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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #2) - One Thumb Up

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hey man, JJ and kevin are pals. who knows



JJ also invited Kevin to one of the sets IIRC.


Just got out of my second viewing and still loved it!

I'm still not convinced at all Luke is Rey's dad. I dunno if this has been brought up much, but my top candidate is now the guy that gets run through by Kylo during Rey's lightsaber-induced hallucinations/premonitions. He definitely looked significant based purely on his design being fairly unique (if I'm remembering correctly that is - pretty sure he had a Kung Lao-type hat that was pretty memorable), and every scene during that sequence had immediately obvious importance except for him (again, if I'm remembering correctly).

The reason for my thinking is that obviously multiple characters had an idea of who she was, but they didn't seem to know as much as they would if Rey was Kylo's cousin. As it stands, I'm guessing her dad was one of the people being trained by Luke when Kylo betrayed them.

Idk maybe I sound crazy, but it seems more plausible to me than her being Luke's kid. Already thinking about seeing a third time; I really like all the unanswered questions we've already been left with.

Also, a separate topic, but I'm kinda surprised at seeing a decent amount of dislike for Maz. I really enjoyed having an amazingly wise and knowledgeable character that isn't a Jedi that's super adept at using the force, yet has still come to know it very well. Really helped that she had a great design and Lupita's silky smooth voice.

All we see of that guy is it looks like he was about to hit someone (Rey?) with a club, but Kylo kills him before he can. Could have been Rey's dad trying to kill her to avoid having her fall in Kylo's hands.

edit: My problem with Maz is that it's a horrible CG character straight out of a Dreamworks movie or the prequels, should have been a short person in a suit. Also would have preferred for Leia to have the saber, but no big deal.


Well, the prequel trilogy fandom in many forums is hating the movie because it's not George Lucas, while the OT fandom hates it for copying too much from George Lucas and having CGI...and the EU side hates it for taking Jacen and replacing him with a non Gary Stu version...

One day....One day I will find a STAR WARS forum were I can enjoy all 7 movies, the TV series and books, all full of amazing lore, while still aknowledging their flaws in a respectful conversation...

Any Day now....

So I saw it again tonight. I've been typing out some new thoughts. Two viewings was probably enough for me.

  • Posters in this thread have touted the soundtrack. I tried to pay attention to the music more this time around and I stand by my initial assessment. It's pretty unimpactful. One of the only times I felt some musical chills was when Rey grabbed the lightsaber.
  • Rey doesn't seem as "Mary Sue-ish" as I thought. I'm going to reserve judgement on her character until the next movies. The most sensible explanation is something about the Force reawakening in her to explain how adept she is. Regardless, I feel like I need her background fleshed out some more in some way.
  • On my first showing, I felt like Boyega stole the show, but on this second viewing I feel like Ford stole it a bit more. From a purely developmental perspective, I think it's good to be rid of him so Ridley and Boyega can really shine in the future.
  • Oscar Isaac is great. Guy needs more screentime either in the next one or in a spinoff.
  • Snoke is ridiculous and so is Hux. I feel like Hux was miscast and Snoke just looks silly. My parents asked me to go with them for this second viewing and afterwards my mom actually commented that Snoke seemed like a Harry Potter villain. Fair critique I think. The guy isn't believable in his evilness. I'll need to hear or see more from him to be convinced.
  • In terms of "ridiculous First Order things," upon a second viewing I felt like Starkiller base was just absurdly dumb. You've got this massive planetoid base that sucks energy from a sun. I felt myself distracted wondering about its functioning. How does it move once it has drained a sun? Why could the people on Takodana at Maz's castle see the beams? Wouldn't they need to be traveling in hyperspace to get there that quick? The whole base seemed cartoonishly silly in an otherwise fairly sensible movie.
  • Han's death hit me much more on a second viewing. I had spoiled myself going into the film and I think I was so caught up the first time anticipating the death scene that it didn't hit me. Definitely hit me the second time.
  • I wasn't sold on Driver the first time around, but I'm pretty sold on him now. He puts in a great performance, and he doesn't seem quite as whiny as I thought. Having context for him hitting his side during his battle really improved that scene for me. I really like the scenes of him raging and flying off the handle. I'd like for them to dig into that a little more.
  • I think that last scene with Rey and Luke is really, really bad. The helicopter shot. The long proffering of the lightsaber. The entire scene is awkward and feels unnecessary. It kills the pacing of the end of the movie trying to get there. When Chewie and Rey share that look at the end I thought to myself "I wish it would end right here."
  • I was impressed that the humor still got me chuckling even though I had just seen it like a week ago. Sometimes it can be a bit on the nose, but generally it was very well done.
  • I stand by my feeling that the movie really does take too much from ANH. I don't feel like I can really give the movie a score until I see the next two. That said, my gut says its somewhere between a 6-8. A solid movie. Richard Brody at the New Yorker called it "pre-fab." I find myself agreeing with much of that sentiment right now.
  • Somewhat unrelated to my movie impressions, the crowd I saw it with tonight was pretty subdued. No clapping at the beginning or end. Hardly any laughter. I was really surprised at the little amount of laughter at the "call-back" jokes. Definitely glad I saw it opening night. That was a special, energized crowd.
All we see of that guy is it looks like he was about to hit someone (Rey?) with a club, but Kylo kills him before he can. Could have been Rey's dad trying to kill her to avoid having her fall in Kylo's hands.

edit: My problem with Maz is that it's a horrible CG character straight out of a Dreamworks movie or the prequels, should have been a short person in a suit. Also would have preferred for Leia to have the saber, but no big deal.

Maz did look terrible. Just screamed CG.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Ah, ok. The line I mentioned looks like this, compared to the traditional figs. (The one in the middle.) Pretty nice, but difficult to do vehicles for. The TIE Fighter is absolutely massive. The Boba Fett and Slave Leia were in that picture.

man looking at this picture I had no clue there were such different options in stormtrooper toy choices. I mean I guess I should've known, but wow


Ignoring the fact there's actually a prequel fandom, Jacen wasn't a Gary Stu by any extent of any definition.

I really wish Landis hadn't started this shit. We wouldn't even be hearing any of this.
It came from one of those books.

I haven't read it but apparently Finn was top of his class.


This video talks about everything we know about Finn that's canon so far.

Oh man I really hope they have something good planned for him. This background did not come across in the movie at all.

Gonna be pretty disappointed if his coma is just meant to keep him on ice so that he can be an "audience surrogate" again.


I thought Maz looks pretty good. I don't think a short person in a suit would have really worked for how animated the character is.

Snoke on the other hand is pretty awful-looking. The Rathtars are neat designs, but they also look very unconvincing.


The idea of the light side calling to him is super interesting and it almost makes me believe this is what Vader is meditating against in his dome chamber he is always in.

Hrm, interesting idea.

I wonder if this is Anakin's Force Ghost trying to reach him, help him see the error of his ways.

I know no one wants a redemption arc for Kylo (and it's likely not possible with what he did to Han) but imagine if his arc culminates with finally hearing Vader telling him he's been wrong all this time.

Kylo realizing his life is a waste, attempts to make things right. Would it work for you if he got to do this without anyone being aware of what he did? He's a miserable character at his end, but tries to make it right. Basically, no happy ending, no one there to make him feel better.. he just dies alone, unloved, unmourned but having made a difference?

So BobbyRoberts,

My friend just shared what he thinks is the angle they will go with for Rey's paternity: She is Ben Solo's younger sister (not twin) and full sister. (meaning Han and Leia are her parents as well) How? Well...

Han leaves following the purge of the New Jedi and Ren's Fall. They blame each other and part ways, unable to cope with the grief their lost son represents. In Han's absence, Leia learns she is pregnant. She give birth to Rey but is decides to hide her existence from Han because of how their son is turning out. She wants her daughter to never know she is a Skywalker and to live a normal life. So she gives her to someone she knows and trusts.(TBD) Something horrible goes wrong and in a panic, her adoptive parents go on the run to protect her. (possibly from a Knight of Ren or some other evil being). Rey gets temporarily dropped off on Jakku, with the hope that once they have dealt with the issue, they will come back for her.. They even tell her as much. Tragically, they don't. They are killed before they can return for her.. Being a literal junkyard planet, no sense in looking there for a Skywalker. Now she is grown up oblivious to her true heritage, waiting in vain for her "family" to return

Not Bobby, but..

While interesting, it also messes with Leia by having a secret that she doesn't share with Han with no chance to say, "There's another.." yadda, yadda.

As far as recognizing goes.. I took Han's attempt at looking out for Rey and offering her a "job" trying to look out for Luke's kid and to make up for his own failure which his kid, which he sees echoed in Luke's abandonment of Rey.

Otherwise, it's kinda creepy having this old guy trying to get her to pal around with him and doing jobs, after 30 years of it just being Chewie and himself.


Snoke is just boring design-wise. He's big gray alien dude. Looks like "monster in random movie released around this time".

all he has going for was the cool "I ain't actually a giant psyke" hologram thing and honestly I would have liked for him to be a giant straight up. would be cool to introduce that type of suddenly giant alien into star wars
They really should have cut the helicopter shot at the end the only reason I can think of it not being cut is either because they did it and their limited time shooting they wanted to make the most of it or they were trying to hammer home that it's the place described by Kylo Ren when he was in Rey's head.

Starkiller should've been held off until either the second or third movie and built up, it felt tacked on.


Snoke is just boring design-wise. He's big gray alien dude. Looks like "monster in random movie released around this time".

all he has going for was the cool "I ain't actually a giant psyke" hologram thing and honestly I would have liked for him to be a giant straight up. would be cool to introduce that type of suddenly giant alien into star wars






http://www.winterson.com/pics/swb73kq.jpg[/I MG]
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[IMG]http://www.winterson.com/pics/sw17.jpg[/I MG]
[IMG]http://www.winterson.com/pics/swc075xo.jpg[/I MG]
[IMG]http://www.winterson.com/pics/swb215ot.jpg[/I MG][/QUOTE]

yeah, I forgot about the big


Because it's been evidenced time and again with Star Wars.

To be sure, there have always been people who had problems with the prequels, but with every single one of them, we had a bunch of people thinking they were awesome or better than the last one, only to come down from the hype later and revise their opinion.

I like the movie, but it has enough flaws that I can easily see the positive consensus swing the other way once the hype cools down. All it takes is another Plinkett-esque review to permeate through culture and this movie's generally-liked status is gone.

Nope, Attack of the Clones was universally reviled as a horrible movie IIRC, and it took away basically all of my good will for the franchise.

Phantom Menace got a little bit of a boost from the 'new star wars finally' hype, but even then the flaws were pretty openly acknowledged by fans. By the time Sith came around, I don't even remember there being any hype even, though as I said, I'd given up at that point because it was clear Lucas had no clue what made the original movies good.

TFA has plenty of flaws in the plot and structure, but Star Wars has never been exceptionally well plotted(not that that excuses them for not raising the bar), the important thing is that they got the tone and the feel right. The right balance of humor and likeable characters that you want to watch as they go on adventures. Whereas the prequels were humorless swamps of shitty exposition with slapstick comic relief thrown in for actual humor and wit.

Hopefully they improve the plot structures as they go on, but ultimately what made star wars work was the attitude, not the plot.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Just bought the Art of SWTFA book and once I started looking at the very early concepts


They were mind-blowingly great but dangerously out there at the same time
Just bought the Art of SWTFA book and once I started looking at the very early concepts


They were mind-blowingly great but dangerously out there at the same time
Didn't realize the artbook was released yet. OOS on Amazon, but I'm going to pick it up as soon as its back in. Thanks for the headsup!
I think she's designed as one of those intriguing minor Star Wars characters that are on the periphery, but remain mysterious, like Lobot, Nien Nunb, or even Boba Fett. At least that's how I saw her in this film. Perhaps she has more prominent roles in future installments.

Because they wanted another cool-looking villain for merchandizing and shoe-horned her into the plot. Probably the same thing with Boba Fett.
Otherwise, it's kinda creepy having this old guy trying to get her to pal around with him and doing jobs, after 30 years of it just being Chewie and himself.

Eh I don't think it's that creepy. She lost her parents, he lost his son, and they both share the same love of flying. Seems pretty natural that this pseudo-father/daughter relationship would form. It also looked like the same thing was being conveyed in the little interaction Rey and Leia had as well.


Eh I don't think it's that creepy. She lost her parents, he lost his son, and they both share the same love of flying. Seems pretty natural that this pseudo-father/daughter relationship would form. It also looked like the same thing was being conveyed in the little interaction Rey and Leia had as well.

Also he's getting old, surely he needs more help than just Chewie. She already proved more than capable to him.
I think I've figured it out. Snoke isn't Plaugas, but Plaugas was Snoke all along. It turns out that Snoke is the ancient and ultimate evil and the source of bad midichlorians in the world. He's been fighting his counterpart and adversary (who currently goes by the name of Maz Kanata) and source of good midichlorians throughout eternity, continually being reborn under different names. This is why Maz says that she had heard the First Order's name many times before, because they are all Snoke. Snoke created Anakin from the force and midichlorians to create the ultimate dark side force person, and is now training Kylo Ren as the ultimate payoff of that decision. But what he wasn't counting on was that Maz Kanata manipulated the force and midichlorians to create Padme, so all of Anakin's children also have the force of all good in them. Then Maz Kanata will make the big reveal that Rey is the good force inside of Maz Kanata reborn while Kylo Ren is the bad force inside of Snoke reborn, and then they fight.
I think I've figured it out. Snoke isn't Plaugas, but Plaugas was Snoke all along. It turns out that Snoke is the ancient and ultimate evil and the source of bad midichlorians in the world. He's been fighting his counterpart and adversary (who currently goes by the name of Maz Kanata) and source of good midichlorians throughout eternity, continually being reborn under different names. This is why Maz says that she had heard the First Order's name many times before, because they are all Snoke. Snoke created Anakin from the force and midichlorians to create the ultimate dark side force person, and is now training Kylo Ren as the ultimate payoff of that decision. But what he wasn't counting on was that Maz Kanata manipulated the force and midichlorians to create Padme, so all of Anakin's children also have the force of all good in them. Then Maz Kanata will make the big reveal that Rey is the good force inside of Maz Kanata reborn while Kylo Ren is the bad force inside of Snoke reborn, and then they fight.
Like I said to your Grievous idea.

Pure poetry. This is the Star Wars that we all need.


I call them the Nopetroopers


It'd be great if this was Tag and Bink from the comics.

The good thing is knowing all of these characters will one day have stories explaining their backstories.

If the skull in ROTJ can have one, why not these guys?
It'd be great if this was Tag and Bink from the comics.

The good thing is knowing all of these characters will one day have stories explaining their backstories.

If the skull in ROTJ can have one, why not these guys?

I look forward to the 20,000 word Wookiepedia entries.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Ooo. Now I'm excited to get my own copy.

Like imagine that Enslaved Video Game from a few years back, but Star Wars-fied.

Also there's this gem that was posted a few pages back of Rey (Kira at the time) managing to cut up Star Destroyers with a lightsaber.

Would it be incredibly stupid and OP even by Star Wars standards had it made it to the film? You goddamn bet it would.

But seeing the stuff on the book itself made it look kinda badass.


I think I've figured it out. Snoke isn't Plaugas, but Plaugas was Snoke all along. It turns out that Snoke is the ancient and ultimate evil and the source of bad midichlorians in the world. He's been fighting his counterpart and adversary (who currently goes by the name of Maz Kanata) and source of good midichlorians throughout eternity, continually being reborn under different names. This is why Maz says that she had heard the First Order's name many times before, because they are all Snoke. Snoke created Anakin from the force and midichlorians to create the ultimate dark side force person, and is now training Kylo Ren as the ultimate payoff of that decision. But what he wasn't counting on was that Maz Kanata manipulated the force and midichlorians to create Padme, so all of Anakin's children also have the force of all good in them. Then Maz Kanata will make the big reveal that Rey is the good force inside of Maz Kanata reborn while Kylo Ren is the bad force inside of Snoke reborn, and then they fight.

Or they fuck and make super babies...
Snoke is just boring design-wise. He's big gray alien dude. Looks like "monster in random movie released around this time".

all he has going for was the cool "I ain't actually a giant psyke" hologram thing and honestly I would have liked for him to be a giant straight up. would be cool to introduce that type of suddenly giant alien into star wars
I think Serkis said he is like 7ft tall or something like that. Not a giant but still a big dude.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
man looking at this picture I had no clue there were such different options in stormtrooper toy choices. I mean I guess I should've known, but wow

That's just the 1995, 1/12th scale, and 1978 ones. There are shitloads... several different 1/6th scale, Japanese 1/12th scale, several other regular-sized revisions, samurai versions...
Check out this toy version of that sandtrooper armor.

Like imagine that Enslaved Video Game from a few years back, but Star Wars-fied.

Also there's this gem that was posted a few pages back of Rey (Kira at the time) managing to cut up Star Destroyers.

Would it be incredibly stupid and OP even by Star Wars standards had it made it to the film? You goddamn bet it would.

But seeing the stuff on the book itself made it look kinda badass.
Ummm, is that supposed to be from a 100 foot lightsaber?


Like imagine that Enslaved Video Game from a few years back, but Star Wars-fied.

Also there's this gem that was posted a few pages back of Rey (Kira at the time) managing to cut up Star Destroyers with a lightsaber.

Would it be incredibly stupid and OP even by Star Wars standards had it made it to the film? You goddamn bet it would.

But seeing the stuff on the book itself made it look kinda badass.

Thank god that got cut, I would have totally checked out at that point.

How the fuck does a lightsaber cause that level of damage?


Like imagine that Enslaved Video Game from a few years back, but Star Wars-fied.

Also there's this gem that was posted a few pages back of Rey (Kira at the time) managing to cut up Star Destroyers with a lightsaber.

Would it be incredibly stupid and OP even by Star Wars standards had it made it to the film? You goddamn bet it would.

But seeing the stuff on the book itself made it look kinda badass.

I could see this happening during prequel era Star Wars or Force Unleashed Star Wars.
Like imagine that Enslaved Video Game from a few years back, but Star Wars-fied.

Also there's this gem that was posted a few pages back of Rey (Kira at the time) managing to cut up Star Destroyers with a lightsaber.

Would it be incredibly stupid and OP even by Star Wars standards had it made it to the film? You goddamn bet it would.

But seeing the stuff on the book itself made it look kinda badass.
Well, let no one ever say that Rey was OP. We were deprived of the real OP Rey </3

Kind of like it in a weird way.
Nope, just Luke's normal lightsaber.

Looking at it is both "thank god I saw this" and "thank god this was just very early concept stuff that would never have made it" at the same time.
Can you imagine Ren's self esteem if this happened? His mightiest tantrum leaves a few scratches on a control panel, meanwhile Rey eviscerates a star destroyer without even giving a shit.


I hope Luke is a Pai Mei-esque cruel master in Ep. VIII. He looked angry at the end of TFA and everything points to him being a bitter old recluse.
"The Cruel Tutelage of Luke Skywalker"

I thought he looked more like he was confused, as in, "Am I really seeing someone else? Is this another ghost? Why is she pointing my dad's lightsaber at me? Better pretend she's real before she turns that thing on."

Well, the prequel trilogy fandom in many forums is hating the movie because it's not George Lucas, while the OT fandom hates it for copying too much from George Lucas and having CGI...and the EU side hates it for taking Jacen and replacing him with a non Gary Stu version...

One day....One day I will find a STAR WARS forum were I can enjoy all 7 movies, the TV series and books, all full of amazing lore, while still aknowledging their flaws in a respectful conversation...

Any Day now....


Reminds me of being a Transformers fan who's ok with all the incarnations over the years.
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