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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT| GL HF GG

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ultron87 said:
So Starcraft fried my video card. My roommate left it on the menu screen for a bit and now my screen is constantly covered with horrid graphical abnormalities/no picture at all.

God damnit.

Obviously I should've done the text file fix to cap the frame rate on the menus, but how the fuck haven't they patched this problem out yet?

It took them about 8+ years to patch this problem out of the original StarCraft in patch 1.16:

- patch 1.16

Feature Changes

- In-game chat is now saved in replays. Note: whispers are not saved.
- Hitting the Escape key while in the chat room will clear your typed text.
- "/reply" (or just "/r") will send a whisper to person who most recently whispered you.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed localization issues with "from" and "to" in whispers.
- Starcraft now only uses as much CPU as it needs to run smoothly.

Give them some time now!

Edit: Though it was a CPU issue back then, not a GPU one, but same concept.
blitz64 said:
Or I can put medivacs in a separate group but I hate microing the medivacs. What sucks is I can't use the follow command with medivacs. If i click a unit, it doesn't follow. Instead medivacs picks up the unit which drives me crazy. I really wish there were medic walking units like the campaign mode instead of flying medivacs.

Any solution to the my MMM microing problem?
Try selecting the medivac and clicking "Attack" (A + left click) on one of the units in your composition. I believe the medivac will then follow it and attempt to heal it.

Deleted member 1235

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Hugbot said:
It's 0 effort, go to your Documents/Stacraft II folder, find variables.txt, and add these lines at the bottom(no quotes).


I ran fraps on mine when I first got it and noticed during menus it was going to 900 or something. I thought the fraps program was screwed


ugh, i am having trouble with terrans now. I am playing protoss and mass marines and maurderers are owning me. I am pretty noob (silver league) but what strats can I use to overcome this. Any tips on when to poke in his base and attack and when to expand would help too. I seem to have hit a ceiling.
I think the futility of 'balance' as the internet would have it is summed up nicely by my opponent (fresh silver, about 7 games played) in a custom 1v1.

In these custom games I'm purely working on macro, scouting, queen management, creep and only countering to fend off attacks; never pushing.

Got to 4 bases almost unmolested, save for mass marine balls (un-upgraded) which my three infestors hammered coming across the middle of Steppes of War (I even tried to offer up some advice about not banking purely on one unit type). Never even got to bring out my 10 or so 3/3 ultras when my fellow SCer offered up this pearl of wisdom...

Zerg is OP against Terran
Terran is OP against Protoss

I think there's something in that for all of us...

Good fucking luck Blizzard; seems it's not enough to make a fucking awesome and balanced (for the 95% of us) game any more. Every tit with an internet connection thinks you're doing it wrong...

Of course if there are actually problems at the very highest level something might need to be done, but it's going to be so goddamn ugly. Not sure if SC2 official forums are like the WoW ones but what a fucking mess this'll be to wade through.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I hope Dimaga keeps playing Zerg as he comes up with some pretty fun tactics, been trying the Zergling Nydus drop he tried in IEM earlier and it was pretty awesome. Had like 40 zerglings running rampage in someones base :lol


Pandaman said:
TLO dropped zerg awhile back.
he's terran only now.
TLO still plays Zerg, but it all depends on the tournament. If he is only allowed to pick one race, he sticks with Terran. If he is allowed to change, he will play Zerg depending on the map and matchup. TLO feels Zerg is lacking against Terran as well, so he avoids the matchup when money is on the line.


Everything is moe to me
Zertez said:
TLO still plays Zerg, but it all depends on the tournament. If he is only allowed to pick one race, he sticks with Terran. If he is allowed to change, he will play Zerg depending on the map and matchup. TLO feels Zerg is lacking against Terran as well, so he avoids the matchup when money is on the line.
tlo hasnt played zerg in a tourney since before KOTB, and has been terran only since joining team liquid and registering as.. terran.

in any event, this tourney is species locked, so its still 5 terrans in the finals.


Pandaman said:
tlo hasnt played zerg in a tourney since before KOTB, and has been terran only since joining team liquid and registering as.. terran.

in any event, this tourney is species locked, so its still 5 terrans in the finals.
I think all the tournaments he has played recently, have been race locked. He has done a lot of show matches and he has played Zerg in some of them, as well as playing Zerg on ladder as well. He plays a ton of games, so it is tough to keep up with them all. In interviews, he says he still loves playing as Zerg, but Terran gives him the best change to win now, so he plays Terran. If things are balanced better, he would consider playing Zerg full time. He admits he is rubbish with Protoss now, and that is why he stopped playing random.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I thought the TLO played random only? Or am I thinking of someone else?


Everything is moe to me
Eric WK said:
Are you sure? He gave up Toss, but I don't think he dropped Zerg. But if the ESL is race locked then it doesn't really matter.
96% sure.

ofcourse he still plays all three for fun, so you'll sitll see tlo vs hasu pvp and tlo vs bret ZvT, but i have never seen his zerg officially since he joined Team liquid [and all his TL matches on his profile are terran] and cannot recall seeing it since KOTB.


I was just thinking. The reason zerg have it so hard in the early game is because of their bread and butter unit, the zergling. These units can be extremely powerful and potent in numbers during the early game, and all the maps and pretty much the whole game is balanced based on the strength of those little guys. I mean, I think the biggest purpose of the ramp is solely to ward off the early zerg rush. But because of this, there isn't much you can do to ward off early aggression from Terran. They can't make the spawning pool come out any faster because then you'll have zerglings in your base before you can wall off, they can't make queens just require a hatchery because then you'll have tons of larvae from the getgo, and they can't really make zerglings much faster because they are already so fast and moreso with the speed upgrade.

Interestingly, one of the mods said that "one of your favorite units" would be taken out of the game, which someone here responded, "voidrays" jokingly(or at least I think jokingly). I have a feeling the zergling might be the unit that is removed so they can replace it with equivalent early game options.

Or maybe the mod was a liar and they'll just nerf terrans a bit.
blitz64 said:
medivacs are giving me a problem.

I build the Marine, Maruader, medivacs and group them all together. As I charge into battle, my medivacs go flying first and dies first. Is there an option just like warcraft3 where they can group walk together? I can't find it.

Or I can put medivacs in a separate group but I hate microing the medivacs. What sucks is I can't use the follow command with medivacs. If i click a unit, it doesn't follow. Instead medivacs picks up the unit which drives me crazy. I really wish there were medic walking units like the campaign mode instead of flying medivacs.

Any solution to the my MMM microing problem?

Same thing happens to me. Is there a trick?


Everything is moe to me
I have a feeling the zergling might be the unit that is removed

Not a chance in hell
WELL.... the only starcraft term that has managed to encroach on the common vernacular (zerg)?

no zergling?

Don't put money on that one mate.


Esperado said:
I was just thinking. The reason zerg have it so hard in the early game is because of their bread and butter unit, the zergling. These units can be extremely powerful and potent in numbers during the early game, and all the maps and pretty much the whole game is balanced based on the strength of those little guys. I mean, I think the biggest purpose of the ramp is solely to ward off the early zerg rush. But because of this, there isn't much you can do to ward off early aggression from Terran. They can't make the spawning pool come out any faster because then you'll have zerglings in your base before you can wall off, they can't make queens just require a hatchery because then you'll have tons of larvae from the getgo, and they can't really make zerglings much faster because they are already so fast and moreso with the speed upgrade.

Interestingly, one of the mods said that "one of your favorite units" would be taken out of the game, which someone here responded, "voidrays" jokingly(or at least I think jokingly). I have a feeling the zergling might be the unit that is removed so they can replace it with equivalent early game options.

Or maybe the mod was a liar and they'll just nerf terrans a bit.
They'll probably take out roaches if they ever take anything out. Zerglings are too... iconic? Either that or they'll give zerglings anti-air rockets.

Or go SC1-style and switch the marauder and the hellion for firebats and vultures as Terran.


Everything is moe to me
Bjern Fita said:
WELL.... the only starcraft term that has managed to encroach on the common vernacular (zerg)?

no zergling?

Don't put money on that one mate.
not to mention if zerglings are the 'problem' causing ramps and chokes, they'd have to heavily redesign every map.

@dresden: id rather lose zerglings and buff hellion marauder than let the terrans have vultures back.


ultron87 said:
I think we're talking about two different issues.

Dreams-Visions is just talking about the general performance of the game. Integrated graphics probably aren't going to run it the best.

The issue that fried my card is something completely different: http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2010/07/28/blizzard-confirms-starcraft-ii-overheating-bug.aspx To be safe I'd suggest putting the variables in like this article suggests.

Thanks for the heads up on this. I need to make sure to change this once I get my copy and my new desktop. I would've been distraught to say the least if this were to happen to me after dropping $1,300.00 on a new desktop lol.

Why the hell would Blizzard not patch this ASAP? Makes no sense not to.


F#A#Oo said:
Zerglings are iconic...I think it would be the last unit one would ever remove!
Just from the multiplayer portion. I think it's pretty outlandish, but maybe it'll just be reapers. I'm not sure what purpose they serve other than harassment right now.
Dance In My Blood said:
They aren't going to remove a unit. It was a joke. C'mon guys.
Just trying to throw some wood on the fire. :D

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Sir Garbageman said:
Same thing happens to me. Is there a trick?
Select all of your medivacs, then M-move or A-move onto one of your units. Make sure the medivac isnt in your control group that you are moving around. And if that unit dies that you are following, you need to redo it on a new unit.
Removing zerglings would be dumb. They could add Hydras to Hatchery tier (require a Lair for the range upgrade) and increase the gas requirement from 50 to 100.

Or they can just nerf Mauraders


Esperado said:
Just from the multiplayer portion. I think it's pretty outlandish, but maybe it'll just be reapers. I'm not sure what purpose they serve other than harassment right now.

Just trying to throw some wood on the fire. :D
That's stupid. You know, they the T1 beggining unit, just like marine or zealot. Lings will never get removed, due this purpose as an opener!


Everything is moe to me
PhoenixDark said:
Removing zerglings would be dumb. They could add Hydras to Hatchery tier (require a Lair for the range upgrade) and increase the gas requirement from 50 to 100.

Or they can just nerf Mauraders
you mean decrease from 50 to 25?
As it was clearly a joke from blizzard (removing a unit), some here REALLY think they should remove Zerglings?

Wow...please play the game some more before you are demanding things like that ^^


Do you guys think we'll ever get lurkers back in an expansion? Man, I hated playing against them but boy are they an awesome unit.


Pandaman said:
you mean decrease from 50 to 25?
I think if they got reduced down to hatchery status and got an attack nerf things would balance out for them. Zerg would actually have an AA defense in T1 as well.

Alas with the no more major changes until expansions it is obvious that zerg will not get this change nor will any unit be removed. I just expect them to tweak Roaches a bit and maybe take M&M's down a notch.


Everything is moe to me
Raxus said:
I think if they got reduced down to hatchery status and got an attack nerf things would balance out for them. Zerg would actually have an AA defense in T1 as well.
they only do 12 damage. :\


fatty said:
Do you guys think we'll ever get lurkers back in an expansion? Man, I hated playing against them but boy are they an awesome unit.

The expansion might contain something that are Lurkers in spirit or motivation, but I'd say not a chance of genuine Lurkers being back in multiplayer. I think reintroducing a cut unit would be a lame selling point for the expansion. A unit, any unit, that could attack while burrowed would be a nice addition for zerg.

Lurkers proper might be in the campaign, though.

Pandaman said:
they only do 12 damage. :\

They have a very good attack speed, though. Damage per hit doesn't mean much all-in-all unless it is low enough to suffer tremendously from armor or large to kill units in very few hits.


Pandaman said:
they only do 12 damage. :\
Times the 1 billion hydras a zerg typically gets. Plus they have that VERY nice range buff out of the gate (unlike roaches who have to wait for a lair for a speed buff).


Dreams-Visions said:
I've yet to see a Queen do anything but get owned by small air rushes.

Single queens get fucked, but once you get a few you can repel 2~3 Banshees, Void Rays, or mutalisks. As a form of defense, they are rather cost effective. In terms of total resources

3 Void Rays = 8 queens, queens win
3 Banshees = 5 queens, kind of a draw as it will depend on detection and healing micro
3 Mutas = 4 queens, queens will pretty easily
Dreams-Visions said:
I've yet to see a Queen do anything but get owned by small air rushes.
Thats why you have to have at least 1 spore crawler. Also if you see him early air-rushing you can pump out a second queen.
It's always hard to counter a early air rush if you didn't rushed him first.
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