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Super Mario RPG (aka greatest RPG of all time) is 20 years old

Been itching to replay this, just waiting for a NA release on Wii U.

It's bad that I know exactly every tune in the OP without having to view them again. That intro is SSS tier.
I wouldn't call it greatest RPG of all time but it is a fantastic game! I very much enjoyed playing through it multiple times. Geno is badass. A true sequel would be amazing, make it happen!


I really need to give this game another try. I rented it when it first came out and, while I thought it was good, it didn't quite hook me in as I had hoped. I'm guessing I played maybe 2-3 hours tops, so I need to give it another chance.
I have really fond memories of this game. It was the first time I can remember actively limiting myself from playing through a game too quickly because I didn't want it to end. Never revisited it since the release window so I'm not sure how well it holds up. I have since tried a few of the Mario & Luigi games on DS and they just didn't do it for me.

Also selling this cart along with all my other SNES games when the N64 released is one of my biggest gaming regrets and probably the reason why I don't trade in/sell anything anymore.
I can't tell you how many time my friend and I rented this game from Blockbuster. Numerous time we'd just keep the game for the another rental period and do chores around the house to accumulate money to pay for it. As a whole we definitely spent more than what the game was sold for...haha.

Truly one of my favorite RPGs. Everything was on point -- the music, the battle mechanics, the writing, making one dimensional characters (Peach, Toad, and Bowser) from the Super Mario universe have so much personality.

The game was bursting at the seam with secrets and locations that could only be explored by those savy enough to discover them -- most notably the hidden casino.

I have fond memories of farming enemies for coins so I could stay in the honeymoon suite in Marrymore. Nimbus Land, Coal Mines, Monstro Town and Booster Tower were among my favorite locations

Given that SNES titles are now becoming available on the N3DS, I hope Super Mario RPG is among one of them!
How many of you found the Casino without Nintendo Power?

I did, years later
via GameFaqs

I would love a true Mario RPG sequel, though I absolutely adore the Paper Mario series. Mario & Luigi series is alright, but not as good, imo.

I love how Peach becomes an absolute powerhouse with the Frying Pan, and fighting Culex was a lot of fun.

And Bowser with his Hurly Gloves or other weapons of that type - throwing Mario as his attack always amused me.

Mario/Peach/Bowser team was always my go to
OP covered my thoughts about this game almost exactly. I played it when it came out and have played through it several times since then. It never gets old for me. I'd like to see NA get this on Wii U and 3DS.
Also my first Rpg. I followed through with FFIII. Such a magical period for me.

This is what I did too. Walking out of Mario RPG and into FF3 at the time was like, to borrow a phrase from Dunkey, "walking out of kindergarten into Vietnam," hahah. Then from FF3 I went on to Chrono Trigger...then everything is a blur after that.
I've loved several of the RPGs that feature Mario, but I think this will always be my favorite. It hit all the right notes (that I'll be singing until the day I die)!


I think the game is decent, but I don't really get why people keep screaming for a sequel. It's far away from the best Mario RPG, I'd put somewhere above PiT.


Game is fine as a my first JRPG, but greatest ever is a big stretch. It's not even the best Mario RPG. (PM: TTYD)
I can't call it the best RPG ever with it being so easy. I think it was my first rpg as well. Great graphics, music, and atmosphere.

I was recently playing the Revolution version which made the game harder, but it overdid or did it poorly in some cases. I stopped near the end of the game where the coder put in a new boss and I was fighting it for a while wondering if it could die, I looked up a let's play to see what other people did and basically the boss had a ton of HP and it could take over an hour to beat. That was just a stupid design choice to me. I might just finish up the game with the original version.

Also how do you find Metroid? During my last play I never saw her. That looks like Mushroom Kingdom, but I didn't see her there.
Beautiful, thoughtful and full of warm-fuzzies. I love this game so much.

Finding the Lazy Shell armor and tossing it on Toadstool/Peach CHANGED MY LIFE. "You mean...I'm safe?!"


Really great game. Bought a CRT TV a couple of months ago and immediately replayed it. I originally bought this on eBay when I was in High School for about $25. I then went to a EB Games and bought a used SNES for $20. Great purchases.

Just a lot of fun with some really good music too.


This is on my backlog but Nintendo being Nintendo and not releasing it in the US on Wii U VC. I don't get their logic.
The messed up thing is they released it for the Wii U VC in Europe already, I believe.

Why don't you want my money, NoA? WHY?!


Ohhh, the memories! Got it on the US launch, payed it quite a bunch due to living in Italy and green emport premium price (meaning a lot to my 15y old self), started playing it, loving every second... got to Bowyer fight, then after I beat him the game locks up. I reset my Snes, the save file got erased. Oh well, how unfortunate. The game is so good I don't mind starting again. I reach the same point, same thing happens. I go back to the store and they give me a newer NTSC to PAL adapter for free. I start the game again, and then AGAIN it locks up. I start feeling really sad. They lend me another copy of the game to see if it was a faulty copy. I beat Bowyer again, it wasn't.
But when despair was overcoming me, they call me telling they have a used US Snes for a nice price (70,000£, about 35€). Can I finally play the game? Nope. It turns out that our PAL TV, even using the RGB calble, can't handle 60hz. The broadcasts where 50hz afterall, and 60hz was far from a standard thing in Europe.
I tried it at a friend place and his TV supported it, so while saving up to get a 60hz capable screen, I played my damn game at his place from time to time (I let him have his own save file but I forbade him to progress further than me - thankfully at the time he couldn't understand english at all so when I was there I was translating everything to him)
Months later I could finally play SMRPG at home. In 10 years I lost count on how many times I beat the game. But this thread reminded me that I haven't replayed it for the past 10 years.... and going back to the memory lane I'd love to play the game again.
Something I'll never forget is renting the game from a local store, going to a friend's house with it, leaving it on his trampoline while we swam in his pool for a few hours, went inside because it started raining and I had left the cart outside.

I went running back out for it screaming like a fucking madman. It was okay though, being a Nintendo product.
Probably my favorite RPG as well. I love it so much. I would love a true sequel. I like Paper Mario just fine, but, it's not the same.

Mr. Jimmy

This game made me love RPGs before I knew these games were RPGs. I enjoyed the entire game over and over and I still do to this day.
Must... resist... urge... to... shitpost!

It's a good game

There would be too much color and charm for today's market.

Anyway gonna listen to the soundtrack, thanks OP

What? SMRPG is the least colorful Mario RPG! Shit, they even made a Paper Mario game about being colorful, I don't think SMRPG has anything to worry about wrt losing color :v


Still never got past that boss they force you to fight with Mallow only, i only vaguely remember a damn giant bird and me walking away in frustration, and that was after pulling my hair out to get past Yaridovich.


The graphics blew my fucking mind when I saw the first screenshots in Nintendo Power. I didn't know the SNES was capable of that, even after Donkey Kong Country.


I know it's a long shot between the whole Square thing and fact that the game is notoriously hard to emulate perfectly, but I dream of this being released on New 3DS VC. I would absolutely love to have it on my 3DS whenever I feel like playing it.

Truly one of my favorite games ever made.
I don't know about best, especially in a world with Chrono Trigger, but it's certainly one of my favorite games on the system. SMRPG managed to find just the right mix between Mario and JRPG for my tastes.

If you're not a big RPG fan, this is actually a great game to start with.
It's not the best ever RPG, but it's in the conversation.

If you have even a passing interest in RPGs, or maybe even if you don't, you need to play it.
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