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Stanford professor: video games and online porn will lead to the extinction of men

this is not healthy.

My life is perfectly fine. Im currently unemployed but even when i have been employed i played games long enough to feel like i was getting my free time in, i spend enough time with my girlfriend and have a solid relationship.

What should i be worrying about since you know me so well?


Oh well. Let the world burn.

I think we should also be asking why men are using escapism in hobbies like video games, music, and movies and letting those hobbies engulf their day-to-day life. With all the pressures of a waning economy, high tuition costs, the insistence to get married and have children and if not you'll get shamed by your family can take a toll on a man. So I don't necessarily think the men who let said hobbies take control of their lives don't care about leading productive lives, but those hobbies are their vices--a ticket away from the depressing reality that we live in today.


at last, for christ's sake


The doom of humanity will be academics that don't play enough video games or watch porn. Now give me a slot on a Ted Talk and a scholarship and I'll expand on that and make a career of it.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
My life is perfectly fine. Im currently unemployed but even when i have been employed i played games long enough to feel like i was getting my free time in, i spend enough time with my girlfriend and have a solid relationship.

What should i be worrying about since you know me so well?

leading a more interesting life? if you game 6+ hours a day and porn is an admittedly "large part of your life" it seems like a hollow life. porn and video games are fun things, but they are not the foundation for a fulfilling life.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
There are too many kids in the world right now, anyway, and most of them will probably grow up to be crappy adults.

Fie on you, Stanford professor.


The description of "Herbivore men" is different to what the professor is getting at here.

Well I only linked to the wiki article because I'm lazy and need to get back to my video games so I can help end the human race.

But generally its usage as a buzzword matches up very closely to what he's saying.


leading a more interesting life? if you game 6+ hours a day and porn is an admittedly "large part of your life" it seems like a hollow life. porn and video games are fun things, but they are not the foundation for a fulfilling life.

Everyone's idea of fulfilling is going to be different.

And to some other posters, not everyone is thrilled at the prospect of having and raising children.
leading a more interesting life? if you game 6+ hours a day and porn is an admittedly "large part of your life" it seems like a hollow life. porn and video games are fun things, but they are not the foundation for a fulfilling life.

Maybe not fulfilling for you, but the great thing is, is that you don't get to decide what is or isn't fulfilling for someone else.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
30 and I like porn and video games more than my day job and little kids. Is there a problem?

you mean like porn and video games more than your day job, raising children and having sex with actual women, correct?

He's going to tell you that your life isn't meaningful or fulfilling.

So, you know, prepare yourself for that bombshell.

yea he can play video games and watch porn while i have actually have relationships with women*, ultimately starting a family with one. we'll circle back when we're 80 and see who's more fulfilled.

*if you want to have a relationship with a man and start a family with him, that's what's up - i'm just referring to myself here.

Because everyone wants to have children, right?

no but everyone should want to be with a sexual partner instead of sitting in their house alone wanking it to internet porn forever.


pretty sure he's skipping the "having sex with women" part and just talking about the "raising kids sucks" part
leading a more interesting life? if you game 6+ hours a day and porn is an admittedly "large part of your life" it seems like a hollow life. porn and video games are fun things, but they are not the foundation for a fulfilling life.

Interesting while not only being a subjective term entirely is based on the notion that i somehow do not lead an interesting life?

Do yo know me or my day to day activities? Look i get it you believe your life is super amazing and everyone should be doing a variation of what you do but im sorry to tell you this you are entirely wrong.

Im not going to get into this to much but porn taught me more about sex education than a couple of classes in high/secondary school ever did. Again iv had 2 very healthy relationships in the last 5 years and i enjoy virtually every moment of my day.

I sleep between 5 and 7 hours per night. If im awake for 17 - 20 hours a day and i spend 6 playing video games then i still have between 11 and 14 left.

I regularly socialize with friends and spend alot of my free time between cooking, graphic design and reading on topics that interest me aswell as being part of not only this community but many others.

I have nothing i would change in my life and i directly contradict the nerd stereotype despite being heavily invested in the culture.

But please keep on with you're superior attitude because i find it hilarious.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Im not going to get into this to much but porn taught me more about sex education than a couple of classes in high/secondary school ever did. Again iv had 2 very healthy relationships in the last 5 years and i enjoy virtually every moment of my day.

you really don't see a problem with grown ass men learning more about sex education from porn than school or their partners? i mean sure, we all take notes and implement a few moves here and there but this could be a serious problem to today's youth.

You seriously do not grasp the concept of other people wanting different things than you do, do you?

not especially, no


you mean like porn and video games more than your day job, raising children and having sex with actual women, correct?

yea he can play video games and watch porn while i have actually have relationships with women*, ultimately starting a family with one. we'll circle back when we're 80 and see who's more fulfilled.

*if you want to have a relationship with a man and start a family with him, that's what's up - i'm just referring to myself here.

no but everyone should want to be with a sexual partner instead of sitting in their house alone wanking it to internet porn forever.

You seriously do not grasp the concept of other people wanting different things than you do, do you?
Reminds me of a good friend of mine, he is completely incapable of understanding that his ideals are not the world's ideals.


no but everyone should want to be with a sexual partner instead of sitting in their house alone wanking it to internet porn forever.

This notion of yours that everyone should behave the same way, in societal standards, is amusing. It goes along with what I mentioned earlier how if someone leads their life in a different way, they'll be publicly shamed.
You seriously do not grasp the concept of other people wanting different things than you do, do you?
Reminds me of a good friend of mine, he is completely incapable of understanding that his ideals are not the world's ideals.

How else is he going to feel superior to other people on the internet?


Conan made a funny joke about this on Friday's show. Something to the extent of "Hey I didn't know my mom was a professor at Stanford!"
jon bones has such a wonderful, awesome, envy-worthy life that he resorts to seeking self-fulfillment on an online gaming forum. lol.
no but everyone should want to be with a sexual partner instead of sitting in their house alone wanking it to internet porn forever.

Why? If anything, my combined experience in the job/romance field has given me an appreciation for solitude. People suck. They betray, back stab, maneuver, swindle, are egotistical, and the vast majority of those I have met (from all walks of life) are boring and never like to talk about anything beyond the how awesome last night at the club was.

Fellow Student: "OMG I saw Lebron James at the club last night in Barcelona!"

Me: "Thats great, did you guys have a good conversation about the mysteries of life?"

Fellow student: "Lawl no, we just drank and stared at him from across the room."

Sitting around reading the Dresden Files or playing PSP is more fulfilling than that. At least I get some kind of intellectual stimuli.
you really don't see a problem with grown ass men learning more about sex education from porn than school or their partners? i mean sure, we all take notes and implement a few moves here and there but this could be a serious problem to today's youth.

I never said anything about partners. School sex education at least in the UK is a watered down mess and porn while crude actually gives people a better understanding of the basics.

Its amazing how you went from directly attacking my life to talking about today's youth because I directly contradict what you imagine me to be.

People will lead what ever life they want and porn, games and everything else will have a negligible impact on that.


You know, if I thought my life was so super superior to others, I wouldn't tell them to try and emulate mine. I mean, that's really dumb because if they copied my life, I wouldn't be superior anymore. So where's the fun in being like everyone else? Enjoy being superior to the ugly, unwashed masses and shut up!
leading a more interesting life? if you game 6+ hours a day and porn is an admittedly "large part of your life" it seems like a hollow life. porn and video games are fun things, but they are not the foundation for a fulfilling life.

I agree with you on a personal basis - I try to be moderate about most things I do as well, juggling work, university, friends, games, creative output (drawing, photography), reading, movies, other activities so that I don't get caught in a fixed schedule of just one or two of these things (even though over some periods of my life, I failed at that :O). So for me, a life with 6+ hours a day gaming and porning around on a daily basis would be hollow too/not what I want out of life.

Then again, define fulfilling life. You know, maybe someone who plays videogames 6+ hours a day does this because it really is his one big passion - what should he do? Force himself to read a book or to join a sports team? As long as it's not an obsession born out of depression or something similiar and if he leads the life he wants (including a relationship or not), to each his own. Your post seems kinda arrogant to me in that regard.

Also, I don't agree with the article - obviously - but the general thesis that people become at least awkward when it comes to relationships is something I could get behind. General IMO face-to-face communication skills might have declined somewhat with younger people, then again maybe it's just a shift and it takes some years of time for society and rules of society to adjust to new situations like Facebook or the overpresence of sex and porn in all media. I don't think we're in danger here. I mean, the same kind of melodramatic "WE'RE DOOMED" was around every time a new media system got part of the lives of the majority (*insert Nintendo-joke here*).
Ridiculous article. The men who sit around playing videogames and watching online porn all day just replace the men that used to sit around watching television and read porn magazines in the 80s.


I believe I would be more worried about nuclear war or even being hit by an asteroid. The good old dinos of course got pink slipped by the latter, but it's going to be video games and porn that finally does humanity in? LOL, OK.
I don't know man, liking your video games and porn more then your kids is pretty bad.

Where did I say, that I have children?

you mean like porn and video games more than your day job, raising children and having sex with actual women, correct?

yea he can play video games and watch porn while i have actually have relationships with women*, ultimately starting a family with one. we'll circle back when we're 80 and see who's more fulfilled.

*if you want to have a relationship with a man and start a family with him, that's what's up - i'm just referring to myself here.

no but everyone should want to be with a sexual partner instead of sitting in their house alone wanking it to internet porn forever.

And where did I say that I don't like/have sex???

In a happy polyamory relationship for the past 5 years. And why do you assume that I only have sex with women?

My partner, even though not a gamer, would agree with me on my statement by the way. We monsters...

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
jon bones has such a wonderful, awesome, envy-worthy life that he resorts to seeking self-fulfillment on an online gaming forum. lol.

i've read one too many threads on this forum about people who are afraid to go out and start relationships and be outgoing and do a lot of things that would them happier in the long term. i went to an engineering college and saw tons of kids that the professor is talking about. this professor is hitting the nail on the head about some of the underlying causes of this issue and forgive me if i feel strongly about it.

i'm not not having threesomes while skydiving and doing blow, i'm just talking about leading a balanced life that certainly includes porn and video games but to a limit where your own social tendencies are not affected. does it make you happier now? sure. is it good for society and humanity in general? NOT AT ALL!

amazing how no one sees how this could lead to a problem but yeah everyone just pile on


yea he can play video games and watch porn while i have actually have relationships with women*, ultimately starting a family with one. we'll circle back when we're 80 and see who's more fulfilled.

As if it matters, we're just clever monkeys clinging to a dying rock that is an insignificant speck in a universe that doesnt care, and when we die thats it were done. The only meanings our actions have are those we instill in them ourselves, its the height of arrogance to think that following the traditional lifepath is somehow superior or more "fulfilling" (an entirely personal and subjective metric) than any other lifepath. Working hard and getting married is arguably better for society and the continuation of the species - two things the individual doesnt necessarily have to give a fuck about.
Aah so video games and porn are the reason testoron is decreasing in the male populous.
Atleast im told that previous generation the average testoron levels were higher then they are now.
This would be a positive outcome if we porned ourselves to death. No humans mucking stuff up anymore.

I can't remember who said it, but..

"There won't be humans in 500 years. Enough people choke themselves when they jerk off we gave it a name. We ain't a species made to last."

Seems apt.
you really don't see a problem with grown ass men learning more about sex education from porn than school or their partners? i mean sure, we all take notes and implement a few moves here and there but this could be a serious problem to today's youth.

C-c-c-combo breaker!
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