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Swedish judge dismisses case - Woman told to speak to family regarding abuse because......Sharia law

Swedish source

English source

A recent district court in Solna, Sweden, has created headlines and is referred to as a scandal in the media.

The court found that a man, an Iraqi citizen, should be acquitted of mistreating his wife, but there are convictions that have caused more people to respond.

"In the grounds of the Solna District Court, according to Aftonbladet, the husband's family" appears to be a good family, unlike her ". The district court also made it clear that the woman should have approached the husband's family regarding the maltreatment, not to the police since the couple was devoted to Sharia. According to the judgments, it would have been "normal" in "these circuits."

The lay judges in favour of freeing the man argued in the ruling that "it is not uncommon for women to falsely claim they have been assaulted", and also suggested the woman had reduced the credibility of her story by reporting it to the police instead of trying to resolve the dispute within the family.

One of the judges who went in to celebrate the man is Ebtisan Aldebe. She represents the Center Party in Solna, chairs the Social Committee and has previously been a candidate for the Swedish Parliament. Aldebe has been in hard weather after saying that Swedish law must be adapted to the Muslim minority, but she certainly denies that these views have colored her view on this matter:


Is anyone from Sweden here to confirm this? These stories from non-english speaking countries tend to be often exaggerated.

Sweden, a feminist government...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this situation.

How such a pro women movement such as feminism can support such a misogynistic ideology like islam is... well, beyond words really.

I can answer that. At some point the feminist movement mutated into an amalgamation of intersectionalism and other authoritarian fringe theories. Decent feminists still exist but their voices are being completely drowned out by the crazies more and more nowadays. These ideologies I mentioned that fused with feminism see the world as black and white, a world of victims and perpetrators and Islam in its entirety was added in the first list... for some reason. Like all authoritarian ideologies what passes for "feminism" now doesn't care about grey areas or really fucking dark areas of the ideologies it protects, it only cares about following the dogma that has been decreed.
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It also sounds like there wasn't any evidence to support her position. Not uncommon in domestic abuse cases.


In Germany we have cases in which Men are allowed to have several wifes and also to bring them to Germany to live with them in the status. Its fucking ridiculous.
^pretty much, a shit ruling regardless but its not telling HIS FAMILY

another Swedish paper covering it, quote is translated

In the judgment, even the woman said that "The normal in these circles" is further that a woman tells the family that she is being beaten if she becomes so that the matter can be resolved within the family. The fact that NN did not tell his relatives that he hit her but instead reported it to the police, she further reduced her credibility. "

The man was charged with misconduct on a woman with whom he had a relationship. They were married according to the Sharia law, according to the judgment. But the Solna District Court released the man, which The Local reported on Friday.

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The article says that two of the lay judges, who are appointed via the municipal councils of the city, were the reason this was dismissed. While the reasoning behind one wasn't given the other did admit Sharia Law was the reason.

Reading the article further it indicates that the Central Party of which the two lay judges belonged to were dismissed. It's a fucked up situation, but at the very least these two judges won't cause anymore harm.

What's interesting is that at least what I've heard about lay judges in Sweden, is that they pretty much have no power, so it's odd they were on the case.

Also did this case even happen?

I'm trying to find any other article about this, but they all come from the same site. Is this being picked up anywhere else?
At least Sweden has elections coming soon iirc so they have their chance to show situations like this won't be accepted.
The article says that two of the lay judges, who are appointed via the municipal councils of the city, were the reason this was dismissed. While the reasoning behind one wasn't given the other did admit Sharia Law was the reason.

Reading the article further it indicates that the Central Party of which the two lay judges belonged to were dismissed. It's a fucked up situation, but at the very least these two judges won't cause anymore harm.

What's interesting is that at least what I've heard about lay judges in Sweden, is that they pretty much have no power, so it's odd they were on the case.

Also did this case even happen?

I'm trying to find any other article about this, but they all come from the same site. Is this being picked up anywhere else?



Thanks. Seems pretty awful. I hope they take another look at her case.

It has been appealed already.

Islamists in Swedish politics is nothing new. Social Democrats, Moderates, Green Party, Left Party and now the center party all have a problem with this. They try to hide but sooner or later they let the tongue slip or they are caught with their pants down and are kicked out. As islamists are increasing in numbers these parties need to take background checks more serious, if they want to have a future.
The funny thing is that this sharia woman was a known islamist for 12 years yet her party took no action.
I hope people remember this when we go to the polls later this year. Hopefully Centern will be a sub 4% party by then. But I dont really think that will happen, they are the new "popular" party being pushed forward by the media, like the old green party (which have a serious chance of being sub 4%, which would make my day).
Well, it's been over Norwegian and Swedish mainstream news, so I can definitely confirm it. It's certainly sharia related and a clear example of religious or cultural communities having a large influence on matters of law and viewing them as things to be settled within the community, which is a sign of a parallel society as we call it. Then again, it might be a natural consequence of the lay judge system, which makes it more of a systematic problem.


Well, it's been over Norwegian and Swedish mainstream news, so I can definitely confirm it. It's certainly sharia related and a clear example of religious or cultural communities having a large influence on matters of law and viewing them as things to be settled within the community, which is a sign of a parallel society as we call it. Then again, it might be a natural consequence of the lay judge system, which makes it more of a systematic problem.

Holy crap, I was 80% sure this was mostly fake. Have Swedish authorities lost their goddamn mind?
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Holy crap, I was 80% sure this was mostly fake. Have Swedish authorities lost their goddamn mind?

Well, it's not the Swedish authorities' fault per se, though it's a weakness in the justice system. It's the lay judge system and two of the lay judges disagreeing with the judge and another lay judge, in which the mildest judgement is prioritized that lead to this. The justifications in the judgement clearly appeals to a more communal approach to the alleged crime, which is how it can be perceived as sharia or a community own justice being exercised in judgement in court. The system kind of makes sense, in that people are also judged by their peers, allowing for more connection between justice and the population, but it has tons of weaknesses as well. Since this case concerned a community the parties can be viewed as part of, it's easy to see how it's useful in a collectivist perspective, but it carries the problem that it punishes the individual.

Some of the various mainstream outlets mentioning it:

Don't worry though, it's being appealed to a higher court, meaning it's unlikely that the same situation will happen again.

Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway do have a problem with how people are integrated and signs of parallel societies, but a lot of people don't want to accept that such things are even discussed. Then again, we also have people who approach immigration from an ignorant, racist point of view, though that tends to be mostly in comment sections or Facebook.

In my experience the social bonds in Norwegian society has weakened over the years, leading to even most Norwegians having trouble socializing, making it even harder for immigrants to break through the barriers. Then it's easy choice to just move to neighbourhoods that are overwhelmingly made up of immigrants, but there's also socioeconomic factors in play. For many the cultural differences is hard to just overcome as well. You don't somehow automatically adjust by moving to a completely different country. Barriers in terms of jobs also make it harder to learn Norwegian fast, then you have people with very little education striving for the little low-education jobs there are. It's certainly not easy. The communal justice systems do make me a bit worried in terms of unreported crimes, but hopefully it's more the exception than the rule for most cases.

One of the thing I enjoy the most is when I see signs of good integration and assimilation to our values, like the kindergarden my daughter is in, which has a large percentage of immigrant or asylum children. Whenever I see a dad from an immigrant background deliver his child, I always smile and think that there are people who do get integrated and that they should be appreciated. Same when immigrant children show up to a birthday. Or many numerous small things that show that things are nuanced. From a more cynical perspective, it might've been better to choose another kindergarten since there are indeed some disadvantages as well, but overall I think the disadvantages can be dealt with by other means and that the advantages are greater in the long run.
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Well, it's not the Swedish authorities' fault per se, though it's a weakness in the justice system. It's the lay judge system and two of the lay judges disagreeing with the judge and another lay judge, in which the mildest judgement is prioritized that lead to this. The justifications in the judgement clearly appeals to a more communal approach to the alleged crime, which is how it can be perceived as sharia or a community own justice being exercised in judgement in court. The system kind of makes sense, in that people are also judged by their peers, allowing for more connection between justice and the population, but it has tons of weaknesses as well. Since this case concerned a community the parties can be viewed as part of, it's easy to see how it's useful in a collectivist perspective, but it carries the problem that it punishes the individual.

Some of the various mainstream outlets mentioning it:

Don't worry though, it's being appealed to a higher court, meaning it's unlikely that the same situation will happen again.

Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway do have a problem with how people are integrated and signs of parallel societies, but a lot of people don't want to accept that such things are even discussed. Then again, we also have people who approach immigration from an ignorant, racist point of view, though that tends to be mostly in comment sections or Facebook.

In my experience the social bonds in Norwegian society has weakened over the years, leading to even most Norwegians having trouble socializing, making it even harder for immigrants to break through the barriers. Then it's easy choice to just move to neighbourhoods that are overwhelmingly made up of immigrants, but there's also socioeconomic factors in play. For many the cultural differences is hard to just overcome as well. You don't somehow automatically adjust by moving to a completely different country. Barriers in terms of jobs also make it harder to learn Norwegian fast, then you have people with very little education striving for the little low-education jobs there are. It's certainly not easy. The communal justice systems do make me a bit worried in terms of unreported crimes, but hopefully it's more the exception than the rule for most cases.

One of the thing I enjoy the most is when I see signs of good integration and assimilation to our values, like the kindergarden my daughter is in, which has a large percentage of immigrant or asylum children. Whenever I see a dad from an immigrant background deliver his child, I always smile and think that there are people who do get integrated and that they should be appreciated. Same when immigrant children show up to a birthday. Or many numerous small things that show that things are nuanced. From a more cynical perspective, it might've been better to choose another kindergarten since there are indeed some disadvantages as well, but overall I think the disadvantages can be dealt with by other means and that the advantages are greater in the long run.
By the time that happens, the far right party will in some of those European countries and people will be asking to get rid of those immigrants as to oppose to try integrate them. Damage will be done and no longer would the european citizens want immigrants to stay there
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