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Soylent 2.0 announced: Ready to Drink bottles, 29 dollars for 12 bottles, Vegan

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Try raw meat.
I know you guys will probably think I'm crazy, but I know eat my ground beef steaks raw.

Saves a lot of time, and gives all the benefits meat has (vitamins not denaturated by cooking, healthy fat staying in the meat).

Just be careful of its source: E.Coli and parasites testing of the meat regularly is paramount if you decide to try raw.
I'm not eating raw meat
I'll get some when I get back to the dorms.
Since most of my classes are when the dining hall is closed, I'll just drink one of these and eat later in the day.


ITT: I've learned that cooking and eating are a waste of time...

WTF people
It's a surprisingly common sentiment.

I see the appeal of Soylent as an occasional supplement to a normal diet, but cooking, eating, and trying a variety of foods is one of the great pleasures of life.
I love food. I really do. One of my favorite things is trying new foods.

Just in the work day I have no time. It's either gas station food, or a plain sandwich with ham and lettuce. I can just drink a meal and save time, energy, possibly money. I'd do it.


I am surprised that it's basically the same price as the powder mix that you have to make yourself. How is that possible?


Have you had any increased cravings for other foods or snacks when you have Soylent as a meal?

I ask this because I tend to really like texture in my meals, and I really prefer savory foods to sweets which tends to drive me away from snacking on veg and fruits as much as I should. I feel if I was to try Soylent as a way of reducing my calorie intake I'd just snack too much looking for something to chew on unless it was really filling.

Early on I had cravings for real food that actually resulted in me making higher quality dinners for myself. For me that was more a result of the blandness of soylent rather than its lack of texture. The cravings have gone away and I just don't think about food very much while I'm at work. All I have during work hours is water, soylent, and the occasional coke zero.

I don't think I'm eating significantly fewer calories overall than before I started using soylent, but it's definitely cheaper, and healthier as a bonus.

Isn't soy like really bad for testosterone? I would not want to just keep drinking all the time if indeed it is.

With all the soy it contains, it's bound to happen.

The soy we cultivate now is very estrogenic, men shouldn't eat high amounts of it.

As someone else pointed out, it only contains soy protein so the estrogen levels are insignificant, and apparently the link between soy and low testosterone levels has been debunked.


I see the appeal of Soylent as an occasional supplement to a normal diet, but cooking, eating, and trying a variety of foods is one of the great pleasures of life.

Mostly disagree with this statement. For me food has been the great obstacle in my life with a multitude of chronic illnesses and general society's need to put dairy in everything. I love grilling a nice steak, sous vied some rosemary lamb chops, baking a cake, and a number of other things but to me that is all theater. If I could get away with just taking a pill or drinking something for 70% of my need I would be more then happy.

I need to read more about it from folks with IBS and dietary restrictions before I drive in but I'm tempted.


I am surprised that it's basically the same price as the powder mix that you have to make yourself. How is that possible?

Because powdered soylent is $10 a pound. Canola oil and rice protein don't cost that much. One of their "goals" is to reduce the price of soylent, but I can't imagine they're in any hurry if they're selling it as fast as they can produce it.


The one thing I'd be weary of with this is a potential development of a soy protein intolerance. I'm pretty familiar with this as I developed it about 10 years ago due to my diet consisting of a lot of rice with soy sauce and such - I had so much soy protein that my body decided to start to reject it.

Now whenever I have any sort of soy protein in a significant quantity (by that I mean it's within the first 5 ingredients in anything) I get massive migraines. I discovered that intolerance after drinking soy milk for 3 weeks and having a 3-week continual migraine that just refused to go away, by process of elimination I discovered I had become intolerant.

Soylent's protein source (the drink, anyway, I don't know about the powder) is soy. This means that personally I can't drink it, but I can really imagine someone drinking that every meal for a while developing the same type of intolerance.
The pre-bottled stuff seems dumb to sell directly to consumers. I could see it being sold at gas stations as a quick meal, but why would I want all that weight and waste shipped to me?

I'm baffled that there are people in every single discussion of soylent that can't see the utility of it. Real food tastes good, but it's also a hassle, and it's impractical to eat well a lot of the time.

Could I make a healthy salad for lunch instead of drinking soylent? Of course. Do I want to go to the grocery store to buy the shit, lug it home, do prep work every morning, and then end up throwing away 1/3 of the ingredients when they go bad? No, I don't want to do any of that.

Soylent isn't replacing the bone in ribeye I grilled the other day or the wood fired thin crust pizza I had at brunch this weekend. It's replacing Chipotle and Five Guys for lunch. It's cheaper and healthier than what I used to have. It's much easier and far less wasteful than making my own lunches would be. What's so hard to understand?

This is something a child would say.

If you can't make time to feed yourself properly then you have your priorities very wrong.

On topic: I guess it's better than microwave meals or junk food for those who never learned how to feed themselves.

For anyone to replace all their meals with this is really sad, eating good food is one of the greatest joys of being alive (and humans are lucky enough to have pretty much unlimited access to whatever they want to eat)
Now you just need to find a way to suck the joy out of sleeping, fucking and friendship and you can become the perfect mindless worker drone.
I'm considering possibly ordering the 24-pack as it should at least replace 1-2 meals per month when I'm in a pinch.

Price-wise, it's not too bad and I still eat regular meals, but this will definitely come in handy if I know I'm going to a big lunch or dinner so I can squeeze in a light meal.


This is something a child would say.

If you can't make time to feed yourself properly then you have your priorities very wrong.

On topic: I guess it's better than microwave meals or junk food for those who never learned how to feed themselves.

For anyone to replace all their meals with this is really sad, eating good food is one of the greatest joys of being alive (and humans are lucky enough to have pretty much unlimited access to whatever they want to eat)
Now you just need to find a way to suck the joy out of sleeping, fucking and friendship and you can become the perfect mindless worker drone.

There's nothing wrong with meal replacements, really.

I'm just failing to understand what Soylent offers vs. a basic smoothie and a vitamin pill.


I tried the original, it's interesting but ever since that Motherboard documentary I can't get the picture of rats from their previous warehouse out of my head. Plus, I just don't like Rob Rhinehart for some reason


I wouldn't call it delicious, but it works very well as a base for smoothies. My buddy gave me a bag from his order and I had it plain first - drinkable, but I can't fathom anyone thinking it actually tastes good this way. Once I put in a banana, some peanut butter, and a few dates though? Pretty darn tasty. Doesn't have that weird "feet" taste that comes with a lot of protein powders.

Not sure if this is the right direction for them. I suppose they're targeting the truly lazy market has expendable income and doesn't give two shits about the taste of what they're ingesting. Seems a bit too niche.


This is something a child would say.

If you can't make time to feed yourself properly then you have your priorities very wrong.

On topic: I guess it's better than microwave meals or junk food for those who never learned how to feed themselves.

Most people eat like shit, especially at work or while traveling. Knowing how to cook (healthily) and having the time/energy/money to do it are completely separate things.

The point of soylent is to reduce the time, effort, and cost I put into food while not sacrificing health.

I guess I'm not a real person because I spend less time chopping veggies and washing dishes than cool adults like yourself, but I think I can make due with having more time and money to devote to my hobbies and relationships.


There's nothing wrong with meal replacements, really.

I'm just failing to understand what Soylent offers vs. a basic smoothie and a vitamin pill.

A smoothie would likely cost more and require more time (shopping, prep, cleanup). Soylent comes to my door once a month, every two days I dump a bag of powder into a pitcher and fill it with water. Lunch prep finished.


Mostly disagree with this statement. For me food has been the great obstacle in my life with a multitude of chronic illnesses and general society's need to put dairy in everything. I love grilling a nice steak, sous vied some rosemary lamb chops, baking a cake, and a number of other things but to me that is all theater. If I could get away with just taking a pill or drinking something for 70% of my need I would be more then happy.

I need to read more about it from folks with IBS and dietary restrictions before I drive in but I'm tempted.

Just my experience, but I have IBS and have never had an issue with Soylent in the year I have been drinking it for meals a couple of times a week.
I usually have coffee and a granola/nut bar (and some multi-vitamins) for breakfast. I'm hoping this could replace that.

Their site blows, though. I accidentally double-clicked the order button for the 12-pack, so they marked me down as a 24-pack? What? They didn't even show me until after the order completed, and there's no way to cancel, so I had to send them an email through their contact link.


Food is overrated.

If this turns out to be a sustainable product (e.g. price isn't too much different than groceries, provides all nutrients, and doesn't disrupt microbiota/GI functions), then count me as uber-interested.

Nothing worse than wasting your life cooking and wasting your life eating when you can just slurp some of that good stuff.
Food is overrated.

If this turns out to be a sustainable product (e.g. price isn't too much different than groceries, provides all nutrients, and doesn't disrupt microbiota/GI functions), then count me as uber-interested.

Nothing worse than wasting your life cooking and wasting your life eating when you can just slurp some of that good stuff.

Would you kindly shut up? I love cooking for my friends and other people, cooking is my life. So you can put that opinion where it belongs, in the trash.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Food is overrated.

If this turns out to be a sustainable product (e.g. price isn't too much different than groceries, provides all nutrients, and doesn't disrupt microbiota/GI functions), then count me as uber-interested.

Nothing worse than wasting your life cooking and wasting your life eating when you can just slurp some of that good stuff.

I am Poe's Law-ing out so hard right now


Would you kindly shut up? I love cooking for my friends and other people, cooking is my life. So you can put that opinion where it belongs, in the trash.

I think I just found a solution that will work for everyone.

You cook for me. I win because I get food without all the hassle, you win because other people aren't supporting a product that you don't like.
I think I just found a solution that will work for everyone.

You cook for me. I win because I get food without all the hassle, you win because other people aren't supporting a product that you don't like.

The thing is, I'm not wasting my life. That's why I got like that. I over reacted, yes. I admit.


What time is it?
I'm curious so I ordered 12. I'm fairly picky so I'm guessing I'll not like the taste but it would be nice to have something quick and easy for when I'm on the go.

Eating this instead of real food won't kill you.

You will just feel like you want to die.

Exactly what I'm expecting. Ha!


I tried soylent 1.4 and it tasted so bad i coudlnt drink it.

So i am gonna stay away from 2.0

I guess they removed the vanillin. You could probably just add it back in. I think they wanted it to be as neutral as possible so people could take their own approach to masking the flavor.

Though now that they are selling the liquid and not just the powder it's more annoying to mix it up yourself anyways...

I'm really tempted to buy a batch though. Kind of wish I got to try the earlier versions.


One would think you could just buy some multivitamin and eat something else along with it.

I guess if it comes in a branded bottle you'll feel less stupid than just swallowing a pill and stuffing a piece of bread and a spoon of peanut butter in your mouth, but I don't see how it wouldn't be better to do this instead, plus you could have it in any flavor you want, no need to order it.

Seems like a bit of a scam really.


With all the soy it contains, it's bound to happen.

The soy we cultivate now is very estrogenic, men shouldn't eat high amounts of it.

Isn't this not that supported by evidence? IIRC studies with men and soy consumption show no meaningful change in hormones.


Finally! I've been waiting for it to take the next step.

also... Why do some come off so offended by this? Yes, eating tasty food is a great experience, but it can be expensive and time consuming. You can still consume soylent and have cooked meals every once in a while.


I just had Soylent for lunch. I've been getting ~50-75% of my calories from Soylent for the last month or so (had a DIY knock-off for some months before that). It's super convenient, I prepare 1 bag for 2 days, lunch done. I was travelling last week, and I brought some powder and a blender bottle so I didn't have to worry about breakfast. As others stated, fiber is a bit low, I add some psyllium husk powder, but I wished they'd add more to make it simpler.

As for taste, I think Soylent 1.5 actually tastes pretty good. It's fairly neutral, so it's also great with iced coffee or tea. But usually I prefer it unflavored.

Not sure about Soylent 2.0, shipping all those bottles seems pretty unenvironmental.
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