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Sony GDC 2010 Press Conference (PS Move, PSWii Sports, PSWii Boxing, PSWii Party)

Kos Luftar said:

Please do not waste more than 10 minutes of the E3 press conference on PSMove.

Thank you.
Well, if they bother with something that doesn't completely look like an HD clone of a Wii title or another version of already existing EyeToy/PS Eye games or a novel but ultimately uninteresting showcase of controller interaction with existing PS3 games...you know, something wholly new feeling...something that says 'this is why you need this controller.' Nothing yet, though...and that's why I'm heavily disappointed and I'm sure most others are for the same reason. The shameless Wii cloning and the introduction of a marketing narrative about how Wii owners will grow up and move onto the PS3 Move...ugh. Too polished and prepared PR-happy for a GDC presentation, too.


Mama Robotnik said:
That awesome marketing that brings in the casuals/non-gamers? The popular IPs? The install base? The price?

Um, that their remotes look less ridiculous?

For the most part I'd agree. Price, IP's and "mindshare/first mover advantage".

The market Sony has a chance with are families looking for an all-in-one alternative. This will probably be some of the potential Wii market.

PS: Nintendo also seems to have a better 1st party library as well for the motion controlled games.


MadraptorMan said:
This is truly shameful, it seems all Sony can do is copy Nintendo ad nauseum.

Sorry have you been in a hole fr the last 3 years? Copying Nintendo is kind of the point.


Why couldn't they have put an analogue stick of the main wand itself?

I'm not expecting a lot from Natal either, but at least just that's a once off fee for the camera.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Spike said:
So, wait, are motion controls good now?

In the game journalism industry, I'm pretty sure the answer to that question is finally "yes" now that a "hardcore" system has implemented motion control.


One detail Sony has decided to curiously omit, ignore, or completely miss, is unlike the Wii, the Sony Move doesn't seem to be designed with other grips in mind - it can't be held to the side to replicate a standard controller like the Wiimote can.


Milk Lizard said:

But-but our is wireless :eek:


BruceWayneIII said:
It's located at E3 - which is not today...

You'd think a developer's conference would be the most obvious place to announce even some of your innovative new takes on integrating motion controls into hardcore gameplay. You know, since so many of the third parties keep saying they don't know how to make successful hardcore games for the Wii, it seems they could really benefit from a demonstration on how to make motion control appealing in genres outside the casual stuff.


Well, the good thing is the current games I want to play will have the conventional controller scheme.

I don't have to worry about all this.
Kimosabae said:
One detail Sony has decided to curiously omit, ignore, or completely miss, is unlike the Wii, the Sony Move doesn't seem to be designed with other grips in mind - it can't be held to the side to replicate a standard controller like the Wiimote can.
The PS3 already has a standard controller.
Kimosabae said:
One detail Sony has decided to curiously omit, ignore, or completely miss, is unlike the Wii, the Sony Move doesn't seem to be designed with other grips in mind - it can't be held to the side to replicate a standard controller like the Wiimote can.
You must be joking


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Ninja Scooter said:
and you expected to get that during the very first unveiling of a new product, at a show directed at DEVELOPERS in order to get them to DEVELOP the types of software you guys want.

Where were you during E3 last year?
SecretBonusPoint said:
Okay GAF, enjoy your evening of wild over-reaction and "disappointment" and PR shots of hands holding controllers looking somehow similar as if human hands holding things is always so radically different. I'm out to finish off Yakuza 2.




Plinko said:
I own all 3 consoles and think the PS Move sucked. The conference was a blatant ripoff of every Wii advertisement/promo video Nintendo has ever done.
Well I guess the difference is that the Sony ads probably didnt require as much acting.

Showing some dude sitting on a couch jerking off would have been a better representation of what type of 'motion controls' are needed for wii games.

(lets hope Sony doesnt screw me over on this too)
"We're getting a demonstration of this game"

"We're told to wrap up and go back to the studio"

Studio guy says: "We're here for as long as it takes to show all the games.

"Ok, back to homer on the floor"


Ataturk said:
Why couldn't they have put an analogue stick of the main wand itself?

Can you imagine shaking/waggling the controller while trying to accurately control the analogue stick on it at the same time? I sure can't. :lol

It wouldn't work.
Ninja Scooter said:
and you expected to get that during the very first unveiling of a new product, at a show directed at DEVELOPERS in order to get them to DEVELOP the types of software you guys want.

but this wasn't the first unveiling. It was shown at E3 last year, then again in Japan when they showed off the final form factor and some games, and then finally today. And even for developers, what have they shown that makes them think "my creativity boner is raging now"? they showed off either Wii stuff or eyetoy stuff. They could have done better given the potential of the controller.


y'all should be ashamed
Kimosabae said:
One detail Sony has decided to curiously omit, ignore, or completely miss, is unlike the Wii, the Sony Move doesn't seem to be designed with other grips in mind - it can't be held to the side to replicate a standard controller like the Wiimote can.
Uh, why on earth would you want that? I'll use my Dualshock, thanks.


Dead Man Typing said:
I can't wait to see Natal fail as badly as this will, the meltdowns should be epic if they don't deliver something truly interesting with their tech.

I'm an equal opportunity "LOL'er at massive fails". This seems like one of them to me, but this is exactly what I expected from Sony, I was hoping for them to surprise me.

Nothing has failed yet as neither of these are out. Please stfu.

This was something to spur developers to see the potential.


MightyHedgehog said:
Well, if they bother with something that doesn't completely look like an HD clone of a Wii title or another version of already existing EyeToy/PS Eye games or a novel but ultimately uninteresting showcase of controller interaction with existing PS3 games...you know, something wholly new feeling...something that says 'this is why you need this controller.' Nothing yet, though...and that's why I'm heavily disappointed and I'm sure most others are for the same reason. The shameless Wii cloning and the introduction of a marketing narrative about how Wii owners will grow up and move onto the PS3 Move...ugh. Too polished and prepared PR-happy for a GDC presentation, too.
the funny thing is that the main argument why psthree will remain victorious hasnt changed

wii gamers will move to ps3 because of HD...!! that was the message

in that aspect i have to say sony is consequent

Dogenzaka said:
Nothing has failed yet as neither of these are out. Please stfu.

This was something to spur developers to see the potential.

do you really think this will succeed at the market..?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
womfalcs3 said:
Well, the good thing is the current games I want to play will have the conventional controller scheme.

I don't have to worry about all this.

THIS. Glad to hear Sony is making sure it happens, according to Tretton.


Dogenzaka said:
Actually it's more of a hybrid of Natal and WiiMotion+. It's got a camera that detects body movement (though apparently not nearly as accurate as the Natal), that can capture video feed of the body, as well as capture the motion controller much more accurately than the WiiMotion+.
It's pretty much just a reverse Wii controller. On Wii, the camera is in your hand and the orientomatron is on your TV. With Move, it's vice-versa.
The Ninetndo 'Wii'. What a fucking stupid name. It'll never sell.

Motion controls will never work. Especially when the the company releasing is it is losing the sales war and the name is so stupid.


stupei said:
Do people really truly think Wii owners are going to buy a $300 console and then spend another $100 so that they can play the exact same games that came out on their current system 3+ years ago? Really? I genuinely can't tell if people are reciting bullet points or actually believe it will happen.

Can not be quoted enough.


crazygambit said:
:lol :lol Flawless victory.

Fake Edit: is it weird that I got this reference?

No, it's not weird, it just means you're another person desperately trying to fit in with the rest of the "GAF" crowd and "LOL" at these awesome meme's!

In reality, it's pretty stupid that this shit is STILL floating around. Stopped being funny about 6 months ago.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
LabouredSubterfuge said:
The Ninetndo 'Wii'. What a fucking stupid name. It'll never sell.

Motion controls will never work. Especially when the the company releasing is it is losing the sales war and the name is so stupid.

Hey, apple? This is an orange. You're pretty much the same, right?


Natal fans: "Lol @ party game for Move"

*E3 '10 MS announces Natal Party*
Natal Fans: "OMG that looks like fun. Natal Pary > Wii/Move party."

MS fans, you'll get your day.

This sucks, I want to see Ape Escape of all the games. LBP coop thing is lame. Only good thing is saw is that gladiator game. That brawler looks and seems terrible lol. Socom 4 integration seems forced but as long as you can use a DS3, its fine.


What is the color ball for? What if the bulb dies would the controller still work?

btw, what the fuck GAF was expecting? a mini-E3?? never change with your hyper expectations! :lol


LabouredSubterfuge said:
The Ninetndo 'Wii'. What a fucking stupid name. It'll never sell.

Motion controls will never work. Especially when the the company releasing is it is losing the sales war and the name is so stupid.
the problem is that the wii had motion controlls as a standard with a cheap price

this is a peripheral that will const nearly 100 dollars and the console itself is the most expensive one in the market as well..

plus wii was like 4 years ago


RockmanWhore said:
At least there is no wire this time :D
I'm not sure I prefer syncing/powering both units... Wire is not such a problem.

Did they show 4 players Move + Move Sub (let's get use to those names...) game ? With the 7-peripherals limit on Bluetooth, I'd like to know whether they came with something or if it'll be impossible.
Just got a press release in e-mail:

PlayStation®Move motion controller

Product name: PlayStation®Move motion controller

Product code: CECH-ZCM1

Release date: Fall 2010

Recommended retail price: To be decided

Color: Black

Mass: Approx. 145 g

External dimension: Approx. 200mm X 46mm (height X diameter)

Battery type: Built-in, rechargeable lithium-ion battery

Voltage: DC 3.7 V

Operating temperature: 5 degrees C ~ 35 degrees C

PlayStation®Move sub-controller

Product name: PlayStation®Move sub-controller

Product code: CECH-ZCS1

Release date: Fall 2010

Recommended retail price: To be decided

Color: Black

Mass: Approx. 95 g

External dimension: Approx. 138mm X 42mm (height X diameter)

Battery type: Built-in, rechargeable lithium-ion batter

Voltage: DC 3.7 V

Operating temperature: 5 degrees C ~ 35 degrees C
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