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Summer 2014 Anime |OT3| where everyone watches doremi for hito

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It's been a year since the campaign was funded and they still don't have a finalized script? Settling on a plot doesn't sound like a finished script.

I don't think it's that unusual. When you have a final script it generally means you're already in full production and have locked everything down. They clearly haven't started production on this at all. They did say during the Kickstarter not to expect them to work on it immediately though, since they wanted to finish KLK first, as that was a commercial obligation.
I don't think it's that unusual. When you have a final script it generally means you're already in full production and have locked everything down. They clearly haven't started production on this at all. They did say during the Kickstarter not to expect them to work on it immediately though, since they wanted to finish KLK first, as that was a commercial obligation.
I'm probably making a faulty assumption about how long they really need to produce a 45 minute film. (Actually, it's probably better to equate it with an episode in an OVA series.)


I'm probably making a faulty assumption about how long they really need to produce a 45 minute film.

Well, the actual production shouldn't take that long. They just haven't really been working on it. KLK was really a full time thing for the studio, and they only just wrapped it all up.


Saint Titanfall
They have an anime set for this season and one next spring. Chances are that is the lowest of their priorities plsus KLK OVA'.


Finished burning through Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere. Do wish there was a third season, even if it felt I dunno needlessly complex. I guess it aint happening though given its been a few years since S2.

Not sure if reading it would be better or worse. I guess I can skim paragraphs just as easily as my eyes can glase over with the anime.


So sick and tired of having to import cds because Japanese labels are so useless.

Yeah I know. IT was always hard to find good soundtrack selection. Some things like Noir soundtrack never showed up in stores, sold out and I never acquired them.

I had to look this up. RIP jackhammering

Dolphins are better anyway. Visually that kind of reminded me of the effects in Someday's Dreamers.


All i know is that i'm playing danganronpa 2 ATM.


One of those shows i LOVE but i can't tell why i love it in words... i just love it.

One should just skip max heart and go to splash star.
Splash star is a great season

Yes this. Skip Max Heart completely. Its seriously not needed.
World Trigger longer pv

Looks good too, Kikuchihara, Yoneyan, and Miwa designs are just as I imaginged. Now if we get Izumi.


Holy shit that plot summary sounds horrible. Almost like Guilty Crown v.2.

I'll let you know that premise is not the case, it's [spooler]propaganda set up by the vampires to keep their captives within their territory and under their control.[/spoiler]


So hyped for Seraph of the End, best thing to hear thus far. | "Attack on Titan" Studio to Produce "Seraph of the End" Anime (if adapts to current chp 26 and beyond and keeps the comedy and close friendships)

This makes me happy I think. I loved the artwork in the mango. I'm pretty sure it was good (the art), but I haven't read it in a awhile so I could be wrong.


At the end of the Psycho-Pass Fes, they announced that the Psycho-Pass movie will open in Japan on Jan 9 2015. It appears that Akane might be going outside the city for the first time. Wonder what the rest of the world looks like in the PP world. :p



When will the fall anime thread begin? The first official fall anime is beginning tomorrow and so will the fall anime season.

I think this thread will simply continue.
Thats how the last few times worked.

Steins;Gate - 3

Plot is beginning to thicken quite a bit. Now we're delving in the topics of mini-black holes and particle accelerators.

I do hope these chatroom sequences get some explanation sooner or later. If anything has confused me so far, it's these. Though I'm probably sure I'll meet this John Titor guy at one point or another.

Pay careful attention to everything! It will all make sense. A lot of sense.

Would I be considered a hack if I popped in to say that until 4 days ago I hadn't watched a "new" anime in years until I watched Kill la Kill on a whim and just finished it today because I liked it so much?

This is purely hypothetical.

Nah its never too late to jump back into anime. Theres so much of it and its bound to rekindle interest sooner or later.
Depending on what you like you might enjoy something with an involving story such as From The New World (I love to push this series)

Right, right, because anyone who believes in equality is a "white knight'? That's a ridiculous dodge used by people who oppose equality, and nothing more.

I'm not talking generically here, remember. I'm talking about the relationship of those two characters in Nozaki-kun in specific. And it's not just "slapstick comedy", it's far worse than generic slapstick.

I mean, there was a time when people in the West thought that Punch and Judy (look it up, if you've never heard of it) was acceptable entertainment. Most people today would not consider something so sexist and racist harmless fun! Something similar is true for this.

Women in anime... independent? Er... no. Actual independent women are quite rare in anime, as you'd expect from a society as sexist as Japan is. Women in anime are almost always the old sexist stereotype of the "strong" woman who only really wants a stronger man to fall in love with, not legitimately strong and independent characters.

There's a manga where "tsundere" is an actual medical condition, and not just the usual violent entertainment stuff... what was that called... bah.

Male-on-female violence is orders of magnitude worse and more common than female-on-male violence. Women VERY rarely kill their husbands, for example, while men regularly kill their wives. The two situations are, simply, not equal. Of course both are awful, but one, male-on-female violence, is worse because of how dramatically more common it is. Men are more likely to be physically violent than women are, don't try to ignore that fact. I at least do think that the more plausible something bad is, the worse it is -- something clearly absurd, like Mortal Kombat fatalities or driving down the sidewalk in GTA games or something, aren't at all realistic, so they don't feel as "bad" as something that might be less violent, but is much more plausibly realistic... such as some of the scenes between those two in Nozaki-kun. Way too far on the 'plausible' side.

Why does it matter if they're a confessed couple or not? They ARE a couple, that is their primary relationship -- she likes him, and he likes her but also beats her when she does things he thinks are dumb. Of course, he never bothers to actually EXPLAIN anything to her, something which would have solved the whole problem in the "does he want to dress up as a girl" scene. Because that'd make way too much sense. Just hit her again instead when she misunderstands. "LOL". Because anything is okay when you call it comedy!

There are plenty of shows where the main female character doesnt give a shit about men or isnt even exposed to their presence at all. My two favorite shows, Haibane Renmei and Kinos Journey feature strong female characters that either rely on other female characters for support or not at all. In Kinos case she wouldnt hesitate to blast a man out of existence if he threatens her. There are quite a few other examples of female characters who dont require a strong male presence. Most anime males are weakshit to begin with.

Prisma Illya 2wei Finale

Well that was an alright episode by itself. It's hard to top all of the action from the last episode though. Also, I don't think I mentioned this before but it was awesome seeing Miyu in a rider costume. So gud... Anyway overall this show was very good. I enjoyed it much more than I enjoyed the main fate/stay night series. The reasons why should be pretty obvious to most of you. But besides that it had some very good action scenes and a nice simple plot. But I do wish that this season had more
since we all know that's the OTP right there. Other than that there's not much else I can complain about with this season. I'm highly looking forward to the continuation and BDs. I mean, it's Illya; how can I not buy that shit?

Yeah I ordered Illya season 1 blurays. I think it comes in today!

Idolm@ster - 1 (The Girls Start Here)

To better understand why shows like this and Love Live are popular I started Idolm@ster.

Im not sure I quite get idol culture, there seems like a lot of characters for one season. And casually watching I feel like I would start to lose track of who is who.

First episode is a pretty interesting angle to show the characters. The actual show strays from that format though into a more conventional format. It works pretty well.

Squeeeeeeee It lives!

Hanayamata 1

Wow that blonde girl is just full of hnng. Such an angsty show though. Well at least so far it is. I hope to god that there's yuri in this to spice things up a little bit. I'm not so sure about continuing it... Did anyone here like the show? I should probably give it like two more episodes before I decide what to do.

THat OP is magnificent. Hana is pretty adorable as is Naru. So many cuties. If I would criticize anything it would be not enough Yosakoi dancing. I want to see more adorable yosakoi!


Saint Titanfall
Holy shit that plot summary sounds horrible. Almost like Guilty Crown v.2.

It's not that bad, but certainly does have an overdose of edge.
What with the child molestation undertones through the blood drinking etc.

As far as I I've read the plot hasn't jumped shark yet ala Guilty Crown but it may do so. At the very least the MC seems to like Eren except he powers up in a more Shounen like manner. As fair as I've read the storie fairly mediocre with an extra dosage of edge, but can't judge whether this is entirely true due to the supposed mystery going on..


At the end of the Psycho-Pass Fes, they announced that the Psycho-Pass movie will open in Japan on Jan 9 2015. It appears that Akane might be going outside the city for the first time. Wonder what the rest of the world looks like in the PP world. :p

Goddamn, Akane looks so good. Girl looks better without the suit.


Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya
This show is rather.....impressive. The action is top grade pure sakuga. The whole saber fight was zomg awesome,its hard to believe this is a silver link show. I do like the comedy bits too. Why didn't I watch this earlier? I completely wrote it off because of it's magical girl premises. Now time for 2wei....


More or less, a lot of the power up fights end up being one character showing how much the others blows mean nothing. Then the weaker one powers up and then they replay the same attack over and over again.

The Omega Shenron fight was especially poor for the level of the characters.

Man it just seems like a lazy parody of how DBZ used to be. Like all the problems got worse and nothing got better.

I know your weakness!




Re: Hamatora 12 END
Half the episode was essentially Art + Skill's back story on top of a small recap in Art's perspective to make his goals more clear. It also explains why nobody in that facility lost their Minimum at the time.

Speaking of Minimums, does this mean that Nice,
has two Minimums? Being his owns and a Minimum provided by Skill? Does this also mean that Art never had a Minimum or just truly hasn't found his own yet?

Overall, I couldn't connect with series at all. I kept watching hoping something interesting would happen, but that ended up not being the case. The only thing I'm probably ever going to remember out of this are the ridiculous names like "Skill," or "Birthday."
Level E
Started the episodes on the return of the Color Rangers. This was surprisingly dark. Kind of want a miniseries with the Color Rangers.
Then some paranormal world activity inside where the first person with his team get trapped in someone's mind. Honestly, kind of the weakest episde in the series
Well the final arc is amazing. though. An series of unbelievable twists that throws expectations out the window. Starting with the Prince's younger brother along with his fiance and then, you learn
she's a psycho, spying on him. Then that the incompentant agent was working with them, then that she was attacked by some revolutionaries
and the biggest twist of all,
she was pretending to be the revolutionaries to trick the Prince into marrying him and then finally the existence of aliens is revealed to the entire world.
She seems to be the perfect match for the prince
Gurren Lagann 14

Well, that's good.

But then they try to ram the enemy, and when it doesn't work for the first one, they keep trying? Smart thinking there... Luckily drilling beats spinning. And then a really big enemy appear.


Gurren Lagann 14

Well, that's good.

But then they try to ram the enemy, and when it doesn't work for the first one, they keep trying? Smart thinking there... Luckily drilling beats spinning. And then a really big enemy appear.

Next episode is glorious.


Poet Centuriate
also now that i follow all/most of you schlubs on twitter, i can't read my twitter in public because it's full of cute animu girls, who may or may not be NSFW

thanks crew, especially theonik and zachy and cajun


Ashita no Nadja 16-22 (Italy Arc)

Once again, there's a lot take in. Italy's been featured in a fair bit of anime, most recently (for me) the Marimite school trip at the end of S3, and Neo-Venezia, too. The flag dance that Ken and Nadja did was cute.

Lots of major revelations going on here. Ikue Ohtani's been in all three big franchises on this block, but her voice wasn't really heard until the very end here. The scene where
Rita spoke at last
was heartwarming, and I look forward to being able to hear her thoughts in the next few stories to come. She's not the only one whose backstory was revealed. Nadja really is the perfect metaphor for the bridge between the classes, and that she spent time away from home (albeit not willingly) makes her a lot more like her mom than she knows.

That said, there's more than a few coincidences going on. The entire chase for the brooch in episode 20, and episode 17's constant near-run-ins with Rosso and Bianco are so retro cartoony in how both parties end up missing each other for the better. The stories flow together well. Then there's Antonio. He's not a terrible person at heart, and his mom's a real force of nature, but he does serve as a good foil to Francis, almost as much as Black Rose himself does. And he's featured dancing with Nadja in the opening, I'm not sure what to make of that.

I know Roman Holiday is one of the most homaged films in anime. Strike Witches did a take, Sengoku Collection did a take on it. Though it's not an exact match, Christian and Nadja's day in Rome, with one of them being an unknown member of the upper-class, should mean that it's at the very least a homage.

My thoughts remain unchanged. The drama elements of the Austrian aristocracy as starting to increase as the series goes on, but the heart and soul of things - Nadja and the Dandelion Troupe - are only becoming more lovable. And I'm only halfway done!


PP movie script = Gen Urobuchi + Makoto Fukami. Just like season 1 of PP. I guess IG was probably working on this while the new staff worked on PP2 at Tatsunoko?


Finished burning through Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere. Do wish there was a third season, even if it felt I dunno needlessly complex. I guess it aint happening though given its been a few years since S2.

Not sure if reading it would be better or worse. I guess I can skim paragraphs just as easily as my eyes can glase over with the anime.
Just so you know what's in store for you:

And if you ever get lost or confused, there's always the handy official encyclopedia:

Finished burning through Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere. Do wish there was a third season, even if it felt I dunno needlessly complex. I guess it aint happening though given its been a few years since S2.

Not sure if reading it would be better or worse. I guess I can skim paragraphs just as easily as my eyes can glase over with the anime.

I thought they said s3 is in production.


sealed with a kiss
Would I be considered a hack if I popped in to say that until 4 days ago I hadn't watched a "new" anime in years until I watched Kill la Kill on a whim and just finished it today because I liked it so much?

This is purely hypothetical.
liking underwhelming shows doesn't make you a hack

Gurren Lagann 14

Well, that's good.

But then they try to ram the enemy, and when it doesn't work for the first one, they keep trying? Smart thinking there... Luckily drilling beats spinning. And then a really big enemy appear.
I honestly can't tell if you're enjoying Gurren Lagann so far
Got NISA's standard editions of Arakawa Under the Bridge from the latest Right Stuf sale. Bought the sets separately seeing as the bundle was $6 more, even though the TRSI rep kept stating overwise for this and the other NISA bundles. Despite this and the inconsistency that the first season is sold as separate Blu-ray and DVD packages and the second season is a BD/DVD combo, I am glad to finally own the series. Glad to see the second season set was a DVD case like FUNimation uses, and not that death-grip case NISA used for their Bunny Drop standard edition.

Also imported all 18 volumes of the Monogatari LNs. So much text I can't even read...


I got a thing! (Well, 2 things.)


Awesome! As someone who really, really enjoyed E7, I'm glad after the original series they didn't bother with movies or sequels or more stuff. The original run was perfect as it was. I should rewatch it soon.

I like the covers on those.


This shall be my introduction to the franchise. If I'm sufficiently won over (and my standards aren't very tough, I probably will be), I'll check out the toku.

Not sure if this is more suited for TokuGAF or for here.

You should check out Kamen Rider Gaim which gonna end this coming week. Alot of people enjoyed it.

Link Man

Right, right, because anyone who believes in equality is a "white knight'? That's a ridiculous dodge used by people who oppose equality, and nothing more.

Excuse me, but you are not espousing equality. Equality would be viewing Kashima as a character first, and a woman second. In the terms of a slapstick comedy, she was fulfilling the role that her character was assigned. What you are trying to say is that women should never ever fill that role.

Yes, domestic violence is bad, as is all violence. I am not trying to argue against that. There is a reason, however, that children are taught to separate fiction from reality at a young age, and I feel that this is why you are being ridiculed for this argument. A woman being hit as punishment, just as a man being hit as punishment, is a heinous act, but I doubt anybody watching this show would try to emulate the violence on display, at least on a scale that exceeds playfulness. Anybody who would would be deemed maladjusted in our society.
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