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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #2) - One Thumb Up

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The Flash


*Throws a Kylo Ren tantrum* Yes!!!!

For a badass like Mara Jade? Heeeeeeell naaw.


I'm not the only one who thought of it! There could be dozens of us. Dozens!


Episode 8 has to either begin with Finn flying because he learned from Poe or Poe teaching Finn how to fly.

The way I have been fantasising about it is Finn being taught how to fly but being utter crap at it and nearly crashing ship, thus marking him as the first named character that actually cannot fly a ship.

It'd then also be a great setup for a Finn and Poe bromance buddy road trip film when Finn decides to look into his past, specifically his family, and needs a pilot to find the information he seeks, i.e. he needs Poe.

I'd cry if the film starts with Finn asking Poe if knows his parents (yes) and if he has any siblings (no), and then ending with Poe making the correction that he has a reckless, pain in the ass that makes him worry bro in Finn.

Shit, I got the bromance bug so hard I should start writing fanfiction for tumblr.


In general, from yhis point on, the least amount of next gen characters that are related should be kept to a minimum.

I think that 75% of the audience expects Rey to be a Skywalker.

Also, was that Mark Hamill voice over in one of the preview trailers supposed to be directed at Kylo Ren? Or was that intentionally left vague?
Snoke was probably my least favorite thing about this movie. His design looked like something out of Harry Potter or some shit.
That was my exact thought. Reminded me of a mix of CG Voldemort from Harry Potter 1 and that CG orc from The Hobbit. Super, super disappointing way to reveal the big bad guy. Perhaps it was the hologram that made him look that way, but he just didn't look real at all. Legit felt like I was looking at a cartoon.

I like Andy Serkis a lot, but that was a big mis-step. Hoping he looks better in person in the next movie.
That was my exact thought. Reminded me of a mix of CG Voldemort from Harry Potter 1 and that CG orc from The Hobbit. Super, super disappointing way to reveal the big bad guy. Perhaps it was the hologram that made him look that way, but he just didn't look real at all. Legit felt like I was looking at a cartoon.

I like Andy Serkis a lot, but that was a big mis-step. Hoping he looks better in person in the next movie.

I hope Andy Serkis just plays himself. Like Ren, he projects this monstrous image (Ben with his mask), but the Wizard is really just some dude


John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Rey - Kylo - Finn love triangle would have been a pretty interesting direction for this series to take but Kylo's one dimensional murdering of Han kinda ruins that possibility.

I feel like it's Finn, Rey, and Poe and Poe's interest is Finn. Which I'm totally cool with, bring something new


My mom actually wanted Finn to turn out to be Lando's son.

No to that. The two prominent black guys in the entirety of the Star Wars universe should not be related.
I thought the same a few months back that it would be cool....but then I thought a little more

Yea the whole "everybody knows everyone else" thing can't keep going on like this


I wouldn't mind if Rey wore her hair down like that in the next movie. damn she fine.

I picked up on her hairstyle this time around, it's pretty unique actually. Always wonder who comes up with that stuff and gives her an instantly recognize look. Wouldn't mind a few scenes with her hair down, she's gorgeous.


This is bullshit. And for some (probably terrible) reason it's important to me that the two of you understand that it's bullshit.

Let me be clear- I don't care how you guys feel about the movie. If you think it's bad, poorly-paced, boring, unworthy of the hype, overrated, whatever. That's your right to believe and your prerogative to express.

But this notion of "public opinion will come around, it always does. Just wait." is demonstrably wrong and narrow-minded. It would seem to me that the sentiment comes more from a place of wishing that public opinion would come around to mirror yours rather than just owning a minority opinion for what it is.

I will use both fact and anecdote to explain.


*clipped for size*


I knew that if this movie was good it would create three major effects on criticism and pessimism in the fan community:
(1) to re-double the insecurity among many of the people who defend the Prequels at every opportunity, leading them to try and tear down TFA rather than acknowledge the obvious discrepancy in quality between it and Episodes I-III.
(2) to infuriate people who have a deeply-held fanboy grudge against J.J. Abrams (often existing for mind-boggling reasons),
(3) to create a group of people who know most of what went wrong with the Prequels, and actually enjoy TFA, but have been so beaten down by years of fan pessimism to the point where they can't accept that the movie is actually good, instead bracing themselves and others for the "inevitable" backlash.

Opinions are opinions, and I have no interest in telling people what they should or shouldn't enjoy, but the desperate attempts to write a narrative about The Force Awakens before it has been out for even a week has been a fairly illuminating look into the minds of a certain minority within the fan community.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
The novel implies he did.

Is the novel halfway decent?

I'm tempted to give it a read. I read Phantom Menance back in the day, only Star Wars book I ever read, and I liked it well enough. Though now my tastes have changed and I don't enjoy young adult movie retelling in general all that much anymore, so curious if it's good and insight on its own merit.


In some ways I can't believe it. That I've seen a new Star Wars movie, and it was good. I'm so incredibly excited to see the next film. It still hasn't even sunk in completely that we are getting Rogue One and a Han Solo anthology film. The Han film has to be a young Han right? Before ANH?

Also I hope that Untitled Anthology film is for Obi-Ewan McGregobi.

But really Ep.8 is where my mind is at. Goodness, I've spent a fair amount of time today just watching making of videos for the prequels and the OT.


I wouldn't mind if Rey wore her hair down like that in the next movie. damn she fine.

I'd rather they kept Rey from being sexualized in future movies. Ridley's obviously a very attractive actress, but I like the idea of the daughters of us 70s/80s kids growing up with a cool Star Wars heroine who doesn't have to be sexy.

I'm sure Daisy Ridley will have non-Star Wars projects in the future where you can ogle her in something sexier than capris.


I hope Luke is a Pai Mei-esque cruel master in Ep. VIII. He looked angry at the end of TFA and everything points to him being a bitter old recluse.
"The Cruel Tutelage of Luke Skywalker"
In some ways I can't believe it. That I've seen a new Star Wars movie, and it was good. I'm so incredibly excited to see the next film.
It's pretty fan-freaking-tastic isn't it? I walked out of that theater with the biggest smile thinking so positive of the series again. Not even just that really, but feeling like I just watched one incredible movie.


One out of many things that I loved about this movie were the lightsaber fights. No fancy shit (at least not blatant) but just brutal. Every swing you can feel the intent to kill. And watching this in IMAX you can feel the bass and thud with every strike. I don't believe lightsaber strikes have ever sounded and "felt" so strong.


I'd rather they kept Rey from being sexualized in future movies. Ridley's obviously a very attractive actress, but I like the idea of the daughters of us 70s/80s kids growing up with a cool Star Wars heroine who doesn't have to be sexy.

I'm sure Daisy Ridley will have non-Star Wars projects in the future where you can ogle her in something sexier than capris.

I didn't say she's gotta show more skin, just a hair change would be cool. I agree they should keep from sexualizing her. She's gorgeous any which way, really.
One out of many things that I loved about this movie were the lightsaber fights. No fancy shit (at least not blatant) but just brutal. Every swing you can feel the intent to kill. And watching this in IMAX you can feel the bass and thud with every strike. I don't believe lightsaber strikes have ever sounded and "felt" so strong.

Yep I'm dropping cash on a new sound system when this comes out. The sound design was incredible and I want at least a bit of that experience at home.


Watched it last evening and absolutely loved it. Liked Daisy Ridley's character instantly as well as Oscar Isaac's character. John Boyega was great too. Happy they went with fairly less known actors. Wish Poe Dameron got more screen time though, was a very interesting character. Captain Phasma was really under used, why was she there in the first place? Comedic value? To show how to turn off the force field? To tell Finn to keep his helmet on?

Loved what they did with Ren's lightsaber. It looked kinda unstable. Like it was supercharged or something. Particles flying off and all. Looked very intimidating. Guess he wasn't good at constructing a lightsaber. Liked how they kept lightsaber usage to a minimum, so when the lightsaber gets popped out you know it means business in comparison with the prequels where they pull lightsabers for every single fart. It kinda losses its value.

Also think they should've introduced the Starkiller better. It was just there all of a sudden. Just relying on visuals from past movies they assumed people know it was a "deathstar". Which brings me to the point where i got knocked out of the movie a bit on how they blew up the planets. Might not be for most people but I just dont get how can you fire a deathray from the Starkiller and have it travel at lightspeed (assuming these are just highly charged photons) and hit planets in a different solar system within minutes of firing. Seeing as it takes years if not thousands for photons to travel and in a world where space ships need FTL drives to travel. It just seemed kinda silly and disconnected me from the movie.

All in all, very good start for a reboot. Happy Disney bought Star Wars IP so its no longer a hostage of George Lucas. Though I am wonder how well the next movies are going to be as they are not going to be directed and written by JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan. Both are very competent in handling it.
Yep I'm dropping cash on a new sound system when this comes out. The sound design was incredible and I want at least a bit of that experience at home.

I don't have a blu ray player, but I'm defintely thinking about picking one up just for this. I'm either going to buy one of the new 4k blu ray players or a PS4 or Xbox One for blu ray and gaming.


... Captain Phasma was really under used, why was she there in the first place? Comedic value? To show how to turn off the force field? To tell Finn to keep his helmet on?
I think she's designed as one of those intriguing minor Star Wars characters that are on the periphery, but remain mysterious, like Lobot, Nien Nunb, or even Boba Fett. At least that's how I saw her in this film. Perhaps she has more prominent roles in future installments.
One out of many things that I loved about this movie were the lightsaber fights. No fancy shit (at least not blatant) but just brutal. Every swing you can feel the intent to kill. And watching this in IMAX you can feel the bass and thud with every strike. I don't believe lightsaber strikes have ever sounded and "felt" so strong.

Watch it the same way too.

Everytime Finn, turned on the lightsaber, you felt like shit was about to go down.

And when Rey had the lightsaber, the music the lightsaber, the emotions

...good stuff!


It's pretty fan-freaking-tastic isn't it? I walked out of that theater with the biggest smile thinking so positive of the series again. Not even just that really, but feeling like I just watched one incredible movie.

Funny, I had the exact same feeling walking out of the midnight showing of Episode I.


I don't have a blu ray player, but I'm defintely thinking about picking one up just for this. I'm either going to buy one of the new 4k blu ray players or a PS4 or Xbox One for blu ray and gaming.

I haven't been this thirsty for a BD in years, of ever. I figure I'll go see this again after New Years because goddamn.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I did have a Blu Ray player once, but I was disgusted with the forced ads/trailers. Is that still a thing and if so, how bad?

Worse than ever but I just 120x fast-forward through the stuff that can't be skipped. Except the FBI warning. Fuck that unavoidable FBI warning.
Disney are the best about it lately among the major studios. They let you skip all of the previews instantly.


I can see her going the opposite route and getting over confident, and having that get her into trouble; there were already signs of that in TFA.

I want to second this, and add that maybe she can tap in very quickly but can over do it. Like she can learn the tricks fast, but as her power increases she begins to lose control. Kind of Anti-Luke.
Just got out of my second viewing and still loved it!

I'm still not convinced at all Luke is Rey's dad. I dunno if this has been brought up much, but my top candidate is now the guy that gets run through by Kylo during Rey's lightsaber-induced hallucinations/premonitions. He definitely looked significant based purely on his design being fairly unique (if I'm remembering correctly that is - pretty sure he had a Kung Lao-type hat that was pretty memorable), and every scene during that sequence had immediately obvious importance except for him (again, if I'm remembering correctly).

The reason for my thinking is that obviously multiple characters had an idea of who she was, but they didn't seem to know as much as they would if Rey was Kylo's cousin. As it stands, I'm guessing her dad was one of the people being trained by Luke when Kylo betrayed them.

Idk maybe I sound crazy, but it seems more plausible to me than her being Luke's kid. Already thinking about seeing a third time; I really like all the unanswered questions we've already been left with.

Also, a separate topic, but I'm kinda surprised at seeing a decent amount of dislike for Maz. I really enjoyed having an amazingly wise and knowledgeable character that isn't a Jedi that's super adept at using the force, yet has still come to know it very well. Really helped that she had a great design and Lupita's silky smooth voice.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Totally forgot about the Phasma character. What was the point of all that? Did she ever do anything but order the massacre of that village in the opening scene?


My guess is it will be revealed that there's no way to determine who Rey's dad is. We'll find out Luke, Obi-Wan, Han, that old guy at the beginning, and a few other guys all fell in love with her mom at the exact same moment - in the same bed - so there's no scientific way to determine who the father is.


I'd have to disagree with this. It's pretty obvious from interviews that George Lucas is not happy with the direction they went for. They abandoned his original outline ideas for these films.

Anyone got links to some of his interviews? I'd be interested to see his thoughts.
Ok guys, that's a lot of pages to go through. Saw the movie tonight and loved it. Star wars is back!

Question, how did the map end up on the same planet as Rey?

And who was the old guy with the map?
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