COD4 maps of today. But they were def more varied. And that kept the game so fresh. From what we know, all 7 maps in this game are based in one location.

I mean who knows, hopefully we'll see something similiar to Frostfire or chain reaction. Not everything needs to be outdoors in destroyed enviroments.


Much larger in area? why is that? Oh wait they are making the maps with 32 players in mind not 16 like socom 1 &2. Nostaglia my ass.


tuco11 said:
Much larger in area? why is that? Oh wait they are making the maps with 32 players in mind not 16 like socom 1 &2. Nostaglia my ass.

I'm pretty sure they start with the smaller map, like xroads, and just "build it out" more for 32 players. Don't worry. I'm a hardcore SOCOM fan and I honestly have faith in S6. I really think they know what they have to do to make people happy.


tuco11 said:
Call of Duty 4 was 16 maps at launch right?
So, do you think COD4 has well-designed maps? Because, I certainly don't. On multiple occasions I honestly and mistakingly called the map Shipment "BOX" to LOL responses from my clanmates because they could see exactly why I would make such a mistake. Also, so many of the maps flow the exact same way (speed, tactics) that after all the months I've been playing I still have trouble naming the maps; ANY of them. They are not UNIQUE at all.

Now, I'm not just "hating" on COD4 as if I suck at the game or something. I'm quite good, actually. I have a 1.44 kill/death ratio (and constantly climbing) and I'm on either my 4th or 5th prestige mode at level fourty-something.

But, look, I feel like nearly every map on COD4 follows the same basic design of:

-place a bunch of players on a giant plate
-divide them with obstructions
-allow players to sprint toward each other through 1 of 3 pathways
-let them kill each other, respawn and do it again

Socom, on the other hand, has shown me the greatest, most detailed and dynamic multiplayer maps I've ever had the pleasure to hunt people down on (WITH stealth......which is all but UNpossible on COD4 :lol).

I think you need to put it all into perspective.

One last thing. Sure Socom 2 came with all those maps but you realize they were able to throw in most of the maps from the first game, right? With them using a new engine and all for the current gen, that doesn't really seem like an option for them this time.
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