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Sony Faces Heat From Game Publishers to Cut PS3 Price

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UntoldDreams said:
Yeah people confuse this issue about gaming and PC's.
A Mac/PC is a requirement in the modern home... but a gaming pc is NOT a requirement whatsoever.

It depends on when your PC is bought. Mine was bought in 2006 with a 512mb 7950GT graphics card (which wasn't great or very new then) but even that can still play modern console ports such as DMC4 and Burnout at a decent / moderate graphics settings. It's still comparable to the console iterations but it just depends on how much you're willing to compromise.
Karma said:
Just for you.

That is the one Sony likes.

2 x HDMI
6 x USB
3 x Ethernet can be used as a Hub
Dual HD output at 1080p each
Spring 2006 launch
Autumn 2006 launch for Europe

Also, what happen to the demo of PSN they were showing that had video chat and was said to be a LIVE killer. I can`t find the video of the demo. Will look and post later.

Some of you people really need to grow up.


I can't believe there are people out there after all this time still missing an ethernet hub feature and a couple of usb-ports in their PS3s.


herod said:
It's not really bias though, is it? Sony over-promised and under-delivered, and made a lot of optimistic infectiously enthusiastic journalists look stupid along the way. If you release target renders and then take 3.5 years to fulfil them then it can't really come as a huge shock, surely?


trolling in the big leagues I see


Zoe said:
My main PC is almost 3 years old and can't play most games coming out these days. I have no intention of replacing it any time soon.

If I were inclined to play PC-style games, a console would still be a cheaper investment than buying a gaming PC.

And if I weren't speaking about my situation, and mine alone, your point would properly contradict mine. Given that I was, it doesn't. And it's not like PC gaming is anywhere as expensive as it used to be.

If the consoles-turned-PC-lites works for you, that's great; all I did was express why it doesn't for me.


Gantz, I know Microsoft claimed the Xbox could do Toy Story graphics, but come on.. the original Xbox? Puh-leeze. Let it go buddy, everyone else has. :(
Gantz said:
I'm still waiting for Toy Story graphics and 4D :lol

Microsoft made the Toy Story comment, Sony made the 4D comment. Oh, and that the next generation of gaming only starts when they say it does.

Afrikan said:
how about a PS3 launch game, Full Auto 2 True 1080p 4xAA

Full Auto wasn't a real PS3 game though it was an upgraded port of the 360 version with a "2" slapped on the end.


Time Traveler
Cynar said:
If the price was $300 in feb I would've bought a ps3 instead of a 360 :(
If the price of the PS3 was $130 in March 2007, I would've bought a PS3 instead of a DS.

not really, the DS is much better
Zoe said:
My main PC is almost 3 years old and can't play most games coming out these days. I have no intention of replacing it any time soon.

If I were inclined to play PC-style games, a console would still be a cheaper investment than buying a gaming PC.

There was a poster on this forum that built a $399 Crysis PC a year ago so it's actually debateable that a HD console is cheaper gaming investment than a gaming PC.
Kittonwy said:
It's not enough that they made the best-looking AND best-playing offroad arcade racer this generation?

When did this happen?



"When you turn on Revolution and see the graphics, you will say 'wow!"

And we did Iwata, we did.

It seems Sony is the only company not allowed to say bullshit
Gully State said:
There was a poster on this forum that built a $399 Crysis PC a year ago so it's actually debateable that a HD console is cheaper gaming investment than a gaming PC.

$400 for a PC "it runs" on doesn't = $400/$300 console that runs a game the way it was coded to run. running a game with tearing and slide show framerates in low resolutions don't equate to what the game was designed and envisioned to look/perform like. it's one of the main reasons that PC gaming is so frustrating (without the funds) and why it's still not so easy to compare them to consoles.

also, you'd spend that money on the console once (hopefully). controllers, the games, online, whatever, would be your continued spending after the hardware purchase. PC's that run their respective games (ie: the games coming out around the time you purchase/build your machine) require far more than $400 to run WELL and the way they were intended. then a year later the games coming out are making your machine sweat, you're seeing tearing and framerate problems, or you can't turn all the new bells and whistles on, and then the next year you're having to upgrade again.

im having a hard time understanding why few find it amazing that sony is actually selling PS3 at the current rate for the $400 they're still charging for it. not best doesn't = bad. they're doing well for the price. publishers want to sell more units, and that's fine, but if a lot of these new PS3 sales from a price drop are existing 360 owners, what are they going to complain about IF the PS3 versions of these games don't jump up in sales as high as they expected?


Commanche Raisin Toast said:
$400 for a PC "it runs" on doesn't = $400/$300 console that runs a game the way it was coded to run. running a game with tearing and slide show framerates in low resolutions don't equate to what the game was designed and envisioned to look/perform like. it's one of the main reasons that PC gaming is so frustrating (without the funds) and why it's still not so easy to compare them to consoles.

also, you'd spend that money on the console once (hopefully). controllers, the games, online, whatever, would be your continued spending after the hardware purchase. PC's that run their respective games (ie: the games coming out around the time you purchase/build your machine) require far more than $400 to run WELL and the way they were intended. then a year later the games coming out are making your machine sweat, you're seeing tearing and framerate problems, or you can't turn all the new bells and whistles on, and then the next year you're having to upgrade again.

he was running games at higher resolution than most console games and at comparable framerates. on high/max setting, to boot.


Spiegel said:
"When you turn on Revolution and see the graphics, you will say 'wow!"

And we did Iwata, we did.

It seems Sony is the only company not allowed to say bullshit[/QUOTE]

I know I said "wow" when I first started playing SMG and there was the Independence day-esque opening sequence...:D
Commanche Raisin Toast said:
$400 for a PC "it runs" on doesn't = $400/$300 console that runs a game the way it was coded to run. running a game with tearing and slide show framerates in low resolutions don't equate to what the game was designed and envisioned to look/perform like. it's one of the main reasons that PC gaming is so frustrating (without the funds) and why it's still not so easy to compare them to consoles.

also, you'd spend that money on the console once (hopefully). controllers, the games, online, whatever, would be your continued spending after the hardware purchase. PC's that run their respective games (ie: the games coming out around the time you purchase/build your machine) require far more than $400 to run WELL and the way they were intended. then a year later the games coming out are making your machine sweat, you're seeing tearing and framerate problems, or you can't turn all the new bells and whistles on, and then the next year you're having to upgrade again.

im having a hard time understanding why few find it amazing that sony is actually selling PS3 at the current rate for the $400 they're still charging for it. not best doesn't = bad. they're doing well for the price. publishers want to sell more units, and that's fine, but if a lot of these new PS3 sales from a price drop are existing 360 owners, what are they going to complain about IF the PS3 versions of these games don't jump up in sales as high as they expected?


Check out the benchmarks, they perform better than console. And as for costs, if you want to factor in upgrades, well software is $10 cheaper and goes on sale a lot faster on PC than on consoles and the money saved on software can be put into hardware. And with the similarity of PC and HD console gaming, the need for upgrades won't be as drastic as in years past. And let's not forget that not only do you get a machine that can run multiplatform games but you also don't have to spend extra money on another PC which is more of a necessity than a video game console.


(more a nerd than a geek)
domokunrox said:

I fail to understand how anyone can be loud and proud to mock a system that has done incredibly well against their main competitor within the time period.

It's only doing well against its "main competitor" if you ignore its primary competitor, which dominates its home market... and every other world market.


hide your water-based mammals
DavidDayton said:
It's only doing well against its "main competitor" if you ignore its primary competitor, which dominates its home market... and every other world market.
Feel better?
LiquidMetal14 said:
No PS3? Oh damn. You're missing a lot.

Trust me, I've played Motorstorm :lol It doesn't fit the description.

Luckily, I have easy access to a PS3 pretty much anytime, and I don't have to buy one :D


hide your water-based mammals
timetokill said:
Trust me, I've played Motorstorm :lol It doesn't fit the description.

Luckily, I have easy access to a PS3 pretty much anytime, and I don't have to buy one :D
Now is the time friend. Succumb as the price might be right soon. Maybe not though :O
Spiegel said:
"When you turn on Revolution and see the graphics, you will say 'wow!"

And we did Iwata, we did.

It seems Sony is the only company not allowed to say bullshit
Yeah GAF never gives the Wii shit for its graphics. Get on it, people!


listen to the mad man
Spiegel said:
It seems Sony is the only company not allowed to say bullshit

so, do you think companies should be "allowed" to say bullshit?

because your post reads that you do not think they should, which means you are in favour of all the criticism of sony.


Stumpokapow said:
so, do you think companies should be "allowed" to say bullshit?

because your post reads that you do not think they should, which means you are in favour of all the criticism of sony.

Companies can do whatever they want but of course I'm in favour of all the criticism of Sony (and Nintendo and Microsoft and Apple, and...) when they are bullshitting us.

Segata Sanshiro said:
Yeah GAF never gives the Wii shit for its graphics. Get on it, people!

Giving shit for graphics and calling bullshit at what nintendo (Iwata) said are two entirely different matters.
timetokill said:
I know I won't be getting a PS3 any time soon, even with a price drop.

- I have friends with PS3s so I don't really feel compelled to get a system I can borrow easily when the occasional exclusive comes out that I want to try

I have been thinking about this. I have worked at 3 different jobs during this gen and at each of them all of "the guys" had 360 with perhaps 1-2 PS3 owners (including myself). I would love to see the demographics of who is exactly buying the PS3 in the US since the 360 seems to be dominated the 18-30 male demographic so much.
Spiegel said:
Companies can do whatever they want but of course I'm in favour of all the criticism of Sony (and Nintendo and Microsoft and Apple, and...) when they are bullshitting us.

Giving shit for graphics and calling bullshit at what nintendo (Iwata) said are two entirely different matters.
So you've never seen anyone mock the "you will say WOW" bit around here? I don't know what to say, then. Maybe you're just not reading the right threads? I think that particular phrase gets more shit around here than Peter Moore's "lucid dream" nonsense, though not quite so much as Kutaragi's "you will want to get a second job" nonsense.
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