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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #2) - One Thumb Up

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well not really...yet
I thought the rhino was CG but the majority of the creatures in the film seemed and probably were real. That was cool.
Honestly some of them should have been

That thing the Notajawa was riding when he caught BB8 looked awful and worse than anything in the OT
In baffling thing about the prequels, specially Attack of the Clones, is that a lot of it was actual practical effects but it ends up looking super fake on screen. So even if George had used a puppet, it would have ended up looking like really shitty CGI.

I know that George used a lot of practicals for the sets and vehicles in the prequels, but not so much for the creatures and aliens.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just wanna say that as someone who had similar experiences (I was just a few years older when experiencing the prequels) you are completey on point with you aove analysis. The Yoda part In particular has always bothered me, after letting the movie digest for a few days. They made him some fucking little ninja shit when he was supposed to be some zen master samurai at least.

I am not completely against him using a lightsaber but it should have been like some 7th degree black belt kendo master. I actually trained with one when I was in university and it was amazing how FAST he was without actually being fast. There was an efficiency to is movements that none of us young in the prime of our life students could match.
You trained with a kendo master? that is pretty cool. For a second I thought you meant you trained with a lightsaber.

The Flash

George wanted to let others direct. He asked Spielberg, Zemeckis and others. Everyone was too scared.

Lucas has known since before episode 1 that directing wasn't his forte.

Say whaaaat? Spielberg Wars? Hmmm. Well it worked for Indiana Jones, mostly.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Do you mean because of the URL? Are you saying it didn't look like that in toy stores when the prequels came out or what? I received a bunch of those toys as gifts over the holidays, lol.

I didn't look at the URL, but I can tell you that the 1/12th scale Black Series didn't exist during the prequels.


I don't think the directing was that big an issue in the prequel trilogy. The action was well shot from what I remember. The better actors worked with the dialogue they were given. Portman phoned it in after Ep1. Hayden was pretty bad, but so was Mark Hamill in the OT. Cheesy acting just isn't as accepted now as it was in the 70s-early 90s,
um, they giant pig-rhino was a puppet!??!?!


The film had a fair bit of creatures done in practical effects. Specifically in the bar and in the Rebellion planning room. Reminded me how much I prefer practical effects over CG.

I don't think the directing was that big an issue in the prequel trilogy. The action was well shot from what I remember. The better actors worked with the dialogue they were given. Portman phoned it in after Ep1. Hayden was pretty bad, but so was Mark Hamill in the OT. Cheesy acting just isn't as accepted now as it was in the 70s-early 90s,

The problem with the PT was the writing plain and simple. The stories suck and the dialogue was out of a mediocre late '90s JRPG. How the fuck do you make a movie called "Attack of the Clones" and have the actual attack of the clones happen in the last ten minutes of the film?


if kylo ends up being like itachi, i think that would be really awesome honestly, and would make TFA more incredible with how it was set up

I think I could like it going either way. With Han selflessly sacrificing to turn is son back for a true path of darkness, or Han blessing his son in his mission. I feel like it would be the former, it's far easier to explain to audiences. Just focus on Finn, Rey, and Poe being the new heroes.

If it did go the other way. We might get an ending too similar to RotJ with Kylo turning back to the light.

I think as of now I'm a little bit more interested in the Knights of Ren being a new dark side cult. Where they explore this weird new approach to the force. I'd also like if the themes of this trilogy are about restoring the balance, and you need an order that practices the dark side. But maybe Kylo could find a way to stoically follow the dark side without using it to harm people and without propping up fascist regimes of power.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I know that George used a lot of practicals for the sets and vehicles in the prequels, but not so much for the creatures and aliens.
Almost every set in the prequels has SOME bluescreen in it though, no matter how mundane the scene. The table at Cliegg Lars' place on Tattoine and Watto's junk shop are two I can remember that don't... even like basic hallways and temple settings almost always have bluescreen.


um, they giant pig-rhino was a puppet!??!?!


CG was used on top of puppets in some occasions. The junk dealer is a guy in a suit, but his face was definitely tweaked with CG to animate nicely. When you see close ups of this thing it's probably CG or CGed.
Most of the creatures were great, but there were some that I thought were awful. Like the droid thing that calls the Resistance about BB-8. :\

There's also some weird spider walkers on Starkiller. You see them during one of the fly over shots. Not sure if they were creatures, droids, or vehicles.

The Flash

They should really do that actually, that'd be perfect. Never have them remove their helmets, just keep them wanting to stop dealing with all this shit. Maybe at the end of IX you see both helmets being dropped in front of the screen as both walk away out of focus, "Man screw this I'm going back to live with my pop on Tatooine, should have never volunteered for this crap." "You volunteered?! You never told me about this! ... Can I come?" "Sure bro!". Credits.

Tell you what. If it doesn't happen, we'll make it happen. "Ether_Snake and The Flash Present: Star Wars Episode IX: Extended Nopetrooper Edition".
It's shocking how many people play dumb at being unable to make this crucial distinction. This happens in real life all the time. Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq War! Soldiers who carried on fine fighting combatants lost their morale, sanity and confidence in their country only when civilians were attacked.

Can't believe people are still hung up and in disbelief that a profusely bleeding abdomen after getting blasted by a very powerful gun could negatively affect a person's ability to fight. Armored men were blown the fuck away and killed by this thing and yet STILL naysayers can't buy that a nontrained girl (who's actually trained and a naturally strong Force user) had a fighting chance.

Can't believe people are complaining about the comedy being out of place when it's so incredibly similar to the humor in ANH and ESB.

And then there are the weird complaints about the overall casting being poor. What? Why?

The intense nitpicking and need to have everything over-explained (and re-explained) in excruciating detail like its evidence in a case, to one's specific demands and personal satisfaction, is unreal. I swear some of you would have torn ESB to absolute shreds if you were around in 1980 and had Internet.

I agree with everything except your take on the humor. I think the humor is pretty different and more blunt than it ever was in ANH or ESB. I don't mind the humor at all though but it's pretty different and it does stand out more.

One other thing just to add to your list, but I'm surprised about all this talk about Phasma. Why are people so upset that she didn't have a bigger role? Maybe it's because I went into the movie without ever seeing anything nor knowing anything about the existence of that character until I saw her in the movie, but I really had no disappointment about her screen time.


Is it just me or is the casting for General Hux a bit off

Like why is a 30-year old in charge of the whole fucking army for the 1st Order

cause they're kinda new and learning

while at the same time being straight up fascist like they should

I think he was great. He fit great with Kylo in both being kind of just young asshole brats, with him the most rational and "law"-abiding of the 2

old guy would be Tarkin 2.0
I know it is off-topic, but one of the trailers before the film was of an animated film. While watching it, it seemed like a cool CG film, but I knew it wasn't CG. I said to myself that this looks to tactile and has a certain animation style that it has to be puppetry. Turns out it was for Laika's new film. My eyes are flawless with this sort of stuff.

Biggest disappointment of the film was the complete waste of potential in using The Raid actors. Didn't even get a proper fight :(

What the fuck that was them? Shit! That is disappointing.


Is it just me or is the casting for General Hux a bit off

Like why is a 30-year old in charge of the whole fucking army for the 1st Order

Same reason why the Master of the Knights of Ren is a whiny young adult Vader fanboy. Captain Phasma, the leader of the Stormtroopers, sounds pretty young too. Maybe Snoke likes them young...


The Cryptarch's Bane
I didn't look at the URL, but I can tell you that the 1/12th scale Black Series didn't exist during the prequels.
I see, I fully admit I don't know what that means and I'm not really "into" the toys or anything, I just went looking for an image that reflected what it looked like to me in stores when the prequels came out and I found one.
there are some others. finding early 2000s pictures is kind of hard.
Lightsabers are not real silly.


Same reason why the Master of the Knights of Ren is a whiny young adult Vader fanboy. Captain Phasma, the leader of the Stormtroopers, sounds pretty young too. Maybe Snoke likes them young...

young people are arguably more easily convinced and older people would remember the empire kinda sucked

I dig it

plus you gotta get that tumblr twilight crowd


Same reason why the Master of the Knights of Ren is a whiny young adult Vader fanboy. Captain Phasma, the leader of the Stormtroopers, sounds pretty young too. Maybe Snoke likes them young...
After the Rebellion kicked the Empire's ass with a teenage farm boy, the First Order got with the program.
So I decided to do it... I'm going to try to go spoiler free for episode 8. I've set up twitter filters, and I'll be put to the test to see if I can avoid the leaks reddit. For 7 I pretty much knew most everything about the movie before going in, and that aspect of researching it before it came out was fun, but for as long as I can remember I've done the same thing for games and movies. I wasn't too go in as clean as i can to see which I like better.

The only things I know:
there will be scenes in that island as they did some filming there
Daisy ridley is training hardcore for the movie
Benicio del Toro has been cast. No idea who has is playing (I hope a knight of Ren)


Same reason why the Master of the Knights of Ren is a whiny young adult Vader fanboy. Captain Phasma, the leader of the Stormtroopers, sounds pretty young too. Maybe Snoke likes them young...
Ugh... After a couple of days, I've come from finding the film disappointing, to outright not liking it for the many poor decisions made during the movie.

I think I'm enjoying these discussions about the many theories, than the movie itself.


Biggest disappointment of the film was the complete waste of potential in using The Raid actors. Didn't even get a proper fight :(

If the next movies are stupid they'll show up at the end of IX when the resistance is going in to blow up Star Killer 2.0, on the side of the resistance, like Han coming in to save the day with the Falcon, cause they kinda liked Han after all and want to avenge him. And die by crashing in some control tower to take it down.

Then Phasma will remove her helmet and realize she is on the wrong side, and quit along with many other Storm Troopers, and join the resistance.

- Hollywood Inc.


Same reason why the Master of the Knights of Ren is a whiny young adult Vader fanboy. Captain Phasma, the leader of the Stormtroopers, sounds pretty young too. Maybe Snoke likes them young...

If the First Order was something that came about after the crash of the empire, and if it is largely populated by brainwashed kids that were taken from their families, you'd expect everyone to be under 40 no?


If the next movies are stupid they'll show up at the end of IX when the resistance is going in to blow up Star Killer 2.0, on the side of the resistance, like Han coming in to save the day with the Falcon, cause they kinda liked Han after all and want to avenge him. And die by crashing in some control tower to take it down.

Then Phasma will remove her helmet and realize she is on the wrong side, and quit along with many other Storm Troopers, and join the resistance.

- Hollywood Inc.
Weren't they eaten?
Yeah I saw it in IMAX Sunday and want to go again but everything is pretty much sold out even through next weekend, so I'm looking at like a 2 week wait minimum :(

There were like 50+ people already lined up 40 minutes before the doors were open, and the place filled up in about 10 minutes after that. Pretty ridiculous for a 1:20pm showing on a Tuesday. Movie is a juggernaut.

I looked at tickets for sunday and those were similarly gone.

I was able to snag some fairly decent seats a week from now, but the options were still pretty slim. Holy crap. Buying movie tickets a week early for a move that will be two weeks old by then.


Is it just me or is the casting for General Hux a bit off

Like why is a 30-year old in charge of the whole fucking army for the 1st Order
Because all of the Imperials worth their salt died in Return of the Jedi and shortly thereafter. My guess, anyway.

It fits with the whole generational transition theme of the First Order - and the film, for that matter. New generation of elite Stormtroopers, new generation of officers, new generation of Dark Jedi/Sith/whatever the fuck (Kylo and the Knights). Everyone is young besides Snoke.
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