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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Poet Centuriate


I wouldn't know about that. The exposition got grating, which has been my main complaint with every fucking show he ever does.

Exposition is part of the genre to a large degree. I honestly don't get people who flinch whenever there is small amounts of exposition in a series. I can understand when it takes up a good chunk like Psycho-Pass but there are limits in how much you can play around with this stuff.


Good example of really terrible infodump: Fate/Zero Episode 1

Coincidentally, also by Urobochi

Episode 1 was necessary for people coming in fresh, which was for the best. A lot of the background shit in the Nasu-verse is a mess and really not that relevant. They even glossed over tons of garbage in regards to how magic worked that is somewhat relevant. If they had tried to explain some of the stuff later, there would have been complaints about not knowing what is going on.
I watched the Digimon movie, the one with all three (?) of those movies maybe a dozen times on a really long road trip a long time ago. I now never want to see it ever again.
That was a hacked up version of three separate movies (by two different directors), with over 40 minutes of footage cut out and a godawful dub. Of course it was terrible and inconsistent.
Oh wow! This is the first time I've heard about this. Totally had no idea it was a compilation. Now it all makes sense. Though, I've always found the dub fairly charming.


Episode 1 was necessary for people coming in fresh, which was for the best. A lot of the background shit in the Nasu-verse is a mess and really not that relevant. They even glossed over tons of garbage in regards to how magic worked that is somewhat relevant. If they had tried to explain some of the stuff later, there would have been complaints about not knowing what is going on.

I'm not a film director or have any kind of experience with storytelling but I am pretty sure there is a better way to get your background info across than animating two dudes walking around in a perfect circle.

I very nearly dropped F/Z after watching that episode because it bored me to tears.
Good example of really terrible infodump: Fate/Zero Episode 1

Coincidentally, also by Urobochi
I can definitely agree that the first episode was infodump-tastic, but I don't think it really bothered me. I guess I was genuinely interested in learning about all of the characters and their dynamics/relationships. Also, like Jarmel said, didn't Psych-Pass lean a little often on the infodump side of things? And that was another Urobochi joint.


Sengoku Basara S2 4


True that.

Not a lot to say really. Enjoying this and it's striking me that a lot of the crazy anything goes in the first season has been dialed back slightly for the better. I do enjoy how the focus is split between the cast at the moment too. Feels nice and balanced.
Oh wow! This is the first time I've heard about this. Totally had no idea it was a compilation. Now it all makes sense. Though, I've always found the dub fairly charming.

Yeah, it really is three different films. The first section of the film (where Taichi and Hikari are kids and meet Koromon) was a short film released by Toei prior to the start of the original TV series. The part of the film set a year after the original series was the second film, Our War Game, which was released around the time the original series ended. Both of those films were directed by Mamoru Hosoda. The final section of the US film that's set at some ambigous point during 02 (but it can't actually occur at any point in the main continuity) was the third film "Hurricane Touchdown! Supreme Evolution! The Golden Digimentals!" (which is also the greatest title for any film ever). It was directed by Shigeyasu Yamauchi, and released during the summer a few months into 02's original broadcast. It was the first Digimon film to be its own theatrical release, as opposed to being paired up with something else or part of some film festival. (Our War Game was a double feature with the first One Piece film) In order to cut these films down to size, Saban cut out more than 40 minutes of content, the vast majority of it from the third film (which is over an hour long in its original version, but fairly short in the US abomination), including an entire story where the older characters from the original series get kidnapped (hilariously, this is the only plot description mentioned on the back of the US VHS, despite none of it being in that version at all).


School Days

"Why did you have to get pregnant?"

Well, this was certainly something.
Watched it with friends, so it was extremely entertaining and by the end we all felt shocked, violated but ultimately satisfied.

Not much to say since most people here already saw it, but damn
it was fucked up. Makoto is probably the greatest protagonist ever. He remains oblivious to stuff happening around him and just continues to get laid with every girl that lets him not caring about the consequences. The scene near the end where he just browses the numbers in his cellphone trying to pick a chick up, gets angry because they all ignore him and then finds Kotonoha who is basically a ruined human being at that point and still gets her to come to his apartment to get laid was so amazing my jaw almost hit the floor. So many great scenes, so many quotable lines, I wasn't bored for a second. It started out generic, but still entertaining due to the stupidity of the characters and ended up being a really unique experience. Great stuff.


I'm not a film director or have any kind of experience with storytelling but I am pretty sure there is a better way to get your background info across than animating two dudes walking around in a perfect circle.

I very nearly dropped F/Z after watching that episode because it bored me to tears.

They probably could have animated a prior Grail war and shown it but the problem is that again the Nasu-verse is a mess and we really don't have a clear picture what happened in the third Grail war. Also when you're discussing rules, there isn't much you can do to spice the stuff up.


School Days has got to be one of the most watched completely terrible show that nearly everyone agrees is bad in this thread.

I think only 1 person has ever professed that they liked it ironically or not.

Who thought that art style was a good fit for digimon?

School Days has got to be one of the most watched completely terrible show that nearly everyone agrees is bad in this thread.

I think only 1 person has ever professed that they liked it ironically or not.

I thought it was the only universally praised harem romcom for having an ending where the entire fanbase got exactly what they wanted :p


They probably could have animated a prior Grail war and shown it but the problem is that again the Nasu-verse is a mess and we really don't have a clear picture what happened in the third Grail war. Also when you're discussing rules, there isn't much you can do to spice the stuff up.

I don't see how the overall Fate universe being completely convoluted excuses F/Z but if we take the constraint that F/Z has to explain the Fate universe away they could have sprinkled it all around the series instead of dedicating 1 hour to an infodump. I mean, its not like the other episodes lacked exposition either.

I thought it was good.

Ok, 2


Well, I just watched a new trailer for the upcoming Gintama movie.


It's like concentrated fan service. I almost wish I hadn't watched the trailer and was introduced to everything when watching the movie.
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 181


This telephone was more funny than it had the right to be.

This episode was really amazing...but that thing in the preview, I don't even...I'm gonna watch Akibaranger and watch next episode later.


School Days has got to be one of the most watched completely terrible show that nearly everyone agrees is bad in this thread.

I think only 1 person has ever professed that they liked it ironically or not.

I like it. One of the most hilarious anime I'd ever seen.


I don't see how the overall Fate universe being completely convoluted excuses F/Z but if we take the constraint that F/Z has to explain the Fate universe away they could have sprinkled it all around the series instead of dedicating 1 hour to an infodump. I mean, its not like the other episodes lacked exposition either.

Well the whole the underlying stuff for Fate/Zero is complicated and so it needed to be explained. What the audience got was essentially the Spark Notes version of a much more complicated universe. I'm also not a fan of sprinkling crucial world related info later on into a series. Mostly because then the audience doesn't have a clear appreciation for what is going on and time that could have been spent elsewhere is back at looking at basic details. That's even assuming that they bother to give you the details. A perfect example is Xam'd which is a complete mess in regards to world-building because nobody bothered to explain where anything was.

They also used some of the exposition as setup for later events such as the airplane. The audience thinks Kiri is a monster for shooting down the aircraft and that is the impression Kiri wants to give but later it turns out to be much more complicated than that.
Yu-Gi-Oh S0 3

And so "card games are serious business" begins, with a kid getting punched out for the sake of one card. Couldn't Kaiba have used his money or corporate connections to get all the cards in existence? Does he really need to go around beating people up for them? It's not like CCGs only print one of a certain kind of card ever. (Or maybe they do; it's not like I play them.)


Then why couldn't you have just used that copy in your games?

Honestly, Duel Monsters is a pretty boring game without much depth or strategy. The card battle was tedious and completely lacking in tension. I was interested in this season because it supposedly wasn't going to be all about Duel Monsters, but Kaiba is being set up as a recurring antagonist which will mean the game is definitely coming back. If it is going to end up occupying the majority of the episodes, I probably won't finish this.
Gintama - The Movie (end) (EngDub via NeonAlley)

Having only seen seven episodes and then this movie, I must say that Gintama just feels really standard and at times dull. For the movie, focusing on all the action was really not wise as just about all of it felt boring and lacked the type of excitement that the swordfights in Bleach or Brave 10/Hakuoki gave off. Where it really was good though was in its brief moments of comedy. When it was present it was just really funny and some of the english dub lines too. The most memorable aspect has to be the Shinsengumi Special thing in between the two credits, I couldnt stop laughing hard.

Hijikata and Okita needed more screentime, Katsura was great and had the best voice (Kanba via Penguindrum), Bansai, of few lines also had hilarious lines and delivery, and then Shinsuke was one of my favorite designs. I hope he isnt movie only as I want to encounter him again whenever I return to the anime assuming it doesnt become a sole action affair like this movie was :( 6 / 10.


Because it

- is beautiful, with lovely Amano character designs, good character/hair animation, an imaginative fantastical landscape with lots of striking imagery.

- has a well written ambient soundtrack.

- has a very evocative atmosphere.

- contains meaningful religious - Christian, to be precise - imagery used by someone who actually knows what he's talking about. (Oshii at one time intended to become a Catholic priest.)

- has a message which isn't straightforward or obvious but reveals itself as you peel back the layers of the onion.

In summary, it's a well-made, substantial work which rewards rewatching and careful contemplation.

I disagree. I feel that the message and symbolism is fairly obvious and not very insightful w/r/t religion. Maybe in terms of anime faith and Christianity are unusual themes, but many of the continental European directors which Oshii has cited as influences- Bresson, Tarkovsky, Antonioni- have tackled this kind of thing much better. In fact, it seems like the film's fixation on single-minded iconography to convey its meaning is Oshii's clearest debt to Tarkovsky, but he doesn't carry over the necessary element of duration and movement that make Tarkovsky's films "experiences". We get static shots that loiter not really saying all that much. In fact, Angel's Egg is like a much worse version of Stalker, or Werckmeister Harmonies, or basically any Cannes-bait movie about religion for that matter. Artists have covered religion in so many different ways that this fairly standard take on faith is a bit disappointing, especially since this is supposedly Oshii's serious, landmark film.

I guess comparing it to better films is a bit unfair, but it felt really derivative and bad as an Oshii film as well. Overlong for its subtance. Allegorically shallow. Foregrounding the abstract instead of the dramatic (when Oshii and, let's face it, most other European narrative art film directors are really bad at pure abstraction). The overwrought imagery was too much of a crutch. Really sophomoric and indulgent, which is weird for a director like Oshii who balances his pretenses and his limitations fairly well. I guess filmmakers and animators attempt art at their own peril.

In short, I thought Gosenzosama and Beautiful Dreamer were way better. Thanks for the feedback though.


Date a Live 10

Disappointed about the battle being shorten, but I did enjoy
Kurumi's headshot to Kotori
Kotori's cannon in action

Rest of the episode was okay. Music is still good as ever, and the latter half with Origami was surprisingly enjoyable.

I cant wait to see episode 10. The last episode cliffhanger was so mean :(
Thats why I usually wait for a show to finish and then marathon it.

50 bucks is worth it for that much hnngh.

The next few episodes will be a good bellwether of how much you'll hate Max Heart.


Best mascot <3

Having squid for dinner tonight though!

yummy calamari!


Still without luck
Ok animeGAF, now that my Titan rage has subsided, I'm looking for specific kinds of shows. All recommendations are much appreciated!

So, is there an anime that is a slice of life show that takes place outside of Japan, but still a in modern setting? Interested in seeing how this would be.

Also, is there any straight-up Star Warsy kind of show?

Thanks in advance!


Gargantia 9

This chapter feels like Sora no Woto when they learn about the sea.

And the last scene with Chamber fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Gargantia 9

Jesus Christ.
So the Hideauze were genetically modified humans? I didn't see that coming. I was expecting the humans to be the evil ones but it's really a war for space between humans. That scene when Chamber was killing the young whale squids made me sick, especially with the human-like insides. And then when Chamber killed the humanoid one...fuck.
This show is really amazing.

Now I want to know
how the remaining humans on earth survived, and how they start using the ships.


Subete no aware
School Days has got to be one of the most watched completely terrible show that nearly everyone agrees is bad in this thread.

I think only 1 person has ever professed that they liked it ironically or not.
I love School Days. It's my favourite harem - I only wish Cross Days was animated. :p
Well, I just watched a new trailer for the upcoming Gintama movie.


It's like concentrated fan service. I almost wish I hadn't watched the trailer and was introduced to everything when watching the movie.


School Days has got to be one of the most watched completely terrible show that nearly everyone agrees is bad in this thread.

I think only 1 person has ever professed that they liked it ironically or not.

eh... it's ok. The ending really does pull it all together and makes you think about it.

Kinda like bioshock infinite!


My opinion of School Days has improved over time, though that being said I have no desire to watch it again.

I have gotten two other friends to watch it, though...


Who thought that art style was a good fit for digimon?

I thought it was the only universally praised harem romcom for having an ending where the entire fanbase got exactly what they wanted :p

I thought it was good.

I like it. One of the most hilarious anime I'd ever seen.

I liked School Days :(

I love School Days. It's my favourite harem - I only wish Cross Days was animated. :p


eh... it's ok. The ending really does pull it all together and makes you think about it.

Kinda like bioshock infinite!

What the hell...?

I think you've badly misjudged this community.

I clearly have!

You guys are crazy.
My opinion of School Days has improved over time, though that being said I have no desire to watch it again.

I have gotten two other friends to watch it, though...

That's why you have to watch it with people who've never seen it before and know nothing about it, that's when you'll reap the most out of it
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