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Strider (Capcom/Double Helix, PC/PS4/XB1/PS360, 2014) [Open World, Orig Devs, Video]

Dave Long

I realize it's 2013 and the world is a different place than it was when many of these great Capcom characters were selling games, but is it really that difficult for them to find a group of Japanese developers that would like to make these games and hopefully not westernize them into something completely different from what we expect of the franchises?


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
What could have been...

If this does well maybe we will get a 3D action Strider game...

Developed by Ninja Theory.

Ninja Theory has one decent game under its belt.
Double Helix doesnt even have that.
I realize it's 2013 and the world is a different place than it was when many of these great Capcom characters were selling games, but is it really that difficult for them to find a group of Japanese developers that would like to make these games and hopefully not westernize them into something completely different from what we expect of the franchises?


Inafune's "Western developers = superior" mindset clearly infected Capcom and hasn't faded, even with him gone for this long. There were Japanese studios that could've made this game...Capcom just didn't bother to ask them.


They should do megaman like this also. One hub world that you use the powers of the people you beat to get futher into it. It would make to much sense though...


There should be more tampons in gaming
I'm not particularly fond of the artstyle but hopefully this turns out to be a good game and worthy successor to the renowned Strider franchise. I really wish they (Double Helix) had chosen to go with either an ink wash or watercolor, maybe even a comic book/manga/cell shading approach for the artstyle but I won't judge the game based on it's appearance but rather I'll just wait until I play it.
damn people are writing this off mad fast.

Maybe the oversight and focus of the OG devs will help make this actually good?

Most of the complaints from the gameplay are explained by the fact that it is a demo, Bullet Sponge Strider is more than likely due to the health being set to never go down past 40. No body wants to watch a trailer where the player dies all the time.

Just give it a chance.

Everyone says KI is actually good so maybe DH has figured it out.

and even if they don't wait until people actually play it before writing it off.

This is crazy similar to the pre-DmC backlash and at least then it seemed liek NT didn;t give a fuck about the franchise. This seems to pay homage to the OG games. A regardless of anything DmC turned out to be a solid (if unspectacular) game and NT best IMO.

I'm starting to see why bringing back old franchises isn't the best idea. Fans get mad when it's not exactly what they want. No wonder Nintendo plays it safe.
I'm starting to see why bringing back old franchises isn't the best idea. Fans get mad when it's not exactly what they want. No wonder Nintendo plays it safe.

Fans are just tired of old franchises being "brought back", for the sole pupose of a second or third-tier Western developer ruining them. Franchise revivals can work if an actually good studio gets brought in to work on them.

It's not our fault that never happens because Japanese publishers are brainless morons who think a C-tier Western developer is better than an A-tier Japanese one.


You fucking Mega Man fans. You have no idea how sheltered from shit you actually are. No idea.
You should light a candle for Strider and DMC fans instead of getting upset that there's no new Mega Man games.


Fans are just tired of old franchises being "brought back", for the sole pupose of a second or third-tier Western developer ruining them. Franchise revivals can work if an actually good studio gets brought in to work on them.

YEAH!! Just like OtherM ............ oh wai-


Delicate? Are you kidding me?

This new game follows the 'hold down the attack button while running through enemies' action pretty damn well. Which is pretty much 90% of Strider 2. The previous games weren't god damn Street Fighter in its level of gameplay depth. At least this game showed off the boss fight which emphasized the need to change up strategies.


Please tell me how this is delicate.

I totally get the critique and totally get why some people think it's actually trash.

It was designed to be arcade-like but with infinite return. That ruins it for novice play. Expert play is definitely rewarded. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNSh5-Rt5wg That's tool-assisted, but you get the concept.

Something doesn't have to be Alien Soldier to be good. That's why I used "delicate."

Inafune's "Western developers = superior" mindset clearly infected Capcom and hasn't faded, even with him gone for this long. There were Japanese studios that could've made this game...Capcom just didn't bother to ask them.

Even if some people didn't like Contra Hard Corps Uprising, they had to respect it. I long ago accepted that Strider Hiryu wouldn't be made by the original people (even it was Capcom, those people left after the 1st one, and I preferred the 2nd, anyway). I would have ADORED an Arc System Works version.
I have been waiting a looong time for a new Strider game and we get......this. Now this may be the game that puts DH on the map but i am not holing my breath. And KI is just wrong, its like SF with more blood and a combo breaker. No thanks.
YEAH!! Just like OtherM ............ oh wai-

Team Ninja is crap. Not a good example, yo.

Even if some people didn't like Contra Hard Corps Uprising, they had to respect it. I long ago accepted that Strider Hiryu wouldn't be made by the original people (even it was Capcom, those people left after the 1st one, and I preferred the 2nd, anyway). I would have ADORED an Arc System Works version.

A new Strider game developed by the people who made Hard Corps Uprising would've been amazing. I actually kind of liked Uprising - playing the game with the sword character actually kinda felt like playing Strider 2.

As it stands, we just got aggressive blandness. Damn it, Capcom.


Santa May Claus
I'm starting to see why bringing back old franchises isn't the best idea. Fans get mad when it's not exactly what they want. No wonder Nintendo plays it safe.

Fans don't want shitty people in charge of the franchise being brought back. I really don't think that's too much to ask at all. If you're going to bring back a franchise, there's a right way to do it, and it requires a good bit of care.

Double Helix has been very receptive to feedback on KI, requesting and craving it even. If they show the same enthusiasm and receptivity for Strider, this could definitely be a positive thing. DmC's problem was the NT and Capcom kept talking shit and only made changes once the complaints were force fed down their throats.

If there are big fans of Strider in this thread, they have every right to be anxious about Double Helix at the helm, but they should also make their voices heard and be proactive about criticisms.


It looks like they have some of the look down. The animation isn't looking as fluid as I would expect but I'm willing to give them a chance. From interviews it sounds like Double Helix are trying to change the perception of their abilities. We should be rooting for these guys to suceed instead of assuming someone else would have done a better job.
It looks like they have some of the look down. The animation isn't looking as fluid as I would expect but I'm willing to give them a chance. From interviews it sounds like Double Helix are trying to change the perception of their abilities. We should be rooting for these guys to suceed instead of assuming someone else would have done a better job.

Except we know someone else would do a better job. It's very nice that Double Helix is trying to improve their image, but until they DO I'd rather they not be put in charge of resurrecting executing any more classic franchises.

Maybe they should make a game of their own first and prove they're not completely worthless.


Christ, how have Double Helix managed to score two big AAA games? Their track record is absolutely awful.

I'm not sure KI and Strider qualify as AAA.

Can't wait for a bunch of people to eat delicious Double Helix crow.

Hey, I'm willing to give both games they're working on a shot, but I think it's a good thing that long-time fans of both series are offering criticisms and putting some pressure on Double Helix. This is kind of a make or break situation for DH, and they should be reminded of it every step of the way.


Santa May Claus
Can't wait for a bunch of people to eat delicious Double Helix crow.

While I don't think this title is doomed, it's better to eat crow than to sit back complacently while a franchise is ruined.

Seriously. Fuck people who say, "play the game first". It's too late, then, dumbass.


I'm not sure KI and Strider qualify as AAA.

Hey, I'm willing to give both games they're working on a shot, but I think it's a good thing that long-time fans of both series are offering criticisms and putting some pressure on Double Helix. This is kind of a make or break situation for DH, and they should be reminded of it every step of the way.

No question and from what i've seen (of KI anyway) they seem pretty open to fan feedback.
Can't wait for a bunch of people to eat delicious Double Helix crow.

Honestly, this looks like a pretty safe, low-risk, low-ambition project that a lot of people will like, just like the GBA/DS Castlevanias. A Metroidvania that gets decent review scores is not a tricky thing to make. The only way I'd consider a meal of crow is if this turns out to be a tightly-designed arcade masterpiece full of bombastic setpieces. Which, well, is clearly not what this is designed to be.
Honestly, this looks like a pretty safe, low-risk, low-ambition project that a lot of people will like, just like the GBA/DS Castlevanias. A Metroidvania that gets decent review scores is not a tricky thing to make. The only way I'd consider a meal of crow is if this turns out to be a tightly-designed arcade masterpiece full of bombastic setpieces. Which, well, is clearly not what this is designed to be.

It doesn't look anything like the Castlevanias which actually took a little bit of skill to beat. This looks like Babyvania


well that escalated quickly



Not sure if I can stomach watching Double Helix squat down, unfasten their belt, and spend the rest of the year taking a long orange excretion all over one of Capcom's fondest known properties.
I'm not sure KI and Strider qualify as AAA.

Pretty much this. not saying take what you get but lets be honest here, these franchises being outsourced isn't a surprise. It would be nice to get an internal Capcom Strider but it's was never likely. It's a niche franchise after all.

I have been waiting a looong time for a new Strider game and we get......this. Now this may be the game that puts DH on the map but i am not holing my breath. And KI is just wrong, its like SF with more blood and a combo breaker. No thanks.

But a lot of folks are stating that KI is pretty damn good. Max isn't a shill. Dude is a hardcore ass KI fan. And many other gaffers have said the same.

Look this could be awful. DH's track record is pretty bad. However, they seem like they understand this and want to get better. NT's issue was that they were arrogant and thought they were already the shit. and it took Capcom coming in and saying "this is garbage" for them to listen and make the needed changes to prevent the game from beiong the worst.

I believe that if you put your best effort forward and learn from your mistakes, you can do anything. They will have experts working very closely with them. Most of their failures were due to shit licenses and lack of time with the exception of Silent Hill and who knows if the same dudes are working on this. Great direction could be just what they need. Everybody in this industry is talented, it all about the direction and with the OG devs on board maybe they will get that direction.

I personally just get rather annoyed with the constant negativity on Gaming Side...(or hell GAF in general). Just give them a shot here...or wait until people actually play it to make your decision. It was a demo trailer where it's obviously impossible to die and the level design is obviously not finalized.

Give it a chance.


I'm starting to see why bringing back old franchises isn't the best idea. Fans get mad when it's not exactly what they want. No wonder Nintendo plays it safe.

I don't remember Wind Waker being that safe. Ditto for Paper Mario or Super Mario Bros 2. It just seems safe because Nintendo seems to have a high success rate, aside from Metroid.

Not sure mentioned DmC is much of an appeal. While the game itself may have been decent it was also a game where the haters were right. The combat did take a turn for the worse and the frame rate (on consoles) took a turn for the worse. If you apply that to this scenario, then it means the hater will right about the game being too easy and Strider is way too much of a bullet sponge.

Christ, how have Double Helix managed to score two big AAA games? Their track record is absolutely awful.

A 2d metroidvania like sidescroller for digital platforms and a long fighting game exclusive to one console aren't really that AAA is it, especially given how dormant both franchises were? It isn't like they got handed DMC.


Santa May Claus
I personally just get rather annoyed with the constant negativity on Gaming Side...(or hell GAF in general). Just give them a shot here...or wait until people actually play it to make your decision. It was a demo trailer where it's obviously impossible to die and the level design is obviously not finalized.

Give it a chance.

There are positive people in here, giving it a chance. What you want is for everyone to give it a chance. And you'll never get that, nor should you. The onus is on Double Helix to deliver.

Killer Instinct isn't out yet, and I don't trust Max's opinion as far as I can throw him. You can't claim that game as one of their successes. I do appreciate their enthusiasm and humility when engaging fans, but that doesn't mean anything if the final product doesn't deliver.


I already did a thread on DHs forum about a couple of issues i had with the game, i'll just wait and see if DH is listening
There are positive people in here, giving it a chance. What you want is for everyone to give it a chance. And you'll never get that, nor should you. The onus is on Double Helix to deliver.

Killer Instinct isn't out yet, and I don't trust Max's opinion as far as I can throw him. You can't claim that game as one of their successes. I do appreciate their enthusiasm and humility when engaging fans, but that doesn't mean anything if the final product doesn't deliver.

I'm just saying it's silly to write it off completely before any impressions.

as for KI, I have no attachment to the origional and honestly the new one looks mashy (as did the old one lol) but it's not just Max. It apparently went pretty well at EVO (booing from minions aside lol) and a lot of dudes from there said it was good. Isn't that a sign that DH has learned from their mistakes? and perhaps they can improve a lot?

I just rather be optimistic about things rather than pessimistic all the time. The latter only leads to you not having a good time because you end up trying to prove that you were right and end up nitpicking everything instead of just enjoying it. I swear Gafs rating system is GDLK or Complete shite. and anything that doesn't meet near perfection is bad.

makes gaming side difficult as fuck to read.

also I am not saying it should be sunshine and rainbows because if this game is ass then yeah people were right. People have the right to be hesistant or every letdown but let wait and see more. and more importantly wait for impressions, more vids, a demo even.


I have been waiting a looong time for a new Strider game and we get......this. Now this may be the game that puts DH on the map but i am not holing my breath. And KI is just wrong, its like SF with more blood and a combo breaker. No thanks.

Except for the fact that KI doesn't really play like SF and from the impressions of people who did play it, it feels like KI. Those who tried to play it like SF got their asses handed to them.

There are positive people in here, giving it a chance. What you want is for everyone to give it a chance. And you'll never get that, nor should you. The onus is on Double Helix to deliver.

Killer Instinct isn't out yet, and I don't trust Max's opinion as far as I can throw him. You can't claim that game as one of their successes. I do appreciate their enthusiasm and humility when engaging fans, but that doesn't mean anything if the final product doesn't deliver.

Not sure what makes Max so untrustworthy all of a sudden but I trust the opinions of those who played the game over those who haven't. Along with how the game keeps looking better and better everytime they show it.


I personally just get rather annoyed with the constant negativity on Gaming Side...(or hell GAF in general). Just give them a shot here...or wait until people actually play it to make your decision. It was a demo trailer where it's obviously impossible to die and the level design is obviously not finalized.

Outside or ORC ,( Aliens: CM and Dragon Age 2) most of the OTs are massive circle jerks.

And it isn't just Double Helix. It's Double Helix + Cacpcom. The company that has spent the better part of the generation disappointing its fans with Bionic Commando, DMC4, DmC, Lost Planet 2 (and soon to be 3), ORC, RE6 and SFxT. I'm mildly optimistic about the game, but I'm certainly not surprised that people aren't particularly hopeful given DH's pedigree and Capcom's recent track record.
This makes me sad.
It reminds me of Shadow Complex but with Strider Hiryu as the player character.
I'll keep an open mind, I suppose, but I'm really not feeling what I've seen so far.


Santa May Claus
I'm just saying it's silly to write it off completely before any impressions.

as for KI, I have no attachment to the origional and honestly the new one looks mashy (as did the old one lol) but it's not just Max. It apparently went pretty well at EVO (booing from minions aside lol) and a lot of dudes from there said it was good. Isn't that a sign that DH has learned from their mistakes? and perhaps they can improve a lot?

I just rather be optimistic about things rather than pessimistic all the time. The latter only leads to you not having a good time because you end up trying to prove that you were right and end up nitpicking everything instead of just enjoying it. I swear Gafs rating system is GDLK or Complete shite. and anything that doesn't meet near perfection is bad.

makes gaming side difficult as fuck to read.

also I am not saying it should be sunshine and rainbows because if this game is ass then yeah people were right. People have the right to be hesistant or every letdown but let wait and see more. and more importantly wait for impressions, more vids, a demo even.

If people decide they're not going to look at another piece of media or another article/interview, then sure. That's unreasonable. But no one here is going to do that, even if they say they are (unless they already had complete apathy for the Strider brand, in which case it still doesn't make a difference).

People should complain right now if they want to because this is the best time to get your voice heard. And yes, complaining in public forums, complaining in DH forums, complaining on Capcom's forums... it all matters. It creates buzz, either positive or negative, about certain aspects of this upcoming title.

And people can continue to bash Double Helix because, again, they've made shit. Maybe some of it was out of their control, but it's still in their closet. With regard to KI impressions, everyone that tries out a new game, especially one with next gen graphics, will probably be smitted at first. People acted that way with SFxT, too. I'm not saying KI is the same, but I'm also saying that positive initial impressions don't really hold as much weight anymore.

I think pre-release pre-emptive negativity can be a very good thing. There are plenty of public forums that are probably gushing and won't contribute a lick to making Strider a better game.

Not sure what makes Max so untrustworthy all of a sudden but I trust the opinions of those who played the game over those who haven't. Along with how the game keeps looking better and better everytime they show it.

It's not really sudden for me. For fighting games, Max has a propensity of falling to pre-release hype hardcore. For non-fighting games, he's just generally bad at them, and it leads to lopsided opinions.

As a pre-release hype man, he's fine.


I'm just saying it's silly to write it off completely before any impressions.

It's also silly to just leave Double Helix to their own devices and just hope for the best. I say go ahead and let people shit on DH and their games; if that doesn't provide ample motivation for them to step up and prove their critics wrong, then they aren't worth the benefit of the doubt.
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