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Star Trek TNG's "Parallels"


The replicator effects on society has to be drastic. Why be a bartender in the spaceship when you can be at home with a replicator creating food and videogames for you?
You need a bar for socializing and for a place where Guinan can give you dope advice. People on the Enterprise all rely on each other for survival; everyone hiding in their rooms probably isn't the best for crew morale. Though we do barely see the lives of regular families on board, so maybe they're all shut ins. Self improvement seems to be a big societal thing in the future, though.

I'm sure there are people who live on Earth and never leave their house and wallow in replicator creations, but such people don't sound like they have the drive to become successful enough to get into Starfleet, much less be stationed on the flagship.
Yep, that's what I'd like to see. Not a reboot, just a completely fresh universe. New crew, new politics, new aliens, new discoveries etc. It'd be great to have the freedom to think about how this generation sees itself in the 23rd/24th century, rather than what those in the 60s or 80s thought.

I just wish Discovery wasn't shoved into a pre-existing timeline that it has to dance around.

So abandon 60 years of lore and history?
So abandon 60 years of lore and history?

Star Trek mainline continuity has received 5 (soon to be 6) Television programmes with a combined total of 726 episodes plus 10 movies, dozens of novels and a host of videogames.

The Kelvinverse has received 3 movies, tie in comics, novels and at least one videogame.

Star Trek has we know it has been given a fair shot. It shouldn't go on forever and I would argue it shouldn't even have gone on as long as it did historically.


They could also distance themselves from the continuity if they took another 100 year leap, and maybe they're now exploring a whole new galaxy farther away from home than ever before. Marketing-wise a reboot would make people more interested though, of that I have no doubt.

Currently, I don't really feel strongly about where they should take the series, but I still have yet to watch half of DS9, The Animated Series sans one episode, or any of Voyager or Enterprise. And the only Star Movie I've seen so far has been The Wrath of Khan. Maybe the parts I haven't seen yet make the continuity such a mess or fully explored that a full reboot would indeed be better.
Star Trek mainline continuity has received 5 (soon to be 6) Television programmes with a combined total of 726 episodes plus 10 movies, dozens of novels and a host of videogames.

The Kelvinverse has received 3 movies, tie in comics, novels and at least one videogame.

Star Trek has we know it has been given a fair shot. It shouldn't go on forever and I would argue it shouldn't even have gone on as long as it did historically.
I disagree I really enjoy the current geostrategic universe they set up. The next chapter in the series should see the Cardsssians become a minor player seeing their territory gobbled up by the Klingons and Romulans, etc. I'm always excited to see how they rearrange the pieces with each new series. I just want a time jump like from TOS to Next Gen.
I disagree I really enjoy the current geostrategic universe they set up. The next chapter in the series should see the Cardsssians become a minor player seeing their territory gobbled up by the Klingons and Romulans, etc. I'm always excited to see how they rearrange the pieces with each new series. I just want a time jump like from TOS to Next Gen.

Yeah that would be cool to see, however it would only serve a niche and diehard audience, there wouldn't be enough people interested to justify it.
I disagree I really enjoy the current geostrategic universe they set up. The next chapter in the series should see the Cardsssians become a minor player seeing their territory gobbled up by the Klingons and Romulans, etc. I'm always excited to see how they rearrange the pieces with each new series. I just want a time jump like from TOS to Next Gen.

Another 100 year jump will require a serious rethink about what the tech level is.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
FYI, /r/moviedetails is a sub that just got created last week and has like hundreds of thousands of subscribers already. I think it might appeal to you.


Nah, no reboots. Continuity and canon isn't a mandate, it's an inspiration. A story doesn't have to comply with every rules and laws of every past episodes. Only the big ideas matter and the rest is just there to use when needed to give a sense of history only possible with decades worth of materials. Marvel Comics Universe and shows like Doctor Who successfully pulled it off and DC Comics reached its current high through promising that its truncated history will return.
Generations doesn't deserve the hate it gets.

It's got a lot of basic problems. If your movie doesn't at least make sense you deserve all the hate. You can't fly into the Nexus, but I guess Kirk's body got blown out of the Enterprise B and his cold, lifeless corpse didn't get vaporized on the way in. The Nexus circumvents the galaxy every 80 years but moves at sublight speeds. The probe also moves at sublight speed but Worf can't blow it up before it reaches the sun. A 60 year old bird of prey tears the Federation flagship a new one. The movie recycles a SFX shot from The Undiscovered Country. Why didn't Kirk go back to the time he left and say "Hey guys this wacko is insane. He killed a lot of people in the future." Data is an insane clown. They blew up the Enterprise D because it didn't film well on the new aspect ratio. Okay I'm picking nits now but Generations was an average episode with 25 times the budget.

What am I supposed to be seeing in the Worf pictures?

Nothing. I thought it was funny.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
It's got a lot of basic problems. If your movie doesn't at least make sense you deserve all the hate. You can't fly into the Nexus, but I guess Kirk's body got blown out of the Enterprise B and his cold, lifeless corpse didn't get vaporized on the way in. The Nexus circumvents the galaxy every 80 years but moves at sublight speeds. The probe also moves at sublight speed but Worf can't blow it up before it reaches the sun. A 60 year old bird of prey tears the Federation flagship a new one. The movie recycles a SFX shot from The Undiscovered Country. Why didn't Kirk go back to the time he left and say "Hey guys this wacko is insane. He killed a lot of people in the future." Data is an insane clown. They blew up the Enterprise D because it didn't film well on the new aspect ratio. Okay I'm picking nits now but Generations was an average episode with 25 times the budget.

If Picard can exit the Nexus at any time and any place, why does he return at the clutch moment he does, instead of, like, a week in advance.... to not only plan for Soran's attack...


Definite problems. Great crash sequence tho


Subete no aware
If Picard can exit the Nexus at any time and any place, why does he return at the clutch moment he does, instead of, like, a week in advance.... to not only plan for Soran's attack...


Definite problems. Great crash sequence tho
Time travel is stupid.

But the silly thing is that they wrote a great time travel episode in All Good Things, right before the movie, so... they literally just phoned it in.
Generations is the best looking TNG movie.

But maybe that's just me not being a fan of the Enterprise-E and its messy bridge.
If it were season three or four, the idea could have led to an excellent episode. But it's a season seven.



The growth and progress of the show and characterizations in TNG was incredible. Nobody would ever have dreamed in season 1 that Troi and Worf could ever get together some day in the future.
If Picard can exit the Nexus at any time and any place, why does he return at the clutch moment he does, instead of, like, a week in advance.... to not only plan for Soran's attack...

Go back to the Ten-forward lounge when Sauron is ominously foreshadowing his plans and have him arrested there.

It's a really clumsy plot device that serves no real purpose other than uniting Kirk with Picard, but when they do meet up they don't really do anything together. There's no reason Kirk is there, they don't contrast him with Picard, his character isn't important to the plot and he's simply there for pure fanservice. It's not just plot holes that cause Generations to collapse in on itself, it's also a significant amount of wasted potential.

The movie would have been 10 minutes shorter and been no weaker plot wise if instead of Kirk they grabbed some other random person who was in the Nexus since all they needed was someone to momentarily distract an old white guy while Picard was doing his thing.


Star Trek TNG was dumb fun all the way through the movies. I literally love all of it. It was a fucking trip from start to finish. Get Worf into more uncomfortable situations, please
I like this ep. Though its premise is maybe too similar to the finale - so it rightfully gets overlooked.

It's got a lot of basic problems. If your movie doesn't at least make sense you deserve all the hate. You can't fly into the Nexus, but I guess Kirk's body got blown out of the Enterprise B and his cold, lifeless corpse didn't get vaporized on the way in. The Nexus circumvents the galaxy every 80 years but moves at sublight speeds. The probe also moves at sublight speed but Worf can't blow it up before it reaches the sun. A 60 year old bird of prey tears the Federation flagship a new one. The movie recycles a SFX shot from The Undiscovered Country. Why didn't Kirk go back to the time he left and say "Hey guys this wacko is insane. He killed a lot of people in the future." Data is an insane clown. They blew up the Enterprise D because it didn't film well on the new aspect ratio. Okay I'm picking nits now but Generations was an average episode with 25 times the budget.

I love reading people bitch about Generations because it's hilarious how bad it really is. The Nexus was a terrible way to write Picard and Kirk into the same movie. Also, Picard's uncontrollable weeping over his nephew burning alive in a fire is a shit way to start a plot thread that is then ignored when he could have at-least considered the option of saving his family AND stop Soren simultaneously. At least blame the prime directive or some bull shit when Picard decides to instead fight on a mountain. I will say McDowell as Soran was really fun to watch - he doesn't get enough credit.

What would've been a great TNG movie is a Klingon Empire civil war movie. Worf finally reconciling his misplaced idolization of the Klingon ideal with the hypocrisy of the Empire would make a kick ass movie.


This man does his research.
The only TNG episodes I actually don't like are the Troi's mom episodes. Even those can be sort of dumb fun, though.

I used to feel the same way, until I had a kid and damn, that one episode with
Troi's older sister
killed me. It made me like the character a lot more.


Super Member
If Picard can exit the Nexus at any time and any place, why does he return at the clutch moment he does, instead of, like, a week in advance.... to not only plan for Soran's attack...


Definite problems. Great crash sequence tho
To Picard that wasn't enough. Instead of saving just his brother and nephew, he would've liked having a family if he didn't join Starfleet. Saving his existing family wasn't his conflict; it was joining Starfleet at all.

Similarly, Kirk had the opportunity to have a family but rejoined Starfleet.

The Nexus had them wound up on really old decisions, and the only thing that could snap them out of it was the current mission.

Anyways I agree with you guys. Also it's funny past-Guinan could think more non-linearly than Picard. And yeah, they definitely could've blamed the Temporal Prime Directive.

"To hell with the Temporal Prime Directive!" says a still living Kirk.

He helps Picard and Soran time travel to save the El Aurian homeworld from the Borg

Planets saved, Soran redeemed, everyone worked together, happy end

Too bad they couldn't afford the whole living TOS cast


I used to feel the same way, until I had a kid and damn, that one episode with
Troi's older sister
killed me. It made me like the character a lot more.
That one was good. Troi's mom was also in a coma almost the whole time. Coincidence?


The problem with plots like this, of course, is that in all of the dimensions Worf visits... all of them, without fail, were in the exact same place at the exact same time. There wasn't any universes of infinite choices where the Enterprise was somewhere else. Hell, even the 'Borg Apocalypse' Enterprise was in the general vicinity.

But of course you would just hand wave away this saying that Geordie's visor had to be close in both dimensions for it to work, but IIRC they don't get into it.


Not in a universe where Luaxana Troi exists.

Come at me.
Even she can't compete with Wesley for worst character.

Go back to the Ten-forward lounge when Sauron is ominously foreshadowing his plans and have him arrested there.

It's a really clumsy plot device that serves no real purpose other than uniting Kirk with Picard, but when they do meet up they don't really do anything together. There's no reason Kirk is there, they don't contrast him with Picard, his character isn't important to the plot and he's simply there for pure fanservice. It's not just plot holes that cause Generations to collapse in on itself, it's also a significant amount of wasted potential.

The movie would have been 10 minutes shorter and been no weaker plot wise if instead of Kirk they grabbed some other random person who was in the Nexus since all they needed was someone to momentarily distract an old white guy while Picard was doing his thing.
But then we wouldn't have got William Shatners follow up novel where Kirk comes back to life again, revived as a cyborg by the Romulan/Borg alliance, and then goes on to single handedly defeat the entire Borg Collective.


while generations is super sloppy, I have a lot of fun with it.

Any scene with Riker commanding the Enterprise I'm a fan of....the Klingon battle was fun, and seeing an Enterprise-B captained by Cameron is neat.

Also, the crew's uniforms slowly start shifting to Voyager-style as the movie progresses. In fact, they used actual Voyager uniforms, which you can tell because some of them don't fit their wearers (Riker's is hilariously misfitting).


Star Trek Generations is great until they get to Veridian 3, at that point the wheels completely fall off and the movie becomes a mess. The Enterprise-D getting destroyed by a TOS era Bird of Prey? Recycled footage? Shoehorning Kirk into the finale? Fuck all that.

while generations is super sloppy, I have a lot of fun with it.

Any scene with Riker commanding the Enterprise I'm a fan of....the Klingon battle was fun, and seeing an Enterprise-B captained by Cameron is neat.

Also, the crew's uniforms slowly start shifting to Voyager-style as the movie progresses. In fact, they used actual Voyager uniforms, which you can tell because some of them don't fit their wearers (Riker's is hilariously misfitting).

It was technically DS9 uniforms. Geordi is literally wearing the same uniform O'Brian wears in DS9, which is why Geordi looks like he's wearing goddamn pajamas.
Folding laundry, and decided to give this episode a watch. Worf defiantly didn't make it back to the right universe, just one that was "close enough".


I thought the technobabble at the end explained that everyone was 'automatically' sent back to their original universe. In some cases whether they wanted to or not.


Star Trek Generations is great until they get to Veridian 3, at that point the wheels completely fall off and the movie becomes a mess. The Enterprise-D getting destroyed by a TOS era Bird of Prey? Recycled footage? Shoehorning Kirk into the finale? Fuck all that.

It was technically DS9 uniforms. Geordi is literally wearing the same uniform O'Brian wears in DS9, which is why Geordi looks like he's wearing goddamn pajamas.



Time travel is stupid.

But the silly thing is that they wrote a great time travel episode in All Good Things, right before the movie, so... they literally just phoned it in.

Well, the thing is that they were writing Generations at the same time as All Good Things, and Ronald D. Moore has gone on the record saying that they neglected Generations to really nail All Good Things.

So basically the writers were overworked and given a choice between the series finale and the movie, they chose the series finale.


Well, the thing is that they were writing Generations at the same time as All Good Things, and Ronald D. Moore has gone on the record saying that they neglected Generations to really nail All Good Things.

So basically the writers were overworked and given a choice between the series finale and the movie, they chose the series finale.

They made the right choice because All Good Things is one of the best finales ever.
The best use of this was when they used Data to impede their progress in Clues.

everytime i see Worf for security, i keep thinking Data is stronger. everytime i see Geordi in engineering, i think Data can resolve/theorize issues faster. he breaks the concept of having a team of unique specialists that need each other.


To this day, I do not get how Generations introduces a plot where they wipe out Picard's only remaining family, then introduce a time travel plot, but ... DON'T have him save them? Or even contemplate doing so?


everytime i see Worf for security, i keep thinking Data is stronger. everytime i see Geordi in engineering, i think Data can resolve/theorize issues faster. he breaks the concept of having a team of unique specialists that need each other.

Data would make a pretty shitty ship's counselor though.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
To this day, I do not get how Generations introduces a plot where they wipe out Picard's only remaining family, then introduce a time travel plot, but ... DON'T have him save them? Or even contemplate doing so?
Because the writers didn't realize Guinan's line would be taken literally as opposed to letting him emerge at any given point of time where the Nexus was in close proximity. They should have, obviously but it seems like that's what happened.
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