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Splinter Cell Blacklist - The Fifth Freedom Trailer


I dont like stealth games and I haven't played any SC games before but this one looks like the best one I think

This sentence is the perfect box quote for why this game is so terrible. It's not your fault and I'm not making fun of you, it's just what you said is the perfect example of why we all hate this game.


this game shaping up to be a hot mess devoid of any soul of the series. even the voice over sounds completely uninterested lol.
I never wish any game to fail but if I wanted to start I would start with this, ruining one of the best series ever with these uber violent "cinematic" garbage games.


I would love for this game to sell below projections. Have them re-evaluate the dudebro downward spiral they've taken the series in & revert back to real stealth gameplay. You know, with misdirection, alternate routes, and minimizing your footprint on the mission. Not have a whiz bang shootfest every fucking time, or "gotta kill ERRYBODY" "stealth".

edit: but I have a feeling this will blow all SC games out of the water in terms of sales.
I would love for this game to sell below projections. Have them re-evaluate the dudebro downward spiral they've taken the series in & revert back to real stealth gameplay. You know, with misdirection, alternate routes, and minimizing your footprint on the mission. Not have a whiz bang shootfest every fucking time, or "gotta kill ERRYBODY" "stealth".

edit: but I have a feeling this will blow all SC games out of the water in terms of sales.

The best part was the half-assed "You can still play it like classic SC!" video, which essentially proved everybody's point.


Meh. Wasn't impressed with the last game and this trailer combined with the new voice actor give me little hope for this one too.

Will grab on sale at some point.


Man, I still cannot conceive while they continue to bork what was essentially the near-perfect stealth game formula of the first two titles. Those games were so, so good in the realm of stealth genre. This makes me so sad to see the state of the franchise

time for a reboot...

...wait, shit, maybe not - we might just get Uncharted: Splinter Cell like Tomb Raider or some shit :(


Urgh, they didn't drop the whole torture angle from Conviction? Awesome. This isn't 2005 anymore guys, 24 isn't the hot shit anymore.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
This sentence is the perfect box quote for why this game is so terrible. It's not your fault and I'm not making fun of you, it's just what you said is the perfect example of why we all hate this game.

and likely why it'll be the best selling version


Man, I still cannot conceive while they continue to bork what was essentially the near-perfect stealth game formula of the first two titles. Those games were so, so good in the realm of stealth genre. This makes me so sad to see the state of the franchise

time for a reboot...

...wait, shit, maybe not - we might just get Uncharted: Splinter Cell like Tomb Raider or some shit :(

Take out the "i'm sneaking behind multiple 3 foot high barricades! im a ghost!" gameplay mechanic, and it's pretty much there.


Insert Credit Podcast had a really good piece on franchisement and how sweet games might be going under the radar just because they don't have The Name. This looks like a shooter for people who want one.

$10 there is a stealth game on the horizon that is worth looking forward to.

Actually, what's the original lead designer of Splinter Cell up to?


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Missing Ironsides sexy voice. Game looks good. Would like more traditional stealth rather than whet they are doing in this. As long as there is enough to keep me happy and the rest is still fun im in.


Insert Credit Podcast had a really good piece on franchisement and how sweet games might be going under the radar just because they don't have The Name. This looks like a shooter for people who want one.

$10 there is a stealth game on the horizon that is worth looking forward to.

Actually, what's the original lead designer of Splinter Cell up to?

creative director of Splinter and Chaos Theory works at Valve now.


"It's the right to defend our laws... by BREAKING them. To save lives... by TAKING them."

10/10 bros, looks like the patrioticest torturiffic shootbang ever!


John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Don't be so sure. Conviction was the worst selling SC for a while. It probably passed the 2nd worst by now but it's millions away from the best selling ones.

Well, I think the exclusivity had a lot to do with that.

And now military action games are more popular now than ever... look at GRFS outselling Max Payne, few saw that coming


Well, I think the exclusivity had a lot to do with that.

And now military action games are more popular now than ever... look at GRFS outselling Max Payne, few saw that coming

GR:FS is a pretty good game though. The online mode is amazing. It doesn't feel like it's not a current-gen GR game. Blacklist and Conviction are nothing like an SC game.


This should have been a spin off series

I can see it now; Fisher has his own mission off screen that coincides with the spin-off main characters. New guy kills hundreds of terrorists with style & cool, all the while, Fisher is talking about crawling through tiny vents, using health packs found in bathrooms, choking foolish patrol guards for info, hiding people in closets, watching a guys patrol route for a minute to get the timing right, worrying about alarms etc.

Ahh good times.


This looks like it should be a prequel. Hell, even Grimm looks a bit younger then she did in Conviction from the few seconds I caught of her.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
The official statement is that Michael Ironside is too old to do all that motion capturing (the cutscenes are made like in Uncharted etc.)

Personally I think it's because Michael Ironside just didn't want to anymore.

Either way the series is due for a reboot and a new character. Fisher without Ironside (and stealth) isn't Fisher.
I always thought Ironside was the worst part of the Splinter Cell series. The voice acting always felt off and just didn't fit the character on screen. It doesn't help that it's such a distinct voice that I can't separate the voice from anything other than someone looking like Ironside.


I always thought Ironside was the worst part of the Splinter Cell series. The voice acting always felt off and just didn't fit the character on screen. It doesn't help that it's such a distinct voice that I can't separate the voice from anything other than someone looking like Ironside.

I got the opposite reaction to it. They melded perfectly, as Fisher seemed like a old veteran, tired of platitudes.


this is half the reason i'm not going to be playing/buying this.
The series has literally always been about doing things outside the bounds of international laws and domestic/foreign policy. The "Fifth Freedom" is nothing new to this series. I definitely agree this game looks lackluster, war crimes not withstanding. I do love Spies vs. Mercs however, and hopefully it will be as good as I remember.


It might just be the youtubes, but this looks way worse (graphically speaking) than Conviction. I would almost argue Double Agent as well.

Those faces are awful, that lighting is muddy, those textures are terrible, and the animations look disjointed and robotic.

Just a trailer, I know, but this game is probably gonna be shit.


The new voice actor is pretty good. Sounds much better than Ironside, who sounded like he just walked into the recording booth after spending 6 hours drinking non-stop.

Everything else looks okay as a non-stealth game. But since this is a stealth franchise it looks bad.


at last, for christ's sake
Funny since they've shown a few targets that were Continental Army being assassinated in trailers. It's the same as every AC game really. The Assassins vs. Templars story set around another even in history that is intertwined. In AC1, you killed Muslims and Christians too. It's the typical theme of freedom over the Templars' idea of oppression which fits quite well into the setting. I hate the overzealous patriotic crap like COD, but AC gets all sides involved because there's good and bad people on both sides of any conflict. Splinter Cell is turning more into that COD feeling, but not playing AC3 over that is absurd since it's a part of history. Hate watching movies with medieval "countrymen" dying too?

Then again, I don't skip out on games because my "countrymen" centuries ago got killed. The cliche bad private military contractors and traitors within the government was getting kind of old too since a lot of games wanted to do it this generation so at least Splinter Cell is moving away from that again.

what's that, 0,01 percent? The Brits will be the bad guys in AC3, no doubt about that. The bad Americans will be portrayed as traitors, so when you kill them you'll feel even better as an American. But i digress, this ain't a discussion about AC3
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell
November 17th, 2002 — Over a year after the attack on 9/11 a game called Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell was released for XBOX. My brother bought it, saying that he had heard “really good things” about it.

For a long time me and my brother played single player games together, side-by-side, tag-teaming levels and switching off when one of us failed an objective. So that’s how we played Splinter Cell. And we loved it.

By this point I was already intent on being a writer, so I was enthralled by the story. Though simple and contrived in hindsight, at thirteen I reveled in the dense, espionage-laden plot of Splinter Cell, the gruff, no-nonsense demeanor of its protagonist, Sam Fisher.

My brother I think just liked the parts where you sneaked up on people and threatened to break their arm if they didn’t tell you what you wanted to know. I liked those parts, too.

I liked the idea of fighting terrorists, felt little to no remorse over killing them. I enjoyed the power fantasy — lurking, crouched in shadows, then striking, making a bad guy whimper in pain until I got what I wanted.

I was thirteen. I wasn’t conscious of it, but I was being fed, and readily accepting, the idea that killing terrorists was easy, fun, and necessary. Moreover, that good Americans kill terrorists, and that terrorists are always the easily identifiable Arabs, Russians, Chinese, otherwise-Middle Eastern, otherwise Eastern European bad guys you would expect.

“Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.”

– George Bush, addressing a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001

Is it such a stark distinction, president Bush? Even now? Even when there are allegations surfacing that under your administration CIA operatives tortured known opponents of Muammar Gaddafi, and then delivered them directly to the former leader of Libya?

Is it so easy a distinction to make if those prisoners were members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, itself part of the broader “mujahideen” group of rebels? Is it easy when the LIFG has been subject to allegations of ties with al-Qaeda that they constantly deny? Is it easy when the US supported the mujahideen against the Soviets in Afghanistan thirty years ago?

No, president Bush, it isn’t. These are murky, bloody lines, and they are painstakingly hard to make out.

But I didn’t know. I was thirteen. And I was being conditioned, that’s all.


Terrible analogy.

It's a pretty good one considering the bond franchise has gone through multiple reboots and is really disconnected.

Not seeing the problem with a new voice actor for a new game that's just using established names. Did people ever give a shit about the plots in the Splinter Cell games? I remember Chaos Theory was about a virus. I think. Only know that because you find a computer server and you're like "Oh, it's not a person."

Pandora Tomorrow was about militants taking over the television stations in Panama, maybe. There was a jungle and a TV station.

The first one was about Evil Leader Of Foreign Country.

I guess.. I get the complaints about the lack of stealth and the genre change but the rest is kind of boggling. Seems so irrelevant to having fun.

Do people have more fun with Ironside blubbering about things than Action Jackson? Did marketing research that?


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I disagree. Actors are not characters, even in video games.

I'm sorry but if someone else played Jack Bauer or Walter White than I would write off the series completely. Actors do become their characters. Bond is the exception, not the rule and the Splinter Cell series wasn't established like the Bond series.
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