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Splinter Cell Blacklist - The Fifth Freedom Trailer


This game encapsulates everything ethically and aesthetically wrong with today's blockbuster gaming.


At this point I'm only looking forward to the Spies vs. Mercs resurrection. This voice actor sounds ok but the fact that it isn't Ironside is too much of a distraction for me currently. I hope it's a return to form but almost nothing in that trailer indicated so.


Disgusting really, that trailer. I mean, you have some guy being brutally beaten in rhythm to pounding drums as if it's something glorious and inspiring. You've also got Sam Fisher, a character who pretty much has been hating on his country and government for several years suddenly going all patriotic. What's up with that?
Seriously, the fact that they didn't keep Ironside and put Sam Fisher in Lambert's role shows how much they actually care about the series.

It's akin to suddenly changing Drake's appearance and voice in Uncharted 4 because they want him to be a bit like Michael Cera.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Don't care for Sam's voice, but I'm very excited for the Conviction 2.0 gameplay at 60 fps on PC. I loved the old SC's, but I like this new take on the series as well.


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
So wait, Ubisoft took over development of Dudebro: My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got To Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time and turned it into a commercial product that lacks self-awareness in the slightest? I need to talk to my legal advisers about royalties or something here.


i saw more patriotism and violence than Tom Clancy's worst books, which says something



So wait, Ubisoft took over development of Dudebro: My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got To Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time and turned it into a commercial product that lacks self-awareness in the slightest? I need to talk to my legal advisers about royalties or something here.

cuyahoga, you lovely patent troll xD
they should have introdced another character and had sam fisher/ironside as like a teacher/authority figure and then at the end it passes to the new guy.

Totally. And then they could have had an interesting conflict between this new character's bloodthirsty sadism and the old mentor, emphasising the weight and responsibility of wielding the 'fifth freedom'.

Even though this trailer makes a central feature of the contradictory nature of breaking laws (both international and domestic) to safeguard national security, I can't see them going anywhere interesting with it. If the trailer is anything to go by, we're supposed to be cheering along with his acts of brutality, rather than concerned by it.


Totally. And then they could have had an interesting conflict between this new character's bloodthirsty sadism and the old mentor, emphasising the weight and responsibility of wielding the 'fifth freedom'.

Even though this trailer makes a central feature of the contradictory nature of breaking laws (both international and domestic) to safeguard national security, I can't see them going anywhere interesting with it. If the trailer is anything to go by, we're supposed to be cheering along with his acts of brutality, rather than concerned by it.

That's such a improvement over what I just saw, that it makes me sad.

Don't care for Sam's voice, but I'm very excited for the Conviction 2.0 gameplay at 60 fps on PC. I loved the old SC's, but I like this new take on the series as well.

Yeah, I get why people are upset about it all, but Conviction had a lot of redeeming qualities. If you just pretend it's not a Splinter Cell game, it's really pretty good for action/arcade stealth. I think of it more along the lines of Tenchu now, and not really Splinter Cell at all.

The cover system alone was enough for me to at least enjoy it a little bit. It's just really fun to slink around, and slide between cover like that. I wish every game with cover would take that feature. Hitman and Deus Ex look like they copied the Mark feature.

But that damn Iraq level was just ... horrible. I wasn't into the story either. Unfortunately, it looks like they've basically made the whole thing a big Iraq level, with ... airstrikes. ugh. And the excessive patriotism really does bug me. I'm glad I'm not alone in that.

And those torture scenes really did not need to make a comeback. If you watch the trailer, it's kind of hilarious because both people he beat up were willing to cooperate. One guy literally was saying "no don't, I'll tell you everything I know!" And he hit him anyway. That really only made sense in the context of Conviction, when it was about his daughter.

I'm just hoping it still has co-op, and a lot of deniable ops missions. Those played a lot closer to the originals. The campaign was honestly the worst part of Conviction.


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
But in all seriousness, how do they aim to make a game that is more morally complex than previous games but end up make making a game that is less morally complex? Is this the product of the supposedly tight Ubi editorial team in France that controls major creative decisions?


But in all seriousness, how do they aim to make a game that is more morally complex than previous games but end up make making a game that is less morally complex? Is this the product of the supposedly tight Ubi editorial team in France that controls major creative decisions?

Maybe some military is funding development and making the decisions on portraying the abhorrent actions in a good light. I can't possibly imagine any civilian thinking whatever Sam Fisher is currently doing as being morally and legally defensible in any way.


Maybe some military is funding development and making the decisions on portraying the abhorrent actions in a good light. I can't possibly imagine any civilian thinking whatever Sam Fisher is currently doing as being morally and legally defensible in any way.
The weird thing is that Sam was always doing what he describes in this trailer, it's just that now he seems to kind of enjoy it.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I'm confused, did Ubi get bought by the US state at some point? First ACIII, now this.

Zero interest in playing it, in any case.
The weird thing is that Sam was always doing what he describes in this trailer, it's just that now he seems to kind of enjoy it.

He never tortured until Conviction. While there was always the choice to kill/KO/avoid in the old games, I always felt that the stealth focus and the tone of them pushed players in the direction of not taking lives.

I actually really liked the slow nature of the gunplay in Chaos Theory, where a couple of well-trained and well-armed enemies can be very difficult to take down in a straight up fight, while in Conviction, Fisher can suddenly take out a half dozen special forces blokes in the blink of an eye.


He never tortured until Conviction. While there was always the choice to kill/KO/avoid in the old games, I always felt that the stealth focus and the tone of them pushed players in the direction of not taking lives.

I actually really liked the slow nature of the gunplay in Chaos Theory, where a couple of well-trained and well-armed enemies can be very difficult to take down in a straight up fight, while in Conviction, Fisher can suddenly take out a half dozen special forces blokes in the blink of an eye.

Press A for awesome game mechanics. I keep telling people, this is not a Splinter Cell game, it's a Bourne simulator.
Did they send all the interns to Ubi Toronto to make this thing?

This thing has zero identity, I wonder if the developers even know what it is.

Maxime Beland – Creative Director, Ubisoft

I don't think creative means what he thinks it means.
Press A for awesome game mechanics. I keep telling people, this is not a Splinter Cell game, it's a Bourne simulator.

God no, it's pretty much the exact opposite of a Robert Ludlum thriller! You're working for a clandestine agency within the government with no Congressional oversight, and free-reign to break any rules and laws you feel are necessary to achieve your objective. You'd be working for the baddies in a Bourne film!


I dont like stealth games and I haven't played any SC games before but this one looks like the best one I think


God no, it's pretty much the exact opposite of a Robert Ludlum thriller! You're working for a clandestine agency within the government with no Congressional oversight, and free-reign to break any rules and laws you feel are necessary to achieve your objective. You'd be working for the baddies in a Bourne film!

From a gameplay perspective though, that's what I mean. Not the storyline.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
No Ironside makes me sad. That would have been 10 times more awesome with Ironside.

So when did Sam become a jingoistic dudebro rather than a cynical, world-weary deadpan snarker?

Go fuck yourselves, Ubisoft.

Yeah, the trailer was REALLY jingoistic.

They might as well change his name to Nathan Drake and swap out the nightvision goggles for a half-tucked shirt and have him go around torturing Arabs for shits and giggles. Oh wait, the latter already happens in the game anyway.


ahahaah great one

and yes i think the same about AC3, which i won't buy unless I see someone other than my fellow countrymen getting tomahawk'ed

Funny since they've shown a few targets that were Continental Army being assassinated in trailers. It's the same as every AC game really. The Assassins vs. Templars story set around another even in history that is intertwined. In AC1, you killed Muslims and Christians too. It's the typical theme of freedom over the Templars' idea of oppression which fits quite well into the setting. I hate the overzealous patriotic crap like COD, but AC gets all sides involved because there's good and bad people on both sides of any conflict. Splinter Cell is turning more into that COD feeling, but not playing AC3 over that is absurd since it's a part of history. Hate watching movies with medieval "countrymen" dying too?

Then again, I don't skip out on games because my "countrymen" centuries ago got killed. The cliche bad private military contractors and traitors within the government was getting kind of old too since a lot of games wanted to do it this generation so at least Splinter Cell is moving away from that again.

They sure know how to make this game look nothing like Splinter Cell in every media released though. That stealth video helped but made me laugh when he said a lot of the stealth animations weren't finished yet...lol. That and the voice will never be acceptable to me and their mo-cap excuse doesn't work since the guy can do all the stunts while Ironside still does the voice. I still wish they'd just move on and make a new agent while Sam Fisher becomes Lambert of sorts so he still has a big role in the game while still fitting with the series. I'd love to hear him lead my player since he's such a smartass.


Did they send all the interns to Ubi Toronto to make this thing?

This thing has zero identity, I wonder if the developers even know what it is.

I don't think creative means what he thinks it means.

I wonder what goes through this guy's head when he thinks a serious, yet unreflexive depiction of torture and extra-judicial murdering is somehow worthy of being put into this world and into the lives of several players.

Let's contrast Maxime Béland's understanding of the position of a creative director to Jenova Chen's:

[...]There are many experiences I want to communicate with the rest of the world. Among all the possible media I can use, videogames are the one I, and most people in my circle, grew up with.

I felt that by working in this industry, I could touch millions of people and contribute to the growth of this very young form of interactive entertainment and art.

Somehow Ubisoft Montreal and its creative decision-makers thought that Blacklist and its view on violence was a good concept to communicate to other people.


i think lambert mentions fifth freedom in the first mission of the first game. but only now is it EPICALLY AWESOME

I don't remember but did they ever mention in any of the games if Lambert was ever a field agent? I think it'd be funny to have a prequel in the Cold War with Lambert as the main character. A lot less fancy gadgets and more relying on the key elements of stealth.

Then again, they'd throw in 1000 "prototypes" and weapons and say he s the first to use all this gear in the field, lol.


Why does it look like Sam's goggles are actually emitting visible light now? Originally, we could see them glowing so that he could be visible in shadows for the player, as well as to be sort of an iconic look, like Batman's cowl. But now it looks like they're actually casting light.

Also, his new voice sucks. I mean, it's not a bad voice, but it's not Sam Fisher. It's already been said, but the smartest route they could have took if they were going to change the voice, would have been to make a new lead character. They've already mentioned other splinter cells in past games.

Edit: I'd play a Lambert prequel.
His new voice is just as horrible as the one they had for 47 in Hitman Absolution before they brought back David Bateson. Completely non-threatening.


He never tortured until Conviction. While there was always the choice to kill/KO/avoid in the old games, I always felt that the stealth focus and the tone of them pushed players in the direction of not taking lives.

I actually really liked the slow nature of the gunplay in Chaos Theory, where a couple of well-trained and well-armed enemies can be very difficult to take down in a straight up fight, while in Conviction, Fisher can suddenly take out a half dozen special forces blokes in the blink of an eye.
Ok, I'm not so sure if the old Sam Fisher would have tortured people, but he never really got a problem when he got ordered to kill someone. Like Nikoladze in the first game. I certainly had the impression that he would do everything in order to get the mission done.
Though obviously it would be the best to actually let the player decide, like in the Jerusalem scene in Pandora Tomorrow.
He obviously still had some compassion in him. Look at the first mission of Chaos Theory, where he can release the dead guy handcuffed in a bathtub, or save a couple of pilots rather than let them burn to death. And, as you said, the Jerusalem mission.



Actually, I am. It may lack some of the elements previous entries have had, but I can't deny this looks fun to play. I especially like the varying approaches to scenarios that have featured in previous videos of the game. Will make for some fun times.


i think lambert mentions fifth freedom in the first mission of the first game. but only now is it EPICALLY AWESOME

This, we've been given the 5th freedom in previous game more times than I can count.

Yeah, nice looking trailer, not a good looking game though. Just seems to be Conviction 2, skipping this :(
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