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Someone posted on reddit a picture of their cousin that just had a cyst removed

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All of these people in the thread stating they've had it are really starting to scare me. I was feeling better until I found out that one of our neighbors has had one before as well.

It's only a matter of time until it happens to all of us. There are three things certain in this life: death, taxes, and pilonidal cysts.


All of these people in the thread stating they've had it are really starting to scare me. I was feeling better until I found out that one of our neighbors has had one before as well.

It's only a matter of time until it happens to all of us. There are three things certain in this life: death, taxes, and pilonidal cysts.

Check the standing desk thread. There's a reason why I went with one. Best decision ever.
Just looked at the photo. I wasn't expecting it to be so large/disturbing.

Mine definitely wasn't like that. They cut inside, above the anus to remove my pilonidals.


My friend had one of these, he was out of commision for a few months and had a sexy nurse literally wipe his ass. Lucky bastard.


Interesting story, I once had a abscess that was little larger than a pea on the inside of my leg, and I refused to go to the hospital, thinking it would just sort itself out. Almost a week into this walking became incredibly painful, so I bit the bullet and went to the hospital.

They told me I was borderline septicemia, and that if I had not gone, I could quite possibly have died not long thereafter.

So ladies and gents, when you have a problem, go to the doctor, because something not serious can easily become that way. I like to think had I not gone I would have passed out and woken at the hospital, but I may never have woken at all. I was only in for a few days, but just about everyone told me what a fool I was. Don't ever do the same.


I have a friend that had one of these, albeit a smaller one. Now, I usually don't click links such as this one, but why oh why did I do it this time.

What the hell are all those....things...inside of him?


Junior Member
I've had a lump on my ass for some time, but not at the top, more like mid-bottom of my left ass cheek. I pop it every once in a while and it leaks puss mixed with blood. Never goes away. Is that a cyst?


It's fascinating that cysts can grow to such a massive size.

I had one surgically lanced and drained a few years ago, but it was nothing of this severity. They are painful and incredibly annoying.

I'm sure this guy is feeling a huge sense of relief, as he was likely in horrible pain and discomfort.

I've had a lump on my ass for some time, but not at the top, more like mid-bottom of my left ass cheek. I pop it every once in a while and it leaks puss mixed with blood. Never goes away. Is that a cyst?

Sounds similar to what I had. You might want to consider seeing your doctor. It may be a bit embarrassing to have your doctor look at a lump on your butt, but understand that that's what doctors do every day.



Why is the hole so big?! So deep?!?!?

Fuck this, oh dear god please don't ever let me get a cyst in my ass


Can anybody draw the picture on MS Paint? I don't want to click.

It's a picture of the lower back and the upper portion of the butt.

There is a large, crater-like fleshy opening starting near the tailbone and ascending upward. The crater wound goes deep into the person, and there are visible layers of skin, fat, and muscle.


I have a friend that had one of these, albeit a smaller one. Now, I usually don't click links such as this one, but why oh why did I do it this time.

What the hell are all those....things...inside of him?

My guess is that this is a fairly rotund person and that a lot of that may be fat. Seeing as how it goes so far down before you even see bone.

It's a picture of the lower back and the upper portion of the butt.

There is a large, crater-like fleshy opening starting near the tailbone and ascending upward. The crater wound goes deep into the person, and there are visible layers of skin, fat, and muscle.

An avatar quote is so appropriate right now.



Why is the hole so big?! So deep?!?!?

Guck this, oh dear god please don't ever let me get a cyst in my ass

You would likely notice something before it got this severe. I am wondering if this person continued to ignore the signs or if it just somehow crept up on him.
What about this one?


Edit: better quality
Does that mean they're more likely to happen to guys?


You would likely notice something before it got this severe. I am wondering if this person continued to ignore the signs or if it just somehow crept up on him.

It very likely crept up on him. These fuckers can just show up from one day to another, because you don't really notice it all that much until it already starts infecting.
And again (for like the tenth time lol), the hole is not where the cyst was, the cyst was only a small part of the entirety - the tip of the iceberg, if you will. They have to take away all the surrounding tissue in case it might've gotten affected by the infection.


See you kept growing cysts before but that stopped once you started shaving? I don't believe you.

I only ever had one incident about six years ago and it has not *knocks on wood* returned since. In my case, I had mine cleaned and drained via minor in-clinic surgery that took about 10 minutes total so it was obviously not on the scale of the monstrosity in the OP

Deleted member 309291

Unconfirmed Member
Fuck. I now feel like Im growing one. Thanks for the paranoia guys.
Had a cyst on my tailbone, went through surgery. Now its just a tiny scab. Was not fun.

Same here, it was all the way to the tailbone but not as huge as that gross pic.

I had to have a nurse come to my house and repack and guaze it until it healed. Now its just a little scar.
Man you guys should've seen mine when it happened to me(when I was 16), it was bigger than a softball and required a surgeon to remove it from the base of my tailbone, it was so large it was actually putting pressure on my spine causing me to barely be able to walk or sit. I had a hole in my backside that was about half a foot(6 inches) or more in diameter.

They actually had to remove some of the top of my ass to get it out, so in a sense I don't have much ass left.

After they removed it I was in recovery for a year and half due to unfortunate complications.

Man, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
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