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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT| GL HF GG

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I've started to invite people, Uplo is online and has joined, now everyone has an hour to get in. Details in my last post.

EDIT: And we're done! That was insane! :lol


LakeEarth said:
I won twice and it put me in bronze :(
No, I mean, I was already in bronze and I just won a game that was basically two nimrods headbutting each other and now I'm in silver.

I don't feel like a silver player.
Draft said:
No, I mean, I was already in bronze and I just won a game that was basically two nimrods headbutting each other and now I'm in silver.

I don't feel like a silver player.

It will match you against bronze players if it feels like your performance deems it.

Eric WK

LaneDS said:
Did you read what I wrote? I understand that a lot of people think it's incredibly insulting, but I'm saying there isn't a part of me that means to insult the other player when I do so. When I say it, I genuinely want that other player to know I respected their play.

So say it once they've said it and add a well played or something to that affect. Your intention is completely worthless because that's not how it's going to be taken.


Raxus said:
I really need more 1v1 partners. :(
I'll do it and I promise to say gg!
edit : to the guy who hates pvp just make stalkers! They tear void rays apart early. As long as he doesn't mass them at least. He shouldn't be able to cause you'll have the stalkers to go stomp his base!


zero margin said:
It will match you against bronze players if it feels like your performance deems it.
Thats what keeps happening to my newbie ass. It pits me against a bronze player, I destroy him, it matches me with Silver and my inexperience gets my ass kicked. Repeat.


LakeEarth said:
Thats what keeps happening to my newbie ass. It pits me against a bronze player, I destroy him, it matches me with Silver and my inexperience gets my ass kicked. Repeat.

well, make it more fun for yourself. personally, i rarely cheese or all-in cause i feel like it is less fun and more of a routine. i like to let the game play out to 10 or 15 minutes and then see whats going on. keeping him scouted of course, just never doing all in attacks/builds. this is my advice for vs the bronze players.

as for vs the silver players, try and see where you went wrong in the replay, or ask him/her after the game, or even ask in this thread, or check build orders/strategies on teamliquid.


not characteristic of ants at all
Just did my placement matches (all as Zerg) and am in the Silver league. Haven't played a league game yet.

I tried to make myself avoid this game.. but I failed. :D


I'm having a huge problem with replays... I can not watch them. :/ Whenever I try it starts out fine enough but it starts stuttering within 20 seconds. From there it gets worse and eventually freezes. I have a GTX 480 if that helps. I don't know what to do :(

Oh and I get great performance in game.


Interfectum said:
man... i'm loving these zerg replays. I might try them out sometime.

Zerg recruitment propaganda in full-swing!

"Be chewed up, digested, and remade! Enter the Swarm and become more than a new recruit, become part of the family!"
I don't think I've been this angry at a game in a while. I'm playing the 3rd mission in the campaign on Hard, to get the achievement of destroying four Zerg Hatcheries. No matter what tactics I use, it just fails every time.



zoukka said:
Just had a satisfying winning streak. Made my first baneling busts too. First time on a tech lab that was attached to a factory and second time just basic bust.

Busting that Terran game is sooooo sweet :b

*centrifugal hook bump*

eosos said:
Why should I gg games that were not good?

edit: beaten by McCrae.


-COOLIO- said:
it seems all the mirror matches need some work

Terran is fine.
Protoss are too reliant on warpgates and Void Rays, but I think it's tending away from that as people get better at using mixed armies.
Zerg is a goddamn mess, but anything that lets them be a bit more defensive early should help (hopefully collateral from when TvZ gets fixed).


Des0lar said:
Just got the weirdest victory ever. TvT and a tank stalemate. Opponent was in the lead economically. I drop 2 fully loaded medivacs inside his base, because well there's nothing to do on the battlefield. As I unload my units and expect to get slaughtered by tanks and vikings soon to come, he gg's and quits. WTH I didn't even destroy one single building :O :lol :lol :lol
I had a strange match with a zerg. Scouted his base and saw the early spawning pool so I made sure to chronoboost my zealot. As I'm doing this I'm also watching from a watchtower and I start another zealot. Just as my second zealot finishes the 6 zerglings arrive and after killing one the rest run away. After this I kind of started to build my army near a watchtower and start up a second expansion while also making sure my opponent doesn't have one in the making. Suddenly the guy disconnects, leaving me kind of happy that I got the win.

The strange part is when I watched the replay. After his zergling rush failed he started up another hatchery immediately right on top of the first one instead of going for the expansion. Then he gets out 5 spine crawlers and sets them up by the ramp with zerglings in front. From there he just waits like 2 minutes for a counter attack. When he realizes that one isn't coming he just disconnects to avoid a longer game I guess.

Yaweee said:
Terran is fine.
Protoss are too reliant on warpgates and Void Rays, but I think it's tending away from that as people get better at using mixed armies.
Zerg is a goddamn mess, but anything that lets them be a bit more defensive early should help (hopefully collateral from when TvZ gets fixed).
Honestly, the Warpgate + Robotics Facility + Stargate just hasn't seemed as strong as Rax + Factory + Starport to me.


The Everyman
Yaweee said:
Terran is fine.
Protoss are too reliant on warpgates and Void Rays, but I think it's tending away from that as people get better at using mixed armies.
Zerg is a goddamn mess, but anything that lets them be a bit more defensive early should help (hopefully collateral from when TvZ gets fixed).
i hate terran mirrors with a passion. maybe at a hiiigh level it's interesting, but every terran match ive gotten into is tank/viking
All mirrors eventually essentially use the same builds anyway. It just happens that TvT takes forever to actually come to a conclusion.

PvP is usually just a race to Colossus, except it doesn't always get to that point.


It's kind of funny that even the terrans are complaining about being matched up with terran. I told myself I wouldn't comment anymore on game balance, but the last two posts just made me smirk a little.


ultron87 said:
Oh, and anytime someone quits without GGing I picture them as an shivering nervous wreck collapsed into a ball on their floor and/or punching everything in sight due to their rage. So that brings a smile to my face.

I GG everytime I lose but this is still me after losing :lol


Sir Garbageman said:
Not like anyone cares but I don't think this game is for me with regards to MP. I'm 4-16 in my first 20 1 v 1 bronze matches and it's just not getting better and getting destroyed over and over again isn't fun.

I play most genres but never been a big RTS guy, figured I'd give this game a shot but just not clicking. SP has been worth the price of admission so I'm not complaining, but still wish the MP resonated with me more.

You could try UMS games. I have a ton of fun just playing Nexus Wars, Income Wars, and Lurker Defense. A lot less serious but still lots of action.


Everything is moe to me
Dreams-Visions said:
how do you recommend dealing with a PvP where the opponent is pushing for VRs?
gate pressure is your staple defense in PvP, keeping an efficient economy while maximizing gateway usage will win you most PvPs and all PvP's wher someone tries something as silly as a voidray.

see the cast of vaporak vs kryor for a standard 3 gate robo opening vs void rays, its not even close to a fair fight.
i pimp it because its the least watched one of the lot. :lol

PvP is mostly about 2gate zealot Vs 4gate Vs 3gate robo. the gates are the main event.


Lasthope106 said:
I don't think I've been this angry at a game in a while. I'm playing the 3rd mission in the campaign on Hard, to get the achievement of destroying four Zerg Hatcheries. No matter what tactics I use, it just fails every time.


Mass marines using the two barracks with reactors attached. Build a 3rd barrack to mass medics. Upgrade weapons and armor at the engineering bay. At the 10 minute mark, move out with your army to the upper left corner of the map. There is a base up there with two hatcheries. Destroy both hatcheries and pull your army back a bit. Getting your army off the creep and back onto the road is good enough. Don't retreat too far or you'll get attacked from the south. Once you lose vision of the base, the computer will begin rebuilding hatcheries. After you have waited for about 2-3 minutes, go back into the base and you'll see two hatcheries again. Take them out and the achievement is yours. You can even quit the mission after the achievement pops up if you don't want to wait for the evac.


Yeah, the mirror matches are fine, and I don't get all the Void Ray hate on PvP. I main Protoss and very few of my latest matches have even included Void Rays. If you scout at all you should see them coming and have enough Stalkers (and you don't need a lot) to deal with them. Are you guys just letting the other Protoss player just turtle up in his base until he gets mass Void Rays?
Sir Garbageman said:
Not like anyone cares but I don't think this game is for me with regards to MP. I'm 4-16 in my first 20 1 v 1 bronze matches and it's just not getting better and getting destroyed over and over again isn't fun.

Did you do the 50 unranked practice matches first? Before diving in the ranked multiplayer? If not, that's probably the problem. It's a good way to learn some common plays.


perryfarrell said:
Did you do the 50 unranked practice matches first? Before diving in the ranked multiplayer? If not, that's probably the problem. It's a good way to learn some common plays.
Those 50 games are boring as hell though.


Sblargh said:
If he has void rays, he don't have 10 stalkers and a pylon next to his base.
Void Rays are incredibly easy to deal with if you scout. I don't understand the complaints here.


ChronicleX said:
If you are on about pinging the minimap either click the ping button next to the minimap than where you want on the map/gameworld. You can also Alt+leftclick on the minimap todo the same thing.

Its either that or you are referring to a Terran's overpowered scan ability thats on their orbital commands.

Ah, the orbital scan. Never played Terran in competition. Thanks for the info. I think that is silly from a strategic standpoint... what is the point of giving that to a race that doesn't need it??
Dreams-Visions said:
how do you recommend dealing with a PvP where the opponent is pushing for VRs?

PvP there is a secret circle for top tier tech. One nearly always beats the other when rushed.


Hence if you start rushing DT's you will rape every single Protoss that rush's Void Rays due to their lack of detection and inability to get any detection. If you both go Void rays but want to win the ray war wait for them to come and charge up your rays on your own buildings.

Edit -

BboyDubC said:
Ah, the orbital scan. Never played Terran in competition. Thanks for the info. I think that is silly from a strategic standpoint... what is the point of giving that to a race that doesn't need it??

Don't get me started.......... :lol


eosos said:
Those 50 games are boring as hell though.

They also don't help at all. People rightfully play those as if they are island base games, ground armies take way too long to blast through the rocks so it's pretty much a tech race to see who gets the most air and the correct counters. Unfortunately none of the games outside of practice league are island base games.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I know this isnt the right place but its full of blizzard fans. Where is a good place to find some Warcraft 3 tournament casts? Not voice overs but true casts.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
ChronicleX said:
DotA or Ladder?
Either I guess. After watching the Intel tourny for SC2 I kinda miss tournament casts (true ones where its live and people in the building). I use to watch W3 ones on a certain TV channel when I lived with my parents. I assume it was ladder.
Well DotA ones can easily be found on playdota.com and sometimes garena. If you have the game+garena you can even watch some games live in the game itself which is pretty neat.

As for the standard casts of normal WC3 games I can't really help ya. You might have some luck on the official blizzard forums for TFT though. Blizzard used to host their own tournaments for the game which they casted themself.
I am a noob but from the games I have played with PvP the counter to a VR rush is scouting of course and stalker/blink and be on the offense, initiate the VRs, if you let them pound on something and charge the beams it can get very ugly.


Ok so I finally had time to play this game a bit more, been so busy. Apple released the update to fix the graphics or whatever for this and valve games and for me it made a huge difference! Before, I could only really run the game smoothly on all low settings, now I have mostly everything set to medium with no noticable lag.


DreadTheUnDead said:
Is there a doctor in the house ?!

I have a bad case of the Vikings! What in the name of Auir do I do ?!
So... correct me if I'm wrong... you're Protoss and you're getting bent over by vikings?

Make more stalkers.


Just finished the campaign on normal and really enjoyed it. This game returned my love of FMVs which left me after FFX.

Had a few rounds versus the AI and on very easy and easy I can win no problem but I'm really stuck on medium, don't think I'll be going up against humans for quite some time. Playing zerg and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, probably should stop trying to use mutalisks though...
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