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SOE announces H1Z1 | F2P Zombie MMO launching in 4-6 weeks


thanks for the laugh
why is this thread almost entirely port begging

to PC people, it's just another contender in a crowded pack.

to PS4 people, it's a cup of water in the middle of the desert and first they're giving it to the guy holding a big gulp in the other hand.


Sign me up on PS4. Didn't even read the OP. Zombie MMO is something greatly needed on consoles.
Holy crap did this thread go to shit quickly with port begging. Granted there is barely any information on the game right now, but comments like above don't help the thread at all.

Two things stick out for me the most, microtransactions and local servers. If I can't play at sub 100ms in an MMOFPS then I'm outta there. I know us Oceanic players barely get local servers, but that's one thing Rust and DayZ currently have over H1Z1, and if SOE can't deliver that than say goodbye to a majority of your userbase.
The video in the OP hasn't inspired my confidence. I may have missed some stuff, but H1Z1 (Heezee) features groundbreaking new features like:
  • Zombie AI
  • Darkness at Night
  • Base Building, Crafting and Scavenging
  • An Open, Persistent World
  • A post-apocalyptic take on modern-day America

I would be much more excited if I could be the zombie, in all honesty. The only interesting things about this game is how soon it's launching and its free to play nature all but guarantees I'll try the game down the road.
If anything, I'm glad Andrew House didn't force SOE into restructuring itself into MMO-WWS.

It's obvious that the extent of any pressure to support PS4 is minimal, just so long as it's coming.
why is this thread almost entirely port begging

Is it that hard to figure out? It's a Sony IP. Game looks interesting. There are already SOE games on PlayStation. SOE MMO's have been announced for PS4. I get SOE is a PC company first but it's not out of the realms of imagination this game will be on PS4 sooner or later. If enough interest is shown it will be sooner.


Playstation 4 version please and i'll be on board for good.

I want a survival Zombie Sandbox game.
Got the perfect Tv show of me dreams, The Walking Dead.
Now give me the perfect Survival zombie game, Sony.

H1Z1 is looking/sounding promising indeed

Ploid 3.0

Launching on PC first is a godsend for PS4 only people. Imagine how jacked up Diablo 3 would have been on console if it launched with PC. You can't patch games as fast as PC and it would have made it bad for everyone. Think of the PC version as a beta for console version. A ton of people will be fine tuning the experience for console release.

So this is like minecraft with zombies? Awesome concept!!! I also don't get why the no ps4 news is bothering anyone..MMO games are definitely more catered to a PC audience and isn't the idea to keep growing the game world? I would imagine this is easiest on PC and them ported to ps4 once the title is polished and establish with multiple updates. The only thing I would have likes is using the last of us world for the setting, but perhaps ND isn't done with the IP after all...

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Sharded MMOs?

If CCP can figure out how to make single shard MMOs why can't everyone else.

After playing on a single shard, sharded MMO's are such a letdown...

Ploid 3.0

Yeah it being a Last of Us world would have been awesome. I like the H1N1 name though, however the clickers and so different type of infected in TLoU would have spiced the game up.

Have to wait and see what kind of zombies they have though. I'll surely be playing this. I love good F2P games, the only one I spent money on was Marvel Heroes and I felt they deserved it. I also felt Guild Wars 2 deserved my money too and both games didn't give me much of a advantage (I bought character slots in GW2, and storage in Marvel Heroes). I want to give Grinding Gear Games some money but I don't see anything I'd want to buy. The skins look cool, but I like the way the base stuff look.


As a dayz Fanboy Ill be keeping my eye on this...but the F2P thing makes me nervous. I really dont want another WarZ coming out.


SOE is pretty good about providing a fair F2P model, and Smedley specifically said H1Z1 won't be pay to win. No need to worry about that, I think.

Ploid 3.0

SOE is pretty good about providing a fair F2P model, and Smedley specifically said H1Z1 won't be pay to win. No need to worry about that, I think.

Yeah there are some good f2p devs out in the wild. I hear PlanetSide 2 is pretty good on the F2P front. I know GGG is, Blizzard, and Valve seem to have a good head on their shoulders with that too. I don't like DC Universe's auction house system for people that don't subscribe though. However that was when it was first released as f2p, I have no idea how it is now. I'm looking forward to Everquest Landmarks, and Next.

SOE has to be careful about screwing people over on any of their F2P games if they want a lot of people playing them.


Been waiting for a zombie/survival MMO by a decent sized company. F2P scares me, though. I hope there is a robust crafting system. Town building, too.


Planetside 2 is my current favorite shooter of all time. Knowing this using the same engine and from the same company is great. Can't wait.


Yeah, I'm really excited about this game being on Forgelight. It allows for a lot of models on screen. Huge battles. I could see there being some really good PVP in this game, especially once settlements are established.


This seems like it comes out of left field.

So SOE has at least 3 games (Landmark, EQNext and this) all in development. Seems like they are just trying out ideas to see what will stick. I think it's a great idea actually, with F2P you get a ton of people trying your ideas out, and can probably figure out early on if you have a hit worth porting to the PS4, or to cut your losses early.


This seems like it comes out of left field.

So SOE has at least 3 games (Landmark, EQNext and this) all in development. Seems like they are just trying out ideas to see what will stick. I think it's a great idea actually, with F2P you get a ton of people trying your ideas out, and can probably figure out early on if you have a hit worth porting to the PS4, or to cut your losses early.

The issue with that approach is the games could come out half backed. Like with PS2, it completely lacked any sense of progression or permanency, which is crucial for a MMOFPS ( know they're working towards that now). That can be really detrimental to getting something to stick.


Do I have to buy it to play it? No? Then it's free in my book. I've played warframe, blacklight, TF2, etc and have never payed for anything. DOTA 2 or LoL are F2P. Would you say those incredibly competitive games are made worse by being F2P? How bout we wait till the game is actually out before spewing vitriol about the atrocities of F2P games shall we? We don't have to wait long.

Are you trying to imply that a game like DotA2 is standard? I hope you're not. That would be incredibly disingenuous.

DotA2 is a rare anomaly in the "free" to play market since it actually is legitimately and completely free to play.

You defending this game refusing to specify how its monetized supports exploitative F2P mechanics since such behavior lets companies encourage players to just blindly cling to the hope that maybe just maybe it'll be like that 0.001% game rather than the other 99.999% of F2P games in which case many players would be able to immediately dismiss it without hearing another word.


Neo Member
Kind of cool that it's launching soon rather than like 3 years from now. No idea what they mean by a "launch" though. But since Day-Z has never really grabbed me I'm interested in this if they manage to create something a little less simulation.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Are you trying to imply that a game like DotA2 is standard? I hope you're not. That would be incredibly disingenuous.

DotA2 is a rare anomaly in the "free" to play market since it actually is legitimately and completely free to play.

You defending this game refusing to specify how its monetized supports exploitative F2P mechanics since such behavior lets companies encourage players to just blindly cling to the hope that maybe just maybe it'll be like that 0.001% game rather than the other 99.999% of F2P games in which case many players would be able to immediately dismiss it without hearing another word.

Smedley on reddit: "you seriously don't need to spend a dime. We're still figuring out the monetization but we will telegraph our plans early and let people comment and we'll listen if they don't like something and come to a place where people feel good about it."
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