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Sony: We outsell our competitors by around 50% on a weekly basis in PALand


Lagspike_exe said:
This is without pricecut. MS had a huge advanage thanks to the Arcade.

Regarding why - Xbox Live is awful in Europe, Playstation has great brand awareness and GAMES! Singstar, GT, formerly Eyepet etc. are all huge in Europe.

I never understood why Singstar wasn't as big here in the US. I've been having Singstar parties for years and they are always awesome. It is THE best karaoke game.


General Shank-a-snatch said:
I wasn't criticizing you, if you were wondering. Just me saying it would be cooler if PSN vouchers could be used in a bigger region than just a single country.
Ok, I'm just saying that MS better bring the US faulty hardware policy to EU (France). Merci.


Gold Member
XBL will never have media services in Europe as long as Gold exists because public television access has to be free. Even without Plus subscription you can freely use PSN.

But really, if Europe is important for Sony then start releasing shit on time here. I'm sure they'll find a way to get the Vita here last too.
WrikaWrek said:
It's good news if you think about Sony's current situation, but fact is they declined and lost a lot to the competition.

Ps3 as a system didn't rise in popularity compared to PS2, it dropped. 360 did the opposite, and so did the Wii.
Not really. You are making empty comparisons. We are all talking about new systems and the current gen. The plethora of factors that come into play define that outcome, not just name brand recognition. Despite gamecube sales last gen "EVERYONE" still knew who nintedo was and their products. Almost everyone new who MS is despite not rushing out to purchase the original xbox. I am sure the Playstation brand and Sony are just as popular as last gen. People "know" what the PS3 is and who made it, it simply means that the reasons for purchasing them are not as persuasive and the generations are well far apart to make any meaningful comparisons.

Mind share and market share can be discussed for a long time but personally I felt the industry has "grown instead of shrunk or shifted.


Phonomezer said:
What faulty hardware policy?


StuBurns said:
That doesn't make sense, whoever sells the most software wins, it doesn't matter how long it takes to do it. Dreamcast had a larger install base than PS2 for a period. It's meaningless.

wins what?
Boney said:

wins what?
Nintendo is the king in consoles this gen and the gods in handhelds forever.
But SCE had a perfect storm of dumb with PS3 while MS and Nintendo took a smart and aggressive approach before this generation started.
AgentChris said:
Nintendo is the king in consoles this gen and the gods in handhelds forever.
But SCE had a perfect storm of dumb with PS3 while MS and Nintendo took a smart and aggressive approach before this generation started.

my exact thoughts about this gen


There are more people with 360's in my 'social circle' but Playstation has more mainstream appeal because of the PS2.
Oh and they have commercials in dutch instead of MS with their english cm's.


Mr_Brit said:
You have got to be trolling here. You're seriously expecting MS to bring US only media services to Europe? The absence of those services in Europe has nothing to do with MS.

Edit: Also, is XBL Gold really 60euros? Here in the UK you can pick it up for around £25 from the internet and around £32 in shops which is less than 40 euros.

Stating the fact we pay the same price as Americans for less content is trolling? I'm expecting to get the SAME FEATURES that US is getting, when MS is raising the price of Live here.

There is absolutely no reason why Live is 59 euros here RRP. That's the price Joe Schmoe sees in the stores when they want to play online. While I can get it for less, 95% of the people still get their cards from the local brick & mortar stores and straight from Live.

Kafel said:
We had/have them in France.

But I don't want to picture someone in another country paying 60 € for Live and not even getting basic stuff like XBLIG and Rock Band Network (which are free).

Not in Finland. XBLIG and Rock Band Network also are not available here. I can get indies through my US account though - but my friends were surprised that what the hell am I playing.

Mr_Brit said:
Not really. What he was saying was that we were getting a worse service due to the absence of those specific services not the fact that comparable services don't exist which is a valid point and MS should decrease the price to reflect that.

We are getting a worse service since we're paying the same without the additional content. I know what's out there. When I log into the Xbox Live webpage, I get all these "additional" content services thrown at my face, but they're nowhere to be seen once I log in. I know they exist and I pay the same price as the rest of the world, why cannot I access these?

That's the main point. What I see and what other Finns see is the fact that I have to pay to play, which the competiting (and dominating in Scandinavia) platform does for free.
AntiTout said:

AntiTout said:
I don't think that xboxlive is the problem since everyone and everywhere can stream movies. It's not about the services, that I don't give a shit about, it's about the reliability of the hardware. Here in France you can't just bring your 4th broken XBOX360 to the store and get a new one. You have to send it to Germany, and wait, and maybe you'll get a working XBOX, maybe.
If MS can provide a reliable hardware and a "bring your broken console, and go with a working one in store" where you bought it, then it's OK.

Well it's the same around the world, you have to send your Xbox in to get refurbed unless you have an in-store warranty, then you can just leave the broken 360 at the shop and get a replacement.

You have 3 years to do this as many times as necessary. Or save yourself the hassle, get a refurb, sell it on and put the money towards reliable 2008-onwards hardware.
if you're referring to this:

AntiTout said:
I don't think that xboxlive is the problem since everyone and everywhere can stream movies. It's not about the services, that I don't give a shit about, it's about the reliability of the hardware. Here in France you can't just bring your 4th broken XBOX360 to the store and get a new one. You have to send it to Germany, and wait, and maybe you'll get a working XBOX, maybe.
If MS can provide a reliable hardware and a "bring your broken console, and go with a working one in store" where you bought it, then it's OK.

I'm sorry but I'm afraid you're wrong. first, the store where you bought your 360 should've given you a warranty period for the purchase, it could be 6 months, a year, or two years, that's depending the store where you bought it. then, MS (as well as other manufacturers) give the consumer their own warranty period, and in order to use that warranty you have to contact the manufacturer (MS in this case), not the retailer, they should repair or replace your unit free of charge during the given warranty period.

that's how things work with every manufacturer and retailer.

MS gave an extra warranty period for the RROD issue, so I guess, at least in my experience, there isn't much to blame about MS warranty service.
manzo said:
Stating the fact we pay the same price as Americans for less content is trolling? I'm expecting to get the SAME FEATURES that US is getting, when MS is raising the price of Live here.

There is absolutely no reason why Live is 59 euros here RRP. That's the price Joe Schmoe sees in the stores when they want to play online. While I can get it for less, 95% of the people still get their cards from the local brick & mortar stores and straight from Live.

you're completely right, but I don't think the poor value of XBOX Live Gold here in Europe is the cause for the poor sales of XBOX 360 across the EU countries, except UK.

here in Spain people seems to know only 2 home console systems: Wii and PS3, XBOX 360 is just a joke for many people (in terms of graphics, games, media, etc..), but it is really an improvement over what the OG XBOX did here.
Mr_Brit said:
Netflix and Hulu don't exist outside the US, it has nothing to do with MS. Sky TV is exclusive to the UK so ofcourse it doesn't exist in other countries. Seriously baffled that I have to explain that to people.

Actually that is not true. Sky exists in other european countries as well. Germany has Sky and i think there is Sky Italia. It's just lazy from MS side there is no Sky on 360 in these countries.
Mr_Brit said:
Netflix and Hulu don't exist outside the US, it has nothing to do with MS. Sky TV is exclusive to the UK so ofcourse it doesn't exist in other countries. Seriously baffled that I have to explain that to people.

we'll see what happens next January, when Netflix is supposed to arrive to Europe (Spain included, yay!)


AgentChris said:
Nintendo is the king in consoles this gen and the gods in handhelds forever.
But SCE had a perfect storm of dumb with PS3 while MS and Nintendo took a smart and aggressive approach before this generation started.
Sony keeps making dumb bets and some would argue that the company as a whole is almost in the position that Apple was before Jobs came back. The problem for Sony is that they have no 'Steve Jobs' or to a lesser extend 'Iwata' out there waiting who can swoop in, take over and get them back on track again. Stringer considered himself to be 'that' guy and it backfired.

With Ballmer at the helm Microsoft stagnated but Sony just keeps declining even if SCE comes up with an awesome product they're being dragged down by Sony itself due to the strong yen, lower TV sales and being almost kicked out of the smartphone race. Microsoft was in somewhat dire straits if you could even call it that about 3/4 years ago when they suddenly rebounded and are now headed in the right direction with Windows 8. So Sony might've outsold Microsoft and Nintendo by 50% in Europe and that's certainly something that they've done a good job at but in the grand scheme of things they should start to focus on the bigger issues and the future ahead of them. Sony should start to communicate a vision for the future, what do they think PlayStation will look like 2, 5 perhaps even 10 years from now?


intheinbetween said:
you're completely right, but I don't think the poor value of XBOX Live Gold here in Europe is the cause for the poor sales of XBOX 360 across the EU countries, except UK.

here in Spain people seems to know only 2 home console systems: Wii and PS3, XBOX 360 is just a joke for many people (in terms of graphics, games, media, etc..), but it is really an improvement over what the OG XBOX did here.

What I've been gathering from Finland, 360 actually did very well here until PS3 slim came out and the prices started to get even. PC is still number one here and that's our heritage - online has always been free and that's one of PS3's strongest points.

Of course, PS1, PS2 and now PS3 are always the de-facto consoles for NHL and PES.
Deadstar said:
I never understood why Singstar wasn't as big here in the US. I've been having Singstar parties for years and they are always awesome. It is THE best karaoke game.

Lack of decent songs and market.
manzo said:
What I've been gathering from Finland, 360 actually did very well here until PS3 slim came out and the prices started to get even. PC is still number one here and that's our heritage - online has always been free and that's one of PS3's strongest point.

Of course, PS1, PS2 and now PS3 are always the de-facto consoles for NHL and PES.

here in Spain XBOX 360 never did really 'well', but it's doing much much better than the first XBOX, there's no doubt about it, but I gues it's obvious 360 has been performing much better that the original XBOX in every country.
Deadstar said:
I never understood why Singstar wasn't as big here in the US. I've been having Singstar parties for years and they are always awesome. It is THE best karaoke game.

We still don't even have wireless microphones in the US for Singstar. I wanted a karaoke game and picked up Lips just for the mics alone. Who wants a bunch of wires everywhere during a party?


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
General Shank-a-snatch said:
I wasn't criticizing you, if you were wondering. Just me saying it would be cooler if PSN vouchers could be used in a bigger region than just a single country.

It will be beneficial though. I mean, instead of 30+ separate stores, we get 4 region-based stores (and hopefully it's based on the blu-ray regions with multiple language support).


AranhaHunter said:
Lack of decent songs and market.

That's something that I have to give props for Sony Finland. They released multiple SingStar Finnish hits discs that are insanely popular here. I'm not sure if Lips offers any finnish songs though.


manzo said:
What I've been gathering from Finland, 360 actually did very well here until PS3 slim came out and the prices started to get even. PC is still number one here and that's our heritage - online has always been free and that's one of PS3's strongest points.

Of course, PS1, PS2 and now PS3 are always the de-facto consoles for NHL and PES.

Used to be our heritage here in the US too. Dunno what happened. If enough Americans refused to pay for XBL from the outset, we probably could have had free XBL now seeing as how the US is the 360's largest market.


Microsoft really fucked up with the original Xbox but Sony's biggest succes in Europe comes from the fact that they did a great job with the PS1 and an incredible job with the PS2. The NES was never that big, the Mega Drive was the first 'huge' console in Europe, hence why Sonic often tops the UK charts for example. The PlayStation rolled along and that became the mainstream console, mostly due to price and availability because I believe Sony was the first vendor to sell consoles outside of toy and music stores and brought them into electronics stores. That and their marketing did wonders for the brand for over 10 years.

Nintendo eventually flatlined with the GameCube but they had never actually made a big splash in all of Europe untill the GBA SP, DS and later the Wii came along. The GameCube was pretty much a footnote here. The Xbox 360 had an especially weak start but has since grown to become a somewhat larger platform, mostly because of the retailer interest and increased marketing efforts from Microsoft. If they manage to get Xbox Live on par with the US version and create more products specifically aimed at the European market they might be able to break Sony's lead. After all many considered Pro Evolution to be the unbeatable king of football games untill finally FIFA was finally able to settle the score.
[Nintex] said:
Sony keeps making dumb bets and some would argue that the company as a whole is almost in the position that Apple was before Jobs came back. The problem for Sony is that they have no 'Steve Jobs' or to a lesser extend 'Iwata' out there waiting who can swoop in, take over and get them back on track again. Stringer considered himself to be 'that' guy and it backfired.

With Ballmer at the helm Microsoft stagnated but Sony just keeps declining even if SCE comes up with an awesome product they're being dragged down by Sony itself due to the strong yen, lower TV sales and being almost kicked out of the smartphone race. Microsoft was in somewhat dire straits if you could even call it that about 3/4 years ago when they suddenly rebounded and are now headed in the right direction with Windows 8. So Sony might've outsold Microsoft and Nintendo by 50% in Europe and that's certainly something that they've done a good job at but in the grand scheme of things they should start to focus on the bigger issues and the future ahead of them. Sony should start to communicate a vision for the future, what do they think PlayStation will look like 2, 5 perhaps even 10 years from now?
Maybe Microsoft can inject some cash into Sony like they did for Apple when Jobs returned to Apple. lol
But yeah, Sony needs a savior maybe it can be Kaz Hirai.


staticneuron said:
Your math is a bit off. The 360 is larger than PS3's install base in the US (28 million vs 17 million) and japan cannot make up for that (around 7 million), so obviously the PS3 has to be doing better worldwide to narrow the gap so much. Puts PAL at 22 million and EMEAA at 6 mill for PS3. So if NA + Japan can add up to around 30 million for the 360, then the 360 would have to be doing next to nothing in EMEAA areas to be 1:1 for sony in PAL areas given both companies reported shipments.

By 'EMEAA areas' I guess you mean EMEAA minus Europe, as EMEAA is "Europe Mid East Africa Asia"?

Lets check:

Xbox 360; 55M LTD WW - 28M US - 1.5 JP, leaves 25,5 for EMEAA total.
PS3; 52M LTD WW - 17M US - 7M JP and now we know they're 22M in Europe leaving 6M for remaining EMEAA areas.

Let's assume that Xbox 360 is also 6M in remaining EMEAA (highly unlikely, but lets just say to for arguments sake), that'll give Xbox 360 some 19,5M installed base in Europe vs the 22M reported PS3.

And that's the 'worst case' scenario numbers for 360 Europe, assuming equal footing with PS3 in "Mid East Africa Asia".

'Ballpark' in Europe, I'd say that's well within any reasonable interpretation of that phrase, even under the worst case scenario for X360 Europe. But that's just me.

No matter; Europe has now been shown to be the closets fought region this generation between the Xbox and PS-brands.
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