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Summer Anime 2015 |OT2| !? Love Live is not real!

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Crunchyroll panel @AWA Fall simulcast announcements:

Diabolik Lovers 2
Lance n Masques

Eh, they're saving a "big announcement" for another convention.

That is all.
PSA: Don't watch Charlotte on Crunchyroll ATM. Subtitles are really off and are delayed from what the characters are saying. Sometimes the characters will be three lines ahead of the actual subtitle. Either watch it through another channel or wait until Crunchyroll fixes it.


PSA: Don't watch Charlotte on Crunchyroll ATM. Subtitles are really off and are delayed from what the characters are saying. Sometimes the characters will be three lines ahead of the actual subtitle. Either watch it through another channel or wait until Crunchyroll fixes it.

Thanks for the notice!
I'll wait a couple of days then
Charlotte End
Well that was rushed, predictable, and incredibly unsatisfying, but I suppose it's fitting way for this horribly paced and poorly structured mess of a show to end. This is probably a worse written show than Angel Beats.


Charlotte End
Well that was rushed, predictable, and incredibly unsatisfying, but I suppose it's fitting way for this horribly paced and poorly structured mess of a show to end.

Pretty much. Expected a lot more of
Yuu x Nao
, by the way.

Completely unsatisfying.
So wait episode 13 isn't the ending of Working!!! ? I read the title of that 1 hour special and it seems like it's more of a silly thing than an actual finale.
Crunchyroll panel @AWA Fall simulcast announcements:

Diabolik Lovers 2
Lance n Masques

Eh, they're saving a "big announcement" for another convention.

That is all.

What's the deal with simulcast annoucements?

Do they think people will turn crazy when they announce the simulcast of generic harem LN adaptation #6?


Charlotte END
I didn't like it.Sad and unsatisfying
...Everything was for nothing. The final Nao-Yu conversation was just depressing to watch. Yu essentially lost his mind, quite early too.
Charlotte End

Should have been a bonus BD only episode for the Charlotte hardcores. It just felt like a really slow way to do something that could have been itneresting. Though I did love the various abilities and
ChunniYu showing up again, hes the best

Decent anime overall at times.

For PA works, nowhere near as good as their best three (Angel Beats, NagiAsu, Glasslip).


Woofington got banned, I'm losing all my bros!

I don't know you, but life is an adventure. There are millions of us out there, so... who knows, you will keep on meeting interesting people along the way.

Charlotte END
I didn't like it.Sad and unsatisfying
...Everything was for nothing. The final Nao-Yu conversation was just depressing to watch. Yu essentially lost his mind, quite early too.

I feel empty.

Charlotte End

Should have been a bonus BD only episode for the Charlotte hardcores. It just felt like a really slow way to do something that could have been itneresting. Though I did love the various abilities and
ChunniYu showing up again, hes the best

Decent anime overall at times.

For PA works, nowhere near as good as their best three (Angel Beats, NagiAsu, Glasslip).

Hoping that the extra chapter is after the ending.

Even the letter L gets sexualized as that one kid is feeling it like it's in an intimate relationship.

Charlotte END

So uh, thats it? Well ok then. Just totally underwhelming.

But then again this is what I expected. Overall average show. Had some good highs but it was just poorly structured from the get go.

Whats PA Works working on next?
Once in a while, I try to make out the plot of a show I'm not watching just by reading the post on it here.

....I have no idea what the hell Symphogear is, as much as people post about it.

I do know that the producers once tried to dub the show themselves, with fantastic results.

I only know that there are magical girls, shounen tropes, idols, and butts.

In a way it's more an anime about anime than Shirobako.


Charlotte 13
Yeah this was...huh... Should have shown some side-effects of some abilities more. I mean as far as we know he had
a healing ability and didn't even need any sleep. In the case that it let's you stay awake but you don't recover energy, he can still heal himself.

Yuu x Nao wasn't very satisfying either but the ending was cute I suppose.
Charlotte 13 [END]

I am sure I will get blasted for this but I quite liked this episode.
Yuu grabbing powers
didn't feel too rushed and hit on points it needed to and moved on. Truth be told, his adventures getting every power would've been great as it's own season and watching his
slow decent into madness
while clinging to the one item that connects him to reality would've been a great watch. Alas, we get this episode that does a good job regardless. We see his
slow decent with his mind and quick rise with his powers.

By the end, even though he
traded his memories to rid the world of ability users
, he accomplished what he set out to do. He knew the risks involved but continued on and finished his "mission." As Tomori pointed out, it's a miracle the only thing he
lost is his memories considering some of the powers he was acquiring.
While the show won't be winning any AOTY awards, it certainly stuck it's landing for me. It was very satisfying.


Charlotte Episode 13:

Okay, this turned out better then I expected but this is still a 4 cour series being squeezed into one god damned episode and as such I have had more emotional resonance in seeing houseplants die. Also, as far as Yuu and Nao goes, yea, when you inject some actual emotional this late into the romance it comes across as forced and inauthentic in spite of how hard it was being pushed. We deserved a much better series then the one we got.
Working 13 [End??]

There's something funny about the fact that the real ending is locked behind this one hour JRPG themed special, I love it.

This episode was pretty decent but it seems like the juicy bits were left out for the special.

I'm really hyped though!


Charlotte 13 [END]

I am sure I will get blasted for this but I quite liked this episode.
Yuu grabbing powers
didn't feel too rushed and hit on points it needed to and moved on. Truth be told, his adventures getting every power would've been great as it's own season and watching his
slow decent into madness
while clinging to the one item that connects him to reality would've been a great watch. Alas, we get this episode that does a good job regardless. We see his
slow decent with his mind and quick rise with his powers.

By the end, even though he
traded his memories to rid the world of ability users
, he accomplished what he set out to do. He knew the risks involved but continued on and finished his "mission." As Tomori pointed out, it's a miricle the only thing he
lost his memories considering some of the powers he was acquiring.
While the show won't be winning any AOTY awards, it certainly stuck it's landing for me. It was very satisfying.

I liked the way they handled his journey, way better than I expected. I didn't like at all that they just wanted to give Charlotte a sad ending. He had abilities that helped him survive and yet he couldn't handle it. They keep teasing that he continues doing this for the promise, but essentially even if he fulfills it, he's not sane. It's just unsatisfying, there isn't a better world for this. The first few episodes were pretty irrelevant to anything, the next ones were their own small arc(with a good conclusion) but they ended everything and they make the efforts of everyone feel wasted. Essentially, Yuu could just go from the very first episode to such a journey and plunder everything.

They teased a lot during the journey, like kid soldiers, other scientist facilities, people using their ability for good, other using it for the mafia or as mercenaries etc. It feels like a conclusion to a different show. Normally, I wouldn't mind it, but the pace wasn't good and everything changed quite fast. Maybe if the show had a S2 or it was 24 episodes, it could go better. Now, they just went from student council helping students to the One Eyed Grim Reaper saving the world really, really fast and unnaturally.

I spoiler the whole thing just in case.


Charlotte - 13 (End)

Well, it's over.
Yuus journey was entertaining, I guess, but like the last couple of episodes it's so full of stupid writing, that it leaves a bad aftertaste even while trying not to think about it.
There's only so much stupid I'm willing to disregard in a show that takes itself seriously and Charlotte shot far above this line in its quest for drama and feels.

So yeah, this show was a complete waste of time in the end, and I'm saying that as someone who legitimately enjoyed the first half.
But those last few episodes were just a mess and made the rest of the show retroactively worse, since they made most of the beginning episodes completely pointless.
Symphogear GX 13 END


thank you genocide-chan

Alright first off what's the point of a giant spinning sawblade with pincers on it? Doesn't the sawblade cover the offensive part already

About the finale I expected, which means it was pretty good. Is it just me or do the power levels make no fucking sense in this series? Carol and Elfnein fusing was extremely predictable but I guess that means +1 to the team so yay

Can't wait for S4 next year!!!!
Charlotte 13

I didn't care about the bad writing and stuff in this show so I had a good time, it's far from a masterpiece but it's still a cool experience.

This episode was nice, I liked it.

I don't think that this show should've been 24 episodes though, I wouldn't have cared enough if they made it twice the length.
Working!!! 13
The actual finale looks to be pretty fun though this episode was mediocre. Nothing too remarkable except Inami punching her dad.


Yeah... I'm going to this.

Awesome, have fun :)


Not really news but when queried about why Anime Limited are licensing shows like The Rolling Girls (their latest acquisition) as apposed to the shows that they started off with (Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Perfect Blue, Lagann etc), the president had this to say:

I will never keep everyone happy with every acquisition and the first few are always easy wins really :)! I'm still pro new talent in the industry as Deai-san has been though and the more the merrier, first shows aren't always smash hits but it won me over. Totally get that it isn't for everyone though!

If what you listed before from my initial run is your thing,you won't be upset by our MCM London run of announcements ;)!
Gatchaman Crowds Insight 12 END

Not sure about them just reshowing the same scene from a different angle for half an episode but showing Katze and Hajime getting brutalized was pretty fucked. Oh well, it was better then S1's last episode.

Insight wasn't as good as the first season and it felt like a lot of the story beats and thematic ideas weren't fully fleshed out or were fighting for some relevance in the plot but it was still a pretty enjoyable show. I almost thought the series would have ended with Hajime in a coma, that would have been interesting.


Charlotte 13

Glad its over and we get a conclusion to the story. Don't think i could handle it if it would be 24 episodes. My least favorite anime this season from the ones that i actually watched form the begining to the end.
Gonna stay far far away from any SOL conversations on this board. Yeesh.

Is the Director of Gatchaman Crowds gonna be doing anything in upcoming seasons? I love his stuff but Gatchaman Crowds just didn't click with me.


Charlotte Overall Thoughts
5/10. Could have benefitted from 24 episodes. Too many plot points, too little time.

Could have benefited from an actual focus. It's a problem Maeda seems to have.

Charlotte 13 and series as a whole.

If this episode had been the whole series, maybe I would have liked it. A rushed finale for a inconsistent show that tried to cram too much into its run time. A show that thinks for a plot and time schedule like this, having entire episodes focused on one off characters, a camping trip, and Maeda's favorite sport Baseball are the right way to go. A show that jumps from a drama scene, then wacky hijinks, to a tearful goodbye, back to hijinks, then drama in the course of 5 minutes. This show had tons of promise, same with Angel Beats, but just like Angel Beats, Maeda has no idea what the word "pacing" is, or at least doesn't know how to pace his scripts for 13 episode run times. Hell, even with 24 episodes we would still probably get terrible pacing and scene flow. All I can say positive about this show is that it's well animated, some of the characters were fun, and crazy Yu is a hoot to watch.



Maeda's wild ride is finally over. Not with a bang but with a whimper. This show like Maeda's previous work Angel Beats suffers from pacing issues and storytelling with rushed plot twists and climatic moments that aren't deserved. Charlotte started out with an interesting X-Men style story but lost itself in villains of the week style pacing by focusing on helping characters that never factored in the story again. Those early episodes could've focused on the relationship between Nao and Yu to make the ending have a better impact. It's a show that had potential but lost it for a number of reasons. They should've just made a show with Yu traveling the world gathering powers to complete his mission. That would've been more entertaining than another Key baseball game. Maeda don't call Yu the reaper, there's only one real reaper in anime.


Charlotte 13

Uh, that was really underwhelming. And should've been its own show. I had already stopped caring at this point, but rushing a dozen potentially interesting plots in one episode doesn't sit right with me. Pity. I liked this at the start, but it kind of got stupider over time. Oh well. It was at least usually interesting.
Did anybody call dibs on making the Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans OT when the show airs next week?

I was thinking of doing it myself.

Of course, this is so I can make the title:

"We'll never forget the Gundam we saw that day"


Gatchaman Crowds Insight 12

First, I found the second series a bit worse than the first one. Binary logic and its points weren't as strong as S1, even though it tackled some interesting themes. In the end though, it was really good and I enjoyed it. The ending was far better than S1 but unfortunately it doesn't tease a 3rd season the same way the first one did. I was afraid they'd left Hajime unconscious, but they decided to end it on a happy moment, totally fine with that. Katze is alive and kicking too.

The final episode was pretty good. I liked that they showed the battle from Hajime/Katze's POV and they really did a good job making this feel even more brutal than first. Despite showing quite a few people that were against Gelsandra, it seems that the world is more peaceful than before, with even Crowds and Kuu-sama co-existing.

Anyway, I love the show for its style, music and Hajime, so give me a 3rd season please. : >
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