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Star Wars: Lucasfilm possibly holding off on Obi-Wan spin-off for surprising reason.

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Because Lucas treated the six movies as one continuous series and as such it makes sense to use the actor who played Anakin out of the armor as the Force ghost, so the audience recognizes him. Certainly makes more sense than having some random old guy you've never seen before pop up as the ghost of an established character at the end of the series. I know we're supposed to think the movies we saw as kids are perfect and untouchable or whatever, but the change to the Force ghosts makes cinematic sense. Now if only he'd shot actual footage for it rather than just using a clip from Hayden's costume test reel.

It's weird either way. The Shaw Ghost was able to grow back his hair (and style it), remove scars, regrow arms and legs, and wear a robe he's never worn before. If he could do all that as a Force ghost, one might think he might want to look as he last did when he was a healthy good Anakin. Obi-Wan and Yoda died content with who they were and as such had no reason to change appearance.

And the Hayden ghost is completely out of context footage and feels like it.


Obiwan was robbed as the main character of the prequels.

He really was. The prequels in general had a really hard time of establishing who the "main character" of the trilogy. I wish the prequels would have tried to keep things a bit smaller scale and more or less be Obi-Wan and Anakin buddy-cop movies that focused on their friendship and eventual betrayal. Seeing everything mostly through Obi-Wan's perspective would have been better.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
you say this now, just wait for the R2D2 spin-offs

trust me, one day it will happen

It happened 30 years ago.



That I don't think anyone noticed until it was brought up after the fact.

Episode 7 also references Clone Troopers and the Sith. Plus Rebels brought back Rex and had an episode where the Empire fought remnants of the Droid Army. I don't think we're ever going to see Disney go balls-deep into Prequel-Era stuff again because they know a lot of that is a black mark on the franchise, but I don't think they're going to straight up pretend it doesn't exist.


Sailor Stevenson
honestly, let the Obi-Wan movie be a western like the novel was.

Obi-Wan trying to survive and not draw attention to himself on Tatooine while guarding Luke and the Lars seems pretty cool to me - esp if Ewan is in it.

Stage On

Honestly the idea about these spin off movies about Young Han Solo and Obi-wan just seem stupid for me.

For the most part we already know those characters stories. Anything to tell about them has for the most part already been covered by existing material, either from the comics and books or from the clone wars cartoon.
Episode 7 also references Clone Troopers and the Sith. Plus Rebels brought back Rex and had an episode where the Empire fought remnants of the Droid Army. I don't think we're ever going to see Disney go balls-deep into Prequel-Era stuff again because they know a lot of that is a black mark on the franchise, but I don't think they're going to straight up pretend it doesn't exist.

And Saw Gerrera's in Rogue One.


Lucasfilm definiotely haven't ignored the prequel era since the Disney sale. I mean, I'm not expecting a Young Anakin spin-off but I don't think it'll be too long until we have a spin-off set during the prequel era.
Episode 7 also references Clone Troopers and the Sith. Plus Rebels brought back Rex and had an episode where the Empire fought remnants of the Droid Army. I don't think we're ever going to see Disney go balls-deep into Prequel-Era stuff again because they know a lot of that is a black mark on the franchise, but I don't think they're going to straight up pretend it doesn't exist.

I mean small references like that is one thing but doing a spin-off around one of the main actors in the prequels is never going to happen.


I mean small references like that is one thing but doing a spin-off around one of the main actors in the prequels is never going to happen.

The current Star Wars EU is pretty balls deep in Darth Maul right now, too.

Honestly the idea about these spin off movies about Young Han Solo and Obi-wan just seem stupid for me.

For the most part we already know those characters stories. Anything to tell about them has for the most part already been covered by existing material, either from the comics and books or from the clone wars cartoon.

The idea of an Obi-Wan movie for me seems cool for a few reasons.

1- Seeing how Obi-Wan stayed low and avoided the Empire. Vader clearly knew that Obi-Wan survived and I'd have to believe there would be a period early on in Vader's time where he was probably searching hardcore for Obi-Wan out of revenge for what happened on Mustafar.

2- You could also explore the possibility that Obi-Wan may have been active somehow inbetween the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Tattooine alone is a pretty active place with the Hutts, bounty hunters, and the loom shadow of the Empire.

3- You could look into Obi-Wan's psyche a bit and see how he processed everything that happened regarding the fall of the Republic and the Jedi as well as the rise of the Empire. Perhaps there was a period of time where Obi-Wan was considering leaving his exile to seek out revenge on Vader or something and perhaps be teased by the Dark Side due to how betrayed he felt by Anakin. Obi-Wan seemed a bit like a broken man by the time we see him in A New Hope, I'd kind of like to see how he gets there.
A smaller scale Kenobi movie would be amazing.

One of my fears for all the spin off / back story Star Wars movies are they are suddenly going to come up with bullshit reasons why these characters saved the universe before the OG movies or some nonsense.

People have said it countless times but the Tatooine Ben Kenobi doing small scale stuff would be cool. Never leave that planet for the entire movie. Would be a cool change of pace for Star Wars. Could be about him fighting some random mob while also inserting a few plot points into his connections with Rey while they are at it.

That I don't think anyone noticed until it was brought up after the fact.

That was the idea probably.

But its kind of telling the only damn thing so far Disney has really touched from the prequels is McGregor.

It would be a disappointment if they did a movie and didnt bring him back. Dude is a solid enough actor and he would be the right age for it. If anything the dude is aging a bit too well and they would have to age him up a little.

Stage On

The current Star Wars EU is pretty balls deep in Darth Maul right now, too.

The idea of an Obi-Wan movie for me seems cool for a few reasons.

1- Seeing how Obi-Wan stayed low and avoided the Empire. Vader clearly knew that Obi-Wan survived and I'd have to believe there would be a period early on in Vader's time where he was probably searching hardcore for Obi-Wan out of revenge for what happened on Mustafar.

2- You could also explore the possibility that Obi-Wan may have been active somehow inbetween the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Tattooine alone is a pretty active place with the Hutts, bounty hunters, and the loom shadow of the Empire.

3- You could look into Obi-Wan's psyche a bit and see how he processed everything that happened regarding the fall of the Republic and the Jedi as well as the rise of the Empire. Perhaps there was a period of time where Obi-Wan was considering leaving his exile to seek out revenge on Vader or something and perhaps be teased by the Dark Side due to how betrayed he felt by Anakin. Obi-Wan seemed a bit like a broken man by the time we see him in A New Hope, I'd kind of like to see how he gets there.

Like I said already pretty much covered by the comics. The current marvel series regularly does Obi-wan flashbacks that have been covering what he was up to between Episode 3 and 4.


I mean small references like that is one thing but doing a spin-off around one of the main actors in the prequels is never going to happen.
It can also be seen as a spin-off around one of the main characters in the franchise.

Sure, they could recast him, but McGregor's portrayal of Obi-Wan is regarded to be one of the few good things about the prequel trilogy. Why not stick with the same actor?

Ah well. Even if we don't get an Obi-Wan movie, we might get a story arc with him in Rebels based on *spoilers*
Maul's "He lives" revelation".
Like I said already pretty much covered by the comics. The current marvel series regularly does Obi-wan flashbacks that have been covering what he was up to between Episode 3 and 4.

Very briefly though. I doubt they'd see the four of five Obi-Wan issues as much of a barrier to doing a film. He was on Tatooine for 19 years. There's plenty of time there to explore.
I like to think he did more than stay on Tatooine. Do we have confirmation that he hasn't left since then?

Agreed. The idea that he left now and then and had some adventures seems fine to me!

Including a fucking awesome opening theme by Stewart Copeland of The Police because why not?

Haha, I was about to point that out! Hell yeah. AND the Ewoks cartoon that went with it had its iconic theme written and performed by blues legend Taj Mahal.


However good McGregor was, the prequels were a mistake, and I'd rather we all try to never reference them again except in derision.

I also prefer to think that Uncle Owen was Obi-Wan's brother, because that was the original script and just makes more sense. I'm sure an Obi-Wan prequel would screw with that belief.


However good McGregor was, the prequels were a mistake, and I'd rather we all try to never reference them again except in derision.

I also prefer to think that Uncle Owen was Obi-Wan's brother, because that was the original script and just makes more sense. I'm sure an Obi-Wan prequel would screw with that belief.

The new canon has been tying the OT and PT together extensively. The prequels will always be part of the story.
The Original Trilogy had two Skywalker children, so the new trilogy could have two Skywalker grandchildren.

Poetry, rhymes, etc.

Kylo Ren's birth name could also be your one Kenobi tie-in.

yeah but a Kenobi bringing a Skywalker (kylo ren) back into the light...whew. it brings closure to the 9 film saga.

and then have the ghosts of mufasa, obi wan, yoda, boromir, anakin and han solo watching as they celebrate.
2) A Darth Vader spinoff set between the two trilogies, showing Vader hunting and taking down Jedi that survived as well as crushing early rebellions. (I'm pretty sure there's a comic that kind of does this)

Yeah, I like this idea. I've always thought this is what Revenge of the Sith should have been; Anakin turns evil in the second film and spends the next one destroying the Jedi.


yeah but a Kenobi bringing a Skywalker (kylo ren) back into the light...whew. it brings closure to the 9 film saga.

and then have the ghosts of mufasa, obi wan, yoda, boromir, anakin and han solo watching as they celebrate.

I'm going to be pissed if Kylo Ren turns good again


Brotherhood of Shipley's
The only two spinoff movies I truly want are

1) An Obi-Wan spinoff set between the two trilogies.

2) A Darth Vader spinoff set between the two trilogies, showing Vader hunting and taking down Jedi that survived as well as crushing early rebellions. (I'm pretty sure there's a comic that kind of does this)

#2 does not exist in a comic. but the Vader comic is between ANH and ESB. And it's great.


That's one sauve son of a bitch.

Obi Wan and Anakin don't look so bad, either.

Honestly Anakin has the right look. But the writing and directing fail him. I try not to put too much blame on Hayden. He's not the best actor in the world, but no actor is going to be able to salvage the shit Lucas was putting in those scripts.


Honestly Anakin has the right look. But the writing and directing fail him. I try not to put too much blame on Hayden. He's not the best actor in the world, but no actor is going to be able to salvage the shit Lucas was putting in those scripts.

Apparently George Lucas initially approached Leonardo DiCaprio for the role, right up until the moment DiCaprio actually read the script for Episode 2, laughed uproariously in Lucas's face and then pushed him off his yacht.
i think both Christian Bale and Leo were considered for the role.

speaking of modern day actors who would have killed it (given a decent script) I think both ezra miller or adam driver would have been great as anakin skywalker.


All the canon stories he's featured in so far have been on Tatooine, but I think he left a few times in one of the old Legends books.

I say they change that with the Obi film (assuming they eventually make it).

I think it would actually be cool to have a film about an older Obi with flashabcks to his time spent on Tatooine/in various other places throughout the galaxy and how some of it connects to Rey/the current trilogy.

It could be an interesting way to show us what he'd been up to between EP3/4 and maybe provide some new tidbits on how Luke/Rey/The Force are connected and how his role affected/affects it all.
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