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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Uh.... was this a thing? LOL.


story probably better written than the show.
Detective Conan 205:
Excellent. I loved this case way back when I first read it, and it's made the jump to animated form quite well. The police focused cases are always very good, especially because Takagi, Shiratori and Satou are all great characters (and most of the other police officers are pretty good, too), and this one is no exception. There's some great comedy between the characters, and Satou takes center stage with her backstory being a major focal point. The scene when she hears Takagi talking and has a flashback to the day her father died is a very poignant moment. Takagi also really gets to show his mettle here, and we see him really stepping into his own as a detective. This is when Takagi truly starts to become the fan favorite character that he morphs into, and we see him becoming a truly perceptive guy. Another thing I really love about this case is the dual stories, as we have the arson case in the present, plus the investigation into the circumstances of 18 years ago. Not only does it up the excitement, but it really lets a lot of characters get to shine, because there's twice as much action to go around. The cliffhanger is also very well done, and really gets you excited to see how things wrap up.

One small moment in the episode I really loved was the scene where Ayumi is giving her description to Satou, and in the background Haibara is yawning. It's a very minor bit that isn't even given any attention, but it's both an adorable moment and quite hilarious.

On the other hand, this episode sees the debut of a new opening song, and it leaves a lot to be desired. I don't want 90 seconds of watching Conan dance awkwardly.
Well the whole the underlying stuff for Fate/Zero is complicated and so it needed to be explained. What the audience got was essentially the Spark Notes version of a much more complicated universe. I'm also not a fan of sprinkling crucial world related info later on into a series. Mostly because then the audience doesn't have a clear appreciation for what is going on and time that could have been spent elsewhere is back at looking at basic details. That's even assuming that they bother to give you the details. A perfect example is Xam'd which is a complete mess in regards to world-building because nobody bothered to explain where anything was.

They also used some of the exposition as setup for later events such as the airplane. The audience thinks Kiri is a monster for shooting down the aircraft and that is the impression Kiri wants to give but later it turns out to be much more complicated than that.

Not to but in on your guy's argument, though the info dump did make me drop the show the first time I watched it, but I just finished Fate/Zero and loved it. The music, the characters, the lore. Would I enjoy Fate/Stay Night? I know its not as good as Fate/Zero but I'm not quite ready to let go of this universe. Thanks!


The Light of El Cantare
Yu-Gi-Oh S0 3

And so "card games are serious business" begins, with a kid getting punched out for the sake of one card. Couldn't Kaiba have used his money or corporate connections to get all the cards in existence? Does he really need to go around beating people up for them? It's not like CCGs only print one of a certain kind of card ever. (Or maybe they do; it's not like I play them.)

Honestly, Duel Monsters is a pretty boring game without much depth or strategy. The card battle was tedious and completely lacking in tension. I was interested in this season because it supposedly wasn't going to be all about Duel Monsters, but Kaiba is being set up as a recurring antagonist which will mean the game is definitely coming back. If it is going to end up occupying the majority of the episodes, I probably won't finish this.

Kaiba's an enormous dick, and getting cards the easy way simply denies him the gratification of being an enormous dick to everyone around him. (and yes, there are one-of-a-kind TCG cards, even in Yu-Gi-Oh!. They're typically tournament prizes.)

Perhaps a third of the season's episodes are Duel Monsters. Granted, I'll give you that Duel Monsters is represented horribly in S0, and I suppose its presence held extra interest for me as I've seen all of Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Monsters and played the game extensively in my teenage years; for that reason seeing it in a prototypical form was actually kind of neat. Furthermore, the "make shit up as you go along" aspect of Duel Monsters in S0 is reminiscent of early Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Monsters, which I always found to be comical rather than frustrating in its total absence of rules and logic. I can entirely understand how it's entirely unappealing for someone who has no history with the franchise, of course.
Not to but in on your guy's argument, though the info dump did make me drop the show the first time I watched it, but I just finished Fate/Zero and loved it. The music, the characters, the lore. Would I enjoy Fate/Stay Night? I know its not as good as Fate/Zero but I'm not quite ready to let go of this universe. Thanks!

Rin and Archer are great, but the rest of the Fate/Stay Night anime is pretty frustrating. If you really want to see more in the universe you could check it out, but you should have very lowered expectations, and expect to hate the main character.


Not to but in on your guy's argument, though the info dump did make me drop the show the first time I watched it, but I just finished Fate/Zero and loved it. The music, the characters, the lore. Would I enjoy Fate/Stay Night? I know its not as good as Fate/Zero but I'm not quite ready to let go of this universe. Thanks!

If anything, read the VN.


What's going on Anime-GAF? Funny, when I first got on GAF I decided to be a part of anime-GAF but I never seem to have time to watch it and discuss with you guys, anyway I will be doing so now that I have time.

I missed all of last year and heard that these three shows were really good but don't know which show I should start on, some advice would be amazing: Hyouka, Fate/Zero and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

And finally I recently ordered Summer Wars on blu-ray and 3 came in. The first was damaged so I called for a replacement and sent that back. The second came in and for some reason I got a third so I am deciding to give it away to some GAfers :), first person to PM me will get the copy for free, I'll handle the shipping fees.

Edit: movie is gone.

Hyouka - most pretentious show
Fate/Zero = most epic show
JoJo's = most entertaining show

Watch Jojo.

More than a coincidence in VA choice...


You should hear her say tongue twisters <3

Today I learned Amy is Squid Girl.

Gargantia 09

This is my favorite of the "serious" shows this season.

Well that was pretty unexpected, but at the same time, well OF course the Alliance is manipulating information. It was pretty obvious from the docile nature of the whalesquid before that they weren't necessarily searching for an all out war with the Alliance.

So, are the whalesquid actually humans or are they the symbiotic life form that composes their non-human side? Also, I'm wondering if they're going to be capable of actual communication with the humans.

The guy who first tested out the squidsuits had a daughter who looked a lot like Amy.

AMy is squid girl? no wonder she's so perfect!

Date a Live 10

OMG Origami... lol

The series will be 12 episodes long isn't? Feels a bit short...

WAY too short :(
Usually I like short series but in this case I really wish it was 26 episodes.

Could someone explain to me why Angel's Egg gets the reverence that it does? I generally really like Oshii's stuff, but I feel like that was one of the worst of his works that I've seen by far.

Its because Angel is cute.
Rin and Archer are great, but the rest of the Fate/Stay Night anime is pretty frustrating. If you really want to see more in the universe you could check it out, but you should have very lowered expectations, and expect to hate the main character.

The problem is that Kerry is about 10 million times better than Shirou.


Rin and Archer are great, but the rest of the Fate/Stay Night anime is pretty frustrating. If you really want to see more in the universe you could check it out, but you should have very lowered expectations, and expect to hate the main character.

Ugh, Archer.

But basically, yeah. Enjoying F/Z is not indicative at all towards enjoying F/SN. I'd say that even the universe (the lore, the Holy Grail War, etc) isn't really that interesting in the anime. It's been a while so I might not remember correctly, but if you do watch it, follow KuwabaraTheMan's advice and keep your expectations in check.


Futari wa Precure 27-29

Three episodes, three new antagonists introduced. And judging from what the third one said at the end of his episode, it sounds like these three are going to be our lot for the time being. They don't exactly seem to have much personality, but they do a good job of being creepy. Despite all having human forms, they feel more "inhuman" than the Dark Five. They also seem to draw their power from absorbing forces of nature, which is...interesting, I guess?

As for Porun, I'm starting to think my first impressions of him were a little harsh. He can certainly be annoying, but he's also kind of adorable. He seems to like hopping off alone and having his own mini-adventures (invariably tiring himself out along the way), which is vaguely heartwarming. Awwwww, look at the little guy go.

See? We agree on many things including that Porun is more cute than annoying. At least so far that youve seen. He does do a few things that make you want to punt him sometimes, but I like the little guy.
Not to but in on your guy's argument, though the info dump did make me drop the show the first time I watched it, but I just finished Fate/Zero and loved it. The music, the characters, the lore. Would I enjoy Fate/Stay Night? I know its not as good as Fate/Zero but I'm not quite ready to let go of this universe. Thanks!
If you're looking for more of the universe, it'll probably scratch that itch. But be prepared for the god-awful skip down tropey & cliche lane. I can say that Zero allowed me to appreciate Shiro just a little bit more. But only a little bit. Knowing what happens in Zero means you'll know a lot of the twists and reveals coming a mile away, and how they handle Saber is mad disappointing.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
[Aku no Hana] - 9

Kasuga would make for a god awful criminal. Some people are born meant to be goody two shoes.
Seriously how stupid do you have to be to throw in the clothes into the washer so your mom finds out. Either do your own god damn laundry or burn that shit to the ground. Or keep it locked in a box and have some ECCHI thoughts about that time with Nakamura

Nakamura is so god damn moe without the
. Unf Unf or whatever the kids say now a days.

Felt legitimately bad for his mom. I wonder if his dad will either
kick his ass when he gets his hands on him or if he just says OH WELL THATS PUBERTY like he has always done this whole series.

I really hope Nakamura "wins" (although I have literally no idea what a victory for her would end up looking like - it probably wouldn't be pretty) but I can't see this show having a happy ending for literally anybody in the show after where its gone and where its going.

Can't wait to see where it goes though. This show rocks.

This episode lacked hair porn , but gave me breathless action instead.

Are they planning to follow each fetishes untill the end ?


Apparently missed where I stated he was good the moment he became a cock blocker for Mepple.

YES! Bless little Porun! You saved us all!
People hate the wrong mascot for some reason.

School Days has got to be one of the most watched completely terrible show that nearly everyone agrees is bad in this thread.

I think only 1 person has ever professed that they liked it ironically or not.

Whaaat? I think everybody likes School Days. It does exactly what we hoped it would.

Porn parodies based on anime is nothing new.

I bet that sold more than the actual Nichijou show.

There should be more Porun out there.

Every Precure show should have Porun or an equivalent.
YES! Bless little Porun! You saved us all!
People hate the wrong mascot for some reason.


Every Precure show should have Porun or an equivalent.

Are you trying to ruin the precure franchise ?
It's bad enough that he appears in the dx movies .. No seriously ... porun should be erased from existence


Aku No Hana #9

Continues to be amazing. The mood is so unsettling, you really feel the awkwardness through every sequence, it's at the point where you can't imagine "how much worse it gets from here" a feeling that I've only truly felt in american television shows like The Shield and Breaking Bad


Legend of the Galactic Heroes - 83: After the Festival

~ Still, do we have to continue to fight, regardless? ~

Julian completely destroyed those Terraists. They'll feel those in the afterlife.
The scenes with Frederica were hard to watch. It shouldn't have been like this, dammit. Such a warm couple.
Julian and Frederica as leaders... I don't quite understand though, both of them are related to Yang, so even if they were competent enough, I feel people would be less suspicious of usurpation if they selected someone else.
Pretty sure Reinhard is going to wipe the Terra Cult out. They took his goal away.


Digimon Adventure Movie

After reading about it in the "why does digimon has bewbz, lol japan" thread and some posts in this one, I thought about watching the unedited original. The movie short is really good, there is little to no story but I really love the old school animations and the music is top notch.

that old school style animation...I think I'll go rewatch some of the old classics now x)


Not to but in on your guy's argument, though the info dump did make me drop the show the first time I watched it, but I just finished Fate/Zero and loved it. The music, the characters, the lore. Would I enjoy Fate/Stay Night? I know its not as good as Fate/Zero but I'm not quite ready to let go of this universe. Thanks!

Avoid FSN like the plague.

Seriously. Unless you're this super big F/Z fanboy who must know the roots of it all, absolutely nothing will be gained by watching F/Z. It will only ruin your experience.


Not to but in on your guy's argument, though the info dump did make me drop the show the first time I watched it, but I just finished Fate/Zero and loved it. The music, the characters, the lore. Would I enjoy Fate/Stay Night? I know its not as good as Fate/Zero but I'm not quite ready to let go of this universe. Thanks!

Fate/Stay Night is mostly haremshit and Saber doing housework.
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