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Strider (Capcom/Double Helix, PC/PS4/XB1/PS360, 2014) [Open World, Orig Devs, Video]


many developers seem to struggle with making 2.5D graphics that are actually as colorful, eye-popping and full of charm and life as the old sprite-based games.

Not to be difficult, but did you intend to quote me or did you just actually happen to write the exact same sentence as the one I wrote in my post on the previous page?

If it's the former: thanks (but please use a full quote next time)!
If it's the latter: that is very uncanny to say the least.

Edit: Message to George01 = seeing as you did it at least one other time in the Ultra Street Fighter IV trailer thread, I'll assume you are intentionally using my texts. Please take a look at http://www.neogaf.com/forum/misc.php?do=bbcode for more information on how to use quotes and other useful functions.
Damn.. I was hoping for..


The Game.


Bahaha, Double Helix.

Good thing I don't have much of a past with the series outside of Marvel Vs Capcom. Still open minded, will watch with curiosity.
They are only doing the grunt work.

The OG devs are making it.

Is Kouichi Yotsui (Strider, Cannon Dancer, Moon Diver) anywhere near this project? Because it sure as hell doesn't look like it, and he's the only Strider staff member that matters to me.

The rest of you guys, feel free to look forward to this desaturated-colors-run-around-open-doors-and-slash-things game.
Yotsui made Moon Diver, so it's not like the OG devs are invincible. I can see them putting out this bland bullet sponge button masher as a Strider game.


Is Kouichi Yotsui (Strider, Cannon Dancer, Moon Diver) anywhere near this project? Because it sure as hell doesn't look like it, and he's the only Strider staff member that matters to me.

The rest of you guys, feel free to look forward to this desaturated-colors-run-around-open-doors-and-slash-things game.[

So strider?


They should really release a gameplay video without god mode so people can make up their minds for sure. I like what I see and I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt since god mode could show that the game is actually kinda hard and they didn't want to keep dying during the gameplay debut.

If they think it's early in development and don't want people to make up their minds yet, at least state this. I'm excited, but not enough to buy something I don't like if it ends up being dumb in the final version even without god mode.

But I do think GAF is really hard to please, it's like the game has to be either incredible or complete shit, no mid-term "worth buying" kind of game. Which I can understand in DmC's case, but it's not like Strider was on a roll of great games and was rebooted for no reason, it was pretty much this or nothing, specially since Capcom already stated they want to develop things internally from now on, so if Strider is still outsourced, it's because they have no interest in making it themselves.
It looks mashy and loose. There is a good game in there somewhere, but I'm not sure if it will come out. It doesn't look like a complete failure to me, but needs tightening up. For instance, I feel they should remove a few of the fodder enemies and make the ones that are there more meaningful in some way. I know they are first level fodder enemies, but they don't even look like they could hurt you if you stood still. Maybe give them a physical attack and him a counter move(mappened to a button, not a qte or prompt on screen), so some of them actually come after you and you at least have pay SOME sort of attention.

The beginning of the game shouldn't feel or look mundane.
This will convince me to go next-gen. Love these sorts of games; I just hope them taking the Metroidvania approach doesn't dilute the challenge.

If they could cross a bit of Osman in there (maybe a tease for an Osman sequel too), all I have to say is "You a boss, Capcom".


On second thought, now that I'm hearing who is and isn't involved in this,....I'll remain cautiously optimistic.


Yotsui is great and all, but his involvement in the new Strider isn't really necessary. He came back not too long ago with Moon Diver... and although I liked that game, it had plenty of issues.

Judging from the early gameplay video, the new Strider looks exactly what a Strider fan would want - I'm just hoping they speed it up a tad, make the gameplay super tight and the levels are as varied as the first game.

And it needs to continue the tradition of a centipede boss.


Yotsui is great and all, but his involvement in the new Strider isn't really necessary. He came back not too long ago with Moon Diver... and although I liked that game, it had plenty of issues.

Judging from the early gameplay video, the new Strider looks exactly what a Strider fan would want - I'm just hoping they speed it up a tad, and the levels are as varied as the first game.

And it needs to continue the tradition of a centipede boss.

And they need to zoom it out a bit, the game is gorgeous, we get it, now please let me see what's ahead of me :p

Even if they make it so bullets are a threat in the final game, it'll only make it unfair, since with the current camera you can't see shit to react in time and dodge them, and since it's open world metroidvania, it's not like they want you to just memorize levels and make a perfect run for S rank.


Moon Diver had a lot of polish problems, but the design was definitely what I want out of a Strider game. It's fast paced, level based, and designed around scoring and momentum where ideally the player will never stop moving.


Welp, that about wraps it up. See you guys later.

That indeed doesn't seem to bode well, does it? I can understand this reaction, though I'd rather use a more mellow wait and see approach myself in this case before writing it off completely.

I'm actually very curious as to why Kouichi Yotsui isn't involved seeing as he works as a freelancer and clearly still loves the genre going by his work on Moon Diver. It would have been nice if Double Helix managed to entice Yotsui into joining the team just as they (or Microsoft) managed to get Ken Lobb involved in the development of KI. Maybe they wanted to but were stopped in their tracks by Capcom. Then again, why would Capcom then emphasize the fact that DH is working together with the "original" Strider team if this would only highlight Yotsui's absence?

Game politics, I'll never fully understand them!


That indeed doesn't seem to bode well, does it? I can understand this reaction, though I'd rather use a more mellow wait and see approach myself in this case before writing it off completely.

I'm actually very curious as to why Kouichi Yotsui isn't involved seeing as he works as a freelancer and clearly still loves the genre going by his work on Moon Diver. It would have been nice if Double Helix managed to entice Yotsui into joining the team just as they (or Microsoft) managed to get Ken Lobb involved in the development of KI. Maybe they wanted to but were stopped in their tracks by Capcom. Then again, why would Capcom then emphasize the fact that DH is working together with the "original" Strider team if this would only highlight Yotsui's absence?

Game politics, I'll never fully understand them!

I think it'll be fine for Capcom. The reality is that the majority of gamers don't know who Yotsui is or won't care. Moreover, it's questionable how large the audience is for the sort of games Yotsui designs to begin with. His vision of Strider is not for everyone. Capcom is clearly targeting a newer and more mainstream audience here. They're taking advantage of Strider's character popularity (as seen in games like MvC) and mixing it with a popular trend in sidescrolling action games these days - "open world" metroid style maps.

Not hard to see why they wouldn't consult the creator of Strider who is mostly only interested in designing pure action games which are made of stages and heavy scoring.

I'm not really interested in the direction this game is going at all, but if the game isn't completely broken, I'm sure Capcom will sell lots of copies to people who don't mind this sort of crap. Just like how IGA made a name for himself peddling the same crap for years until his luck ran out.
I want this game.

I've waited for new Strider for so, so long.

But the game looks flavorless on this first glance. I don't know if Metroid/Castlevania style works for this sort of game. And I know that the original Strider games went to colorful, fantastic locales and fought crazy enemies - I want to know that this game is going to have all that in there. I want to run through lush green jungles with blue skies and escape rampaging cyber gorillas. I want to stalk through the dark city's underbelly, and hunt through stainless steel techno-organic citadels.

I hope all of that gets in there...and I hope they release this on Wii U and/or 3DS too, because it should be on every platform.
Yotsui is great and all, but his involvement in the new Strider isn't really necessary. He came back not too long ago with Moon Diver... and although I liked that game, it had plenty of issues.

Judging from the early gameplay video, the new Strider looks exactly what a Strider fan would want - I'm just hoping they speed it up a tad, make the gameplay super tight and the levels are as varied as the first game.

And it needs to continue the tradition of a centipede boss.

Considering it's a Metroidvania, none of these things are likely to happen. While I'm a fan of the genre, even I have to admit that Metroidvania and good level design go together about as effectively as FPS and quality protagonists.

It's funny...one of the big reasons SotN was so popular was because of the massive, massive array of loot you could collect that let you customize the game to your liking. This game doesn't even have a loot system, so why bother making it a Metroidvania?


Considering it's a Metroidvania, none of these things are likely to happen. While I'm a fan of the genre, even I have to admit that Metroidvania and good level design go together about as effectively as FPS and quality protagonists.

It's funny...one of the big reasons SotN was so popular was because of the massive, massive array of loot you could collect that let you customize the game to your liking. This game doesn't even have a loot system, so why bother making it a Metroidvania?

Dont know man super metroid didnt have a loot system and that game was pretty freaking awesome, maybe thats the kind of thing they are doing here.

the only things i'm hoping here is that the game gets a bit faster, graphics, colors, seriously revise that music, revise the scarf and shoes, and he has a varied moveset


∀ Narayan;71530936 said:
Looks very bland.

Yup. Being developed by Double Helix is my death sentence for it. Shitsux, I really wanted a new Capcpom-developed Strider, even if it's for XBLA. I'm not touching this garbage.
Dont know man super metroid didnt have a loot system and that game was pretty freaking awesome, maybe thats the kind of thing they are doing here.

the only things i'm hoping here is that the game gets a bit faster, graphics, colors, seriously revise that music, revise the scarf and shoes, and he has a varied moveset

The problem is that Super Metroid was developed by a competent studio, which DH is not.

And honestly, there hasn't been a legitimately good Metroidvania game since Super Metroid that didn't have at least some kind of loot system. When you have a giant map like this, you really need to give the player lots of options for how they fight enemies. Otherwise it becomes extremely, extremely bland.

Shadow Complex ended up with the same problem by the end of the game since all of your weapons were just guns.


Santa May Claus
The combat in Strider never appeared particularly deep to me. It was very mash happy (then again, I played it ages ago). If someone has videos of Strider gameplay that's more nuanced, please post it because I'd love to see it.

If they speed this up and make sure to keep the enemies/locations varied/dynamic, there's potential here to be in line with the old games. I'm assuming the bullet sponge crap is just for the sake of the demonstration.


The combat in Strider never appeared particularly deep to me. It was very mash happy (then again, I played it ages ago). If someone has videos of Strider gameplay that's more nuanced, please post it because I'd love to see it.

It always seemed very spazzy, floaty and unrefined to me. The design seemed to be the thing that resonated.
Love the Art and Love the Animation but really don't like that your just a huge bullet sponge with mashy attacks. Doesn't look like there is any substance going on.


You mash the attack button really quickly but Strider and Strider 2 are only mindless if you're credit-feeding.


The combat in Strider never appeared particularly deep to me. It was very mash happy (then again, I played it ages ago). If someone has videos of Strider gameplay that's more nuanced, please post it because I'd love to see it.

If they speed this up and make sure to keep the enemies/locations varied/dynamic, there's potential here to be in line with the old games. I'm assuming the bullet sponge crap is just for the sake of the demonstration.
There is no such thing as "deep" Strider combat, it's an arcadey side scrolling game with some abilities. It's about as deep as Comix Zone. Honestly this new one with the amount of power ups it will have will probably be more in depth.

The problem is the god mode turned on in the demo which is definitely a no no. Strider like old school games is about not getting touched.


I got grudge sucked!
Maybe its supposed to be more like the NES Strider, which is better suited as a home console game anyway

FAKE EDIT: I see a lot of people making that connection.


Can someone send this thread to FilthieRich so he can answer some of the complains about the gameplay? Even "I'll let the team know" would already be something.
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