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Star Wars Battlefront Trailer, game will be 60 fps


All reasonable. Just give me a game that looks a bit better than BF4 with 60fps on PS4 and I'm happy. I'm sure some of the technical issues will be ironed out. Optimization is usually the last thing in development and they have more than enough time to get it right.

All in all just give me a game that will look good and play well and is fun.

Agree with this

There's absolutely ZERO chance real gameplay looks like the trailer at 60fps on consoles

(PC of course will)


The proof is in their actions. Well, besides the obvious evidence in the trailer itself. They have a fully scripted 100% ready to go Gameplay demo that they've been showing privately, yet they refuse to release it to the public. Now, why would a company do that? It probably doesn't live up to the spiffy trailer and would open them up to ridicule. No point in doing that if it can be avoided.

Huh? Lots of developers do private showings for their games. It doesn't mean they are hiding something dastardly.


CDPR had several behind-closed-door showings of The Witcher 3. This kind of thing is very common.


Battlefield 4 is still one of the most technically demanding games out there. this game will look great (though i would've preferred some gameplay slipped into the trailer, obviously)


Don't forget the DS4 button prompts like the Batman demo at Sony's latest E3 conference..

It's the same dog and pony show every year at these events and people still continue to fall for it. There are massive, massive dollars going into marketing for one console manufacturer or another for these games, though, and threads like these are why.
Which is hearsay. By someone I don't know.

What? I was there, man. At celebration. I waited in line for three hours to see the gameplay. I heard it from DICE and it was in big letters on the screen. The gameplay itself also indicated playstation by the button prompts. I'm not just repeating what I heard elsewhere. I'm repeating the facts from the presentation.

But if you're implying that I'm lying then whatever dude. I even posted pictures I took from inside the room before they made us put our stuff away. After that I went to lunch at the sub place in the Hilton and when I came back I took pictures with a Vader cosplay who pretended to force choke me.

Go ahead and ask the couple other people here that also saw the presentation.


It's the same dog and pony show every year at these events and people still continue to fall for it. There are massive, massive dollars going into marketing for one console manufacturer or another for these games, though, and threads like these are why.

We have people who saw the game they even note things like jaggies and lack of AA. Still say it looks great. Believe what you want. Also after the last Arkham Knight gameplay footage. It looks great.


^its going to be another bullshot ultra high end PC trailer at e3 too. You might have to wait until closer to release.

We have people who saw the game they even note things like jaggies and lack of AA. Still say it looks great. Believe what you want. Also after the last Arkham Knight gameplay footage. It looks great.

Something can look great and still not match up with the bullshot trailers. Because that's exactly what has happened a thousand times before and that's exactly what's happening now again. And it will happen at e3 again with sonys conference. And people will believe it because that's what people do.

As I said earlier in the thread: "it looks pretty much exactly the same as the trailer! It's just slightly ever so slightly lacking supersampled resolution, general IQ, aa, af, and has lower LOD, texture resolution, shader effects, lighting, particle effects, etc etc. but pretty much the same!"

That's what always happens, with almost every trailer at the last ms and sony events. There are huge dollars being paid to have people believe what they're seeing is console footage, including for this particular trailer. The obfuscation and PR should be proof of that.


^its going to be another bullshot ultra high end PC trailer at e3 too. You might have to wait until closer to release.

Something can look great and still not match up with the bullshot trailers. Because that's exactly what has happened a thousand times before and that's exactly what's happening now again. And it will happen at e3 again with sonys conference. And people will believe it because that's what people do.

As I said earlier in the thread: "it looks pretty much exactly the same as the trailer! It's just slightly ever so slightly lacking supersampled resolution, general IQ, aa, af, and has lower LOD, texture resolution, shader effects, lighting, particle effects, etc etc. but pretty much the same!"

That's what always happens, with almost every trailer at the last ms and sony events. There are huge dollars being paid to have people believe what they're seeing is console footage, including for this particular trailer. The obfuscation and PR should be proof of that.

People who have seen actual gameplay have said this. I'll take what they saw with their own eyes over people assumptions. Believe what you want. I feel the game is going to look amazing. More excited to play it.

and Arkham Knight looks amazing.
The proof is in their actions. Well, besides the obvious evidence in the trailer itself. They have a fully scripted 100% ready to go Gameplay demo that they've been showing privately, yet they refuse to release it to the public. Now, why would a company do that? It probably doesn't live up to the spiffy trailer and would open them up to ridicule. No point in doing that if it can be avoided.
This is a very common practice for basically every dev.
okay, so the game isn't going to be 21:9 and was just like that for trailer purposes?

i just noticed the gifs so i figured it is going to be 21:9 much like the movies..

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
The proof is in their actions. Well, besides the obvious evidence in the trailer itself. They have a fully scripted 100% ready to go Gameplay demo that they've been showing privately, yet they refuse to release it to the public. Now, why would a company do that? It probably doesn't live up to the spiffy trailer and would open them up to ridicule. No point in doing that if it can be avoided.
Wait, you're gonna pretend like game developers have never had private showings of their games? At conventions as well?


I love how people are acting like the game demo looking similar but really aliased means there's no deception.

Aliasing is exactly the main deception of bullshots. That's exactly the visual issue I'm worried about most. Did Halo Reach look like its screenshots? No, because it ran at sub-HD but was marketed with pretty super sampling.

That makes a massive difference in visuals looking like a game or not.


Maybe if it was a company other than DICE than i'd be skeptical. But they just have my trust. BF3 was my go-to game and after the terrible first month of BF4 that became my go-to game.

The first week will probably be a bit buggy, but 1-2 weeks atop of 10years of waiting isn't too much.

Will be buying day1.

And I aint no graphics whore. If it looks better than BF4 then everything is cool beans.
Which is hearsay. By someone I don't know.

It's not heresay, when the demo starts it states it is "pre-alpha gameplay captured on a PS4." However, they weren't showing the video on a PS4, but a high-end PC. I can get the specs of the PC if you want, but the PC is just showing a video of "pre-alpha gameplay captured on a PS4."
And they're going to do the same thing at e3 that they've done for years now. Show an extremely high end PC running some super sampled to hell footage at the playstation conference and the same exact discussion will go on there as here.

you had to bring in your disdain of consoles to this thread. okay.

as usual, you are generalizing a lot of things. we all know uc4 at psx was live gameplay and not some bullshot prerender running on multiple systems, and pubs differ with the way they handle stuff like promotions.

as of recently and as far as i have observed, activision games and mgs5 do not do "misleading" content on press conferences. the most suspect is ubisoft for watch_dogs and asscreed unity. ea has been a hit or miss, sometimes they will show bullshot sometimes they don't. even then, they do pc shots on their conference and have people play on pc. 2k also doesn't care about those things you so mention. last time i checked, their nba 2k vids on playstation's e3 were running on ps4.

basically, you're just trying to bait people. overwhelming majority don't do "supersampled, blah blah blah" stuff you keep on parading about. that batman footage last e3 looks to be like the batman playstation footage as of late, so in essence that was their target graphics on a completed ps4 build, which they can't produce more than a year out, but they have basically met those targets now.
And like many have said, the best way to describe the fidelity of the gameplay, if the trailer was 1080p with AA, the gameplay was 900p with no (or little) AA.

I'm not saying that what is is, but just using numbers as an example.


you had to bring in your disdain of consoles to this thread. okay.

as usual, you are generalizing a lot of things. we all know uc4 at psx was live gameplay and not some bullshot prerender running on multiple systems, and pubs differ with the way they handle stuff like promotions.

as of recently and as far as i have observed, activision games and mgs5 do not do "misleading" content on press conferences. the most suspect is ubisoft for watch_dogs and asscreed unity. ea has been a hit or miss, sometimes they will show bullshot sometimes they don't. even then, they do pc shots on their conference and have people play on pc. 2k also doesn't care about those things you so mention. last time i checked, their nba 2k vids on playstation's e3 were running on ps4.

basically, you're just trying to bait people. overwhelming majority don't do "supersampled, blah blah blah" stuff you keep on parading about. that batman footage last e3 looks to be like the batman playstation footage as of late, so in essence that was their target graphics on a completed ps4 build, which they can't produce more than a year out, but they have basically met those targets now.

I'm not even going to bother to respond to most of the drivel and personal insults. The same exact thing happened by the SAME COMPANY and the SAME DEVELOPER multiple times now. I had to show people pictures of the (EA sponsored!!) PCs running BF4 at the playstation 4 event, with 8 core amd/i7 processors and dual 680s (or even higher end) and people still refused to believe it was super sampled PC footage they were looking at despite being paid for by the console manufacturer to appear otherwise. I mean how long can you folks enjoy being deceived before you realize how standard of a practice it is?
I'm not even going to bother to respond to most of the drivel and personal insults. The same exact thing happened by the SAME COMPANY and the SAME DEVELOPER multiple times now. I had to show people pictures of the (EA sponsored!!) PCs running BF4 at the playstation 4 event, with 8 core amd/i7 processors and dual 680s (or even higher end) and people still refused to believe it was super sampled PC footage they were looking at despite being paid for by the console manufacturer to appear otherwise. I mean how long can you folks enjoy being deceived before you realize how standard of a practice it is?

This was at a time when this consoles were unfinished...
I'm not even going to bother to respond to most of the drivel and personal insults. The same exact thing happened by the SAME COMPANY and the SAME DEVELOPER multiple times now. I had to show people pictures of the (EA sponsored!!) PCs running BF4 at the playstation 4 event, with 8 core amd/i7 processors and dual 680s (or even higher end) and people still refused to believe it was super sampled PC footage they were looking at despite being paid for by the console manufacturer to appear otherwise. I mean how long can you folks enjoy being deceived before you realize how standard of a practice it is?

Do you have more recent examples of EA doing this and not from events before the PS4 was even released? I know a lot of PS4 and Xbox One games were running on PC at E3 2013 for their show floor demos because it was to hard to get dev kits for demos and PCs were obviously more stable.


Do you have more recent examples of EA doing this and not from events before the PS4 was even released? I know a lot of PS4 and Xbox One games were running on PC at E3 2013 for their show floor demos because it was to hard to get dev kits for demos and PCs were obviously more stable.

This trailer is a perfect example!


Yup, if the PS4 versions looks like that at 60fps I'm happy and it's about what I expected.

I think too many people believe that there is some kind of "hidden magic" in the ps4 that will be unlocked when battlefront comes....

Come on, you all should know better by now. This game will look good, i am sure.
But i dont expect much more than BF4.
This trailer is a perfect example!

Says the guy who hasn't seen the game in action. I trust the word of the many people who actually saw it and say it looks like the trailer with lower image quality than you.
I think too many people believe that there is some kind of "hidden magic" in the ps4 that will be unlocked when battlefront comes....

Come on, you all should know better by now. This game will look good, i am sure.
But i dont expect much more than BF4.

Battlefield 4 was a cross-gen launch title, there isn't any reason to think Battlefront will only look a little better, or the same as BF4.


I think too many people believe that there is some kind of "hidden magic" in the ps4 that will be unlocked when battlefront comes....

Come on, you all should know better by now. This game will look good, i am sure.
But i dont expect much more than BF4.

Thankfully it's not tied to the shackles of last gen. It will be a step up from PS4. If everyone who's seen the gameplay says they are impressed with visuals then I'm a believer. Just hope the framerate is smooth and picture quality is good. I'm expecting a pretty fun game.


Says the guy who hasn't seen the game in action. I trust the word of the many people who actually saw it and say it looks like the trailer with lower image quality than you.

Jesus. "Looks like the trailer with lower this lower that and lower the other" is still a perfect example!

What do you think the case was with bf4? A super sampled trailer with perfect image quality paid for by sony to be advertised as ps4 not running on ps4? Shocker. Compare the reveal trailer of bf4 with the same scenes on PS4 and that's how you should expect it to be in this case as well.
Jesus. "Looks like the trailer with lower this lower that and lower the other" is still a perfect example!

What do you think the case was with bf4? A super sampled trailer with perfect image quality paid for by sony to be advertised as ps4 not running on ps4? Shocker. Compare the reveal trailer of bf4 with the same scenes on PS4 and that's how you should expect it to be in this case as well.

AA isn't the only aspect of visuals, you realize that, right?
Also Battlefield 4 being a launch title is in no way representative of what should be expected of a game 2 years into the console's life, and even then what we got on console was surprisingly close to what was originally shown, though obviously not at the same resolution or level of AA.
I think too many people believe that there is some kind of "hidden magic" in the ps4 that will be unlocked when battlefront comes....

Come on, you all should know better by now. This game will look good, i am sure.
But i dont expect much more than BF4.

no one is talking about hidden magic or unlocking bullshit.

and this is exclusively next-gen and not a cross-gen game. it is only 1.5 years since the ps4 launched as well, and tools have matured.

and no, people are not unrealistic in their expectations. sadly, there are people whose sole purpose is to come in threads and shoot down people and telling them "lol you wish" more than anything. what definite stances. or they just get off off that kind of thing. people who like the game will call bullshit on ea. meanwhile, that other subset isn't concerned about the misrepresentation of games on advertising by ea or any other pubs but rather, to show how "lol underpowered" ps4 is.


This is straight up avatar:




Rewatch avatar and all the plants look plastic. It's almost embarrassing. While the overall fidelity and detail of rendering is lower in Battlefront, it's achieving much better approximations of lighting and physicality of materials.
I love how people are acting like the game demo looking similar but really aliased means there's no deception.

Aliasing is exactly the main deception of bullshots. That's exactly the visual issue I'm worried about most. Did Halo Reach look like its screenshots? No, because it ran at sub-HD but was marketed with pretty super sampling.

That makes a massive difference in visuals looking like a game or not.
you don't think the aliasing from a "Alpha Build" can be cleaned up just a bit before the final build is released?
I'm not even going to bother to respond to most of the drivel and personal insults. The same exact thing happened by the SAME COMPANY and the SAME DEVELOPER multiple times now. I had to show people pictures of the (EA sponsored!!) PCs running BF4 at the playstation 4 event, with 8 core amd/i7 processors and dual 680s (or even higher end) and people still refused to believe it was super sampled PC footage they were looking at despite being paid for by the console manufacturer to appear otherwise. I mean how long can you folks enjoy being deceived before you realize how standard of a practice it is?
But BF4 looks really good on PS4 man, Maybe not super duper PC master race good but it looks good. Leaps ahead of any shooter from last gen The PS4 is only 1 and a half years old, SWBF is only being developed for current gen consoles and PC. As time goes by can't we expect games to evolve technically across all the new platforms?
I think too many people believe that there is some kind of "hidden magic" in the ps4 that will be unlocked when battlefront comes....

Come on, you all should know better by now. This game will look good, i am sure.
But i dont expect much more than BF4.
lol no hidden magic man just progression from the console being out for a little while longer and developers being able to utilize more of the consoles potential.

Venom Fox

Rewatch avatar and all the plants look plastic. It's almost embarrassing. While the overall fidelity and detail of rendering is lower in Battlefront, it's achieving much better approximations of lighting and physicality of materials.

After looking at the gamersyde footage and the pics you quoted I am afraid to say that the ps4+X1 versions will not look 100% like this and neither will the PC.

I do however think it'll look close based on what people have said in regards to the lighting being close of the same as well as models and geometry.
I also think they will drop the 60fps target because of the 3rd person view to maintain a graphical likeness of this video.


I think too many people believe that there is some kind of "hidden magic" in the ps4 that will be unlocked when battlefront comes....

Come on, you all should know better by now. This game will look good, i am sure.
But i dont expect much more than BF4.

See, I just don't agree with this sentiment. BF4 was a cross-gen launch title. It's not even close to the best this engine can do on current consoles and PCs. The addition of a well implemented physically based rendering pipeline alone will dramatically improve the quality of visuals this engine is capable of.
I know the final game will never look close to the trailer they showed specially on consoles and I am absolutely fine with that. The problem I have with these devs is they set expectations way high with comments like "it looks exactly like that" or similar comments to that. Before it used to be cgi and now it's this new BS term "in-engine" which everyone knows are just bullshots or bull videos and it represents nothing like actual gameplay except maybe some very high end PC. They should just be upfront about these things and say that console versions will not look anything like this. And in the end if it does look close to the trailer footage it would be awesome for everyone.
I know the final game will never look close to the trailer they showed specially on consoles and I am absolutely fine with that. The problem I have with these devs is they set expectations way high with comments like "it looks exactly like that" or similar comments to that. Before it used to be cgi and now it's this new BS term "in-engine" which everyone knows are just bullshots or bull videos and it represents nothing like actual gameplay except maybe some very high end PC. They should just be upfront about these things and say that console versions will not look anything like this. And in the end if it does look close to the trailer footage it would be awesome for everyone.

for me it isn't much about the graphics than it is about the animations. people ducking for cover because of flying debris and overall just the reaction animations of the player models. we all know that's not how it's gonna look and will be more video game-y than it is cinematic. like players continuing to run but would get a damage on their hp, rather than stumbling and fumbling or putting their hands up to shield themselves.

kinda like this.



Rewatch avatar and all the plants look plastic. It's almost embarrassing. While the overall fidelity and detail of rendering is lower in Battlefront, it's achieving much better approximations of lighting and physicality of materials.

Right. That doesn't seem suspicious to you? Avatar isn't a video game.

Seriously? Exagerate much? If Tripple Titans can't pull it off, then the PS5 won't pull it off.

No, he wasn't.

I'm just leaving it now. The people who don't understand that the lighting isn't possible likely won't notice the difference when it lands and will pretend this is what they were expecting.
Just a shame they're going to spread their belief to other naiive hopefuls, but I tried.


I'd be in the dick
Just for a reminder. This is what foliage looked like in Dragon Age: Inquisition on PS4. Huge variation and numbers with very minimal pop in, all within large environments. Throw PBR into the mix plus smaller areas and it would get pretty close to Endor in the trailer without much change. These shots have Share compression. Sorry about that.








Lighting is the key difference here but the foliage itself is quite close on an older version of the engine.


Trucker Sexologist
For those of us who saw the EA demo yesterday at Star Wars Celebration they said that the demo they were showing was going to be "destroyed" afterwards and would never be shown again publicly. They spent the first five minutes talking about how we were all being filmed and that if anyone was caught recording they'd shut everything down. The next time anyone is likely to see actual gameplay will be at E3, which is only two months away. Hopefully it will look better by then since what we saw was an early PS4 alpha build. I'd REALLY love for the E3 demo to running on a high end PC to see what it's capable of but for some reason they seem to be pushing the PS4 angle HARD. This leads me to believe that Sony is throwing money at them and there will be some PS4 exclusive content at some point.

Now that I've had some time to reflect on what I saw and watched the trailer a few more times I think those expecting to see a 1:1 recreation of gameplay matching the trailer will be sorely disappointed. While I do believe the trailer was "rendered" using the engine it was most certainly NOT real-time. The trailer contains lots of effects and that would be impossible to pull off real-time on a console running at 1080p/60fps with 40 players. I doubt even a high end PC with triple Titan Xs could pull that off. That's just the reality of current hardware and I'm okay with it.

While what we saw looks very good there are some things that hurt the visual quality overall. Most evident is the jaggies, which is likely a combination of low resolution and lack of anti-aliasing. I think this is a direct result of targeting 60fps. Something had to be sacrificed to achieve this though they still have a few months to optimize so it could improve. Hopefully the E3 demo will be a much newer build.

All of us who saw the gameplay demo seem to agree that we were impressed with what we saw. The lighting, object, and animation quality were very good overall and a "fair" representation of what the trailer looks like. There will be those who won't buy it because it doesn't look EXACTLY like the trailer but Star Wars fans looking for a next gen SW Battlefront experience should be pleased. I liked what I saw enough that I will be buying it even though I don't typically play multiplayer games. My girlfriends 13 year old son was also with me and was so excited by what he saw I expected to turn and see him throwing money at the screen. All I can say is adjust your expectations accordingly and you won't be disappointed.
Which effects aren't possible on three Titan X's? You can max out BF4 at 4k/60fps on just one. That card is a monster.


Right. That doesn't seem suspicious to you? Avatar isn't a video game.

Well there are degrees and dimensions to all of this. Avatar has the luxury of having all of it's effects baked and pre rendered on larger render farms. What they can do is push current technology to it's heights.

They can scale things up in a way that is computationally expensive and isn't realistic for real-time graphics.

On the other hand we have had years of rendering and graphics advances. Many new algorithms and compositions of technology that go into creating a more realistic picture. Just because Avatar has an insane amount of polygons and larger detailed textures. Doesn't mean it will be rendered out in a realistic manner.

But thinks in the distance loose LOD. So as long as you are using more modern rendering techniques. All that high detail doesn't matter as much. It will look more realistic on first glance or out of the corner of your eye. As if you're looking at 3D printed models that are actually existing under real life lighting. Compared to Avatar which looks like realistic assets existing under fake digital lighting.

From what I've heard about Battlefront is that the graphics and lighting of those trailers are similar to what will be shipped. Although in it's current state it lacks AA. Which means it loosing IQ.


^ It takes top end computers months to pump out frames one by one for those movies because the calculations for things like proper lighting take absolutely ages. It's just, not possible to have that lighting in real time. If they've actually pulled it off I expect every other game company to shut down. But I know they haven't.

The plastic look vs PBR stuff, that is all fine and I actually am looking forward/hopeful for that, but the lighting is off-limits.

Just for a reminder. This is what foliage looked like in Dragon Age: Inquisition on PS4. Huge variation and numbers with very minimal pop in. Throw PBR into the mix and it'll get pretty close to Endor in the trailer. These shots have Share compression. Sorry about that.





While it is impressive for a game (a rather recent one at that). It does not compare in any way to what they are showing:



See how one (your shots) looks like a game, and the other looks closer to a movie?

The screenshots you chose in the edit were fine examples too. The lighting plays a huge part!

Okay now ... I'll try and resist :p


I'd be in the dick
While it is impressive for a game (a rather recent one at that). It does not compare in any way to what they are showing:



See how one looks like a game, and the other looks closer to a movie?[/QUOTE]

One lacks PBR and is in a huge environment. The baked GI Battlefront is using (Enlighten) is very impressive but it's still baked and will be in a more contained area. I just wanted to show that even an older cross gen version of Frostbite excelled in foliage, which is where a lot of the doubt of the engine capabilities are coming from in regard to this trailer. The lighting on the vegetation is the main improvement here.
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