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Star Wars: Lucasfilm possibly holding off on Obi-Wan spin-off for surprising reason.

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I want a final Maul confrontation. Maul has redeemed himself on TV, but he deserves another shot on the big screen.

Rebels is probably gonna waste him though.

Either way gimme Obiwan movie


I want a final Maul confrontation. Maul has redeemed himself on TV, but he deserves another shot on the big screen.

Rebels is probably gonna waste him though.

Very strange that they certainly seem to be hinting at a Maul VS Obi Wan confrontation in Rebels of all places. Although, I'm not sure I would be too interested in seeing that particular encounter in movie form. For one thing, I'd prefer the spin-off to focus on an original story with an entirely original supporting cast. Also, as much as I like Sam Witwer's take on the character, I just feel Maul should have stayed dead. Even by Star Wars standards, the characters survival following Phantom Menace always just seemed a bit too silly for me.


Very strange that they certainly seem to be hinting at a Maul VS Obi Wan confrontation in Rebels of all places. Although, I'm not sure I would be too interested in seeing that particular encounter in movie form. For one thing, I'd prefer the spin-off to focus on an original story with an entirely original supporting cast. Also, as much as I like Sam Witwer's take on the character, I just feel Maul should have stayed dead. Even by Star Wars standards, the characters survival following Phantom Menace always just seemed a bit too silly for me.

Considering people can turn into near omnipresent ghosts upon death and Vader survived despite being triple amputated and given 3rd degree burns all over his body - I guess I can stomach Maul surviving. His death in TPM was a stupid one anyway.
Luke not having some kind of child would be pretty wack

And it would pretty much guarantee Kylo Ren survives if this was revealed in VIII. The series isn't going to kill off the Skywalker line.


Gareth Edwards wants an Obi-Wan spin-off.

In an interview with Fandango, director Gareth Edwards talked about his passion for the original Star Wars trilogy and its undiscovered stories.

"To be honest, Rogue One is the period I love," he said. "It’s connecting to the original New Hope. If someone made other films in that era – and I don’t necessarily think this is happening, I have no inside knowledge – but that desire to see Obi-Wan Kenobi. Tattooine, basically, I love. As a kid I remember wanting to grow up there; anything in that "Original Trilogy" era I am just besotted with, and it’s just like going back home to your childhood."

Now that Edwards has commented on the a possible Obi-Wan film, fans are naturally starting to wonder whether he’d be involved with the project. ComicBook.com’s Lucas Siegel has shared his thoughts about whether Edwards would team up with Lucasfilm once more to tackle the ambitious story.

“Could Edwards even come back and direct it? I think so,” Siegel said from San Francisco where he’s currently attending press junkets for Rogue One.
We all know, that we need the Solo movie just for Chewbacca...give me more of that hairy giant! I mean he was a damn general on the wookie planet! He knew Yoda!

Obi Wan films seems like a given, Ewan McGregor is still around looking as young as ever, plus he already is overly addicted to playing Obi Wan again.
Goddamn it this so much!

Its so big there could be so many stories to tell but they go with the same shit every time.

The original Star Wars is basically a fairytale, which are known for being very insular stories. When the whole premise is about discovering that a seemingly unimportant character is actually the most important person in the universe, you can can bet it's going to feel small.

The spinoffs will eventually open up the universe more, but they have to play it safe so they can get there someday.
I don't think many would agree and it would never happen, but I would love Lucas to be involved in this speculated Ewan/Obi-Wan stand-alone film/potential set of films. Ewan's Obi-Wan was one of the best things of the prequels. I think he and George know how to work with one another. I think Lucas' involvement in the Clone Wars CGI series (and the strong aspects of the prequels) shows he still knows how to operate in his universe. This potential Obi-Wan movie is likely set in the transition from the prequel era and the classic trilogy era. I think it'd be a great fit
Not only dead, but his actor in the OT is dead. You can't exactly have him randomly de-age to McGregor as a ghost having appeared only as Alec Guinness in the OT.

They could edit in McGregor as the force ghost in Episode V and VI like Lucas did with Hayden Christensen... 😅


41 > 38
Can't forget a Few Dollars More and The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. Make it happen Disney, get Ewan, print all of the money.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly on Tatooine starring Obi Wan, Boba Fett, and Greedo respectively. Give it here.

The problem is that Obi Wan actually is good, unlike Blondie.
I'd be okay with this.

*Force Ghost Obi-Wan appears in front of Luke and Rey*

Obi-Wan - Hello, Luke!

Luke - Ben?

Obi-Wan - It's been quite a while, hasn't it?

Luke - You look different.

Obi-Wan - I thought I'd try a more youthful appearance for a change, since you decided to look like me when we met.

Honestly with CGI and make-up they could make him reasonably old because as it stands right now in the saga it looks like Obi's midichlorian count was as high as Mick Jagger's when he was younger.
Obi-won Kenobi was 59 years old during A New Hope, when he let Vader strike him down.

TFA takes place 30 years after RTOJ.

Rey is supposedly 19 years old in TFA, according to the TFA visual dictionary book.

So... you figure out the math.
rey is a kenobi

mark it 8, dude



I think Rey is a Kenobi who got dropped off on Jakku by her adoptive parents who abandoned her either for her own safety, their safety, or maybe thought they had a freak on their hands they couldn't handle or raise properly with her force gifts.

Obi-Wan spoke to her for a reason when she had her force vision inside Maz's castle. That was no accident. I doubt ghost Obi-Wan goes around speaking to every person who has a talent for the force.

Bricken over at io9 has the craziest theory, which I kind of like because it's so weird - Rey's a clone of material from Luke's severed hand. Someone retrieved the lightsaber, right? So maybe they picked up the hand too.
So Kenobi is ghost fucking now? I don't know if we know her age, but I doubt she's even older than Ren, let alone that much older.

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Bricken over at io9 has the craziest theory, which I kind of like because it's so weird - Rey's a clone of material from Luke's severed hand. Someone retrieved the lightsaber, right? So maybe they picked up the hand too.


Can't people just have sex? No clones... please no more clones, especially from severed hands.


Bricken over at io9 has the craziest theory, which I kind of like because it's so weird - Rey's a clone of material from Luke's severed hand. Someone retrieved the lightsaber, right? So maybe they picked up the hand too.

That's not how clones work. If that were the case, where's all the female Jango clones?


That's not how clones work. If that were the case, where's all the female Jango clones?

Because why would they bother to select Jango Fett as the perfect specimen to clone from if they're radically going to alter some of the clones by changing their gender?


That's exactly how clones work. You don't think that scientists in a space-faring universe couldn't gender select?

Because why would they bother to select Jango Fett as the perfect specimen to clone from if they're radically going to alter some of the clones by changing their gender?

Scientific plausibility aside, this is exactly the out there mumbo jumbo that late era George Lucas would have cooked up alongside midochlorians and virgin births. It would lack all the emotional resonance that they are desperately trying to recapture in this franchise.
If Anakin can come back as a younger ghost version of himself, why can't Obi Wan? Maybe George is more of a genius than previously thought for putting Hayden ghost. I mean, they are spirIts and not physical form, so why not? "I can take on whatever form I wish".
If Anakin can come back as a younger ghost version of himself, why can't Obi Wan? Maybe George is more of a genius than previously thought for putting Hayden ghost. I mean, they are spirIts and not physical form, so why not? "I can take on whatever form I wish".

He really is. There is a lot of gold in the prequels. This moment, is one of the most tense parts in the whole series, especially on a first viewing. I still remember how I felt at this part seeing it as a kid.




No Scrubs
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly on Tatooine starring Obi Wan, Boba Fett, and Greedo respectively. Give it here.

The problem is that Obi Wan actually is good, unlike Blondie.

Man, they could turn Obi-wan on Tatooine into a legit long running series just by aping the great westerns of the last 50 or so years.

The Dollars Trilogy
True Grit
The Magnificent Seven
Once Upon a Time in the West

I mean shit, they should just adapt every Sergio Leone movie ever made. That shit would print endless money.


If you're looking for the Maul/Obi-Wan Showdown, I think that's gonna be happening in Rebels to be honest.

In one the earlier episodes of Rebels Season 3,
Maul and Ezra get shown visions from the Sith Holocron. Maul exclaims that "he lives" and runs away excitedly and Ezra says something about "twin suns" - alluding to Tatooine. It could be talking about Luke possibly and perhaps Maul wants to kill the son of the man who ultimately stole his position but either way, a confrontation on Tatooine would definitely draw Obi-Wan out and we'll probably see that fight happen.

In a ANH, Obi-Wan knows about the significant Rebel presence,
one way he might have gotten to be in the know is if after a confrontation with Maul, Kanan and Ezra, Kanan and Ezra fill him in?


We're gonna find out some fucked up shit like Luke & Leia are bipaternal twins, and Obi-Wan is Luke's father and Anakin was only Leia's father or something just downright ridiculous lol.
Whether it was the fact that he is asked about it so much or the fact that he didn't want to talk about it for fear of saying something, he looked a little uneasy when the question was brought up.


He really is. There is a lot of gold in the prequels. This moment, is one of the most tense parts in the whole series, especially on a first viewing. I still remember how I felt at this part seeing it as a kid.



Rest of the movie was pure shit but fuck was that scene so hype.
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