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Stupid Questions |OT| of questions that don't deserve their own threads

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What happens to over cooked spaghetti? I have this low price variety that I'm supposed to boil for 9-10 minutes but I usually let it boil for 12 or so. I hate it when a few strands stick together into a hard knot basically. But I have no idea if letting it boil longer helps or not.


Aggressively Stupid
Add a little olive oil to the water so they don't stick? Also don't dump all the noodles in at once. Grab a bit at a time, stir, add more, stir.


I don't know how one can answer this with facts, but I would consider the Emmys more prestigious since that seems to be the TV equivalent of the Academy Awards and it's specifically meant for TV shows. The Golden Globes tries to award both movies and TV and thus has half the prestige for each. I also think if an actor had both an Emmy and a Golden Globe for a role, it would be likelier for a TV ad to say "Starring the Emmy Award winning Blankety Blank."

Source: Meself.
That's what I thought as well, but a friend of mine keeps telling me how superior the globes are considered, ugh...

What happens to over cooked spaghetti? I have this low price variety that I'm supposed to boil for 9-10 minutes but I usually let it boil for 12 or so. I hate it when a few strands stick together into a hard knot basically. But I have no idea if letting it boil longer helps or not.
As an Italian, I say get better pasta. It's worth the price really, both in taste and texture.


Add a little olive oil to the water so they don't stick? Also don't dump all the noodles in at once. Grab a bit at a time, stir, add more, stir.
That seems to be a myth(I think I read about it on Cracked.com a while back too). But no harm in trying, I guess.

That's what I thought as well, but a friend of mine keeps telling me how superior the globes are considered, ugh...

As an Italian, I say get better pasta. It's worth the price really, both in taste and texture.
Yeah, I probably should. My tummy doesn't stay filled for very long on this stuff either for some reason, so there's probably very little nutrients in my kind. My line of thinking was that over cooking it removed even more of the nutrients.


Does Tornado Wall prevent my monsters from being destroyed and protects my life-points from attack damage, or does it just protect my life-points from attack damage?


What happens to over cooked spaghetti? I have this low price variety that I'm supposed to boil for 9-10 minutes but I usually let it boil for 12 or so. I hate it when a few strands stick together into a hard knot basically. But I have no idea if letting it boil longer helps or not.

How about following instructions and not boiling it for 12 minutes? Undercook it and taste as you cook, it should be bitey or aldente. None of this stick to the walls bullshit.
I had an add-on for firefox that allowed videos to cache and allowed me to set custom sizes for the video and have the videos always open in that size. Somehow it has disappeared from my add-ons and I cant find it when searching through the mozilla add-ons page. Anybody remember the name of this add on or know where I can find it again?


I'm getting an refurb iMac on Monday. Right now I have a Windows machine on a 7 upgrade. Once I get the Mac I plan to restore my Windows machine. My question is how do I do this for free? Do I have to revert to vista? I didn't think this through two years ago when I upgraded to 7.


I'm pretty sure I read about some kind of system, probably connected to kerning, sentence spacing etc, that change the size of a space between words (if you write a few sentences in ms word, it's usually pretty clear that certain spaces are longer or smaller than others for no apparent reason). But I can't remember the name of it. Does anyone know what I mean?


I'm pretty sure I read about some kind of system, probably connected to kerning, sentence spacing etc, that change the size of a space between words (if you write a few sentences in ms word, it's usually pretty clear that certain spaces are longer or smaller than others for no apparent reason). But I can't remember the name of it. Does anyone know what I mean?

Do you mean justifying text? That usually adjust the spacing between letters.


Do you mean justifying text? That usually adjust the spacing between letters.
No, it happens even with left alignment, the default setting. Some more googling suggests that the old Clear Type function is at play and can be turned off in the advanced settings for less readability (probably due to old printers perhaps smudging letters together).


In my experience you can send a fax from some place like a UPS store. Won't do you much good if you have to do it a lot though.

Yeah, this is my recommendation as well. Had to send a fax for some bureaucratic purpose, walked into a UPS store and was out in two minutes. It was entirely self-service, you just swipe a credit card and use their machine.


Why can't farmers grow hemp in the United States? We can buy hemp here though?

Why in certain states you can buy & smoke weed now? We're a country, shouldn't the law be distributed in every state, coast to coast?

Why does the federal government overrule state laws? < I am unsure where I stand on federal vs state overruling/level of power.

Gay rights in certain states? It's not someone's fault they're born in ex. Mich.


Why can't farmers grow hemp in the United States? We can buy hemp here though?

Why in certain states you can buy & smoke weed now? We're a country, shouldn't the law be distributed in every state, coast to coast?

Why does the federal government overrule state laws? < I am unsure where I stand on federal vs state overruling/level of power.

Gay rights in certain states? It's not someone's fault they're born in ex. Mich.

Antiquated ideas based around managing a country as large as the US. Would have been a nightmare to receive new laws from the white house 3 or 4 weeks after the law passes and you've just sentenced someone with the old law.


Any way to erase "like" count in facebook when that page does not exist anymore?.
I always have one more "like"'s than really are. :_( and it's annoying.


Hey guys, I've got 2 questions:

1) This song from the 1st ren and stimpy episode (at about 6:42):
It sounds straight out of Sunny In philadelphia. I know they use a lot of royalty-free music in Sunny, so I'm guessing it is, but I don't have proof. Anyone have a link to a part in Sunny that uses it?

2) A few years ago on netflix streaming, I watched a movie, and I can't remember the name of it. It was a documentary about a man who built a short-lived society/experiment where people lived together in a building, isolated from the rest of the world for a period of time. I think the section of the building they lived in was underground? He lived in it with them, and they were constantly monitered by camera, and people in the rest of the world could watch them. They also didn't live by the same rules as the rest of society, since there were no cops in the building. This resulted in a lot of crazy behavior, including a shower that everyone could see inside, and "public" acts of sex. The guy who built the experiment called it Project Wake or Watch or Sleep or something like that, which may or may not have to do with the title of the movie.
After the experiment, he moved on to settle down and marry a woman. After a bit, he did a similar experiment with cameras everywhere in his house so that people online could constantly watch him and his wife. His main goal with both projects was to see how people's actions changed if they were constantly being watched by others. While still conducting the experiment, he became abusive to his wife, so she eventually left him. After this experiment, he moved to Africa or something, and that's basically the ending of the movie. Sorry for the wall of text.
Anyone know the name of this movie?




Who's that in the gif/where is it from? Thanks. :)


1) This song from the 1st ren and stimpy episode (at about 6:42):
It sounds straight out of Sunny In philadelphia. I know they use a lot of royalty-free music in Sunny, so I'm guessing it is, but I don't have proof. Anyone have a link to a part in Sunny that uses it?

The song in question is "Happy Go Lively" by Laurie Johnson. I can't find any info of it being used in It's Always Sunny (though I wouldn't rule it out), but it was used in a segment of the Simpsons called The Land of Chocolate and also in Spongebob Squarepants, if Google is to be trusted.
I have a question for Dentist-GAF, I used to have a brace when I was 15 and after it came out I had a metal strip cemented to the back of my lower row of teeth. I was told it was meant to fall out by the time I was 18 and it never did.

Fast forward to now, I am a couple of weeks from 21 and last night I ate something which dislodged part of the metal strip, so this morning I decided to just yank it out with a pair of tweezers, only now I have a load of cement still stuck to my teeth. I live in the UK and I don't get free dental, so I don't want to pay for a hygienist to remove it unless I really have no other choice. Will it all eventually fall off or does it need to be removed by a dentist?


I have a question for Dentist-GAF, I used to have a brace when I was 15 and after it came out I had a metal strip cemented to the back of my lower row of teeth. I was told it was meant to fall out by the time I was 18 and it never did.

Fast forward to now, I am a couple of weeks from 21 and last night I ate something which dislodged part of the metal strip, so this morning I decided to just yank it out with a pair of tweezers, only now I have a load of cement still stuck to my teeth. I live in the UK and I don't get free dental, so I don't want to pay for a hygienist to remove it unless I really have no other choice. Will it all eventually fall off or does it need to be removed by a dentist?

Speaking from experience, if you just go to town on it with floss or scrape at it with your finger nails and stuff you should be able to get most of it out.
Is there a reason Hulu Plus has what seems like 95% of their programming unavailable to watch on 360/ps3/wii u? Why have hulu plus if I have to watch things on my computer anyway?
Is there a reason Hulu Plus has what seems like 95% of their programming unavailable to watch on 360/ps3/wii u? Why have hulu plus if I have to watch things on my computer anyway?

Its been at least a year since I last tried Hulu Plus and I wasn't too impressed with it then. I just remember being inundated with commercials .. they were short but very frequent and it was usually the same commercial over and over.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Is there a way to get a keyboard key to pretend it's being pressed repeatedly while holding it down instead?


I just came home and saw my roommate is soaking our electric stove tops in the sink...


seems like a terrible idea to me. "nah nah man I've done it my whole life." I dunno, what you say GAF? I guess if you let it dry totally after it should be fine, but long term damage??
I just came home and saw my roommate is soaking our electric stove tops in the sink...

They will be fine. If you want to be sure, put your oven on the lowest temp, prob. ~175 F
Toss them in for five minutes (once oven at temp) and by the time they cool, you will be fine.

-I think you recognize this, from your post.
Java question...

If the variable type "long" can hold a max integer value of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. How come I get an error when entering any value over 2,147,483,647? I thought 2,147,483,647 as the max value for type "int"?

Long, like int, will hold a higher value than 2,147,483,647 if you use 2,147,483,647+n (I assume due to overflow). But I still can't figure out why I can't enter more than 2,147,483,647 for the long type.


Java question...

If the variable type "long" can hold a max integer value of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. How come I get an error when entering any value over 2,147,483,647? I thought 2,147,483,647 as the max value for type "int"?

Long, like int, will hold a higher value than 2,147,483,647 if you use 2,147,483,647+n (I assume due to overflow). But I still can't figure out why I can't enter more than 2,147,483,647 for the long type.

You need to put the letter L at the end of the number for it to be treated as a long literal - otherwise it's interpreted as an integer.
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