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Stanford professor: video games and online porn will lead to the extinction of men


Replace "play video games" with "drink at the saloon," "hunt varmints," or "torture peasants" and you've got the entire history of man in a nutshell. Video games are just a new distraction for an old problem... women.

Ha I guess that's one way to look at it. We're always trying to find something to get us away from the wife or girlfriend.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I wish i could be like Jon Bones and buy 300 dollar jeans and be totally radically awesome and lead the most varied life neogaf, if only.

at least i'm not a dirty Steelers fan



is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Why? If anything, my combined experience in the job/romance field has given me an appreciation for solitude. People suck. They betray, back stab, maneuver, swindle, are egotistical, and the vast majority of those I have met (from all walks of life) are boring and never like to talk about anything beyond the how awesome last night at the club was.

Fellow Student: "OMG I saw Lebron James at the club last night in Barcelona!"

Me: "Thats great, did you guys have a good conversation about the mysteries of life?"

Fellow student: "Lawl no, we just drank and stared at him from across the room."

Sitting around reading the Dresden Files or playing PSP is more fulfilling than that. At least I get some kind of intellectual stimuli.

You're just hanging out with the wrong people, then. I definitely appreciate my "alone time" reading a book or playing PSP, but I also have some friends who I go out with and have a blast with (after a lot of trial and error and getting rid of the "friends" who were a negative influence in my life).

If there are people out there who would rather play videogames and JO to porn than go out and try and meet women, who am I to tell them it's the wrong way for them to live their life? It's not for me but I kinda like the boring "typical" suburban white male life that I have (still need the wife though!) and wouldn't push that on other people.


I think Apple Generation and Social Networks like Face are bad than videogames and porn for future relations and real life...

people are getting weird behavior with that stuff...
Yeah, men are pretty much fucked. Personally, I feel less and less like a "man" as the years pass and then I look outside and see the same thing with every other man my age or younger

We aren't aggressive anymore. We replace competitive sports with World of Warcraft or Facebook. Instead of going out to a club, we go to porntube and masturbate. And when we masturbate too frequently, we're not allowing our testosterone to build up, we're preventing ourselves from ever becoming that aggressive male that women find so attractive

It wouldn't be so bad if women would change at the same time and everyone became androgynized but that doesn't seem to be the case


Don't people understand, if we get rid of anything fun then the only thing we have left to do is be super productive workers and breed like rabbits supporting short term economics because it forces us to spend more money and work harder to earn more.



Honestly, I really don't give a shit about what any of you guys are doing and neither should you about what I am doing.
I wouldn't say he's wrong he's kind of right, lol. but i don't think it will go as far as being non existent anymore if anything we will adept through the worse situations


Honestly, I really don't give a shit about what any of you guys are doing and neither should you about what I am doing.

But for society to move forward you must have children and work yourself ragged trying to support them! How else are we going to develop a great culture where people line up in droves trying to get some shitty factory job that only leaves time for working, mailing checks back home, and sleeping in job provided bunk rooms?



Yeah, men are pretty much fucked. Personally, I feel less and less like a "man" as the years pass and then I look outside and see the same thing with every other man my age or younger

We aren't aggressive anymore. We replace competitive sports with World of Warcraft or Facebook. Instead of going out to a club, we go to porntube and masturbate. And when we masturbate too frequently, we're not allowing our testosterone to build up, we're preventing ourselves from ever becoming that aggressive male that women find so attractive

It wouldn't be so bad if women would change at the same time and everyone became androgynized but that doesn't seem to be the case
wtf am I reading.jpg
i hate statements like the thread title, however sound the research behind them may be for all manner of reasons. there are many natural systems in place to encourage and discourage our urges to have kids, and frankly if the population slows down a bit, that's no bad thing.

but no, this isn't going to lead to any catastrophes. if the population slows down a lot, people will want to have kids more. these ridiculous extrapolations presume that we will keep doing the same thing indefinately even as that thing greatly impacts our daily lives.

has there been any evidence that this group of people who want kids less has had a measurable impact on the number of kids being born each year?

the generation of kids growing up with easy access to porn are merely going to demonstrate that all the worries about porn being harmful were unfounded.
But for society to move forward you must have children and work yourself ragged trying to support them! How else are we going to develop a great culture where people line up in droves trying to get some shitty factory job that only leaves time for working, mailing checks back home, and sleeping in job provided bunk rooms?


Not that many shitty factory jobs here in the UK thanks to Maggie Thatcher. Gawd bless her, no dignity or future means that we don't have to feel bad about not breeding.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I think i recall you being a Jets fan, so haha who's the sucker now.

i'm offended is what i am. jets fan! come on, dude...

grew up in baton rouge, so i've been a saints fan forever but lived in NYC for the last decade and currently dating a giants lifer so they're my number 2 i guess.

saints had a hell of an off season and i think people are underestimating how important sean payton is to our offense. drew brees is phenomenal but he ain't payton manning - he needs a good coach behind em. gonna be a rough year.

god i want football back.


I could see this happening to a lot of people - especially around here.

I'm a firm believer in being outgoing (even when it's tough), varying your hobbies practicing balance in all aspects of your life. It's why my life is so awesome, but I do see a lot of losers on forums who watch porn too much (they even know porn stars by name!) and make threads like TOO MANY GAMES HOW DO I PLAY THEM ALL!?

Balance, my friends. Balance your relationships with women and your friends, balance your hobbies, your diet, your time spent sitting down and your time spent exercising.

Never, but I see a lot of those types around the internet and it makes me laugh.

this is not healthy.

Oy Vey!! Your life is so awesome and losers that know the pornstars by their name, wow man. Did you mean to come off sounding like this....?

I think this study does hold some merit. I would extend that to social media. It's hard to meet anyone new these days who's not glued to his phone and facebook. I think we're losing a certain decorum and patience that we once possessed. Instant gratification and all that.
no but everyone should want to be with a sexual partner instead of sitting in their house alone wanking it to internet porn forever.

Yeah, but there's prostitution to solve this problem. You can just make a phone call and have hot hookers dancing in your house.


Yeah, it's expansive, but everything in this world is expansive.
I could see this happening to a lot of people - especially around here.

I'm a firm believer in being outgoing (even when it's tough), varying your hobbies practicing balance in all aspects of your life. It's why my life is so awesome, but I do see a lot of losers on forums who watch porn too much (they even know porn stars by name!) and make threads like TOO MANY GAMES HOW DO I PLAY THEM ALL!?

Balance, my friends. Balance your relationships with women and your friends, balance your hobbies, your diet, your time spent sitting down and your time spent exercising.

Tell that to people that are absolutely miserable in 99% of social situations, mister perfect.


wtf am I reading.jpg

He's talking about the emasculation that's occurring in society. I get it. You see grown men watching My Little Pony and dressing up as the characters. You see grown men arguing over super heroes and making death threats to movie reviewers for not liking the new Batman movie. You see it in the office where Human Resources was established to beat down and threaten the male worker. The days of seeing a guy bent over under the hood of a car turning a wrench and wiping grease on his jeans while drinking a beer are fading. It is a bit sad to see. When you get older, you'll see it too, hopefully not as drastically as has happened in the last twenty years.
Personally I find this a bit extreme, videogames are not the cause of a more introverted society. Society in general is becoming more and more digitally oriented (for lack of a proper term) then ever before and that is the main reason for this (imo) people look to the internet more and more for social needs and entertainment. I see it with my both my younger brothers generations, they spend more time talking on facebook then actually hanging out and doing things together, and I don't see this changing as we move forward. imo it comes from a number of things , like both parents having to work 40+hrs a week, families not eating or doing many activities together. Also being disconnected from each other but all using personal devices connected to the internet in the same room being a common occurrence in the modern family, together but separate is a phrase I hear a lot. These kind of things set the tone for young I also find that relationship wise there is a large portion of people who think of any relationship (long term or short) as disposable and thus don't really care to be bothered with it. There also are those who feel too intimidated by their preconceptions of the opposite gender (either first or second hand bad experiences), things like women being controlling, money oriented. Overall its a larger social problem, not one caused by videogames.


He's talking about the emasculation that's occurring in society. I get it. You see grown men watching My Little Pony and dressing up as the characters. You see grown men arguing over super heroes and making death threats to movie reviewers for not liking the new Batman movie.

You see it in (timely pop culture reference). Every generation has said something like this about the trends that young people are following. Every single one.

You see it in the office where Human Resources was established to beat down and threaten the male worker. The days of seeing a guy bent over under the hood of a car turning a wrench and wiping grease on his jeans while drinking a beer are fading. It is a bit sad to see.

RIP stereotypes and stupidly narrow and arbitrary gender roles, I'm sure someone will miss you.


Video games and online porn...meh. I could easily quit the latter, and I suppose the former but I have all these games already...

I think it's trends of a more self centered society that is taught to service your needs first and foremost. I know that I really just want to do what I want at all times, and it's impacted relationships insofar as I don't really go and hang out with people for the sake of it; I have to like the activity we're doing. I'm also ambivalent in regards to women.

I like playing sports and working out, and I know I feel better when I work hard at school/my job, so that delayed gratification is still there, but everything in my life is sort of tailored to be uncompromising. I can still be a man, as long as I can be a man with a few friends, a job, and without a wife and kids.
Tell that to people that are absolutely miserable in 99% of social situations, mister perfect.
Or just to people who enjoy those two activities? Seriously, his post is the most arrogant thing I've seen here for a while.

I don't even wanna know what he thinks about the men and women working in the porn industrie and making a living out of it.
Stanford professor: video games and online porn will lead to the extinction of men

And be the beginning of Übermensch.

This is the only acceptable continuation of that title, so I won't be reading the article which is probably telling us that we are changing while putting the spotlight on the bad side of that change to prove his/her point.


This behaviour will soon spiral out of control and from our apathy a new god of chaos will be born; its psychic birthcry will devour the souls of all of mankind save for those who will have fled before the cataclysm, and yet even they will forever be branded so that even in death there is no peace.

We must flee to the stars while we can and pray that we can distance ourselves enough to survive.


No. How do these people get these TED talks approved?

The human race will go extinct from: a cataclysmic cosmic event, a deadly virus, nuclear weapons.


No. How do these people get these TED talks approved?

The human race will go extinct from: a cataclysmic cosmic event, a deadly virus, nuclear weapons.

I go by the theory that TED are just a bunch of rich people fooling themselves into thinking they to any good to the world through expensive ego-trips. But people seem to respect it, so...
There are men in the world who never experiance a sexual relationship because they substitute it with porn and video games as an antidepressent.

it's not so much extinstion it's just, a false glamorization of what it takes to have to have a girlfriend.

It might be sexist of me to say but women need men more than men need women. But lots of fools in the world put women on pedestol and forget they're actually just people.

My 2 cents.
stupid words like extinction and a fixation on male subjects notwithstanding, I think it's hard to argue against the idea that having access to a continuous feedback loop of desire and instant-gratification changes the way you think and act.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
No. How do these people get these TED talks approved?

The human race will go extinct from: a cataclysmic cosmic event, a deadly virus, nuclear weapons.

... You seriously think he meant the literal extinction of men?!

I seriously hope this is a fucking troll "derrp" post, or you are just broadcasting to the world that you are a dumb ass who can't read something in context.


... You seriously think he meant the literal extinction of men?!

I seriously hope this is a fucking troll "derrp" post, or you are just broadcasting to the world that you are a dumb ass who can't read something in context.

Sorry, I was being facetious.

I was being serious about the first part though.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
This thread depresses me because I can't really defend myself. I spend too much time in front of computers and video games. 21 years old, never been in a relationship.

It hurts because, while I don't agree with everything the guy says, I think there could be something to what he is saying. Regardless, I do not want to project my life onto others either.
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