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Sweden is turning in a new direction (election in 3 months)


Recent polls suggest the current ruling Social democrats [Socialdemokraterna] will make the worst election in the history of the party (last election: 31%, current average polls: 22.8%).

Instead the Swedish Democrats [Sverigedemokraterna] (oldGaf speak: The racist party) are growing at a rapid rate (last election: 12.9%, current average polls: 24%).
Recent polls place them as either the biggest (26.1%) or the 2nd biggest party (21.9%). Further growth is expected after recent events. 1 , 2 - PM responsible for leaking secrets

Election is on the 9th of september, and chaos is expected as all other parties are currently refusing to work with the Swedish Democrats.



Stefan Löfven, prime minister, Social democrats


Jimmie Åkesson, Swedish Democrats
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Whether the new comers are racist or not, the standing party has only themselves to blame. Deal with your issues, or you will be kicked out in favor of some group, no matter how radical, that will.


Doesn't this group have fascist origins? Is it really "old-GAF speak" or just realtalk?
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Can you explain the differences in the parties to us lowly Americans?

We currently have 8 parties, and these parties are devided into two blocks, except two, The Left Party and the Sweden Democrats.

Socialist block (or as we call them, Red/Green) - Currently in government.
  • Social Democratic Party - Historically the biggest party, the "workers party". Built the folkhemmet (see further down).
  • The Green Party - Green politics, feminist, very immigrant friendly.
Alliance block
  • Moderate Party - Liberal conservatives, historically the biggest opponent of the social democrats.
  • Center Party - Liberalism, seems to be trying to steal voters from the green party by having a "green image" of the alliance block and being liberal with immigration.
  • Liberals - Not much to say, they claim to be liberals.
  • Christian Democrats - Not doing so well, looks like they wont be making the 4% barrier.
Not belonging to any blocks
  • Left Party - Socialist with strong feminist politics, a support party of the socialist block. Formerly the communist party.
  • Sweden Democrats - Social conservatives with nationalist politics, wants to exit the EU. Basically stop immigration (unless it is to the benefit of the country, aka. immigration for work is still welcome if Sweden lacks skilled workers in a particular area. They want to deport illegal immigrants, deport criminals. Rebuild the "folkhemmet"- peoples home, a concept of a strong government that takes care of its people. Currently folkhemmet is not doing so hot as it is overloaded in all areas.
This is how they are polling (this months avarage, only 2 polls have been released thus far).



We currently have 8 parties, and these parties are devided into two blocks, except two, The Left Party and the Sweden Democrats.

Socialist block (or as we call them, Red/Green) - Currently in government.
  • Social Democratic Party - Historically the biggest party, the "workers party". Built the folkhemmet (see further down).
  • The Green Party - Green politics, feminist, very immigrant friendly.
Alliance block
  • Moderate Party - Liberal conservatives, historically the biggest opponent of the social democrats.
  • Center Party - Liberalism, seems to be trying to steal voters from the green party by having a "green image" of the alliance block and being liberal with immigration.
  • Liberals - Not much to say, they claim to be liberals.
  • Christian Democrats - Not doing so well, looks like they wont be making the 4% barrier.
Not belonging to any blocks
  • Left Party - Socialist with strong feminist politics, a support party of the socialist block. Formerly the communist party.
  • Sweden Democrats - Social conservatives with nationalist politics, wants to exit the EU. Basically stop immigration (unless it is to the benefit of the country, aka. immigration for work is still welcome if Sweden lacks skilled workers in a particular area. They want to deport illegal immigrants, deport criminals. Rebuild the "folkhemmet"- peoples home, a concept of a strong government that takes care of its people. Currently folkhemmet is not doing so hot as it is overloaded in all areas.
This is how they are polling (this months avarage, only 2 polls have been released thus far).

I don't understand why political parties are so against having strong borders and very selective immigration.

I guess if I was in Sweden I would fall into the Sweden Democrats, Moderate Party, or Social Democrats. Always weird how much different liberal in America and other countries is.
Jimmie Åkesson has worked hard to reform the party from what I understand, like how FrP in Norway worked to kick out some of its dubious elements during the 1990s. I've always disliked the swedish attitude of somehow trying to "ignore Sverigedemokraterna" and view of discussing immigration as a political anathema. FrP has mildened a lot by participating in government and further it has calmed people down by allowing a funnel for anti-immigration sentiment (Norway is pretty homogenous when it comes to politics) instead of people using other means to express it. Doesn't help that the media and politicians are pretty incompetent when dealing with just about anything, without resorting to righteous indignation or appeal to emotions.
Anyways, it's good that the swedes have understood that you can't let an issue be ignored. You can discuss things and debate them in public, rather than try to socially outcast a party. It's usually better to let people speak if you believe in your ideals as correct and let the opposition burn itself in the light. I could write a whole thing about how democracy has a positive effect on tension in society and that not letting latent issues get represented through the democratical system just leads to other means of expression. I thought back when the whole news story about the parties shutting out SvD came out, that it was a terrible strategy that would just make them grow and with Åkesson seemingly trying to make it a proper party, it just seemed mean in a political manner and like they were just against SvD, no matter the form.

One thing I dislike about Norway and Scandinavia is the meningskorridor/åsiktskorridor, which is a tiny corridor of things that one's allowed to think. This goes both ways, whether left or right, former being usually a bit lighter because of our history of communist sympathies before the Kråkerøy speech.


Doesn't this group have fascist origins? Is it really "old-GAF speak" or just realtalk?

Yes, in the 80ies when they were formed.
They were formed by members from BSS (Bevara Sverige Svenskt - Keep Sweden Swedish) in the 1980ies. You can read about it here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweden_Democrats#Early_years_(1988–1995)

Jimmie Åkesson has cleaned up within the party ranks, kicking out people with extreme opinions before or after media has found out about it.


Can you explain the differences in the parties to us lowly Americans?

Sverigedemokraterna is a nationalistic anti immigration party as are pretty common across europe.
What makes them special is partially that they are now taking control of sweden/scandinavia, the ("most tolerant" nations in europe)
which was made possible mostly due to decades of other parties refusing to even discuss the costs or issues of immigration.
(Ship them all to Rinkeby and forget about them was a workable policy for a long time.)
((Rinkeby == very bad ghetto/suburb in north west Stockholm where the government sent all all unemployables))

The whole reason why these deplorables are getting a voice is because the established parties have been ignoring the issues for so long.
It has been so tabo to talk about that so that now only deplorables talk about it. You read what you sow,
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The rise of ‘right wing’ thought across Europe is entirely the fault of ‘the left’.

Mass immigration is obviously the main talking point. When your population by vast majority never wanted it, and it brings some huge problems which are ignored, people are going to seek alternatives.


Doesn't this group have fascist origins? Is it really "old-GAF speak" or just realtalk?

Yes they do have. Just like ANTIFA also does.
We need to get rid of all these ridiculous groups that think that force, violence or intimidation is a way to build society.
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We currently have 8 parties, and these parties are devided into two blocks, except two, The Left Party and the Sweden Democrats.

Socialist block (or as we call them, Red/Green) - Currently in government.
  • Social Democratic Party - Historically the biggest party, the "workers party". Built the folkhemmet (see further down).
  • The Green Party - Green politics, feminist, very immigrant friendly.
Alliance block
  • Moderate Party - Liberal conservatives, historically the biggest opponent of the social democrats.
  • Center Party - Liberalism, seems to be trying to steal voters from the green party by having a "green image" of the alliance block and being liberal with immigration.
  • Liberals - Not much to say, they claim to be liberals.
  • Christian Democrats - Not doing so well, looks like they wont be making the 4% barrier.
Not belonging to any blocks
  • Left Party - Socialist with strong feminist politics, a support party of the socialist block. Formerly the communist party.
  • Sweden Democrats - Social conservatives with nationalist politics, wants to exit the EU. Basically stop immigration (unless it is to the benefit of the country, aka. immigration for work is still welcome if Sweden lacks skilled workers in a particular area. They want to deport illegal immigrants, deport criminals. Rebuild the "folkhemmet"- peoples home, a concept of a strong government that takes care of its people. Currently folkhemmet is not doing so hot as it is overloaded in all areas.

Interesting. I assume Socialdemokraterna is equal to Norway's Arbeiderparti. It's a party that has also weakened a lot recently. Green Party seems like our MDG. Moderaterna seems like our Høyre. Center Party sounds like our Venstre. Christian Democrats sound like our Kristelig Folkeparti.
Sweden Democrats sounds like a more economically left version of our FrP. Left party sounds like our Sosialistisk Venstreparti.
Don't see the equivalent of Senterpartiet, although it literally means "Center Party", which is an agrarian focused, as well as decentralization and district focused center-left party that focuses on protection of Norwegian industry and farming, as well as being more conservative in immigration. Also, what separates the Liberals and what would they be similar to in Norway?


Yes they do have. Just like ANTIFA also does.
We need to get rid of all these ridiculous groups that think that force, violence or intimidation is a way to build society.
Force, violence, and intimidation is what societies all across the world are based on, and always has been, and always will be.
Doesn't this group have fascist origins? Is it really "old-GAF speak" or just realtalk?

It has from what I understand, but it's been reformed, equal to FrP in Norway, which is a pretty mainstay political party. If we're digging into the various parties' past, it's going to be hard to see those without problematic origins or history, so I wouldn't put too much attention to that. A party is just an organization and can be reshaped, so its origin is of little concern. What the party is should be a concern and from what I've read Åkesson has gone the route that Siv Jensen did with FrP and worked hard to reform it into a clean party.
Can't wait for EU parliament elections - that's currently left wing stronghold and rise of right wing in whole Europe is going to refresh it nicely so it stops being so one sided.
Not surprising, Jimmie Åkesson has been winning pretty much every debate lately. Meanwhile the goverment continue with their crazyness.
They recently allowed a mosque to call for prayer in Växjö, that means blasting prayer calls at 110 decibels. Most people are against this of course, even secular muslims are against this. But our politicians don't give a fuck, they want to appease this loud minority of islamists instead.
They also passed a bill granting amnesty to around 9,000 Afghans that had been denied asylum and were supposed to be deported, because they are not refugees and most of them were found to have lied about their age. This is not only extremely unfair to real refugees but puts even more of a strain on the country which has already taken in too many.
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As we all should have learned from the UK elections and the US elections, polls mean fucking nothing.
Wait for the result before making conclusions about how people are going to vote.


This is how they are polling (this months avarage, only 2 polls have been released thus far).

Which of those is green party? I'd assume green bar, but ruling coalition at about 27% of projected votes doesn't sound right.


Force, violence, and intimidation is what societies all across the world are based on, and always has been, and always will be.
I don't agree. Force projection is very important (so that nobody can just waltz in and take you over), violence can work to overthrow a tyrannical government for example and intimidation can be used as a persuasive force (if you steal you go to jail essentially), but I don't believe it is the be-all and end-all of governance. A sufficiently educated people with strong moral compass can live without the need to use force, violence and intimidation. But you would need everyone (and I mean every single person without exception) to adopt these values together so that nobody would ever steal, lie or murder ever again, which is a pretty tough goal but one we should strive for.
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I don't agree. Force projection is very important (so that nobody can just waltz in and take you over), violence can work to overthrow a tyrannical government for example and intimidation can be used as a persuasive force (if you steal you go to jail essentially), but I don't believe it is the be-all and end-all of governance. A sufficiently educated people with strong moral compass can live without the need to use force, violence and intimidation. But you would need everyone (and I mean every single person without exception) to adopt these values together so that nobody would ever steal, lie or murder ever again, which is a pretty tough goal but one we should strive for.
Yeah, all you have to do is completely change human nature and make sure every single individual is the ideal enlightened figment of your imagination, but until then

Force, violence, and intimidation is what societies all across the world are based on, and always has been, and always will be.


Yeah, all you have to do is completely change human nature and make sure every single individual is the ideal enlightened figment of your imagination, but until then
Pretty much. But it is not figment of my imagination. Following Christ's example is not impossible. It is super hard but not impossible. There are people in the world who do not kill, steel, lie and love the world.

We are indeed in a fallen state but not that fallen that we aren't capable of doing only good things. Changing human nature is not necessary. Changing the individuals is.
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FrP has mildened a lot by participating in government and further it has calmed people down by allowing a funnel for anti-immigration sentiment
Most of the stuff that was by many considered extreme racist rethoric from FrP in the 90s is now a part of AP's (Norway's biggest party, centre-left) political platform. Although many accuse the latter of playing both sides to avoid losing votes (which they have failed at big time), though that is another subject. Anyways, my point is that while the biggest Norwegian parties have adapted to the change among people when it comes to immigration, Swedish parties that isn't SD have doubled, tripled, quadrupled ad infinitum in total defense mode of there being anything against mass immigration from 3rd world countries and everyone who supports SD is a right wing racist extremist and *insert every other character assassination attempt here*. The result have been catastrophical for many.


Force, violence, and intimidation is what societies all across the world are based on, and always has been, and always will be.

Soooo if minority groups in your country start resorting to violence, force, and intimidation en masse will you be fine with that because "it's what societies all across the world are based on", or is that only okay when the group you cheer for resorts to it? Just trying to get a baseline here.


Soooo if minority groups in your country start resorting to violence, force, and intimidation en masse will you be fine with that because "it's what societies all across the world are based on", or is that only okay when the group you cheer for resorts to it? Just trying to get a baseline here.
Thank you for the dumbest reply.

They will be met with force and violence.


Which of those is green party? I'd assume green bar, but ruling coalition at about 27% of projected votes doesn't sound right.

Yes, green bar. MP = Miljöpartiet.

Everyone is expecting chaos. How will a government be formed? Socialists working with liberals or the conservatives just to keep SD away? We will see how long that lasts.
I think this is the last death struggle of the establishment, the people are starting to wake up too see just how fucked things really have become. Or rather, it is impossible to ignore it, Swedish people are notoriously afraid of conflicts, but I reckon the angry fist in the pocket strategy has reached its limits. :p

But first, lets wait for the elections.

It would be amazing if Sweden could unfuck themselves

It will take many many years, but things are looking a bit brighter now.


Yes, green bar. MP = Miljöpartiet.
I still don't get how they could rule together with SD, mathematically.
Their current ratings are at 28% total. SD lost 9% of it's rating, but 35% is still way below majority, am I missing something?


The rise of ‘right wing’ thought across Europe is entirely the fault of ‘the left’.

Mass immigration is obviously the main talking point. When your population by vast majority never wanted it, and it brings some huge problems which are ignored, people are going to seek alternatives.
Mass migration, no democratic mandate for the EU, the Eurozone crisis, unemployment in southern states, take your pick. Hell, we (the UK) tried to leave the EU only to find it is hotel California.


I havent been to Sweden for years, but from what I hear from my buddies over there they could use some fresh faces behind the wheel.


I still don't get how they could rule together with SD, mathematically.
Their current ratings are at 28% total. SD lost 9% of it's rating, but 35% is still way below majority, am I missing something?

SD = Sweden Democrats, but I get you mean Social Democrats (shortened S).

S+MP is out of the question, if MP even makes it over the 4% barrier (hopefully not).
The past four years was a minority S (31%) +MP (6.9%) government, supported by V (5.3%) and they got by by making deals with the alliance block or just parties within the block (9000 young afghan men debacle as an example).

What the next government will look like is up in the air.

Here is a translation of the chart.

S = Socialdemokraterna (Social democrats)
V = Vänsterpartiet (Left Party)
MP = Miljöpartiet (Green Party)
M = Moderaterna (Moderate Party)
L = Liberalerna (Liberals)
C = Centerpartiet (Center Party)
KD = Kristdemokraterna (Christian Democrats)
SD = Sverigedemokraterna (Sweden Democrats)
FI = Feministiskt Initiativ (Feminist Initiative)
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