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Summer Anime 2017 |OT| More streaming services than shows to watch

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Made in Abyss 8

Ostensibly a cheap trick due to her expression being a neutral mask most of the time but I can't get enough of when the mask slips and a bit of emotion sneaks through.
I'm feeling so offended and insulted by Gamers. The hate I'm feeling about everything and everyone related to that show makes me feel good in a worrysome way.


Swords 7

This featured a bunch of characters I didn't care about and no Mutsu.

Swords 8

This was a very boring episode, but at least Mutsu is back and the show is going to keep focusing on the 2nd Unit.
This week I watched Barakamon (great), Shin Mazinger Z (good) and Getter Robo Armageddon (great), dunno what to watch (or rewatch) next.

My options at the moment

Bakemonogatari (only seen 5 eps years ago)
Blue Seed (watched 15-ish years ago)
Yozakura Quartet
Generator Gawl (watched 15-ish years ago)
Silver Spoon (never watched season 2)
You're Under Arrest
Ushio And Tora
Ore Monogatari
Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi


This week I watched Barakamon (great), Shin Mazinger Z (good) and Getter Robo Armageddon (great), dunno what to watch (or rewatch) next.

My options at the moment

Bakemonogatari (only seen 5 eps years ago)
Blue Seed (watched 15-ish years ago)
Yozakura Quartet
Generator Gawl (watched 15-ish years ago)
Silver Spoon (never watched season 2)
You're Under Arrest
Ushio And Tora
Ore Monogatari
Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi

Ore Monogatari
Silver Spoon S2
Bakemonogatari, then the rest of the *monogatari's


[Made in Abyss] - 8

At the very least, this episode was a welcome return to the production values of earlier episodes. When the cinematography and the music come together this show can achieve a certain level of success, which is only hampered by the gnawing feeling that they need at least another 30 or so episodes to actually wrap up this story. As an anime-only viewer of this story I can't help but feel that there's no-way any studio will be working on that many seasons of this particular story unless it's crazy popular. Therefore, I can't help but feel 'pre-dissapointed' in the lack of closure that we will inevitably get by the time this 'wraps'.

Beyond that perennial bugbear, I don't really understand what the point was of the 'training' that took up the first half of this episode. It didn't seem like our characters really learned anything particularly notable that they hadn't already developed by virtue of their adventure. A quick glance of the manga reveals that they stretched literally 3 pages worth of manga into 10 minutes. No-wonder it felt so aimless. This is the kind of adaptation issue that suggests they have a very 'fixed' endpoint for the anime adaptation that they want to hit, so to avoid overshooting that point they're going to pad the middle out with more fat. This is a problem for a series that feels like its still stuck in the prologue, 8 episodes in.

I also wasn't wild about the scene where Ozen reveals a number of White Whistle-Tier secrets to the children, but the audience aren't privy to all the information being disclosed. I don't like the use of that narrative device, especially in a series where most of the big reveals about the characters and the world are being learned by the audience and the characters simultaneously. To break that link in shared experience is a pretty shitty writing device. It seems clear that the only reason you'd do that is because the writer needs the characters to know some crucial information that they wouldn't otherwise have but at the same time the writer wants to withhold that form the audience because 'mystery is cool'.

On the plus side, I thought all the flashback stuff was handled pretty well and in general most of the scenes in the second half of the episode 'hit home' for me.


I already know exactly which arc they want to end on. dohohoho

I'm starting to suspect this is a split cour show and they'll announce the second cour at the end.


I have no idea why there are so many people who like the Love Master guy in Tzurezure. He's annoying and never really has any real impact on any particular plot line. He just does unfunny anime cliches for full segments that don't go anywhere.

(Brother !) Yeah, I don't get Love Master's appeal either though I tolerate him I guess.

This week I watched Barakamon (great), Shin Mazinger Z (good) and Getter Robo Armageddon (great), dunno what to watch (or rewatch) next.

My options at the moment

Bakemonogatari (only seen 5 eps years ago)
Blue Seed (watched 15-ish years ago)
Yozakura Quartet
Generator Gawl (watched 15-ish years ago)
Silver Spoon (never watched season 2)
You're Under Arrest
Ushio And Tora
Ore Monogatari
Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi

From this list Yozakura and Bake from what I vouch for. (with the addition they're both fanservice heavy shows and Bake is text/dialogue heavy show on top of other weirdness) Silver Spoon is well regarded and well, you watched S1 already, should be up to you whether you want more.


Netflix Death Note
How difficult can it possibly be to get the fundamentals of the original premise right? I am asking that question because this movie gets none of it right. Aside from the fact that William Dafoe is voicing Ryuk, this movie is the physical manifestation of disappointment itself.


Made in Abyss Episode 8:

I suspect that the underlying subtext with Ozen is that she may have harbored romantic feelings of some sort for Lyza but the undercurrent doesn't seem to be all that relevant, in fact, this whole sub-arc has felt a lot less important then it should.


I already know exactly which arc they want to end on. dohohoho

I'm starting to suspect this is a split cour show and they'll announce the second cour at the end.

There seems to be zero reason they'd move at this speed if this wasn't split-cour. If you were trying to hook people onto that manga I get the feeling that the pacing would be ramped up to allow some headway to be made into the actual story. Instead we have this downright tranquil pacing which you'd only really expect if the anime was planning to run for more than a single cour.


Is the latest episode of Made in the Abyss something that I could safely watch on a bus?

I don't know that I want the mysteries of Made in Abyss answered; I just want to soak in the atmosphere of its strange world.
I don't necessarily want that either, however I'm not annoyed at the writing for witholding information from the audience. I am annoyed at the technique that was employed to do so, and the manner in which it undermines the audiences relationship to the characters and the world.
I don't necessarily want that either, however I'm not annoyed at the writing for witholding information from the audience. I am annoyed at the technique that was employed to do so, and the manner in which it undermines the audiences relationship to the characters and the world.

I wasn't referring to that particular point so much as the general complaint of some people, including yourself, that the series is not moving fast enough to cover more of the story. As someone who prioritizes atmosphere over plot density, I'm happy with the pacing of the Made in Abyss anime. A series moving slowly can be a problem when it's not atmospheric at all but simply dragging out banal scenes and reactions, as the Stardust Crusaders anime does at times, but if it's a case more like Flowers of Evil then I don't mind. While I can sympathize with the desire to not leave the anime feeling unfinished, and I hope that Made in Abyss is able to go beyond 13 episodes in the way Flowers of Evil was not, I would rather an unfinished anime that takes its time to explore the emotional landscape than a conclusively finished anime that rushes so hard to its conclusion that nothing is given enough time to breathe. They're both imperfect options, but the first is more worth my time than the second.
Netflix's Death Note - On the one hand, William Dafoe as Ryuk was just perfect, and I found Mia a much better character than Misa. On the other, they dumbed down L to an insulting degree and I found Light's characterization to be really inconsistent over the movie.
I already know exactly which arc they want to end on. dohohoho

I'm starting to suspect this is a split cour show and they'll announce the second cour at the end.

Yep likewise, since there is not enough speed to attempt to finish that arc if they were to go at a normal adaption pace at this point. So just end right before it and tease it with knowledge of a 2nd course is coming.


Netflix's Death Note - On the one hand, William Dafoe as Ryuk was just perfect, and I found Mia a much better character than Misa. On the other, they dumbed down L to an insulting degree and I found Light's characterization to be really inconsistent over the movie.

I can't even compare Mia to Misa because Mia and Light feel like they split Light Yagami's personality into two people.
I can't even compare Mia to Misa because Mia and Light feel like they split Light Yagami's personality into two people.

Basically up until the ending, I felt like Mia should've been the main character.
That Just According to Keikaku ending felt kind of unearned.


Supposing I want to watch a mecha series these days, do I watch Gundam IBO or Kuromukuro? Which one has the best action and mecha designs? Also, how do they fare plot wise?


Supposing I want to watch a mecha series these days, do I watch Gundam IBO or Kuromukuro? Which one has the best action and mecha designs? Also, how do they fare plot wise?
Uh, IBO has the better mech designs and some sick action, but overall Kuromukoro is the much better show.


Dive!! Episode 8

This is the first episode Yoichi was kind of endearing. Also they jumped forward in time real quick. Feel kind of bad for Tomo considering everything he's been working for seems like it won't happen, at least not yet.


Appmon 29-36

Man, this is so good.
After our 5th party member joins, we get some fun single episode adventures with the entire team. Offmon is so adorable.
The big picture is never lost, though, as the fights get increasingly more difficult and the enemy commanders start assembling in the background.
The Appli Drivers make some new discoveries about Leviathan and its plan, courtesy of Rei and Hackmon and Leviathan's Emmisary appears on the scene and there's plenty other plot stuff happening.

And boy, do those enemy commanders look awesome.

So looking forward to seeing that battle play out.
Supposing I want to watch a mecha series these days, do I watch Gundam IBO or Kuromukuro? Which one has the best action and mecha designs? Also, how do they fare plot wise?

Gundam IBO has better mecha designs than Kuromukuro.

Kuromukuro probably has a better plot.

Honestly, just watch something like Shin Mazinger Z, Getter Robo Armageddon, Gundam War in the Pocket, Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still, Mobile Fighter G Gundam, or the original Gundam 0079 Movie Trilogy if you want some good mecha.

Have you seen Eureka Seven? Can't remember if you have or not.


I would watch Kuromukuro. IBO has much better action though.

Uh, IBO has the better mech designs and some sick action, but overall Kuromukoro is the much better show.
Okay, got it.

Gundam IBO has better mecha designs than Kuromukuro.

Kuromukuro probably has a better plot.

Honestly, just watch something like Shin Mazinger Z, Getter Robo Armageddon, Gundam War in the Pocket, Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still, Mobile Fighter G Gundam, or the original Gundam 0079 Movie Trilogy if you want some good mecha.

Have you seen Eureka Seven? Can't remember if you have or not.

Yeah, I've finished Eureka Seven. I was also planning to watch Shin Mazinger Z eventually, but I want to watch something a bit more "down to Earth" right now.


[Gundam Build Fighters: GM's Counterattack]

Even though this just an exercise is fanservice (even moreso than GFB is itself an exercise in fanservice) it was pretty damn fun. It was also a stark reminder how much more likeable and interesting the GBF cast (and even their minor supporting characters) are vs those of GBF Try. I think a real problem with Try is that it feels like half the cast exist just to be in some kind of romantic quadrangle with Sekai, whereas here all the fighters have their own agendas.

It was still kind of a shame we didn't have time for a 'proper' fight.


Little Witch Academia - END

What an odd final episode; not really "odd" in terms of its plot, which was pretty straightforward, but why did the actually interesting stuff all happen in episode 24? The final fight sequence was absolutely magnificently animated, but I kind-of felt it was a little anticlimactic by that point.

The show basically gave up most pretence of being about Akko by the end, with so much time devoted to Chariot and Croix. Not that I'm particularly complaining given that their scenes (and anything with Diana in) were vastly more compelling than anything else.

Was Andrew the victim of rewrites, perhaps? I'd basically forgotten about the political "plotline" (if you can call it that) until it re-appeared in episode 24; it was totally undercooked and uninteresting, and had nothing to do with anything.

It's a shame to focus so much on the plot when you have such fun, vibrant animation in a show devoid of much of the more "questionable" aspects of anime. With that said, that's what sticks in my mind; the show ended up being a pleasant enough thing to half-watch while doing other things, but not something to massively engage with.


Little Witch Academia - END

What an odd final episode; not really "odd" in terms of its plot, which was pretty straightforward, but why did the actually interesting stuff all happen in episode 24? The final fight sequence was absolutely magnificently animated, but I kind-of felt it was a little anticlimactic by that point.

The show basically gave up most pretence of being about Akko by the end, with so much time devoted to Chariot and Croix. Not that I'm particularly complaining given that their scenes (and anything with Diana in) were vastly more compelling than anything else.

Was Andrew the victim of rewrites, perhaps?
I'd basically forgotten about the political "plotline" (if you can call it that) until it re-appeared in episode 24; it was totally undercooked and uninteresting, and had nothing to do with anything.

It's a shame to focus so much on the plot when you have such fun, vibrant animation in a show devoid of much of the more "questionable" aspects of anime. With that said, that's what sticks in my mind; the show ended up being a pleasant enough thing to half-watch while doing other things, but not something to massively engage with.

I think the entire series was the victim of rewrites...


Made in Abyss 8

Considering we mostly just got a bunch of exposition this arc, I don't think we needed to spend 3 episodes here, tense as the atmosphere may have been. Ozen really had a soft spot Lyza.
Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony Demo

16 characters + Makoto, Hajime and Hakagure for demo jokes + 6 Monokumas in an hour doesnt really give a great representation of the game. Still not psyched about new/fixed minigames but having a lying mechanic and listening to three non-stop debates at once should be interesting
Everything about that movie seems like a Dragonball Evolution style misinterpretation of what the fuck the story actually was, and Death Note should be a way easier translation
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