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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #2) - One Thumb Up

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The Flash

Gotta love Left Trooper stopping his buddy from continuing in that direction. I like to believe those two when directly to an escape pod and got away from Starkiller Base.


The Star Wars equivalent of these two.



Ya that whole scene was bad. Though I don't know how they'd write a way to blow that thing up without it being hokey. Unless you want another thermal port #3.

They should've gone with the initial plan, have the Resistance superweapon "Warhammer" that can penetrate planetary shields and send out squadrons of fighters to the atmosphere. This was in the art book. It later got revised into being an anti-Star Destroyer weapon according to the leaked shot list, and then got dropped from the movie entirely.

Would've been much better.


All I have to say is damn this movie is much better on second viewing as a Star Wars fan...first viewing I think I was just too skeptical and waiting for the other shoe to drop and suck...I'm in love with it now and enjoyed the hell out of myself today at Hollywood's El Capitan!


Gotcha. You do seem highly bitter about this one though. Still just your opinion which is fine.

Because i did the same shit 4 times now.

Got burned by the first prequel, said i wasn't going to see the second, did it anyways got burned, bit RT review hype on the third saying it was the best one in a while, got burned.

And once again got burned on this one.
lol, I forgot to mention hearing people audibly groaning in the audience at the romance scenes in clones.

Just wanna say that as someone who had similar experiences (I was just a few years older when experiencing the prequels) you are completey on point with you aove analysis. The Yoda part In particular has always bothered me, after letting the movie digest for a few days. They made him some fucking little ninja shit when he was supposed to be some zen master samurai at least.

I am not completely against him using a lightsaber but it should have been like some 7th degree black belt kendo master. I actually trained with one when I was in university and it was amazing how FAST he was without actually being fast. There was an efficiency to is movements that none of us young in the prime of our life students could match.


George Lucas finally gets to see his original vision fleshed out so adeptly by Abrams and everyone involved. Even the actors. All of them. Bravo!

I'd have to disagree with this. It's pretty obvious from interviews that George Lucas is not happy with the direction they went for. They abandoned his original outline ideas for these films.
On Phasma, would people have preferred a 5 minute torture scene before she shuts down the shields, Jack Bauer style?

Nah, she shoulda just been the baton trooper.

And when Chewie shoots her, she flies backward, but gets up (because her armor isn't just shiny, you see!) and our trio goes "She got up from that?" and then the other troopers round 'em up - just in time for the X-wings to arrive? Now we have a little extra oomph when Chewie tackles her and Finn shoves a gun under her chin and is like "I'M IN CHARGE NOW, PHASMA."


this dude was great cause I like how the new outfits make them all look like weirdly fat short guys

im kinda conflicted in wether or not I would have prefered for him to be Phasma tho

- more weight to the fight with Finn since she already has a beef with him

- Phasma does fucking something

BUT I also liked that a random Stormtrooper had a badass moment handling himself rather than the usual "missing every single shot"

I'm sure a scene was cut where Finn gets checked by Phasma and another correctional officer early in the movie. This guy yells "Traitor!" at Finn when he comes out, but one would guess not all Storm Troopers know who he is. I think this guy was supposed to be such an officer or some such who would have been present in that cut scene.
In what sense? You think he is trying to cosy up to Snoke? In order to destroy him and the New Order? That he killed his father as a show to Snoke, and his father confronting him forced is hand into action?

Because I don't think he would have rebelled from Luke's school due to any insidious faculty in Luke's camp that needed to be ousted.

this explains it in a way that i can keep playing fallout and not type it in my own words

It's shocking how many people play dumb at being unable to make this crucial distinction. This happens in real life all the time. Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq War! Soldiers who carried on fine fighting combatants lost their morale, sanity and confidence in their country only when civilians were attacked.

Can't believe people are still hung up and in disbelief that a profusely bleeding abdomen after getting blasted by a very powerful gun could negatively affect a person's ability to fight. Armored men were blown the fuck away and killed by this thing and yet STILL naysayers can't buy that a nontrained girl (who's actually trained and a naturally strong Force user) had a fighting chance.

Can't believe people are complaining about the comedy being out of place when it's so incredibly similar to the humor in ANH and ESB.

And then there are the weird complaints about the overall casting being poor. What? Why?

The intense nitpicking and need to have everything over-explained (and re-explained) in excruciating detail like its evidence in a case, to one's specific demands and personal satisfaction, is unreal. I swear some of you would have torn ESB to absolute shreds if you were around in 1980 and had Internet.

So much truth in this post
I'd have to disagree with this. It's pretty obvious from interviews that George Lucas is not happy with the direction they went for.

No it's not obvious at all. In fact, the opposite is obvious, because he's on the record as saying he really liked the movie. He's happy with the direction they went. It's just not the direction he'd have gone.

But if he wanted to go that direction HE WOULDN'T HAVE SOLD THE COMPANY.

People hell-bent on pushing the Sour Grapes narrative like he didn't initiate the sale of his company. Lucas isn't getting robbed or snubbed, Lucas isn't upset or angry at the revival of his old company. Lucas is a retired old man who liked a Star Wars movie.
And we're all probably better off because of it.

Story was never really a problem with George Lucas. Some story details like Midichlorians may have not worked for people, but his actual storytelling structure has been consistently solid. I'm not saying which direction would be the best as I haven't seen his outline, but I doubt it was bad.
Gotta love Left Trooper stopping his buddy from continuing in that direction. I like to believe those two when directly to an escape pod and got away from Starkiller Base.

What I love most about that scene is how we can gather, just from those two stopping and turning back around, that Kylo Ren has done this before. If there were dialogue between them it would have probably been like "Wait. Yep, here he goes again." or something like that. They just seem used to it.


well not really...yet
And we're all probably better off because of it.
Abrams story is pretty thin

I have no trouble believing the Lucas outline could have a much more interesting story than what we got, and Clone Wars proved what Lucas was good at. Putting out the ideas and outlines and letting others flesh them out.


I'd have to disagree with this. It's pretty obvious from interviews that George Lucas is not happy with the direction they went for. They abandoned his original outline ideas for these films.

I'm not a huge Star Wars guy, but didn't he OK what they did with the Skywalker and Solo lineages in the old EU stuff?

I think that he should have (and probably did) expected Disney to throw most of that stuff out when they announced that they were pushing out a film a year.


Lucas was a visionary and great at world building. His dialogue and direction of actors sucks so people dismiss the prequels but none of this would exist without him. And Ralph McQuarrie. And John Williams.

The Flash

Story was never really a problem with George Lucas. Some story details like Midichlorians may have not worked for people, but his actual storytelling structure has been consistently solid. I'm not saying which direction would be the best as I haven't seen his outline, but I doubt it was bad.

maybe. sometimes I wonder how the PT would have turned out if he had kept out of the director's chair like he did Empire and Jedi.
This is very subtle, and more implied than outright stated, but in Leia's confrontation with Han regarding seeing their son, Leia states that she thought he should train with Luke, and that's why she sent him to him, and it was at that time that she lost her son, and lost Han. One can imagine that Ren wasn't exactly given a choice as to whether or not he would engage in his training, and of course Snoke manipulated him to an extent we are not yet aware (so she 'loses him' to the dark side in that sense by sending him away, but it can also be read as she loses him as that angered him and left to a sense of abandonment/having his destiny forced upon him), but he expresses a bitterness regarding his family in the movie (Rey views Han as the father she never had, and Ren responds that he would have disappointed her implying he disappointed him). Obviously this is a much more questionable motive, and his insecurity and lineage is his main drive, but I think there is enough currently to at least raise being pushed into his destiny by his parents as an additional factor.

EDIT: The main scenes regarding his motivations are the Snoke comments, any defeat he has at the hands of another, his two temper tantrums, the scene where he prays to Vader's helmet to have the power of the dark side and be convinced to kill Han, the scene where he's with Han and admits he's being torn apart, and the extremely important scene where he's interrogating Rey (basically the greatest insight we get in my opinion).
So if he was sent to the academy to train with Luke, why are people in this thread commenting that Han's son "had no training"?
If that weapon is made for the purpose of being anti-lightsaber, isn't it odd that the Stormtroopers are regularly equipping those in the first place? Does the First Order really expect to realistically come across enemies with lightsabers?
If it's anti-lightsaber is also anti blaster and anti laser.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
So if he was sent to the academy to train with Luke, why are people in this thread commenting that Han's son "had no training"?

Half of them think he's a teenager in TFA so it's not surprising that they would think that.


well not really...yet
maybe. sometimes I wonder how the PT would have turned out if he had kept out of the director's chair like he did Empire and Jedi.
George wanted to let others direct. He asked Spielberg, Zemeckis and others. Everyone was too scared.

Lucas has known since before episode 1 that directing wasn't his forte.


semen stains the mountaintops
No question, it would have been cgi with George at the helm.

In baffling thing about the prequels, specially Attack of the Clones, is that a lot of it was actual practical effects but it ends up looking super fake on screen. So even if George had used a puppet, it would have ended up looking like really shitty CGI.


The Star Wars equivalent of these two.


They should really do that actually, that'd be perfect. Never have them remove their helmets, just keep them wanting to stop dealing with all this shit. Maybe at the end of IX you see both helmets being dropped in front of the screen as both walk away out of focus, "Man screw this I'm going back to live with my pop on Tatooine, should have never volunteered for this crap." "You volunteered?! You never told me about this! ... Can I come?" "Sure bro!". Credits.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
So I'm absolutely in love with this movie? Currently reading through this thread, will see it a second time tomorrow.
Nah, she shoulda just been the baton trooper.

And when Chewie shoots her, she flies backward, but gets up (because her armor isn't just shiny, you see!) and our trio goes "She got up from that?" and then the other troopers round 'em up - just in time for the X-wings to arrive? Now we have a little extra oomph when Chewie tackles her and Finn shoves a gun under her chin and is like "I'M IN CHARGE NOW, PHASMA."



Abrams story is pretty thin
If anything, I think he might have the opposite problem. There are a lot of little plot threads in his movies that really could have been cut; for example, having to cut the shields for Starkiller Base.


Also if theories that Benicio Del Toro is cast as the true Villain alongside Snoke. Maybe we will see a Kylo redemption story.

if kylo ends up being like itachi, i think that would be really awesome honestly, and would make TFA more incredible with how it was set up

The Flash

Clone Wars proved what Lucas was good at. Putting out the ideas and outlines and letting others flesh them out.

Clone Wars is really good so I'll give you that.. It makes me wonder if Disney will exactly do something with all the Underworld episodes he wrote.


Yes, the dead Stormtrooper is his friend FN-2003 (aka "Slip"). Most of the First Order troopers have Clonetrooper-style nicknames, like FN-2199 ("Nines") and FN-2000 ("Zeroes"), except for Finn because he didn't really fit in with the others.

A lot of people like to speculates that Zeroes was the Riot Baton Trooper.
Yea I believe the art book states it is Slip


The Cryptarch's Bane
That photo is from around one year ago.
Do you mean because of the URL? Are you saying it didn't look like that in toy stores when the prequels came out or what? I received a bunch of those toys as gifts over the holidays, lol.
Just want to point out that the RT average for Phantom Menace was in the 70s before they re-released it in 3d in 2012.
That's a perfectly fair point and I also should have pointed out for completeness' sake that RottenTomatoes as a site had barely been out a year at the time of the TPM release and internet access was not so ubiquitous in 1999. Widespread adoption of the site was still coming.

That said, I do remember checking the AotC scores after it came out and it has deviated very very little.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
rhino thing is puppet with CG touch up

Its anus twitches at one point. I wonder if there was a fart gag they decided to remove at the last second.
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