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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT| GL HF GG

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Cru Jones

Dreams-Visions said:
the one time I can think of where that happened, I believe I did say, "maybe I spoke too soon...."

I think I'll make note for those special cases where I'll say, "gonna play it out" or something, but I disagree that it's logical to quit a winnable match if you realize that you're not in as bad a shape as you initially thought.

Proper etiquette is to quit soon after you say GG. If you intend to rush all your probes in for a last ditch attack, you should wait to say GG until you know if it was an unsuccessful attack.
ultron87 said:
The thing is if you are in a situation where you had to pull your probes off the line and lose most of your military (and presumably a bunch of probes) the odds of you coming back to win from such a thing are fairly low. Unless of course the attack was some opening all-in cheese that probably caused him to have little to no economy.
I won that game. I can't remember the circumstances now, though. I think he hit me early but I had a couple of VRs out there taking out his base as he assaulted mine with more volume. I did some brilliant things to come back and win that match. beat him with 3 void rays and no nexus/probes remaining.

Cru Jones said:
Proper etiquette is to quit soon after you say GG. If you intend to rush all your probes in for a last ditch attack, you should wait to say GG until you know if it was an unsuccessful attack.
rushed probes to STOP an attack. not to start one. lol

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Need some help Gaf, just installed the game and have it on an older PC so everything is on low. The game runs fine but cutscenes are choppy. I have it running in 1080p on my TV though, should I lower the resolution? Will that even out the cutscenes?

Also, tried to test settings by making a custom game, but someone joined. I have played SC1 but haven't played any of 2 yet and am getting owned, what Terran units detect invisible guys? Got owned by Protoss.
Deadly Cyclone said:
Need some help Gaf, just installed the game and have it on an older PC so everything is on low. The game runs fine but cutscenes are choppy. I have it running in 1080p on my TV though, should I lower the resolution? Will that even out the cutscenes?

Also, tried to test settings by making a custom game, but someone joined. I have played SC1 but haven't played any of 2 yet and am getting owned, what Terran units detect invisible guys? Got owned by Protoss.
missile turrets and Ravens, I believe. maybe sensor tower instead of missile turrets? Ravens for mobile detection for sure, though.

and don't forget the Command Center scan.

Cru Jones

Dreams-Visions said:
rushed probes to STOP an attack. not to start one. lol

I get what you are saying, but you should be done attacking when you say GG. GG is conceding the game is over and you've lost and shouldn't come before you are ready to give up (which you aren't if you send in your probes to attack)

Cru Jones

Dreams-Visions said:
missile turrets and Ravens, I believe. maybe sensor tower instead of missile turrets? Ravens for mobile detection for sure, though.

and don't forget the Command Center scan.

only missile turrets and ravens

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Dreams-Visions said:
missile turrets and Ravens, I believe. maybe sensor tower instead of missile turrets? Ravens for mobile detection for sure, though.

and don't forget the Command Center scan.

Cool thanks, I just haven't had time to refresh myself on Starcraft yet :lol

Any help with the choppy cutscenes? Lower resolution maybe?


Deadly Cyclone said:
Cool thanks, I just haven't had time to refresh myself on Starcraft yet :lol

Any help with the choppy cutscenes? Lower resolution maybe?

yes that should help. test it out?
Cru Jones said:
I get what you are saying, but you should be done attacking when you say GG. GG is conceding the game is over and you've lost and shouldn't come before you are ready to give up (which you aren't if you send in your probes to attack)

all I can say is in those times, I definitely thought the game was over. it was not done to sucker anyone, as I don't care that much. lol
Deadly Cyclone said:
Hmm, yeah, should I update?

PC isn't very good, just glad it runs the game at all, 3.2 GHz Pentium 4, 3GB RAM. Need to check the graphics card.
nVidia or ATI?

I'd definitely see if there is an update you can install.
Not like anyone cares but I don't think this game is for me with regards to MP. I'm 4-16 in my first 20 1 v 1 bronze matches and it's just not getting better and getting destroyed over and over again isn't fun.

I play most genres but never been a big RTS guy, figured I'd give this game a shot but just not clicking. SP has been worth the price of admission so I'm not complaining, but still wish the MP resonated with me more.
Sir Garbageman said:
Not like anyone cares but I don't think this game is for me with regards to MP. I'm 4-16 in my first 20 1 v 1 bronze matches and it's just not getting better and getting destroyed over and over again isn't fun.

I play most genres but never been a big RTS guy, figured I'd give this game a shot but just not clicking. SP has been worth the price of admission so I'm not complaining, but still wish the MP resonated with me more.

After playing a lot of Warcraft 3 in my college days, I pretty much know multiplayer RTS is not for me anymore but I'm fine with trying new things in the campaign. I'm decent at macro but I hate micro. Trying out missions with different units available is fun. Building a shitload of Barracks and then dropping 50 marines out of the sky on top of the computers mineral line is great.


Dreams-Visions said:
I won that game. I can't remember the circumstances now, though. I think he hit me early but I had a couple of VRs out there taking out his base as he assaulted mine with more volume. I did some brilliant things to come back and win that match. beat him with 3 void rays and no nexus/probes remaining.
I lost a match just like that. To a pair of void rays...
I didn't gg because I thought I still had the upper hand. Unfortunately, my stalkers didn't get back in time to finish off the voids.


btkadams said:
i think i know the answer, but i'd really like a straight-up explanation haha. what does it mean to micro, or to macro?
Micro and Macro
(Redirected from Micro)
Micro and Macro specify two techniques you must master in order to be successful when playing Starcraft. As the name indicates, Micro refers to more local, specialized events, while Macro concerns the overall flow of the game and the economical side. It is important for every Starcraft player to have a balance of these two.

Micro is the ability to control your units individually, in order to make up for pathing or otherwise imperfect AI. For example, controlling only two Marines to kill a Lurker, or being able to kill multiple Scourges with Mutalisks is considered "Micro". The general theory of micro is to keep as many units alive as possible. For example it is better to have four half-dead Dragoons after a battle, rather than to have two Dragoons at full health and two dead ones.

Macro is your ability to produce units, and keep all of your production buildings busy. Generally, the player with the better macro will have the larger army. The other element of macro is your ability to expand at the appropriate times to keep your production of units flowing. A good macro player is able to keep increasing his or her production capability while having the resources to support it.
[edit]Balancing Micro & Macro

While it is ideal to perform optimal micro and macro, it is usually impossible to do both tasks together as well as one could perform each separately. Thus, a player is forced to make the decision where to allocate his or her actions and attention. In order to win, a player should consider the opportunity cost of his or her choice. By spending attention on micro, we are omitting macro, and vice-versa. It is generally accepted that good macro is more valuable than good micro.
So why is macro better? Consider pitting a micro-oriented player against a macro-oriented player both with the same amount of attention and APM. Overall, the macro player will have a better economy and more units, and can usually overpower the micro player no matter how good his or her control is. Because of this, attention to macro is generally more valuable than attention to micro. Since focus on macro is the better choice, let us consider the case of two macro-oriented players with the same amount of attention. Both will amass a similarly-sized army and both will have similar economies, so who is victorious? It comes down to unit positioning and the outcome of battles; essentially micro.
Thus, players who want to win will practice both micro and macro in order to out-micro and out-produce their opponents. The marginal benefit of micro will be apparent if the macro abilities of the players are the same. Good players will allocate the appropriate time for each to get the most benefit from their actions. It is a good idea to also take into consideration the cost to your opponent when deciding between micro and macro as well, and how well off you will be in relation to your opponent when you decide, for example, to spend time controlling Mutalisks to destroy SCVs. You may reduce your opponent's income but you may also forget to make more Drones at the right time. If you switch to production, you may leave your Mutalisks vulnerable or simply unused. In this sense the game becomes a balancing act between micro and macro.
Category: Definitions


Watching the IEM VODs....TLO is such a beast. I don't think I have actually see him micro that well like he did in the games against White-Ra. He is getting better and better.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Well I updated drivers so hopefully that helps, any other suggestions for optimizing graphics vs playability on a lower end PC?

you have an extremely old pc. i recommend low settings and lower resolution.


Can you guys help me with something? Everytime I go into MP I click find match and it eventually says player found but then will not do anything. I'm on my college dorm internet.
Won said:
Watching the IEM VODs....TLO is such a beast.

Yup, TLO is doing very well in the tournament. Will go far. He likes early Hellion harasses, but is also good at mid & late game. Don't see M&M 'balls' too often from him. Really, his expansive style means he does well regardless of what you throw at him.


Sir Garbageman said:
Not like anyone cares but I don't think this game is for me with regards to MP. I'm 4-16 in my first 20 1 v 1 bronze matches and it's just not getting better and getting destroyed over and over again isn't fun.

I play most genres but never been a big RTS guy, figured I'd give this game a shot but just not clicking. SP has been worth the price of admission so I'm not complaining, but still wish the MP resonated with me more.

I'd suggest you give 2v2 a few games before giving up. There isn't the same pressure as 1v1 and you have more of a feeling of us v them. If things go wrong you always have someone who can help out. It's also a bit more forgiving if you make mistakes. I have a few friends who love starcraft and love multiplayer, but wouldn't touch 1v1 if you paid them. They love the team games.
Try and get someone you know to play with who can guide you a bit while your playing. Team games are a totally different experience to 1v1, but there is still much fun to be found there.


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
spazzfish said:
I'd suggest you give 2v2 a few games before giving up. There isn't the same pressure as 1v1 and you have more of a feeling of us v them. If things go wrong you always have someone who can help out. It's also a bit more forgiving if you make mistakes. I have a few friends who love starcraft and love multiplayer, but wouldn't touch 1v1 if you paid them. They love the team games.
Try and get someone you know to play with who can guide you a bit while your playing. Team games are a totally different experience to 1v1, but there is still much fun to be found there.
And if that is too daunting still, just move up to 3v3 or 4v4 even. Although the later really is a catch all for the worst players out there so be prepared, some will be on your side. Then there is also FFA which can be fun and can be played with a beer in one hand. And then there are custom maps =)


Greatest feeling: Lose a match and then think "well, I won't make *that* mistake again", the situation repeats, you really don't make that mistake again and, because of that, win the match.


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Dreams-Visions said:
Find drivers? If not check laptopvideo2go.com and use a modified driver of theirs

Yep, found a download from June and updated. Didn't do much good though, it runs smooth and great on low settings at 1920x1080, but on medium or above, it is choppy framerate even when dropping resolution to 1280x720.

Still runs, even on ultra, but you notice quite a slowdown with the camera movement, hiccups a lot.


will learn eventually
Just got the weirdest victory ever. TvT and a tank stalemate. Opponent was in the lead economically. I drop 2 fully loaded medivacs inside his base, because well there's nothing to do on the battlefield. As I unload my units and expect to get slaughtered by tanks and vikings soon to come, he gg's and quits. WTH I didn't even destroy one single building :O :lol :lol :lol


How many losses does it take to get demoted to a lower league? I got put in gold, and I'm just sliiiightly unprepared for a lot of players on it. I'm not horrible, just... not there yet. Silver should hopefully be an improvement, once I'm finally there.


Undeux said:
How many losses does it take to get demoted to a lower league? I got put in gold, and I'm just sliiiightly unprepared for a lot of players on it. I'm not horrible, just... not there yet. Silver should hopefully be an improvement, once I'm finally there.
Did you skip your practice matches? be honest.

Like a fool i skipped my practice matches and went head on and dominated up to platinum and got completely destroyed, same thing happened in 2v2 with a friend.

those 50 practice games would of helped me a TON
styl3s said:
Did you skip your practice matches? be honest.

Like a fool i skipped my practice matches and went head on and dominated up to platinum and got completely destroyed, same thing happened in 2v2 with a friend.

those 50 practice games would of helped me a TON

If you made it to platinum then they really probably wouldn't have helped.
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